"I'll show you my progress during this time." Zhou Congwen said.

"Tch, is that also called a gift?"

"It's a real gift. Although it can't be said to be unique in the world, I think the boss can do it too, but the boss definitely won't make it." Zhou Congwen took out a black cloth after washing his hands.

Liu Xiaobie looked at Zhou Congwen curiously, wondering what the hell he was going to do.

After preparing the grinding drill, eggs and black cloth, Zhou Congwen stood in front of the grinding drill, brewing his emotions first.

"What are you doing?"

"Recall what to do first." Zhou Congwen said in a low voice.

"It's the same as a magician casting a spell. Fortunately, you are not a ninja, or would you have to seal it?"

"Well, I have to seal before the time of the sage, do you want to see it?" Zhou Congwen replied lightly.

Speaking of such coquettish words, Zhou Congwen has always been invincible, just like his surgery.An old hooligan is an old hooligan, and every detail is flawless.

"That sounds good, come on!" Liu Xiaobie yelled.

"Don't make trouble, I'll make you a present first." Zhou Congwen said, "Do you know Treitz ligament?"

"I know what it does."

"The Treitz ligament is also called the suspensory ligament of the duodenum. The suspensory muscle of the duodenum and the peritoneal folds surrounding its lower segment together form the suspensory ligament of the duodenum, which is a muscular fibrous structure."

"It is used to locate the duodenum and jejunum. When the jejunum needs to be found in abdominal surgery, the Treitz ligament can be found directly. Otherwise, the intestines can be pulled out a little bit. When the jejunum is found, the patient's intestines will be cold."

Intestines... cold...

These words are too graphic, and even warm.

"Finding the position can save a lot of operation time. Just like I am looking for the position now, don't talk nonsense and disturb my train of thought." Zhou Congwen said lightly.

"Why do I think you're driving?" Liu Xiaobie frowned at Zhou Congwen and asked suspiciously.

This is so right that Zhou Congwen was taken aback by what he said.

What exactly did you say just now, what did Liu Xiaobie think of, why did you just drive, no.

"What did I say?" Zhou Congwen thought for a while, but he didn't know what Liu Xiaobie meant. He interrupted his train of thought, looked at Liu Xiaobie and asked.

"Pretend I didn't say anything." Liu Xiaobie rested his chin on the back of the sofa, looked at Zhou Congwen, and smiled all over his face.

Zhou Congwen frowned, he felt that he was being molested by Liu Xiaobie, this feeling was quite bad.

"You need to eat more." Zhou Congwen said, "How many times have I told you, but I just don't listen."

"Envy my good figure?" Liu Xiaobie said contemptuously, "Standard figure, should I report your measurements?"

"Who am I?" Zhou Congwen said, "I know your measurements at a glance, so you don't need to report them. I mean, you are too thin and unhealthy."

"I have a physical examination once every three months, so I don't need you, a world famous doctor, to worry about it."

"Hey." Zhou Congwen smiled, "Too thin is prone to kidney sagging, has your health care doctor told you?"

"I've only heard of gastroptosis, are you fooling me by just talking about it?" Liu Xiaobie asked contemptuously.

"The kidneys are located in the renal fossa on both sides between the chest and waist, and generally do not shift too much due to the fixation of the strong longitudinal muscles of the back and the abdominal organs.

However, because there is a potential loose space below the perirenal fat sac, when the abdominal pressure decreases or the fat decreases, the kidney may shift downward and cause nephrosis. "

"!!!" Liu Xiaobie was surprised.

"Most patients with kidney ptosis have waist pain, well, for a thin girl like you, the back pain is caused by kidney ptosis.

Some patients have symptoms of chronic urinary tract infection, most of which are bladder irritation symptoms such as frequent urination and urgency.A small number of cases are also accompanied by a history of low-grade fever or recurrent fever. "


"Furthermore, the stretching of the celiac plexus when the kidneys are active often leads to gastrointestinal symptoms, most of which are abdominal distension, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite and other symptoms."

Liu Xiaobie began to deal with his symptoms according to Zhou Congwen's words.

"Do you want to hear about other symptoms?" Zhou Congwen asked with a smile when he saw that Liu Xiaobie's face turned slightly pale.

"Zhou Congwen, you are such a stinky hooligan!" Liu Xiaobie said angrily.

"This is common medical knowledge. You can find it yourself. I didn't say anything else." Zhou Congwen held his breath, and after 5 seconds, let out a breath slowly, picked up a black cloth with both hands, and covered his eyes.

Liu Xiaobie stared straight away, "Zhou Congwen, do you want to look at the ground eggs without eyes?! Are you stimulated by something? Alzheimer's disease? Not so."

Chapter 1229 Gifts

"Of course." Zhou Congwen said lightly, "Am I very good?"

"If you can do it, it's really powerful. It's like throwing a throwing knife blindfolded."

No matter what this girl Liu Xiaobie said, Zhou Congwen would feel that there was something in it and it was full of thorns.

Is this the rose with thorns?

Ignoring Liu Xiaobie, Zhou Congwen calmed down and entered a flow state instantly.

This time, after being reborn, his young body has decades of experience. Zhou Congwen feels that he has improved again, and the improvement is still great.

No wonder the boss is usually envious of himself, sometimes Zhou Congwen looks at himself from the perspective of his previous life, and he is a little envious.

For example, entering the state of flow, even in the peak period of the previous life, Zhou Congwen was not as strong as he is now.

Although he was blindfolded, his eyes were bright.

The eggs are on the grinder, Zhou Congwen knows exactly what to do.

The grinding drill hummed, and Zhou Congwen's hand moved between square inches, with delicate and precise movements, as if looking at it with a microscope.

The crumbs of the egg skin flew, Zhou Congwen moved the drill a little bit, and Liu Xiaobie stood up curiously and walked closer.

A simple and steady willow character is appearing on the egg shell little by little.

Liu Xiaobie glanced at the egg, then at Zhou Congwen, her mouth slowly opened wide in surprise.

Zhou Congwen can be said to have made rapid progress during this period of time!

When he was in Jianghai City, he would break eggs if he was distracted; when he arrived in the provincial capital, he could grind eggs while talking; but now, this guy can grind a willow character on an egg blindfolded!

Doesn't he have a limit?

Or is it that his upper limit is the sky, the vast universe.

For 10 minutes, Zhou Congwen spent 10 minutes relying on his memory, and an egg with the character "Liu" was placed in Liu Xiaobie's hand.

"You heard me coming? Why don't you concentrate on grinding the eggs." Liu Xiaobie asked while admiring his "gift".

"When performing an operation, there are always people watching from behind, I'm used to it." Zhou Congwen took off the black cloth, looked at Liu Xiaobie with a smile, "How about it, it's amazing!"


Liu Xiaobie was extremely rare and did not retort, but praised.

"Hurry up and make the consumables, and I will show you a real miracle."

"I don't understand." Liu Xiaobie held the egg in his hand and carefully admired it against the light.

The light and shadow fell, hitting her face through the exquisite and translucent egg, which was extremely graceful.

"Hello." Seeing that Liu Xiaobie was silent, Zhou Congwen called out in doubt.

"Well, I really like this gift you made." Liu Xiaobie said softly.

The gentle, ambiguous breath diffused all at once.

"Are you sick?" Zhou Congwen looked at Liu Xiaobie in surprise.


"Toxoplasma gondii, you know. If you are infected with this parasite, your personality will change drastically." Zhou Congwen looked at Liu Xiaobie seriously, "For example, it was prevalent in France for a while, causing many..."

"!!!" Liu Xiaobie really wanted to smash an egg on Zhou Congwen's face.

"After being infected with toxoplasma... By the way, this kind of worm is also called three corpse worms. I highly doubt it is the same as the Gu worms raised in Nanyang." Zhou Congwen explained habitually.

Liu Xiaobie really didn't know if the guy in front of him did it on purpose or... on purpose.

"It can enter the brain and affect the mind of the host. For example, the mouse provokes the cat, eats it, and continues to infect the cat."

Liu Xiaobie hated the roots of his teeth a little itchy.

What did you say?Just now he praised Zhou Congwen, he frankly suspected that he was infected by Toxoplasma gondii!

Is he such a spoiler?

"French men are aggressive, and women are more...cough, cough, romantic, all caused by infection with toxoplasma gondii."

"Let me tell you, X behavior can also lead to the spread of Toxoplasma gondii. Toxoplasma gondii is the most active during a woman's menstrual period, so..."

"You mean that I gave you a smile because I was infected by toxoplasma gondii?" Liu Xiaobie asked.

"..." Zhou Congwen was startled.

I seem to have said too much.

"You said that the sages have to make seals before the time, is it because to prevent Gu worms from entering your body?" Liu Xiaobie asked maliciously.

"It's the seal you said." Zhou Congwen murmured.

"Three Corpse Worms." Liu Xiaobie said contemptuously, "You can do it, Zhou Congwen, he still has research on Nanyang Gu Art, are you thinking about the day when the machine will ascend?"

"Don't tell me!" Zhou Congwen suddenly became excited when he heard what Liu Xiaobie said, "I really thought about something like this."

"..." Liu Xiaobie was startled.

"ECMO, you know what it is." Zhou Congwen gestured with his hands like seals, and began to tell Liu Xiaobie his understanding of mechanical ascension.

The ambiguous atmosphere in the room disappeared, only countless professional words came out of Zhou Congwen's mouth, boring and monotonous.


After a night of silence, Shen Lang opened his eyes and howled in the early morning of the next day.

Days, before dawn, I have to go out for a run.

Zhou Congwen has arranged so many things for himself this dog day, and he also has to supervise his running, so what the hell is going on.

But even though there was darkness in front of him, Shen Lang managed to get up reluctantly.

Because Zhou Congwen gave too much.

If it was in the Third Hospital of Jianghai City, Shen Lang would rather be a street sneaker than suffer this crime.

But the income of Zhou Congwen's medical team is more than a year's total income in one month, so what are you waiting for?

Money can make motui ghosts, Shen Lang muttered in his heart, changed his clothes and went out for a morning run.

The sky was getting bright, Shen Lang planned to run another route today.

If you can meet a girl who is pretty and smooth, you can run in the morning, right?

Shen Lang no longer had any thoughts about Wang Xueteng, after all, Manager Wang always had a professional smile on his face, which made Shen Lang retreat.

But Shen Lang never felt anything, if he can't do it, he can't do it, and the sky won't fall down.

Although he said that there is no benefit in getting married, Shen Lang still started his morning run with the attitude of meeting a beautiful girl by chance.

If it weren't for the support of this thought, Shen Lang highly doubted that he would have given up long ago.

Not everyone is like Zhou Congwen, who can enjoy himself in a boring life.

Today's morning jogging route was a bit off, Shen Lang went up a small hill, and only saw uncles and aunts exercising in the morning, and a pretty girl who was about the same age as him... Let alone pretty, she couldn't even see the shadow of the girl.

But he has long been used to it, thinking about the patient who is going to be operated on today and starts to go down the mountain.

Suddenly, a shadow passed before his eyes, Shen Lang hurriedly dodged, his eyelids hurt slightly.

It turned out to be a bat, Shen Lang scratched his head.

Bats are rarely seen in the Northeast, and he was a little scared. He heard that there are people who eat fried bats in Nanyang, which is really scary.

Moreover, it is said that this year's epidemic was caused by bats, so Shen Lang avoided it and ran down the mountain as soon as possible.

Chapter 1230 Shen Lang Falls Down

three days later.

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