Ian sighed and said.

"Yamato, is your vision still limited to the Wano country? The sea is much bigger than you imagined."

Yamato heard the words, looked at Yan squarely, and asked. "Then what is your purpose?"

"Open up a brand new path for the country of Wano and this sea."

When he said these words, what made Yamato a little unbelievable was the light shining in Yaen's eyes, which was so firm that it could be called a pious light.

Yamato gritted his teeth and asked.

"The so-called road is destruction? It's like manipulating the Wano country into the vortex of war, making countless civilians struggle on the verge of chaos and destruction."

"Yamato, did the arrival of the revolutionary army really bring destruction to the Wano country?"

Ian asked back.

"Compared to the Hundred Beasts Pirates burning, killing and looting in Wano, building a large number of weapons factories to pollute the environment, and arresting young and middle-aged men as mining workers, what did the Revolutionary Army do? What did the Navy do?"

"The Wano country was destroyed by the daimyo shogunate system, the samurai class was destroyed, and only the capital of flowers, which accounted for more than 90.00% of the country's wealth, was destroyed, but only let the rich and powerful indulge in the dream of life regardless of the bottom. "

Immediately, under Yamato's widened eyes, Yaen picked up the document that Yamato had just dropped on the ground and handed it to Yamato again, saying.

"Please take a good look at what is reported in the document."

Yamato, who was already a little stunned, shifted his eyes subconsciously to those documents, skipped the beginning part that he had just read, and browsed through the whole text. Consultation documents for infrastructure such as reservoirs and dams.

And at the end of the document, densely packed names including Drago and a special seal stamped with the words "Chief of Staff" were signed respectively. The final approved budget amount made Yamato count sluggishly for a while .

'Well...a lot of zeros...ten, hundred, thousand, ten thousand, billion...'

"1000 billion Baileys???"

Yamato's pupils shrank, his throat felt a little dry, and he even felt a little dizzy.

What kind of astronomical figure is this?

You must know that Kaido's reward amount for "Hundred Beasts" is less than 50 billion Baileys, and these 1000 billion Baileys are enough to buy the heads of twenty sea emperors.

Even the "Hundred Beasts Pirates" have searched Wano Country for nearly 20 years, and secretly don't know how many arms deals they have with the world government and many other forces. number.

After a long while, Yamato raised his head blankly, looked at Yan and asked. "This... is this true? No... you can't lie to me again, right?"

Yan smiled helplessly and said.

"The signing date of this document was three months ago, and the 1000 billion Baileys are estimated to have been spent almost."

Immediately afterwards, Yan opened the follow-up documents in front of Yamato, most of which were reports on the construction progress of various parts of Wano.

Schools have sprung up one after another, hospitals have appeared on the land of Wano Country, and those reservoirs and dams have brought tears to Yamato's eyes...

In addition to being difficult to meet the needs of the full stomach, many lower-level people in Wano country can't even drink a sip of clean water in many cases.

More importantly, in the photos attached to the files, Yamato saw happy smiles that were hardly seen among ordinary people in the past.

Their clothes may not be fancy and luxurious, but their happy and bright smiles cannot be faked no matter what.

'Those... civilians who are now ruled by the revolutionary army are happy from the bottom of their hearts? '

Yan continued in a calm tone.

"In the war I manipulated, it is true that the Navy and the Revolutionary Army destroyed the most prosperous Flower City, but just as a whale falls and everything is born, without the destruction of the Flower City, the rest of Wano Country will never be possible Completely prosperous."

"The arrival of the Revolutionary Army, Shichibukai, and the Navy has also brought brand new things and knowledge to Wano Country, which has been almost stagnant for nearly 800 years..."

Having said that, Yaen's voice paused, and he turned to Yamato with a sincere heart.

"Yamato, the real founding of the country is not simply contact with the decree of the country, allowing the country of Wano to contact and trade with the outside world."

"Maybe it's not obvious now, and many changes have just happened quietly, but... now this is the real founding of Wano Kingdom."

Yamato stared at the document that Yan spread out in front of him, but there seemed to be countless things surging in those beautiful amber eyes.

Seeing that Yamato didn't respond for a long time, Yan couldn't help reaching out and provoking Yamato's chin, making Yamato look away from the document and turn to himself, and asked.

"To fulfill your wish in this form, have I fulfilled my original promise?"

Yamato blinked his eyes slightly, then subconsciously drifted to the side, and replied in a low voice. "Um……"

"So, Yamato, are you still planning to expel and overthrow the revolutionary army? Do you hate the war vortex I brought to Wano?" Yan then asked softly.

"For the sake of the 1000 billion Baileys, I barely... barely forgive you..." Yamato stammered.

Yan raised his eyebrows slightly and continued to ask.

"So...will you continue to walk with me? Wano Country's plan has not really ended. In order to deal with the threat from the world government, I need your strength, Yamato."

Under Yan's gaze, Yamato's mouth squirmed for a while, but he couldn't hear what he said clearly.

"Huh?" Ion asked.


Yamato's chest rose and fell again, and then he blushed and shouted at Yan with his eyes closed. "Asshole, don't you let me go?"


Yan was taken aback for a moment, and asked subconsciously.

"You still haven't said whether you agree or not? If you don't want to, then even if it's a bit regretful, you who know all my secrets, I can only..."


Chapter 634 The Negotiations Are Over

Having said that, looking at Yamato in front of him with his eyes closed, his cheeks flushed, and his gradation-colored hair draped over his shoulders, Ian's voice couldn't help but pause.

After directly drinking a jar of wine at one time, even though the content of alcohol dehydrogenase and acetaldehyde dehydrogenase in Ian's body has been modified, and has the ability to quickly decompose a large amount of alcohol, it still caused Ian's body to suffer quite a lot. degree of influence.

Some... drunk!

This also made Yaen's firm thought that once Yamato became an enemy, he would completely solve her idea was shaken, and a bit of soft-hearted emotion emerged.

At this moment, Yamato's amber eyes opened, looking at Yan who was close at hand with a bit of sparkle, and asked.

"Ian, do I really know your secret? You're not lying to me, are you?"

And Yan, who was a little drunk, subconsciously thought that what Yamato said was about the hundreds of billions of Baileys who had invested in Wano Country, shook his head slightly, and replied.

"Of course, your eyes can witness everything..."

The next moment, Yamato's head stretched forward a little, and the warm lips blocked Yan's next words, making Yan's eyes round subconsciously.

'What is this idiot... doing? ! '

By the time Ian's consciousness, which was paralyzed by alcohol, reacted, he had already felt something penetrated into his mouth, and that familiar and wonderful feeling spread all over his body in an instant, making the pores of Ian's body They all shrank, and their brains fell into a blank state.

After a full moment, the suffocated two sides slowly separated, but a trace of crystal still hooked the corners of their mouths.

Panting heavily, the amber eyes of Yamato with blurred eyes gave Ian a white look, and asked. "Still...don't let me go?"

Yan responded blankly, and subconsciously released the "61 Six-stick Light Prison" that bound Yamato.

However, the next moment, Yamato, who had just regained his freedom, suddenly rushed towards Yan, pressed Yan on the tatami in the original posture again, and asked in a dissatisfied tone.

"Is it the real body this time?"

Yan, who was getting more and more drunk, shook his head vigorously, glanced at the sea stone locks still worn on Yamato's neck, confirmed that Yamato in this state did not pose a substantial threat to himself, and subconsciously nodded. nod.

"Huh, bastard Ian, why didn't you tell me the truth at first, you idiot? How dare you deceive me like this..."


However, before Ian could start to argue, Yamato, who was almost bare to the waist and only wrapped in the white cloth, bent down and blocked Ian's mouth again, speaking vaguely.

"Asshole, when do you think I have been wronged like this?"

And listening to Yamato's numb tone, Yan suddenly sensed something in his confused consciousness, and wanted to stop Yamato's further actions.

"No, no, Yamato, if there..."

The next moment, Yamato let out a charming muffled sound almost instinctively.



The sound insulation in the reception room is quite good, but after the conflict between Yaen and Yamato broke out, the vague movements that came out from time to time made the expressions of the samurai tense.

Especially the sentence "Bastard, you lied to me again" that Yamato roared subconsciously, made the samurai unable to bear it and wanted to rush into the reception room.

However, Lu Qi at the door blocked the way of the warriors, and the atmosphere on both sides became more tense and anxious, as if they might make a move at any time.

"Get out of the way, CP9." Denjiro shouted in a rather anxious tone.

In the past ten years that Wano Country has been deeply under the shadow of "Hundred Beasts" Kaido, Denjiro saw a new hope in Yamato in the recent drastic changes in Wano Country.

Even though Yamato's true identity is the daughter of "Hundred Beasts" Kaido, the temperament and will emanating from Yamato made Denjiro see the shadow of Kozuki Oden in him.

Therefore, Denjiro now almost believes that Yamato has the ability to become the new general of Wano country, and lead Wano country to eliminate the revolutionary army, expel the navy, and enter a new era. He also regards Yamato as the one he will be loyal to for the rest of his life object.

But now, when Yamato decided to talk to that dangerous man alone, there was such an angry roar, and Denjiro almost decided that the negotiation had broken down.

More importantly, after Denjiro waited for a while, there was no more obvious sound from the reception room, which undoubtedly had the possibility that Yamato had been attacked and controlled by that dangerous man.

It's just that unlike the anxiety of Denjiro and other warriors, Lu Qi, who was blocking the door, still said calmly. "It is forbidden to enter the meeting that disturbs Lord Ion."

For a while, the two sides fell into a stalemate, and the expressions of the warriors became more and more impatient and anxious.

"What should we do? Denjiro, do you want to forcefully rush in? Don't hesitate any longer, maybe Yamato-sama is already fighting with Lieutenant General Yaen inside."

"But if Yamato-sama is still negotiating with Lieutenant General Yan, this will undoubtedly lose the face of Yamato-sama."

"You heard the roar just now, right? Why do you think Yamato-sama is still negotiating with Lieutenant General Yan? Instead, there is no follow-up sound, which makes me worry more about whether the navy has controlled Yamato grown ups……"

Hearing the anxious conversations of other warriors in his ears, Denjiro became more and more anxious. Just when he couldn't help but decided to force his way in, a voice came from the reception room again.


This... It was a muffled sound that a man seemed to be unable to suppress.

This time, it was Lu Qi who couldn't hold back his calm expression, turned his head and looked towards the reception room behind him with some doubts.

Because compared to the warriors, Lu Qi was closer to the reception room and could hear more clearly.

There seemed to be a trace of pain in that voice.

'No...it can't be that Yaen-sama was countered by Yamato, right? '

Guessing this possibility, Lu Qi shrank his pupils, and subconsciously wanted to reach out and pull towards the door of the reception room behind him.

However, a knife suddenly blocked in front of Lu Qi's palm.

Denjiro, who blocked Lu Qi with his sword drawn from the side, said with a somewhat mocking expression. "CP9, please don't affect the normal negotiations between Yamato-sama and Lieutenant General Yan."

Lu Qi's eyes turned back and forth in the reception room and on the samurai such as Denjiro. When his eyes became more and more unfriendly, his appearance began to change slightly.

"You guy..."

Just when Lu Qi and the warriors thought that a fierce battle had already taken place in the reception room and they were about to attack each other, the door of the reception room suddenly opened.

"What are you doing?!"


Chapter 635 I Will Never Lose Next Time

All of a sudden, everyone present looked in the direction of the door of the reception room.

I saw Yamato casually wearing a kimono, a head of beautiful gradient-colored hair scattered casually behind him, his eyes exuded a kind of special joy and contentment, and he even supported Yan, who was staggering drunk, with one hand Lieutenant General, it seems that there is no particular conflict between the two sides.

Among them, as a member of the fur family, Inuarashi, who maintains quite a few habits and characteristics similar to dogs, moved his nose slightly. In addition to smelling a lot of alcohol on Yamato and Yan, he also vaguely smelled something that seemed to be Something special.

However, under the cover of the strong smell of alcohol, it was difficult for Inulan to tell what the specific smell was.

And Denjiro looked at Yamato who was intact, his expression softened a lot, and he asked. "Yamato-sama, are you alright?"

Yamato waved his hand boldly and replied. "It's okay, I had a very pleasant conversation with Ion."

Hearing the words, Denjiro glanced warily at Yan, who seemed to be too drunk to stand still, and then asked. "However, we seem to have heard conflicting voices coming from the reception room just now."

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