The red-masked CP0 captain nodded and explained.

"I know this very well, and because of her assistance to Lieutenant General Yann, I have been trying my best to promote Yamato to join the 'King Shichibukai'. However, Yamato rejected the invitation one after another, so I have to I don’t doubt Yamato’s position on the world government anymore.”

"That's right, and the failure of the marriage between Corazon and the Charlotte family caused the revolutionary army to start storming the territory occupied by the Don Quixote family again, and Lieutenant General Yan's injury recovered. This is the opportunity to unite all forces It's a great time to counterattack the Revolutionary Army, and that woman has been reluctant to join the 'Shichibukai', so I have to doubt her intentions."

The white-masked CP0 captain then continued, the killing intent in his words hardly concealed.

"If you let that woman go, then when the World Government, the Navy, and Corazon jointly attack the Revolutionary Army, that woman may become a spoiler, so you must win her over as soon as possible or... Get rid of."

"This..." Yan's face became more and more embarrassed.

"Lieutenant General Yan, this is for the justice of the sea, and we should not be concerned about those insignificant personal favors." The red-masked CP0 captain said.

Ion sighed slightly, then nodded in response. "I understand."

After a pause, Ian continued. "I will try my best to persuade Yamato to join the 'Shichibukai under the King', and participate in the combined army of the counter-offensive revolutionary army as a combat force."

The red-masked CP0 captain responded with satisfaction. "It's best to be so natural."

Immediately, Ian raised a question and said.

"However, even if it is me, it is unrealistic to completely wipe out the 'Warriors of the Thousand Beasts' by myself. Once Yamato escapes, it will completely push Yamato into the camp of the Revolutionary Army, which will cause trouble gone."

"So even if the invitation fails, do you think about it..."

Before Ian could finish speaking, the red-masked CP0 captain spoke.

"Lieutenant General Yann doesn't need to worry about this at all. You can lead the CP9 team to make contact with Yamato, and I will lead the CP0 team to lurk nearby. Once the invitation fails, I will launch an attack immediately."

The red-masked CP0 captain continued. "And I will lead my team to disperse and ambush in the direction where Yamato may escape, completely cutting off the possibility of the 'Warriors of the Thousand Beasts' escaping."

"Is this...wouldn't it be too risky?"

Ion questioned it cautiously.

"It's not that this kind of combat power is not enough to annihilate the 'Wild Beast Warriors', but once the Revolutionary Army's factors are taken into account, then when the G-9 branch's combat power is empty, once the Revolutionary Army attacks the G-9 branch Otherwise, it may lead to unforeseen consequences."

It’s just that Yann’s relatively objective and calm words were more like an excuse under Yann’s intentional or unintentional favoring of Yamato before, and did not attract the attention of the two CP0 captains at all.

"Lieutenant General Yan can rest assured that we have not relaxed in the slightest in monitoring the movements of the Revolutionary Army."

The red masked CP0 captain said.

"We have accurate information. Both Dorag and Yixiao appeared in the Baiwu area occupied by the Don Quixote family. Even if the Revolutionary Army knew that we were attacking the 'Warriors of the Beasts', they would not have enough time to attack the area located in The G-9 branch on the other side of the Flower City area."

Another CP0 captain with a white mask echoed.

"If Lieutenant General Yaen is still worried, then we, CP0, will be fully responsible for all the risks of this behavior, as long as Lieutenant General Yaen cooperates with our actions."

"OK then."

Yan nodded helplessly, and then said to Major General Hope beside him.

"Report the minutes of this meeting to Marin Fando and Holy Land Mary Joa. If Marshal Warring States and Master Wu Laoxing have no objection to this plan, then I will fully cooperate with the actions of CP0 masters."

In this regard, the two CP0 captains said a word with disapproval. "up to you."

Before proposing this plan, the two CP0 captains had already communicated with the five old stars who were always paying attention to the situation in Wano country, so they didn't care about Yan's behavior at all.


Soon, as expected by the two CP0 captains, both Marie Joa and Marin Fanduo gave a positive answer to Ian's request.

But Yan, who received the relevant reply, couldn't help showing a playful smile on his face, and muttered to himself.

"It's really cooperative, it's really good..."

After a pause, Yaen looked at Lu Qi who was standing in front of him meticulously, seizing every minute and every second to practice domineering, and said.

"Lu Qi, are you ready? It's almost time for you to join CP0."


Lu Qi responded with a stern face.

Immediately, Yan asked after taking a sip of tea. "How are you doing with that new power?"

When Lu Qi heard this, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he replied. "It is enough to be a weapon in the hands of Lord Yaen."

Standing up, Yan put the navy cloak hanging on the side on his body, and Xiao Jin fell on his shoulders, then walked towards the door of the office and said.

"Then... gather your subordinates and set off."



Soon, Yaen led the CP9 team as the guard and quietly left the G-9 branch in a covert move, heading for the station of the "Warriors of the Thousand Beasts" in the capital of flowers.

As for the two CP0 teams, they have already arrived in the "Flower Capital" area in advance and are preparing for it.

From the perspective of the World Government and CP0, this operation is just the final preparation for the upcoming annihilation of the Revolutionary Army, eliminating possible unstable factors at that time.

However, at the same time, Dorag, who was commanding the revolutionary army to fight against the Don Quixote family in the Baiwu area, received a secret message.

After going through several deciphering procedures, the intelligence showed six locations in the Flower City area.

After Drago glanced at these six positions, he couldn't help showing a playful smile on his face.

"Those rats who were scattered for a few moments were finally caught in a group."


Chapter 628 Changes in Yamato

On the other side, Yaen and the CP9 team, who quietly went to the Flower City area, successfully arrived near the station of the "Warriors of the Thousand Beasts".

At this time, Sasaki, who was guarding the gate of the station, looked at the group of people who appeared not far away, especially the back of the familiar man standing in the middle.

"That's... Lieutenant General Ian?!"

Fear of that man made Sasaki want to sound the alarm almost subconsciously.

If it was that man, no matter how serious and careful he was, it would not be an exaggeration.

But soon, recalling the relationship between Lieutenant General Yaen and his current boss that seemed to go beyond ordinary friendship, Sasagi calmed down.

"Could it be... came to visit?"

While Sasaki hastily asked Yamato to be notified, at the same time, he waited in full force.

And Yaen also stopped at a safe distance outside the gate of the resident, covering his forehead with the palm of his hand from the glare of the sun, and scanned the resident of the "Warriors of the Thousand Beasts" in front of him.

A few months ago, the Capital of Flowers was almost completely reduced to ruins during the war between the Revolutionary Army and the Navy, and all the civilians hurriedly fled to other parts of Wano Country, bringing a lot of trouble to other parts of Wano Country. A completely different vitality and prosperity.

After that, the capital of flowers that was reduced to ruins became the station of the "Warriors of the Thousand Beasts", and also became a buffer zone for the conflict between the revolutionary army and the navy.

However, in the past few months, at least the area where Yamato is stationed has been restored to level.

From a distance, the Japanese-style houses are well arranged, and there is already a sense of order.

"Yamato's samurai group seems to be developing quite well."

On the surface, Yaen admired the development of the "Warriors of the Thousand Beasts" for the first time, but there was no disturbance in his heart, and he knew the development of the Warriors of the Thousand Beasts very well.

Just as Dorag once warned Yan, be careful not to be bitten back by Yamato's white wolf.

In essence, among the remnants of the "Hundred Beasts Pirates" rescued by Yamato, there are naturally many secrets arranged by Yan in advance.

Therefore, apart from Yaen maintaining a joint posture with Yamato against the Revolutionary Army on the surface, all of Yamato's actions secretly did not hide from Yan's sight.

Yamato did not disappoint Yan at all.

In this era when military power is extremely important, Yamato's combat power can be called top-notch, coupled with her unique bold and hearty character, and her firm belief in liberating Wano Country, let Yamato form an unusually unique personality charm.

In just a few months, apart from the remnants of the "Hundred Beasts Pirates" arranged by Yaen for Yamato at the beginning, Yamato has almost completely subdued the remaining samurai forces in Wano.

Among them, Yann is particularly concerned about most of the warriors in the "Nine Heroes of the Red Sheath" who followed Kozuki Oden to crusade against "Beasts" Kaido.

Those warriors who once lost to "Hundred Beasts" Kaido, but survived with Kozuki Oden's faith, and have been trying to use various methods to be active in the secret of Wano Country, waiting to overthrow the "Hundred Beasts Pirates" They are not guys who can be underestimated, and each of them is no less difficult than the Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters.

Gradually, during this period of Wano country's slow changes, Yan suddenly noticed that the "Warriors of Ten Thousand Beasts" established by Yamato had become a gathering place for the remaining feudal warrior forces in Wano country.

It is not that Ian has not considered the emergence of this situation in the past, and even the emergence of this situation is exactly what Ian expected.

However, compared to the fact that these remnant samurai gangs set off rebellions from time to time in various places, and cost the Revolutionary Army, the Don Quixote Family, and the Navy a lot of energy to counter the rebellion, it is better to let them gather together.

After all, it is easier to solve them this way.

Of course, for the kind-hearted Yan, what he hopes most is that Yamato can slowly control the remaining samurai forces and guide them to a new era of Wano.

Instead of being gradually polluted by those guys, Yamato has the idea of ​​becoming the new "general" of Wano and restoring the old system of Wano.

'Yamato, I hope your eyes will not be completely bound by Wano Country, otherwise you will be blocked in front of me, and I can only send you, a chess piece that has fulfilled its mission, off the board. '

Yann said calmly in his heart, and there was no trace of waves on the surface.

If the result of this negotiation disappoints Ian, then Ian will use the power of CP0 to first destroy the Beast Warriors, which gathered the remaining samurai power of Wano Country in the past.

At this moment, an extremely hearty and bold female voice sounded from the station in front of him.

"Ion! You guys are finally visiting me."

The next moment, the gate of the station opened, and Yamato, who was wearing an oni mask and a majestic kimono, greeted Yaen first, followed by many warriors in different costumes.

Yan nodded towards Yamato with a gentle face, and his eyes swept over the samurai behind Yamato secretly.

Denjiro, Asura Doji, Kawamatsu, Inuarashi, Neko Mamushi, Izo...

What concerned Yann the most was the issue of positioning.

The group of samurai swarmed behind Yamato, but "Drought" Jack was squeezed to the edge, and the other Sasaki, who used to be a senior cadre in the "Hundred Beasts Pirates", was even reduced to guarding the gate.

"What are you still doing, Yan, come in."

Yamato raised his head towards Yan, speaking with a little bit of joy in his tone.

Yan nodded, then walked towards Yamato, and said with a bit of humor. "Yamato, you are really quite majestic now."

"Where is Yaen, you are so good, you are a famous 'Navy Hero'."

Yamato said with a bit of playfulness.

"I was deceived enough by you in the past. When Yizang told me about your deeds, I couldn't believe it."

"Don't be kidding, I've always told you that I'm strong, it's just that you don't believe it..."

Just when Yamato and Ian were talking about the old days in harmony, and they were walking side by side towards the residence of the "Warriors of the Thousand Beasts", the members of CP9 who were following behind were stopped by those warriors, and the atmosphere on both sides suddenly became tense. tensed up.

As fur tribes, Inuarashi and Mamushime blocked the gate from left to right, their tall bodies completely blocked CP9's path, and they crossed their arms and said condescendingly.

"Unidentified guy, it is forbidden to enter the garrison."

But Lu Qi, who was blocked by Inuarashi and Cat Viper, raised his head slightly, and what was revealed under the brim of his hat were cold eyes full of murderous intent.

At that moment, Inuarashi and Momushiba, as fur tribes who retained quite a few characteristics of beasts, almost instinctively felt a sense of fear, and took a step back.


Chapter 629 Drinking the Wine

"Stop, what are you doing?"

At this moment, Yamato's voice of scolding and dissatisfaction sounded. "Yan is my partner, are you planning to block my partner's subordinates?"

"Don't dare."

The rest of the warriors immediately responded when they heard the words, looked at each other, and then made way for CP9.

However, the eyes of these warriors who are as powerful as the vice admirals of the Navy Headquarters have become extremely severe, and the road formed is full of oppression.

Let the CP9 members behind Lucci swallow their saliva almost subconsciously.

Then Yan's gentle voice sounded, and he ordered.

"Okay, it's good that Lu Qi comes in with me, and the rest of CP9 stay here and wait for orders. I will catch up with Yamato, and I will come out soon."

Hearing this, Lu Qi made a gesture towards the subordinates behind him, and immediately strode through the passage formed by the warriors, and even let out a slight snort of disdain.

And Yaen looked at Lu Qi who followed up, and said with a bit of embarrassment and helplessness on his face.

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