From the cracks, countless crystal-clear osmanthus leaves floated out, gathered in mid-air, and bloomed with soft and plain light, slowly outlining a silvery-white full moon.

On the moon, there are tall osmanthus trees that seem to be poured out of thousands of years of ice, and the leaves are blown by the wind and scattered to the world.

In the depths of the sea of ​​sweet-scented osmanthus trees, the ice sculpture palace is quietly crawling.

In the dense forest in front of the palace.

A burly man with a shirtless shirt was immersing himself in swinging an axe, cutting down the osmanthus tree with no other distractions.

Strangely, no matter how hard he swings the axe, the cut marks on the laurel tree instantly recover after each time the axe is retracted.

But even so, he still showed no sign of discouragement, just mechanically repeated the movement of swinging the ax without getting tired.


There was a clearly audible sound of the door opening.

Finally, the big lumberjack stopped swinging his axe, straightened his waist, and looked towards the palace gate, his eyes were full of admiration.


The palace gate opened slowly, and a breathlessly beautiful, cold woman wearing a pure white fairy dress and holding a fluffy jade rabbit in her arms walked out.

And on the door plaque above her head, there are three simple and simple characters engraved - Guanghan Palace!


"Almost cheated, it's so deep!"

Outside Qingshi Town, at the top of the canyon.

Ye Anchen stood alone against the wind, quietly watching the bloody mist in the basin, turning a deaf ear to the struggle of one person and one corpse in the sky.

In his hand, he held a black jade pot the size of a palm.

Looking up, he took a mouthful carefully.


It was as if she drank a sip of strong old wine, causing her to emit heat all over her body, her cheeks flushed, she hiccupped a little, her eyes narrowed involuntarily, and her face was full of joy and intoxication.

After shaking the jade pot, it rattled, obviously it was much less.

She hesitated slightly, but stopped the thought of taking another sip, stretched out her pink tongue and licked the remnant at the corner of her mouth, resisted the temptation, closed the lid and put it away.

"Got to figure out a way to get some more from that colored bear."

Muttering to himself, Ye Anchen yawned, the brilliance in his hand flashed, and a delicate snow-colored gong appeared.

Turning her head to look at the lifeless and quiet jungle behind her, she observed for a moment, then nodded slightly towards the deserted place, retracted her gaze, and jumped down.


Ye Anchen turned into a streamer invisible to the naked eye and flew towards Qingshi Town soundlessly. The place where he was standing was crushed by a pair of skinny black feet.


The ground, unable to bear the weight of the person who came, cracked and collapsed inch by inch.

The light began to distort, the top of the mountain became gloomy and gloomy, the balance of various energies was disrupted, whirling and turbulent, chaotic and disorderly.


One person, one coffin, all as black as ink.

Clothed in rags, skinny, with hollow eyes, and a low and hoarse voice, as if the person in the tomb opened his eyes for the last time and murmured: "This world has been defiled by God again..."

I just want to practice

No.70 four-eight fierce engine

In Qingshi Town, the full moon hangs high in the sky as if it does not exist in this time and space, and the bright silver light sprinkles the earth.


The cold wind is majestic, and the blossoming osmanthus leaves mixed with goose feathers and heavy snow are falling on the world.

Xuenv's body is covered with laurel leaf snowflakes, her face is full of reverence, she stands quietly with her head raised, and the soft light she emits complements the silver moon in the sky.

in front of her.

"Go away!"

"Even if I die, I won't believe your stuff!"

"Kill me, kill me!!"


Struggling and rolling, screaming and roaring, swiping a knife to kill himself...

Moonlight shines.

Despair fills the gray and white world.

Beliefs are collapsing, worldviews are shattering, and helpless souls are falling into the abyss little by little.


The sharp blade pierced the heart, the qi and blood rioted, and the internal organs and meridians were shattered.

Another martial artist who couldn't take it anymore chose to commit suicide, and with a relieved smile on his face, he fell to the ground, splashing a large amount of snow and dust.

"Who will us?!!"

The two Yangyan realm old men struggled to climb to the edge of the blood mask, and kept hitting their heads like crazy. The hot blood dyed their silver hair red, and sprinkled it along their distorted facial features.


A faint sigh came from the sky.

In front of Guanghan Palace.

As if walking out of a painting, the cold and ethereal goddess stroked the soft hair of the jade rabbit in her arms, looked down at the struggling crowd on the earth, and said with pity: "The suffering in the world can lead to eternal life, so why be greedy?"


After her words fell, the snow girl below seemed to understand her meaning, and opened her mouth to swallow the sky and moonlight.

After a few breaths, her body burst into dazzling brilliance, and she stretched out her giant hand, covering the sky and the sun, hanging above everyone's heads. Thousands of silver lines appeared in her palm, and spread out like tentacles, reaching out to the crowd below.

"Everyone, Huangquan Road Leader, let's go first!"

The silver thread was approaching quickly with an ominous presence. Many people stopped roaring and wailing, and roared loudly with sad smiles on their faces, raising their sharp knives one after another.


At the very moment, the sound exploded, the sky roared, and a bucket-thick lightning pulse pierced through the void, piercing through the giant snow maiden's palm in an instant, and bombarded the blood mask unabated, creating a huge gap.

"This is? Jiang... Commander Jiang?!"

The warm sunlight shines through the gap with the hope of life, and the world becomes alive.

Everyone's spirits were shaken, their faces showed ecstasy, and they all looked for Lei Yuan's head.


The violent explosion resounded through the sky.

In the corner of Qingshi Town, a mountain of ruins exploded, and hundreds of thousands of tons of mudstone building fragments were violently thrown out, as if a corner of the Thunder World had been opened, and countless thick thunder and lightning came out of their nest like a mad dragon, roaring Smash swept all directions.


The black energy and blood erupted like a volcano, forming a thick and bright rainbow pillar, soaring into the sky, disturbing the situation in all directions.

In the ruins, a five-meter-tall demon bear with countless black electric snakes bursting out from its body, like a thunder-lord bear with a blood rainbow on its back, slowly straightened its terrifying body like a demon god.

"My bones were broken by you, you are dead, you are dead!!"

The devil bear was as dark as an abyss and couldn't see a trace of clear eyes locked on the snow girl. He raised his head and let out a venomous and maddened roar, carrying a domineering will to the extreme, forming a real shock wave to sweep Qingshi Town.

clap clap-

Countless bay leaf snowflakes in the sky exploded into powder, and the dense silver lines dissipated as black smoke as if burned by flames.


Even though the warriors were far apart, they couldn't bear this kind of coercion. Their faces were pale, their mouths and noses were bleeding, but they felt that the whispers of evil gods in their heads were swept away by the strong will, and their souls were unprecedentedly clear.

"That guy is crazy, he can't tell the enemy from himself, hurry up, let's go!!"

After realizing that Jiang Wuye's mental state was not right, the ecstasy in the hearts of all the warriors faded, their faces were horrified, and they rushed to the exit in a hurry.


Seeing that everyone was about to rush out of Qingshi Town, and the gap could not be recovered quickly due to the obstruction of the remaining thunder, Xue Nu's complexion finally became gloomy, and she was about to stop it as soon as she moved her footsteps.

"I'm going to kill you alive!!"

boom -

Qingshi Town shook violently, and the land of more than a thousand meters collapsed and cracked instantly, and the momentum swept away, and buildings were torn apart, and they were caught in the violent dust waves, raging in all directions.


Thunder Gang gushed, and the sound exploded.

The thunder-like demon bear turned into a flash of lightning, spanning a distance of several thousand meters in an instant, carrying the power of landslides and earth-shattering, and punched Xue Nu fiercely on the head.


In an instant, Xue Nu's facial features were distorted, her eyes were shattered, her teeth were flying, her neck was broken, her huge head was abruptly turned behind her, her footsteps were staggering, and she was almost overturned.

Chi la la——

The next moment, the thunderbolts came out of the nest like a group of dragons, surging violently across Xuenv's body, her silver hair stood on end, and black smoke kept rising.

bang bang bang-

With one hit, Jiang Wuye instantly turned into lightning, constantly changing directions, roaring continuously, tearing apart the void, and began an all-round, storm-like impact, venting the anger in his heart.

Final ascension takes time.

And just at that time.

He spent a lot of positive energy to break the iron cloth shirt again, and the middle dantian finally expanded enough to carry the true meaning.

Common sense.

Integrating the true meaning of martial arts into Gang Qi is not something that can be achieved overnight, but a process of hard work, and it will take a year at the shortest.

But for Jiang Wuye who has the final modifier, this time barrier can be said to be completely non-existent.

Consume positive energy, combine the Eight Ominous Body Calamity with the iron cloth shirt after breaking the pole, and turn it into a new exercise——

The Eight Ominous Real Engines!

A technique that cultivates both qi and true meaning, as well as qi and god!

Of course, the name is his own.

The moment the Eight Ominous True Astral Engine was born, he had a thought and chose the true meaning of the Kuang Lei Leopard, almost breathing effort, the true meaning of the Kuang Lei Leopard was perfectly integrated into the middle dantian, forming the mad thunder and aura, completely breaking into the realm of the true astral!

Lei Gang baptized his whole body, allowing him to be reborn, his life advanced, and he stepped into a new world.

Every drop of blood, every piece of skeletal muscle, and even every cell seems to be composed of thunder, containing unimaginable terrifying and destructive power, and the combat power is soaring, which is completely different from that in the blood gang state!


For some reason, Jiang Wuye has a kind of cognition in the dark——

The aura transformed from the mysterious black blood born in his body is not like normal martial arts, which has limitations and can only be integrated into a true meaning of martial arts, but gives people a feeling of being free from shackles and inclusive of everything.

It seems that as long as he upgrades the engines of Xiongbatianxia and Eight Ominous Real Astral Forces again, and strengthens his spirit, he will be able to integrate the remaining Seven Ominous Forces and even more martial arts true meaning into the Astral Energy, pushing the combat power of the True Astral Realm to an unimaginable level. Horror level!

However, after the two upgrades, there is very little positive energy left.

Not to mention the improvement of two exercises at the same time, even if one is far from enough, if you want to verify it, you can only wait until the positive energy is enough in the future.

just now!

His only thought was to chop this Bichi Xuenv into pieces, and turn her bones into ashes!

Otherwise, the thoughts will not be clear, the anger will be difficult to dissipate, and the grievances will be full of grievances.

"Hit me! Slut! Break my bones!"

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