Since Snow White didn't lie, the guard did.

In other words, the guards did not lie, and the queen did not tell the guards what the real reason for wanting to kill Snow White was, but just found a reason to kill Snow White.

But you have to ask the guards to know whether he has lied or not.

Jiang Chen called someone, ordered to go down, and said: "Find the guard next to the empress, I have something to ask him!"

After giving the order, Jiang Chen returned to the place where the queen's body was stored, took out his Zanpakutao Zhijie and stuck it in the queen's brain.

Jiang Chen said in a low voice: "Qing Ling!"

This is the power he can use now. Using the particularity of the Zanpakuto, insert the Zanpakutō into the brain of a person who is already dead, and he can clearly see the scene before the death of the deceased.

As for how much he can see, Jiang Chen is not sure.

This is the first time he has used this trick.

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Chen found himself entering a strange memory.

Memories are like comic strips, played to yourself.

It's all following the queen's daily life. She always sits by the window alone, looking lonely at the digging world.

The world in her eyes is full of sadness, and she doesn't see a little happiness.

This information is useless to Jiang Chen.

Then the scene changed in vain, Jiang Chen saw a scene that shocked him.

He saw that the guard handed the poisoned apple to the Queen himself.

Then the screen stopped abruptly.

The person associated with the Wicked Witch turned out to be the bodyguard, who gave the poisoned apple to the second queen to kill Snow White.

However, since he wanted to kill Snow White, why didn't he do it the first time he could succeed, but chose to give the poisoned apple to the queen, and let her kill Snow White herself.

Only witches can make poisonous apples. If the poisonous apple is in the hands of the queen, will everyone think that the evil witch is the queen instead of others.

If he hadn't used the Zanpakuto to watch the scene of Queen Daoji's life, he would actually feel the same way.

That is to say, the person the guard wanted to kill was not Snow White but the successor queen. He wanted the successor queen to become a witch to replace the dead ghost, and then let the real evil witch hide, hide in the dark, and continue to endanger the world.

Be sure to find the guard.

The person in charge of finding the guards rushed over in a short while and told Jiang Chen the bad news.

The guard is missing.

he disappeared...

Running really fast enough, Jiang Chen said in his heart and asked again: "Can you find out the identity of the guard next to the Empress?"

"Found it!" The visitor replied: "The guards next to the empress were originally the empress's people, and after the empress died, they were arranged next to the empress."

Queen first? ? ?

Snow White's biological mother? ? ?

No wonder the guard didn't kill Snow White, because he used to be the person next to the former queen.

That being the case, Snow White should know him, why was she never mentioned that she knew this guard?

Jiang Chen felt more and more doubts in his heart.

The person who tied the bell has to be untied. If you want to know the truth, you should ask Snow White directly.

Thinking about it, Jiang Chen went directly to Snow White's palace and found Snow White.

He asked directly: "I found out that the guard who let you go turned out to be someone close to Empress Xian. So you should know each other. Why haven't you mentioned it before?"

Obviously, Snow White did not expect Jiang Chen to ask this question.

She bit her lip, lowered her head, obviously resisting the question, and did not speak.

Jiang Chen saw that Snow White didn't answer, so he said directly: "This matter is very important, it may be related to the survival of this country."

When Snow White heard it, she replied: "Uncle takes good care of me on weekdays. If he hadn't protected me, I might have already been in the palace. He specially told me not to reveal the relationship between me and him, because his identity, Even the successor queen doesn't know, or we're all going to die!"

Jiang Chen nodded after hearing this, because of this relationship, the guards would not kill Snow White, which is also reasonable.

But the poisonous apple was given to the queen by the guard, which proves that the guard must be connected with the evil witch. He did this to let the queen be the witch's scapegoat, but has he ever thought about whether Snow White will die if she eats the poisonous apple? !

"Please don't tell others about our relationship, I'm afraid uncle will be in danger." Snow White begged.

Looking at Snow White's black and white eyes, Jiang Chen secretly shook his head in his heart, he is really a very simple person, if she knew that the poisonous apple was given to the queen by the guards, would she still think that uncle is a good person?

Thinking of Jiang Chen, he sighed slightly in his heart, and said to Snow White: "You have a good rest, I still have something to investigate, if your uncle has no problem, I will definitely not say anything about it."

Snow White pursed her lips, still wanting to say something, but Jiang Chen had already walked away.

He is in a very complicated mood now. He always thought that he had entered the world of Snow White, so he firmly believed that the successor queen was a witch, but now all signs showed that the succession queen had nothing to do with the witch.

Someone else is really related to the Wicked Witch.

But the queen died, and she also died bearing the infamy of a witch.

Although the Empress Dowager didn't die by his hands, her death made Jiang Chen feel guilty.

If he hadn't insisted that the successor queen was a witch, she wouldn't have died bearing the infamy of a witch.

The only thing he can do now is to restore the queen's innocence and find the evil witch.

Thinking about it, Jiang Chen's steps on the road became heavier and heavier.

Sode Baixue has been paying attention to the situation outside, their Zanpakuto and their master are connected, they all know what Jiang Chen is thinking.

At this time, even the gray cat is not interested in drinking.

Sitting next to Sode Baixue, she asked, "Sode Baixue, do you have any clues about who you say is the evil witch? I feel that the master needs help now."

"It would be great if Lord Omniscient is here!" Sode Baixue said in a low voice, "We don't have the ability to know Omniscient, rashly making ideas will only disturb the master's judgment."

"Damn it, I really didn't expect the witch to be so cunning, she would play us together." The gray cat said angrily.

"I believe my lord will find a way to find the real witch!" Sode Baixue said firmly.

At this time, in the palace, the king is receiving a person, and this person is the missing guard that Jiang Chen has been looking for...

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