But now is not the time for Yin Zhen to take action against Hong Hao and Hong Xi... His emperor has not yet settled down!

As soon as he thought of this, Yin Xiang took the lead and shouted: "Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

Afterwards, the other people below also shouted long live together!

Yinzhen sat on the dragon chair, with tears in his eyes, listening to the world's most intoxicating sound of Shan Hu Long live, until the sound dissipated in the air, Yinzhen slowly said: "Meng Qing, wait for me!" Wrong love, I am really grateful for recommending me, Yinzhen, as the emperor...Although Yinzhen has limited talents and virtues, he will definitely devote himself to it, and work together with all the princes to rule the prosperity of Mongolia!" He paused, and suddenly took a deep breath In a tone, he said loudly again: "From today onwards, change to Yongzheng! This year is the first year of Yongzheng!"

Chapter 964 I am the Country

Western calendar June 1706, 6, Palace of Versailles, Apollo Hall.

"Mary Anne, do you know? In today's Europe, many people regard the Great Mongol Kingdom as a country ruled by a parliament and a charter like the United Provinces of Britain and the Netherlands! Is this true? ? Is your husband Yinti now the master of the country or the servant of the parliament?"

The one who is asking Mary Anne, the Queen of the Great Mongol Khan who came all the way from thousands of miles away, about the state of the Great Mongolian State is of course the Sun King of Europa, and I am the Frankish Emperor Louis XIV of the country.

Because of the victory of the Great Southern War, French-speaking America and the emergence of Louis who was successfully elected King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania, the Frankish Empire under the rule of Louis the Great entered its heyday.

Now, a huge empire stretching from the Atlantic Ocean in the west to White Ross in the east has appeared on the European continent.Moreover, this country not only has a vast territory on the European continent, but also has a vast and boundless colony outside the European continent-according to the "North American Continent" signed by the Frank Empire and the Shangfang Kingdom, the Yin Family, the Aztec Kingdom, and the Kingdom of England. According to the Demarcation Agreement, the Frank Empire owns about 40.00% of the land of the North American continent, including the extremely valuable "Jiangdong" (east of the Mississippi River), "Hunan" (south of the Great Lakes), "Hubei" (north of the Great Lakes) ), "East of the Lakes" (east of the Great Lakes), "Shanxi" (west of the Appalachian Mountains), and French-speaking America and Quebec.

Although Zhu Heqi had worked very hard to promote the expansion of the merchants and the Yin family to the east, they also gave a lot of support to the Aztecs, and even asked the Aztecs to send people into the Jiangdong area to help the Jiangdong Indians establish settlements and develop agriculture.But after the Great Southern War ended, Emperor Louis the Great had already freed his hands from the European continent, and he could massively increase his troops to North America!

At the same time, Louis the Great also gave the Indians in New France a lot of preferential treatment-because France has too few people on the North American continent, it has always adopted a policy of wooing the Indians, and has accumulated many Indian allies.The Yin family's brutal policy towards the "Jiangxi" Indians aroused the resentment of some large Indian tribes in the Great Plains.Once a war breaks out in North America, the Great Plains Indians will definitely stand on the side of the Frankish Empire!

Under such circumstances, Zhu Yimei and Zhu Celing had to try to persuade the radical King Montezuma to give up his plan to develop power in "Jiangdong" and "Shanxi" and go south to occupy the remaining land of the Spanish Empire in North America. .

In the direction of Black Africa, the Frankish Empire has also made great progress in recent years.Although subject to various infectious diseases, it is still difficult for Europeans to go deep into the hinterland of Black Africa, but in the coastal areas of Black Africa.Black Africa's most valuable Pepper Coast, Gold Coast, Ivory Coast and Slave Coast (all located in West Africa), are almost all divided up by Frank, England, Holland, and Portugal!On the east coast of Black Africa, Frank's progress also satisfied Louis. Relying on the European colonies in southern India, Frank, the Netherlands, Portugal, England and other countries have established a large number of countries along the coast of East Africa and Madagascar in the past few years. More than fifty settlements!

According to the principle of "first-served, first-served" between Frank, Ming, and Great Mongolia on the land of Black Africa, most of Black Africa will probably be divided up by Frank, England, the Netherlands, and Portugal in the future!

However, due to civil strife in Greater Mongolia, they have not sent anyone to Black Africa in the past few years.Daming made a move, but they were too far away from Black Africa, so they just established a few settlements on the desolate and dry southeast corner of Black Africa, and established a South African kingdom... I don’t know who is so unlucky that they will be sealed in South Africa to be king?

But just when everything satisfied Emperor Louis the Great, unexpected troubles came from Great Mongolia to Frank!

Great Mongolia... a country that is known to be barbaric, cruel and unreasonable just by its name, unexpectedly became a "parliamentary charter country" similar to England after a bloody murder of father and son and brothers!

What the fuck are you kidding?

Shouldn't they practice bloody kinicide laws like the Ottoman Empire?Shouldn't Yinti and Yinzhen kill all the other brothers first, then fight a long, bloody civil war, and finally decide a victor who is the country?

Why did you sit down and vote in parliament?

Of course, the Mongols had nothing to do with Louis to vote for Khan, and he didn't think that a scattered country like Great Mongolia could be successfully governed through a majority vote and a charter-this is simply nonsense!In Louis' view, a country as big and chaotic as Great Mongolia must have a powerful monarch like him and Zhu Heqi!We must not let a group of great nobles who control the territory and the army argue with each other in the parliament.

But the aristocratic elites and intellectuals in Europe don't think so. They think that even the Mongols are so barbaric, so vicious, and so unreasonable. But still "I am the country"... This is so fucking backward, it will be over if this continues!

When the "Principalism" of Yuanjun, Yuanchen, Yuanfa, and Yuan people spread to Europe, Louis could plausibly say: "Seres has been a country of advanced civilization since ancient times, and their monarch is certainly enlightened. But their people generally have the knowledge and wisdom to participate in the management of the country, which is incomparable to the stupid and ignorant European serfs and commoners...so Frank must implement an absolute monarchy!"

This theory seems to be quite correct. Now the European market is full of silk, porcelain, tea, sugar, perfume, fine wine, traditional Chinese medicine, lacquerware (actually Japanese), dyed cotton cloth from Ming Dynasty... even telescopes. The glass is also produced in Daming!

So ordinary Europeans think that Ming people are super smart, and of course they can participate in the country's management. They are all stupid, so let's listen to Emperor Louis the Great.

But now that the Mongols are so advanced, aren't the Franks inferior to them?Now the Frankish intellectuals who were concerned about the country and the people quit, and calls for various political reforms gradually rose. Although Emperor Louis the Great can still suppress the situation now, it will always be troublesome in the long run.

So today he took advantage of the opportunity of summoning the visiting Great Mongol Khan Mary Anne and the Great Mongol Emperor's envoy Longkodo in the Palace of Versailles. , Vote for the Great Khan and the Emperor.

He has to let people know that what Great Mongolia is doing is not good... It is Great Mongolia that is going to end, not Frank!

"Dear Father," Mary Anne certainly understood what Louis was thinking, and she said after consideration, "The situation in Great Mongolia is very complicated... This is actually an alliance formed by the losers of the Ming and Qing Wars in East Asia. Kazakhstan, Bukhara, Khiva, Afghanistan and other places, as well as the colonial countries established after the conquest of northwest India!

And in the process of establishing this country, the 'Union of Losers' was continuously expanded. Kangxi Khan continued to absorb the elites of the enemies he defeated into his ruling group, and at the same time absorbed some of the enemies defeated by Ming. The exiles formed new Eight Banners clusters one by one.From the eight banners at the beginning, it has developed to the current 48 banners plus an armed sangha, with a total population of about 400 million.These talents are the real citizens of Great Mongolia, and others are just oppressed slaves or lackeys who manage slaves.And the real Mongolian citizens can now transmit their will to the Mongolian Eight Banners Conference through the Banner Conference and the Sangha Conference, thus forming a certain influence on national policy.

If they don't do this, the Great Mongolian Kingdom is likely to fall apart in a very short period of time... This is the conclusion drawn by the upper elites of the Great Mongolian Kingdom by analyzing the history of India and Central Asia!

In the end, everyone except the ruled people of India has a lot to lose.Therefore, they must adopt the Eight Banners Conference and the double election system to keep the Indian part and the Central Asian part of the Great Mongol State inseparable and provide mutual support. "

"Analyze history?" Louis XIV frowned. "The Mongols still know how to learn lessons from history?"

"Yes," Mary Anne replied, "this is what they learned from the Han people. They are good at recording history and will also find answers from history. From this perspective, they are far better than India's past. ruler!"

Although Indians are very good at practicing religion, they are not good at recording history, let alone researching it... so that Indian historians of later generations have to study the history of their country through the travel notes of Chinese monks such as "Da Tang Western Regions" .

And the conquerors who conquered India before were not good at studying history, so they did not learn from the lessons of their predecessors. No one thought of blocking the Khyber Pass, let alone robbing India from India. The money that comes in is used to support Central Asia...if Central Asia is good, India will be good!

But the conquerors of Kangxi Khan knew history, and they quickly summed up the reasons why India was conquered again and again, so they adopted a targeted dual system structure.In the end, Kangxi also put himself into it because the dual system structure was not done well.

And Kangxi Khan's sons and subordinates quickly learned his lesson and came up with a very "progressive" solution... Although this solution will not turn Great Mongolia into a real powerful country, it can be achieved in the future. Greatly extend the kingdom of Mongolia.

Because there are no new conquerors from Central Asia, the rule of the Great Mongols in northwest India can be maintained, and the wealth that the Great Mongols seized from India can ensure the stability of its Great Khan branch in Central Asia.

The Western colonists, whether they were Frank, England, Portugal, the Netherlands, or Sweden, were not enough to conquer the Great Mongolia, which had a population of 300 million people and was supported by Central Asian Tianfang believers and Raksha Cossack mercenaries.Not to mention, this kind of conquest will also attract the Ming Empire to the direction of the Mongolian Ocean!

Even Great Mongolia, with a population of only 300 million, can use the 8000 to [-] million people under its colonial rule to create an illusion of wealth, civilization, and power!As for the Frankish Empire, I am afraid that it has been troubled by this illusion for a long time.

Thinking of this, Emperor Louis could only sigh.

At this time, Longkodo, who came with Mary Anne, smiled and said to Louis the Great in French: "Great Emperor, I brought the credentials of the Great Mongol Emperor and the Great Khan, and the two of them and the Queen Mother Kong wrote to you." personal letter."

The current Great Mongolia has one emperor and one khan, so naturally there are two imperial courts, but these two imperial courts share a Prime Minister's Office of State Affairs and a Great Council.Both the Great Council and the Prime Minister's Office are located in the Summer Resort, so Longkodo is now the envoy shared by the Great Mongol Emperor and the Great Khan-this system is really a bit weird!

At the same time, he was still running errands for the Queen Mother Kong, holding several positions, and he was about to catch up with Su Qin, who held the seal of the six countries.

The credentials and letters brought by Longkodo are bilingual, written in Chinese and French respectively—there are five official languages ​​in the Mongolian Kingdom, namely Manchu, Mongolian, Han, Sanskrit, and Urdu.However, because Confucianism has always mastered the education of the Confucian Eight Banners, the Qing Eight Banners, the Mongolian Eight Banners, and the Horqin Eight Banners, Chinese is the main official language used by the Mongolian court and Khan court.

Louis XIV first unfolded the credentials, and looked at them pretentiously, but they were all superficial words without any substantive content.Then he took out Yinti's autographed letter. It turned out that he wanted to find a Frankish princess for his son Hongyu, and he didn't need a prostitute, just a "legal illegitimate child".Can't be too old, can't be more than 10 years old... Because Hong Yu is only 10 years old this year, so this is a child relationship.It will take a few more years until both parties reach the age of 18 to really do things.

Louis XIV pondered for a while, his illegitimate daughter was not that young, but he had sons and grandsons, so it shouldn’t be a problem to go to their homes to find out—if there is no legitimate daughter, who is there not a bunch of illegitimate daughters?Moreover, the appearance of illegitimate daughters is generally higher than that of legitimate ones, their brains are better, and their bodies are much better!

Then he flipped through Yinzhen's personal letter, which was not about a marriage proposal, but about the Suez Canal.The canal project has been going on for several years. Although it will take a few more years to succeed, this day is not far away after all.Now Yinzhen wants to donate the canal shares held by Great Mongolia to Sophie Asia Pacific, so he says hello to Louis.In addition, Yinzhen also told Louis in the letter that Mongolia will soon join forces with Luocha to attack Persia... This matter is a bit complicated, and Louis has to think about it.

Finally, he took out Queen Mother Kong's letter and read it. After reading a few lines, he exclaimed: "What? Queen Mother Kong wants to open a bank to engage in East-West exchange business, and also wants to invest in real estate in the Frankish Empire? Is the Empress Dowager a banker?"

Chapter 965

"Your Majesty, have you ever heard of such a Chinese proverb—the Zhu family is the world and the Kong family is rich?"

Longcordo did not answer Louis XIV's question directly, but said a proverb that no one had heard.Since no one has heard this proverb, Louis XIV certainly did not know it.

"The Zhu family is under the Kong family wealth? This Kong family is the Queen Mother Kong's family?" Of course, Louis XIV did not expect Longcordo to talk such nonsense, so he kept asking!

"It is the Confucius family after the most holy teacher Confucius!" Longkodo said solemnly, "Confucius is the saint of China, which is equivalent to the status of Jesus in Europe. Therefore, since the Han Dynasty, the Confucius family in Qufu has been influenced by the Chinese people. The preferential treatment given by the emperors of the past dynasties has been a wealthy family for generations, and of course they also have the convenience of making money and the privilege of management."

"Oh..." Louis XIV nodded again and again, "I see...the Kong family is equivalent to Jesus' family!"

That's pretty awesome!

If there is a Jesus family in Europe, it must be doing whatever it takes... As long as his family does not want to be a king, the emperors, kings, and grand dukes of all countries must support their family.

Long Kedo continued to talk nonsense: "The Kong family has been rich for thousands of years, and the wealth accumulated from generation to generation has long been incalculable. Moreover, since the Song Dynasty, the Kong family has begun to use the credit of their thousand-year-old family to engage in the banking industry. At the beginning It was just absorbing savings from landlords, sending money to merchants, and issuing usury loans. At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, the already wealthy Kong family began to use the huge wealth accumulated in their hands to invest in various heroes who rose up at that time... Zhu Yuanzhang, the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty He once received funding from the Confucian family! Otherwise, a poor man who was born as a beggar monk, why would he conquer the world with his bare hands? After the founding of the Ming Dynasty, Taizu also reciprocated, giving the Confucian family in Qufu many political and economic privileges, and letting Qufu The Kong family became the lords of the Qufu area."

Emperor Louis nodded repeatedly. He knew that Zhu Yuanzhang was a beggar for a long time, so he couldn't figure out how he created the Ming Empire. Now the truth is finally revealed!

Long Kedo also said: "During the decades of the Ming and Qing dynasties, the Confucian family in Qufu adopted a strategy of betting on both ends. Huge loans were issued; on the one hand, the Kong family organized a militia in Qufu to help Emperor Chongzhen suppress the bandits."

At this moment, Louis XIV interjected and asked, "Then, is there a reason for the Confucian family's funding for the rise of Zhu and Qi?"

Long Kedo shook his head and said: "It's a pity that the Kong family missed the opportunity to invest in Zhu Heqi. This is a major mistake, but there is nothing we can do about it. Because although Zhu Heqi is a descendant of Emperor Ming, he and his father, the king of heaven Zhu They all started in the grass, and started in Chaozhou, and had nothing to do with the Kong family in the early years."

Louis XIV's interest came, and he asked: "Then who supported him to make a fortune?"

Longkodo is a man who can make up, and he just opened his mouth, "As far as I know, he was supported by Chaozhou maritime merchants, pirates and the Zheng family in Yanping. These maritime merchants and pirates all made their fortunes after the age of great navigation. Among them, the richest one is the Zheng family of Yanping Wang in the former Ming Dynasty. Zhu and Qi took their money to recruit soldiers and horses, and then they grew up.

And these emerging chaebols, of course, do not want the Kong family to share benefits with them.Therefore, after Zhu Heqi came to power, he spared no effort to attack the Confucian family in Qufu, forcing the Shenggong of the Confucian family to lead the clan to follow Kangxi Khan to move westward.However, after the Kong family is a saint after all, it still has a huge influence in China. Zhu and Qi dare not destroy the Kong family, and the Kong family still has a lot of wealth hidden under the table that has not been confiscated by Emperor Zhu...so Emperor Zhu also He is unwilling to be an enemy of the Kong family forever, and Zhu Heqi does not want the maritime merchants in Chaozhou and southern Fujian to dominate.

So last year, when Empress Dowager Kong went to the Ming Dynasty to meet Emperor Zhu, she received the grandest reception! "

It is indeed the grandest!Even if Louis XIV visited Daming in person, he would not be treated like that...

Of course, Longkodo will not elaborate on how to be "grand"... Now it is a formal diplomatic activity, and no nasty jokes are allowed.But he knew it without telling Louis, because Mary Anne had already written to tell her about it.

Louis was still pondering, how good-looking is this Empress Dowager Kong?How can there be such treatment?Now I finally understand that this is not a question of appearance, but a question of family background.

Although Zhu Hechi ruled an incomparably powerful super empire, there was no need to make too many enemies...especially against a powerful and hard-to-destroy thousand-year-old family.

Perhaps it is impossible for this family to be an enemy of a hero like Zhu Heqi, but Zhu Heqi cannot live forever.The Ming Empire will inevitably be controlled by mediocre or even fatuous kings in the future.

Therefore, it is understandable that Zhu Heqi solemnly received the head of the Confucian family who came from afar in order to seek reconciliation.If it were Louis XIV himself, he would not have been hostile to the people of the "Jesus family".

Seeing that Louis XIV seemed to believe his own lies, Longkodo continued to be a lobbyist for the Queen Mother Kong. He said to Louis XIV: "Great Emperor, the Kong family did not go to Central Asia empty-handed. The previous generation Kong Shenggong fled to Central Asia with the huge wealth accumulated by the Kong family for thousands of years... The reason why Kangxi Khan was able to regroup so quickly was because of the funding from the Kong family. And the investment of the Kong family has now been obtained With generous returns, the Empress Dowager Kong can also freely mobilize the funds secretly stored in the territory of the Ming Dynasty after obtaining the understanding of the Emperor of Ming Dynasty. Now the Kong family needs to find a way out for the huge funds they have! This is an astronomical wealth Ah, possibly as much as a billion silver rupees!"

"One billion silver rupees? That's a lot of money!"

"As expected of a 1000-year-old family!"

"Even the Medici family can't compare..."

"Too rich!"

Louis XIV and his ministers couldn't help exclaiming when they heard that the Kong family was so rich.

Hearing everyone's admiration, Longkodo knew that the errand assigned by the Queen Mother Kong seemed to be able to be completed, so he hit the rails while it was hot: "My lord, I don't think you will reject the Kong family's investment in Frank?"

"Of course not!" Emperor Louis was overjoyed, he was a big benefactor with one billion silver rupees!

Under the leadership of Louis the Great, the Frankish Empire was very powerful militarily, but this kind of strength did not come without a price...power costs money, and it is very expensive!

In order to support an army of up to 50 million people, Louis had to raise taxes and borrow money at the same time... But the Frankish Empire had neither gold-rich colonies, nor the developed capitalist industry and commerce like the Netherlands and England.Although he has a powerful army, the land he has acquired over the years has not made much money - a bunch of thorny nobles in Poland and Lithuania refused to pay taxes at all, and a bunch of vassal states on the land of Germany are also various He refused to pay taxes, and most of the German land directly under Louis was looted by the Ottoman Empire, and it would not be able to recover within three to fifty years.So the pressure to raise taxes falls on the French.

The high taxation in France led to a large outflow of capital, which made the economy of France even more depressed, and the market interest rate rose accordingly.This made Louis XIV, who wanted to live without money, feel very painful-the interest rate is too high, and he can't afford to borrow it!

Now I heard that there is a billionaire who is mainly investing in the Frankish Empire, can he not be happy?

Regardless of whether you open a bank or buy land, it is beneficial to Louis.

If you set up a bank, Louis will have another way to borrow money.If you buy land, you will leave a large amount of silver rupees in Frank, and it is impossible to take the land away...Louis XIV can still collect taxes!

Thinking of this, Emperor Louis smiled and said to Longkodo: "Mr. Ambassador, please tell Queen Mother Kong that our Frankish Empire will definitely guarantee the safety of her investment in the Empire."

Emperor Louis the Great thought for a while and added another preferential condition. He said, "Moreover, I will also approve Confucianism of the Confucian family to open schools in the Frankish Empire!"

The matter of Confucianism running a school in Europe had already been proposed as early as the time of the previous generation Kong Yuqi—Christianity was not allowed in India and Central Asia, and Europe should also be equally open.

But the Holy See didn't want others to compete with them, so it used the excuse that the Confucianism of the Ming Dynasty was a monopoly, and didn't allow Confucianism to come to Europe to set up schools.

Now, in order to please Kong Dajin, Louis XIV did not discuss with the Pope, and took the interests of the Holy See as favors.

Longkodo smiled and said, "That's great. Xian Shenggong has always wanted to establish the Confucian school in Europe, and now he has finally fulfilled his last wish!"


Black Sea North Shore, Black Petersburg.

When Peter I's dearest sister, Sofia, took her grandson Honghao, through the Mongolian Ocean, the Gulf of Aden, the Red Sea and the territory of the Ottoman Empire, when they arrived at the southern capital of Rakshasa, it was in full swing.

Unlike the arduous construction of Petersburg in history, the construction of Black Petersburg went much smoother.This is because the environment of Petersburg leading to the Baltic Sea is much harsher than that of Black Petersburg on the north bank of the Black River.There are as many as five or six months of ice a year, and the area on both sides of the Neva River used to build Petersburg is a swampy area, with few trees in the surrounding area, either puddles or stones.It is really difficult to build cities and ports in such places!That is to say, Peter the Great, a ruthless man who can ignore the life and death of ordinary people in order to achieve his goal, can complete this impossible task.

According to later statistics, during the years when Petersburg was built, as many as 20 Raksha serfs died of illness and exhaustion on the construction site... so many people died, it was enough for Peter the Great to fight a war.

However, Petersburg, which was built at such a high price, did not even enter the top three in the Soviet Union in terms of throughput during the Soviet period.And Odessa (in the same position as Black Petersburg) is the absolute number one, which shows the superior location of Black Petersburg!

Such a superior location naturally began to develop long ago.Unlike the barrenness along the Neva River, the Black Petersburg had a port as early as the ancient Greek era, and before Peter I occupied this place, the Tatars and Turks had established port cities here.

Because there are ready-made ports and cities that can be used, and the surrounding area is fertile and relatively warm black soil, which can provide sufficient food, and the Dnieper River, the fourth largest river in Europe, can be used to transport labor and materials.Therefore, the construction cost of Black Petersburg is much lower than that of Petersburg in history, and the business prospects are better. Naturally, it is easier to attract investors... Before the construction of Black Petersburg started, Freemasons and Kangxi Khan, the two big benefactors.With such good conditions, and the blessing of the benefactor, and Peter I, an impatient tsar eager to change the poverty and backwardness of Rakshasa, plus there is no need to stop work here in winter, the construction speed of Black Petersburg is of course as fast as flying. Quickly.

Riding in a luxuriously decorated four-wheeled carriage, driving on a wide road that has just been built, looking through the French glass windows at the tall Western European-style buildings rising from the ground on both sides of the road, and turning around to see Look at Peter I, who is completely westernized in dress.Frowning slightly: "Peter, you look a lot like a Frenchman!"

"Sister, I have already decided that Rakshasa should learn from Frank," Peter replied, "and I will definitely become Rakshasa's King Louis the Great!"

The original object of worship of Peter I was actually his brother-in-law Kangxi Khan and Zhu Hechi who defeated Kangxi Khan.However, the drastic changes in Mongolia after the death of Kangxi Khan made Peter I realize that the system of Mongolia was completely unsuitable for Rakshasa... and the national conditions of Ming Dynasty were too different from Rakshasa, and it was even less of a reference value.

Peter explained: "Great Mongolia is 300 million Mongols, and the Turkic race oppresses 8000 to [-] million Indians... I don't have so many Indians to exploit. As for Ming Dynasty, it is a country on the top of a mountain. Rakshasa and it It is too poor in comparison. Moreover, Rakshasa is too big, too chaotic, and too complicated. Therefore, only an emperor who has absolute power like Louis can effectively rule Rakshasa and lead Rakshasa to become a country that can compete with Frank, A powerful country that is neck and neck with Ming and Mongolia.

This great emperor is me... I will march west after the first phase of the Black Petersburg project and the Suez Canal project are completed! "

Peter is Peter after all!

Whether it was Kangxi Khan or St. Philip of the Freemasonry, they failed to transform him into an enlightened oriental monarch in the end... Of course, this is also because Peter is too far away from the East, and Rakshasa can't learn that he has become a "civilized man". Lighthouse” and the Ming Dynasty of “The Country on the Hill”.After the death of Kangxi Khan, the state system of the Great Mongol Kingdom has become a co-rule of all banners and aristocratic democracy.This is a political form that everyone who wants to be a great emperor hates, and Peter is of course no exception.

So after going around for a while, Peter still led his Rakshasa "all the way west", but the route to the west was not the same as in history. Instead of going to the Baltic Sea, he had to go to the Black Sea and the Danube!

Chapter 966 Anti-French Alliance!

"Sister, look, this is the main development direction of the Rakshasa Empire in the future!"

In the extremely luxurious Sofia Palace outside the city of Black Petersburg, near the Black Sea, Peter I has excitedly spread out a map of Europe published by Dabao Bookstore, and then pointed to the land belonging to the Principality of Wallachia, Said to Queen Sotai of Great Mongolia: "I will march to Wallachia, Moravia and Transylvania with Louis the Great! If all goes well, I will lay down half of the tiles around 1715 Lachia and the entire Moravia... At that time, our Raksha country will have access to the waterways of Central and Western Europe!"

Speaking of getting access to the waterways of Western Europe, Peter I was really looking forward to it.Obviously, like most Russians who opened their eyes to see the world, after observing the three powerful empires of Ming, Mongolia and Frank, he still chose to integrate into Europe westward... Although in the eyes of Europeans, the Raksha people It is the barbaric Asians, just like the Huns, Turks, and Mongolia, not as good as Persia and India.

"Peter," Sofia, who looked old and had lost dozens of pounds, said to her younger brother in a hoarse voice, "now you have the waterway to Western Europe... I just passed the Turkic Strait on a Venetian merchant ship Entering the Black Sea. And on the pier of Black Petersburg, dozens of merchant ships from Italy and France are moored now, and the grains transported through the Dnieper River can be transported to Italy very conveniently. So, you don’t necessarily need tiles The mouth of the Danube in Lachia. Also, once you go to war with the Ottoman Empire, the Turkic Strait will be closed."

Peter shook his head and said, "Sister, because the Turkic Strait can be closed at any time, I need to seize the Danube estuary in Wallachia... At that time, we will build a new port city there as the Raksha State. A stronghold that continues to develop westward!"

"But the war may last for several years. What about the exports of Black Petersburg during this period? Do we want to let all the grain in Ukraine rot in the ground?" Sofia is still a little worried-she is now the big gold of Black Petersburg Lord, all the properties that Kangxi bought in Black Petersburg and its surrounding areas were given to her and Hong Hao.

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