"It stands to reason that even if you just eat a little bit of pulp, the effect is already the same as eating a whole devil fruit. Why doesn't this little guy seem to be a capable person yet?"

And Yaen turned his gaze, and vaguely had a guess.

Could it be... These two little ones are just like him, and they also have no way to become devil fruit capable users?

The next moment, the soul-slaying knife in Yan's hand slashed across the slightly shaved devil fruit, but Yan's face turned dark instantly.

Zhanhundao successfully absorbed the energy of that devil fruit, which meant that the little one hadn't become a power user at all, otherwise Zanhundao would not have absorbed the energy.

However, with the last hope in his arms, Ian stuffed a little bit of flesh from another devil fruit into the mouth of the little guy in Hancock's arms.

And then... the result was exactly the same.

"There's no need to try, these two little ones have special physiques, and there's no way they can become devil fruit capable users." Yaen twitched slightly and said with a sigh.

In an instant, the expressions of Hancock and Robin who had just raised a glimmer of hope were completely dimmed, and tears almost couldn't be suppressed, and big drops fell from their cheeks, and then dripped on the bodies of the two little ones.



The two little ones also unconsciously made noises, and their bodies curled up more and more.


Chapter 391 The Desperate Success Rate

Obviously, even though the five senses of these two little guys have been completely hypnotized by "Mirror Flowers and Water Moon", and they don't feel any discomfort or pain, their constantly collapsing body instincts make them subconsciously want to curl up to get their mother's protection .

This scene also made Hancock and Robin's tears completely unstoppable.

As for Yan, it seemed that the scene in front of him seemed to be silent, and there was only a painful suffocation.

can't do anything...

Yaen firmly held the handle of the Zanhun Knife at his waist, his heart was complicated and painful, and he could only ask with trembling lips.

"Luo, besides the devil fruit, is there any other feasible method?"

The delivery room fell into silence, and Luo's brows were tightly knit together.

After a while, Luo replied in a low voice. "Lord Yaen, there are actually methods, but this method is..."

Seeing Luo Na's hesitant appearance, Yan couldn't help asking. "What is it?!"

"'Bloodline Factor'..."

In the end, Luo still spoke out, but the expression on his face was still full of hesitation and uncertainty.

"Theoretically, modifying the 'ancestry factor' can cause various changes in the human body, and it is not feasible to solve the problems of these two little guys."

But Yan looked at Luo Na's hesitant appearance, and understood that the matter was obviously not that simple, so he asked directly. "How likely is it to be successfully realized?"

Luo's tone was faintly tinged with self-blame.

"Based on the current research progress of the 'bloodline factor' in the laboratory, the success rate of successfully modifying the 'bloodline factor' and solving the problems of these two guys is about [-]%, but there is a great possibility that there will be more in the future." There are unknown side effects."

"The success rate... is only so low?" Yan asked with his brows almost wrinkled.

The success rate is [-]%, which is extremely low probability.

After all, this is not a card-drawing game, and the shipment rate of [-]% is already extremely high, which is the conscience of the industry.

To be more precise, the current situation is almost equivalent to holding a revolver with five bullets in the magazine against the heads of these two little ones.

Then, he pulled the trigger at the two little ones, betting that the shot that was pulled happened to be a magazine with no bullets.

At this time, there seemed to be only two options left before Ian, either to completely mechanically transform the bodies of these two little ones, or to risk strengthening the body through the "blood factor".

This is the most difficult choice for Yan, who has always been decisive, to make in his life.

No matter which one you choose, it will be extremely difficult.

"My lord Yan, the laboratory's research on the 'bloodline factor' has just started, and it has not had time to further interpret the 'bloodline factor', let alone develop a 'bloodline factor' sequence that can be stably modified..."

Having said that, Luo took a deep breath and said.

"The [-]% success rate has already taken into account the ability of the 'Evil Concubine' and the 'Surgery Fruit' to save their lives. The success rate of successfully modifying the stable 'Blood Factor' without leaving sequelae is probably even [-]%. None."

One percent? !

The success rate is stifling.

However, listening to a certain key word mentioned by Luo just now, Yaen's eyes lit up and he muttered. "'Bloodline Factor' series?!"

Immediately, Ian spoke excitedly. "Luo, if we can provide you with a stable 'bloodline factor' sequence, won't the success rate be greatly improved?"

Luo nodded and said in an affirmative tone. "If there is such a 'bloodline factor' sequence, and it is also applied to these two little guys, I am 100% sure that I can save their lives."

Immediately, Yann couldn't help showing an ecstatic expression on his face.

"it is good!"

As for Yan's reaction, Luo was puzzled and reminded.

"Lord Yaen, if you really have such a 'bloodline factor' sequence, please provide it as soon as possible. After all, even if you use the ability of 'Evil Concubine' to modify the 'bloodline factor', it will take half an hour at the fastest."

Two people, half an hour each?

That is, only two hours? !

Immediately, Yan's expression became a little ugly.

In other words, Ion must get the "bloodline factor" sequence within two hours?

Even if Yan knew how to get a "bloodline factor" sequence that could strengthen his physique, it would be absolutely impossible to catch up in just two hours.

Must... buy time!

Beads of sweat on Yan's forehead overflowed at a speed that was almost visible to the naked eye, and his thinking was almost spinning rapidly, desperately thinking about ways to buy time.

You can already see the light of hope, how can you just watch it slip away? !

There must be a way to keep the bodies of these two little guys from collapsing before I get the "blood factor" sequence.

Soul Slashing Knife?ghost?Devil fruit ability?

There must be a way to temporarily stop the time of these two little ones.

A few days, even a few days...

At this moment, Yan turned his gaze, suddenly thought of something, and said in surprise. "Hancock, petrification, your petrification ability."

"What?" Hancock was slightly taken aback.

"Use your 'sweet fruit' ability to petrify these two little ones first. If they are in the petrified state, all their bodily functions will be temporarily stopped." Yan said hurriedly.

And Hancock's beautiful eyes widened completely in response, and his tear-stained cheeks couldn't help but burst into a pleasantly surprised smile.

Immediately afterwards, Yan temporarily restored the other senses of these two little ones except pain by changing the hypnotic ability of "Flowers in the Mirror and Moon in Water".

For a moment, the two little ones who were hugged by their mothers slowly opened their eyes, and the two pairs of clear brown eyes slowly turned. When they first seriously looked at this brand new world, Yan's face It was the first to catch their eyes.

"Yeah, eh~"

Two inarticulate calls sounded from the mouths of the two little ones at the same time, making sounds of unknown meaning.

'Probably...you are calling me...'

Yan blinked his eyes, and a warm smile involuntarily hung on his heavy face, but the next moment that smile turned into bursts of heart-wrenching pain.

"I'm sorry, children, you may still need to sleep well, but soon... Father will wake you up, and Father will definitely let you embrace this wonderful world..."

Ion murmured. "Absolutely! Even at all costs!!!"


Chapter 392 The Sky and the Ying


Listening to Ian's firm but also gentle voice, the two little ones still made voices with unknown meanings.

"Hey, have a good sleep again..." Yan said softly.

As for Hancock and Robin seeing this scene, they couldn't help turning their heads slightly, trying hard to suppress the urge to cry, lest the two little ones see their ugly appearance in the end.

"Brother Yan, let's give the child a name first. Even if it fails in the end, at least let this sea leave their mark." Robin said with a choked voice.


Yan pursed his lips tightly, looking at the two little ones in front of him who were still trying to grab his fingers with their little hands.

"The elder brother is called Kong, and the younger sister is called... Ying, I hope their journey will never end, and they can cross the stars and the sea."


Robin looked down at Sora in his arms, and couldn't help but whispered. "Did you hear that? Baby, your name is Kong, you must remember it."

And Hancock also held the baby tightly in his arms, showing tenderness. "Ying, what a nice and gentle name."

"Yeah~ cluck~"

For a moment, as if feeling the tenderness and blessing of their mother, Kong and Ying laughed separately, the smiles were unusually clean and contagious, and even dissipated a lot of the haze in Yan's heart.

Smiling and laughing, Yan's glasses were inexplicably foggy, and he muttered. "What two idiots..."


Immediately, Yan took a deep breath and suppressed all his emotions. Looking at the increasingly obvious signs of physical collapse on Kong and Ying, he didn't dare to hesitate any longer, and directly asked Hancock to use "Sweet" fruit" ability.

Although Hancock's eyes were full of reluctance and unbearable, he still gritted his teeth and activated the ability of "Sweet Fruit" with red eyes.


A series of petrification sounds sounded, and Kong and Ying, who were still giggling smirkingly, turned into two lifelike stones, and their clean smiles completely froze immediately.

At this moment, not only Kong and Ying were petrified and solidified, but Yan, Hancock and Robin who witnessed this scene also seemed to be petrified, and they couldn't recover for a long time.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Ying, please forgive me..."

The queen, who had always been arrogant and self-willed, was almost in tears at this moment. As for Robin, she also pursed her lips tightly, holding the petrified Kong in her arms with red eyes.

And Yaen took a few deep breaths, tried hard to restore the expression on his face to the usual gentle and confident, and said. "Hancock, Robin, take a good rest first, and leave the rest to me."

"No, Lord Yaen, my concubine... I also want to follow you..."

Before Hancock finished speaking, Ian interrupted directly.

"As I said, I will definitely bring back what Sora and Ying need, for sure!!!"

Immediately, Yann didn't give Hancock and Robin a chance to continue talking, and turned around and walked out of the delivery room. His back, which was not considered tall, seemed to reveal an unstoppable momentum at this time.

"It's enough for you to stay here to cultivate and protect Kong and Ying. I..."

Yann paused slightly, turned his head and glanced at Hancock, Robin, and Kong and Ying in their arms for the last time, and then spoke.

"Be back soon."

In the next moment, Yaen disappeared directly in place, and left the deserted island almost instantly, his figure submerged in the high-altitude clouds, and went straight to a certain direction.

This time, Yaen no longer retained any trace of strength, and Shunbu played to the extreme. The figure shuttling through the clouds at high altitude kept darting, and the speed was so fast that it even left an obvious trace in the sky.

"what is that?!"

On the surface of the sea, a pirate wearing a single eyepatch looked up at the trace above, and felt a little strange for no reason.

"Could it be that there are some strange birds living on the nearby islands?"

The one-eyed pirate muttered, then took out a telescope from his pocket and looked up into the sky.

"Huh? Missing?!"

However, it was only for such a moment, when the one-eyed pirate wanted to use the telescope to find the trace of Yaen, only one strange trace disappeared in the sky.

If it was normal, Yaen would never act so ostentatiously, but at this moment, even though Yaen knew that Kong and Ying's time had been suspended, he still couldn't wait to let them resume as soon as possible.

Even if it's a little early...

The next moment, Yan's speed increased by one point again, and he went straight to his goal.

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