"So let's get started, I'm running out of time"

The village chief didn't care, and slowly closed his eyes, as if falling into a deep sleep.

"I know, I know, as you wish."

As the voice fell, the blood-red light flooded the entire underground space, and then turned into streams of cold breath, penetrating the earth and scattering into the village.



Jiang Wuye opened his eyes in a flash, like lightning, like a wild bear waking up from hibernation, exuding a domineering and wild aura.

Through the window, I glanced at the mist that filled the house, the deep and gnawing darkness.

Jiang Wuye, whose energy and spirit had recovered to the peak, was agitated slightly, got up and got out of bed, and came to Jiang Dazhuang's messy room.


The wooden box in the corner was dragged out.

Open it, it is full of things left by Jiang Dazhuang when he was a young man, Jiang Wuye picked out a machete with a thick back of about 1.3 meters.

Knife, dark, not sharpened.

Estimated to be two hundred catties, Jiang Wuye closed the box, picked up the knife and went out with a few moves.

It's not a problem if you don't have a sharp edge, and you don't know how to use a knife.

With his current physical fitness and nerve reaction speed, as long as he keeps in mind the three words of fast, accurate and ruthless.

Supplemented by a body of terrifying strength, even if it is a master who has been practicing knives for decades, if he is hit by him, he will be crippled even if he does not die!

In the village, it was dead silent at the moment.

On the muddy dirt road, Jiang Wuye walked with a knife in his hand, his whole body seemed to melt into the darkness, his mind was concentrated, and his guard did not relax at all, only the sound of footsteps kept ringing in the darkness.

Thanks to the eyesight of nocturnal animals, even under the influence of darkness and fog, Jiang Wuye quickly reached the door of the woman who borrowed books today.

Surprisingly, there was still a faint candlelight inside the door, as if he hadn't fallen asleep yet.

Jiang Wuye frowned, feeling something was wrong, his hand was about to knock on the door, but it stopped in mid-air.

"Woo, you heartless orphan and widow, how can you be so cruel?"

"Grandma, am I back now? Oh, it's wrong, it's wrong, please keep your voice down, don't wake Xiao Yun up."

Inside the room, there was a slightly choked conversation.

One belongs to the woman in the daytime.

Another way

Li Changfeng, isn't he dead? !

Jiang Wuye narrowed his eyes, withdrew his hand that was about to knock on the door, and retreated into the darkness.

Today, he broke into the world of dense fog outside the village, and was besieged by Fangfang's family, a large number of orcs, and four different beasts.

Among them was Li Changfeng.

Jiang Wuye clearly remembered that he had turned into a four-faced human, ghost, and ghost!

However, since he has long since died, who is the person in the house now?

The answer seems to come out without thinking about it.


Taking a deep breath, Jiang Wuye did not act rashly, leaning against the door, always paying attention to the movement in the room.

Through today's events, he also roughly understood who the owner of the sheepfold in Qinghe Village was

The mountain god and Qinghe village are deeply involved, the existence of the suspected fox fairy!

The two seem to have reached a cooperation for some ulterior purpose.

The mountain god sealed off the village and did not allow anyone to leave. What happened today also proved this point.

The Fox Immortal harvests the "sheep" in the sheepfold, not in the way of picking them up and clearing them all at once, but rather like random selection, or there is some unknown law among them.

As for the mysterious village chief, what role does he play in this? Jiang Wuye still has no clue about this point.

If I went to the ancestral hall today and saw the victims last night, I might know a thing or two

"Forget it, the more you analyze, the more uncomfortable you will be."

Jiang Wuye shook his head, stopping the thought that was getting deeper and deeper.

Many times, some things are luckier not to know than to know.

at least

Until then, the courage to fight will not be lost.

After half an hour of crying out my heart.

In the house, the candles were extinguished, and it was completely quiet, as if he had fallen asleep.

Jiang Wuye, who was sleeping on the earth wall with the knife in his arms, opened his pitch-black eyes, charged up his strength, jumped into the courtyard, and landed silently.

Even so, Jiang Wuye still subconsciously glanced at the local dog not far away.

He breathed a sigh of relief when he found that he had no response and had completely lost his vigilance like daylight.

The footsteps moved slightly and landed lightly.

With the current dual attainments of Vigorous Bear Kung Fu and Iron Cloth Shirt, Jiang Wuye is full of confidence and will not make any sound.



As soon as the shoes hit the ground, crisp footsteps resounded in the courtyard.

At the same time, Jiang Wuye's hairs stood on end, his scalp was numb, and he felt that something was slowly getting down behind him, and was moving his head towards the back of his neck.


He turned his head sharply.

Behind him, there was deep darkness and nothingness.


Cursing in his heart, Jiang Wuye knew that there must be something else strange in this courtyard at the moment, maybe hiding somewhere, watching him eeriely.

There was something unknown in the house, and there was another hidden person in the yard. For a while, Jiang Wuye was a little bit stuck.

Looking around, there was nothing unusual.

Looking at the quiet room, Jiang Wuye withdrew his steps with a gloomy face, leaped vertically, and turned over the wall.


In the darkness behind him, the sound of feet landing again sounded, as if Jiang Wuye's movements were repeated, but the latter had no intention of restraining himself at all.

This time, Jiang Wuye didn't look at it, but lowered his head, holding the machete in his hand, and left silently.

Da da da

Jiang Wuye ran on the dirt road in the village, and in the darkness behind him, the creepy and hurried footsteps continued, followed closely like tarsal maggots.

At this moment, if Jiang Wuye turned his head, he could find that there was a shadow appearing and disappearing on the earthen wall.

Yes, shadow.

In the middle of the night with no stars and no moon, you can't see your fingers, but a strange shadow appears on the wall!

That shadow, bent over, standing on tiptoe, hunchbacked and thin, his hands clenched into claws, his nails interlaced like knives, followed Jiang Wuye patiently like an experienced old man.

Occasionally, he tentatively extended his claws out of the wall, but quickly retracted them again and again, as if he was afraid, waiting for a fatal blow.


With the sound of the last footsteps, Jiang Wuye stopped, and his majestic figure stood still in the darkness.

On both sides, there is the area of ​​the abandoned old house that passed by during the day. The front and back, the alleyways are narrow, and only three people are allowed to pass by at the same time.

puff puff

The drum-like heartbeat became louder and louder, and gradually became clear and audible in the silent alleyway.

In the body, the qi and blood like a river began to boil, manic, warming up, and surging.

Visible to the naked eye, in the darkness, the outline of the red human figure became more and more obvious.


Seeming to have lost his last bit of patience, the dormant old man made a move, jumped out of the wall, and turned into a woman with disheveled hair and a terrifying face. Her sharp claws tore through the air, screaming and screaming, and went straight to Jiang Wuye's heart!

Gold and iron clatter, sparks shine in the darkness.

Jiang Wuye glanced at the unbreakable claws on his chest, slowly raised his head, his body temperature rose and his face became like red-hot steel, and he smiled ferociously: "I just smelled that familiar stench Smell. Bastard, you really miss me!!"


The big hand like a branding iron grabbed the female Que's waist fiercely, and before the latter could react, Jiang Wuye hugged her tightly into his arms.

next moment


The berserk Qi and blood suddenly circulated to the limit, like a turbulent wave, like a mountain torrent.

The temperature of the body that was already like an oven rose again, as if it was filled with volcanic magma, and the red light that bloomed in an instant even briefly illuminated the space with a radius of four or five meters.


Black smoke rose, and the horrific screams resounded through the night sky.

Jiang Wuye slammed his chin on Nvgui's head, ignoring the latter's flaming hair and struggling delicate body, with affection in his eyes, he muttered to himself: "Hey, take it easy, it's just a hug, and there's still something to hold you up high." of."

No.13 Sleepless ([-])


In the alleyway, the human body oven was scorching hot, and the high temperature enveloped the space of several meters around. The weeds withered and ignited, and the walls quickly turned black.

Jiang Wuye, who was like a molten demon, was covered in crimson red, with big hands like a python and a dragon, holding tightly to the ice-like female ghost, his blood roared and roared, burning and roasting, and black smoke rose endlessly.

"Let go, I beg you"

In his arms, there was a sound of begging for mercy.

It's so pitiful, it breaks my heart when I hear it, and the iron man will turn into soft fingers when he hears it.


"Don't worry, it won't hurt soon, soon."

Jiang Wuye's complexion remained unchanged, his eyes were like red shooting stars, no matter how captivating the voice of the woman in his arms begged for mercy, he would not be moved.

Who is Jiang Wuye?

I haven't seen any scenes in the previous life, and the mind and will in that aspect are already like steel, so how can it be so easy to fall.

"If you don't listen to good words, you will die, ah!!"

Begging for mercy was fruitless, and the speed of Yin Qi disappearing continued to increase. The female ghost was completely insane, and her voice became cold and venomous again.

next moment.

Jiang Wuye felt that the ice cube in his arms turned into a ignited powder keg, and the drastic energy change was clearly perceptible.


The explosion was loud and thunderous, reaching all directions.

Ding Ding Ding

Sparks are blooming, and the sound of dense collisions is rapid and short-lived.

Jiang Wuye only felt that his chest was hit by the legendary pear blossom needle in the rainstorm, and in an instant, thousands of cold and cold energies shot at him like a torrential rain.

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