He has been with the Catholic Church for so many years, and he can't even be a bishop. Is this fair?It's not fair!

It's better to change to a bright master. In the future, he will either be a bachelor or an archbishop... Isn't it good?

Thinking of this, Luo Wenzao immediately bowed to Zhu Heqi, and said loudly: "My minister, Luo Wenzao, is willing to follow the son of the world to fight against the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty, and restore the Central Plains!"

Chapter 129

"My lord, St. Paul's Cathedral is here!"

When Luo Wenzao's voice sounded, the long-legged horse under Zhu Heqi's crotch had "automatically stopped" and stood in front of the steps outside St. Paul's Cathedral.Not to mention, this big ocean horse is quite "intelligent", and it looks like a good horse at first glance!

Zhu Hechi raised his head and looked up. Isn't this the "Ruins of St. Paul's"?No, not an "archway", but a full version of the cathedral.The iconic Ruins of St. Paul's in Macau turned out to be the face of St. Paul's Cathedral after it was burned down.

"Not bad, not bad, very stylish!"

Zhu Hexi looked at the front of the cathedral in front of him, then got off his horse and stood under the steps of the cathedral.

A group of "Original Confucian warriors" who wore "Confucius uniforms" like him and rode the recently captured Lusitano ocean horse also dismounted one after another and gathered behind him.Qiu Rong, Lin Ahu, Guo Youde and others were also among them, all with their heads held high.

Zhu Heqi looked back at this group of "Confucian scholars" who were holding a sword truth in their hands, a grenade hammer truth in their waists, and bearded per capita, who looked fierce and good at convincing others with reason, and laughed. A few times, then turned around and said to "Old Red Riding Hood" Luo Wenzao: "Bishop Luo, lead the way ahead, the lonely family wants to go into the cathedral."

"As ordered."

Luo Wenzao bowed, and then led a group of "Little Red Riding Hoods" up the steps towards the lofty cathedral.

The main entrance of the cathedral was full of people, men and women in gorgeous clothes. In front of these men and women, there were many boxes with their lids opened, and inside the boxes were good things that shone with golden light...

When Zhu Hechi and Qiu Rong walked to the gate of the cathedral, a man and a woman in western clothes came to him, and then they both knelt down on one knee.The man among them is a Portuguese white man, about 50 years old, well maintained, and it can be seen that he was very handsome when he was young.The woman is an oriental, and she is also old, but she can still see that she used to be a beauty.

When Zhu Heqi was wondering who these two people were, Qiu Rong who was with him suddenly came up and said to Zhu Heqi: "My lord, these two are Beijunma and Dajunzhu of the Yanping Palace. It's my own, my own!"

Bershire horse and princess?

Zhu Heqi was stunned for a moment, and asked, "Are they... the daughter and uncle of the old King Yanping?"

The "Old Yanping King" he mentioned refers to Zheng Chenggong. Although Zheng Chenggong died for many years, he did not pursue his posthumous posthumous title.

"No, no," Qiu Rong shook his head, "How could it be the daughter and uncle of the former king? The former king was going to live, and now he is only in his fifties. How could he have such a big daughter?"

Zhu Hexi understood now, "Oh, they are Zheng Zhilong's daughter and son-in-law!"

"Yes, yes." Qiu Rong said, "They are...the daughter and son-in-law of Mr. Zheng."

Zheng Chenggong has no posthumous title, so it is inconvenient to call him.And Zheng Zhilong is even more difficult to call... He treasoned and turned to the enemy and became a traitor, but Qiu Rong is a retainer of the Zheng family after all, and Zheng Zhilong cannot be called "old thief" or "Zheng Ni".It's not easy to use the honorific title in front of Zhu Heqi, he's just an "old man".

Zhu Hechi nodded, smiled and said to the two kneeling in front of them, "Get up and talk...can you speak Chinese?"


"know a bit."

Zheng Zhilong's daughter and son-in-law were relieved to see Zhu and Chi's friendly attitude, and stood up.

They were representatives elected by the great merchants hiding in the fortress of St. Paul.At this time, Macau became an international small city because of the ban on the Qinghai Sea. Many foreign businessmen engaged in smuggling trade settled in Macau... Although they may not be the only home, they all regard Macau as a very important place. important residence.

But this time, Zhu Heqi was very unscrupulous about martial arts and carried out a sneak attack, so a large group of rich people did not have time to escape, and they all became prisoners.

Just after Luo Wenzao, the acting bishop, announced that he would surrender to save his life, all the rich prisoners felt that they needed to use money and beauty to buy Zhu Heqi, the "third grandson of the robber".

Then they found Zheng Zhilong's daughter and son-in-law, who had a somewhat oblique relationship with the "Third Grandson of Robbers", to be their representatives... These rich guys are very good at bribery, of course they know that there is no way out, only rich and beautiful women, It may not be possible to send it out!

"My son-in-law," Qiu Rong and Zheng Zhilong's daughter and son-in-law obviously knew each other, and they immediately introduced to Zhu Heqi, "Mr. Rodriguez, the daughter of Mr. Zheng, is the first sister of the former king, her Western name is Usola, and her Chinese name is..."

This woman is actually Zheng Zhilong's prostitute daughter, who was born to Zheng Chenggong and Tagawa Qizaemon.

"Master, the slave's name is Yulan... Michelle, come here." Zheng Zhilong's daughter has also seen the world. At this time, she came to introduce herself in a leisurely manner, and then waved and called Here comes a mixed-race chick with big eyes, fair skin, high nose bridge, small red lips, and a slightly tall figure.

The mixed-race chick, like Zheng Yulan, is wearing a silk western dress, and reveals a piece of white and delicate skin under the long neck... Oh, and her chest is still bulging. She is more predictable than her mother at such a young age. She is indeed a mixed race Beauty!

"This is the little girl, Michelle Monica, whose Chinese name is Jiaxin."

The mixed-race little beauty glanced at the bearded man in the "Confucius suit" in front of her. The smile that was already a little stiff on her face suddenly collapsed, and her pair of big eyes also became "foggy", and she burst into tears.

Although she looked like she was about to cry, she still tried her best to hold back, and even lifted her skirt and curtseyed to Zhu Hexi: "Little girl, Bei Jiaxin, respectfully invite the eldest son, Jin An..."

At this time, Bei Luo, the little beauty's father, finally opened his mouth, and said to Zhu Hechi in not-so-fluent Chinese: "Master, my little girl is still pretty, and I am willing to dedicate her to you..."

Zhu Heqi was taken aback when he heard this. The foreign devil spoke too directly, too openly, right?Didn't you see that my son is pretending to be a former Confucian saint?

Bei Luo saw that Zhu and Qi were frozen there without speaking, and thought he wanted more, so he pointed to the shiny golden boxes on the steps and said with a smile: "My lord, there are still ten boxes of gold and silver treasures here. , is a gift from the top ten families of Macau to you."

It's beauty, and money...Zhu Hechi thought to himself: "You profiteers from Macau want to use these things to corrupt me, a sage who has the world in his heart? Don't even think about it!"

"Huh!" Zhu Heqi's face has already become serious, and his tone is extremely serious, "The lonely family is here to revive the Ming Dynasty and revive the original Confucianism! They are here to save the common people in the world, not for the wealth and women!"

What?don't want?

Both Bei Luo and Zheng Yulan were shocked, but the little half-race beauty showed a charming smile... It would be great if the fierce wolf didn't want her!

After Zhu Heqi finished speaking the righteous lies, he stopped looking at the little beauty, turned his head to Luo Wenzao who was standing aside with an expression of admiration on his face, and said, "Bishop Luo, you told me about the books of St. Paul's Theological Seminary. Hundreds of books on Western philosophy, religion, natural philosophy, geography and history?"

This Bishop Luo is Chinese and an intellectual, so of course he knows the truth of "Entering the Customs today, there is nothing to take from property and nothing to women, so his ambition is not small"... He also knows that he has to cooperate well with this man who is going to The eldest son of Han Gaozu studied.

So he replied with a smile: "My lord, these books are in the library in the cathedral."

Zhu Heqi nodded and said, "Okay, the lonely family loves reading books most in their life! Bishop Luo, lead the way."

"Of order." Luo Wenzao nodded with a smile, then made a gesture of austerity, and invited Zhu Heqi and others into the cathedral.

But Bei Luo, Zheng Yulan and his wife, who had a bad nose, looked at the backs of Zhu Heqi and the others, and they all sighed.However, their mixed-race girl looked into the church with big eyes and a long neck—the big bad wolf son didn't like beautiful women with money, but liked to read... What a coincidence, the little mixed-race girl also likes to read, this is We have a common hobby!

At this moment, Zheng Yulan suddenly coughed, and the little half-race girl followed her in quickly.

Chapter 130 I want to learn a foreign language

Zhu Heqi really likes to read!

He was a top student in his previous life!Otherwise, how can I go to Beijing to go to university from Chaoshan?And his alma mater is still the key point of 211... When he was in college, he didn't have "985", but later his alma mater also rated "985".

Such a big academic master, but after starting his own business, he is also "high-tech", and has always needed continuous learning and improvement-if you can imitate, others will be able to prevent counterfeiting. Everyone is making continuous progress. Can you do it without learning?

Besides, Zhu Heqi has always maintained the "artisan spirit" of making products that are more authentic than genuine ones, so he has never stopped self-study after entering the industry...but now he, a "student master", can't understand so many books.

Because those books were written in Latin.Zhu Heqi's English is very good, and he can communicate with foreign buyers in English without any obstacles.After earning money by doing high imitation, he paid a high price to hire a "private teacher" to teach himself Ukrainian, but he can't speak Latin.

"It's all in Latin?" Standing in the library, looking at a shelf of Latin tomes, Zhu Heqian couldn't help frowning and asked, "No English or Russian?"


Luo Wenzao shook his head, "No...my lord, the academic works on the western side are all written in Latin, and the language of diplomacy is also in Latin."

"Oh," Zhu and Qi were not too disappointed, they smiled and said, "Okay, I'll just learn it. Who is better at Latin?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a female voice like a silver bell say: "Me! My Latin is very good, and my Chinese is also very good!"

"Really?" Zhu Heqi did not immediately agree or refuse, but asked Luo Wenzao, "Bishop Luo, how is this girl's Latin and Chinese?"

Luo Wenzao thought about it seriously, and then replied: "My lord, Miss Bei's Latin and Chinese proficiency are both very high, and there is no one who is more proficient in Latin than her in the whole of Macau. With her Chinese, it is enough to take on the responsibility. Your Latin teacher."

What I said... a group of "old red hats" around are blushing!It is possible to say that their Chinese is not as good as Bei Jiaxin, but how could their Latin be worse than this little girl?

They all learned Latin in Portugal, Spain, and Yidali when they were young. Wouldn't it be better than a little girl of mixed race in Macau?

And no matter how good Bei Jiaxin's Chinese is, it's impossible to surpass Luo Wenzao!Luo Wenzao was previously a professor of Chinese at St. Paul's Theological Seminary. He is not only proficient in Chinese, but also proficient in Confucian classics such as the Four Books and Five Classics. He is also responsible for translating Latin religious books into Chinese.

How does Bei Jiaxin compare with the level of such a great translator?

However, based on Zhu Hechi’s experience in learning Ukrainian in his previous life, a lovely young lady is indeed more efficient than a gray-bearded grandfather when teaching foreign languages, and can stimulate students’ interest in learning.

Anyway, the time it took him to master Ukrainian was much faster than learning English!

Out of love for learning, Zhu and Qi immediately made the right choice between Luo Wenzao and Bei Jiaxin.

"Miss Bei," Zhu Heqi said with a smile, "then you will be the tutor of a lonely family!"

Tutor... or the kind that lives at home!

"Okay!" Bei Jiaxin, who looked innocent, nodded and smiled, "It's just a tutor!"

"Of course, it's just a tutor!" Zhu Heqi agreed, but thought in his heart: "Da Boling can also be my tutor? I don't know if she can accept me to hire a new tutor? Turn around I have to explain it to her... Sister Ling is so reasonable, she will definitely understand me."

Thinking of this, Zhu Heqi smiled and said to Luo Wenzao: "Bishop Luo, I think you know who is the real master of Macau now?"

As soon as Zhu Heqi's words came out, the atmosphere in the library of St. Paul's Cathedral suddenly became tense.

He now claims to be the "true master of Macau", of course...it is true!Macau was not originally the land of the Kingdom of Portugal, but was forcibly occupied by the Portuguese colonists with the cheek and black heart.

As the legal heirs of the imperial power of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Heqi certainly had the right to take back the land occupied by the Kingdom of Portugal.Moreover, he has now successfully recovered Macau, and defeated the Portuguese defenders. Governor Rotoni and Bishop Sanpaolo fled without even having the courage to fight the final battle.

In Western terms, Zhu and Qi have already won the "divine judgment" against Portugal - the outcome of the war represents the divine will!

Therefore, Zhu Heqi's power over Macau is both legal and divine, and it is indisputable!

However, Zhu Heqi now particularly emphasizes his indisputable power over Macau, that is, to place the Portuguese colonists in Macau, including soldiers, businessmen, Catholic clergy, etc., as "illegal entrants" and "illegal occupants". " position.

Because the rights of these people are attached to the status of the Kingdom of Portugal in Macau... If the status of the Kingdom of Portugal in Macau is illegal and not in line with God's will, then everything they have now is naturally "illegal" and should be confiscated!

Holding the hilt of the sword, Zhu Hexi stared at the foreign devils, half-foreign devils, and fake foreign devils in the library—they were all prominent figures in Macau. Except for Bei Jiaxin, everyone seemed to be suffering from depression.

Zhu Hechi thought to himself: "They probably thought that the lonely family would expel them? It's a beautiful idea! If all you profiteers run away, who will the lonely family exploit? This is not the end of the Ming Dynasty. After the Ming and Qing wars and the coastal relocation , the Han Chinese maritime merchants have been seriously injured, and even the Zheng family in Taiwan can't produce many merchant ships..."

But Zhu Heqi will not reveal his cards right now!

So now he is still a former Confucian scholar-bureaucrat who is conservative and stubborn in his thinking and does not need Western tricks!

Thinking of this, Zhu Heqi said in a serious tone: "Although Macau is not occupied by you, you live here illegally, engage in trade that is worthless to our Chinese kingdom, and spread Catholicism that does not conform to Chinese etiquette..."

"My lord," Bei Luo, who had just given his daughter to Zhu Heqi as a tutor, thought he had some right to speak, and took advantage of the moment when Zhu Dashi's voice paused, he interjected, "Trade is by no means worthless. Yes, it can at least bring you the most advanced Western firearms, which will be of great help to your cause of fighting against the Qing Dynasty and restoring the Ming Dynasty!"

When Luo Wenzao saw that Bello had spoken, he quickly followed up: "My lord, the teaching of God to persuade people to be kind and to teach people to be polite is very consistent with the way of Confucius and Mencius in China. Even the late Emperor Weimiao greatly appreciated it."

Zhu Hechi sneered: "I have the thunder method passed down by Zhuge Wuhou in China, which is not available in Western countries, and its power is several times stronger than Western firearms. Why do I need Western firearms for my lonely family?

As for the religion of God, since it is consistent with the way of Confucius and Mencius, then it is enough for China to have the way of Confucius and Mencius, why do we need Christ Jesus?Besides, my way of Confucius and Mencius has no inheritance in Western countries where Catholicism is the state religion!I can't go, why did he come?If he doesn't tolerate me, how can I tolerate him? "

Is this going to close the country and ban Catholicism?

Both Luo Wenzao and Bello turned pale. Just now they saw that Zhu Heqi was very interested in Latin books and Bei Jiaxin, and they thought he was an "enlightened" oriental feudal monarch.Only now did I realize that this guy was a real "Original Confucian Warrior", a primitive Confucian who wanted to defend the Confucian orthodoxy with a sword and a grenade hammer!

Zhu Hechi said again in a low voice: "All the parents and heirs of Portuguese and mixed-race Portuguese families in Macau must stay in St. Paul's Cathedral as hostages until the former Confucian University Scholars Conference makes a decision!

All other Portuguese, mixed Portuguese and their wives, concubines and servants must leave the fortress before tonight.Without the approval of the Prince's Palace, you are not allowed to enter St. Paul's Castle!

All the Catholic clergy are concentrated in St. Paul's Theological Seminary, waiting for the decision of the former Confucian University Scholars Conference! "

Having said that, he paused, then turned his gaze to the pale-faced Luo Wenzao and Bello, "Bishop Luo, Bello, I now appoint you two as the elders of Portuguese and mixed-race Portuguese in Macau to manage their civil affairs and Religious affairs. You and your family members are free to move around Macau, but you are not allowed to leave Macau.”

Luo Wenzao and Bello looked at each other, and then bowed to Zhu Heqi together, "I am willing to help you."

Zhu Heqi was expressionless, and didn't say anything more to them, but nodded to Bei Jiaxin, and said, "Teacher, do you know how to get to the Governor's Mansion?"

"I know..." Bei Jiaxin replied timidly.

Zhu Heqi said to Qiu Rong and Lin Ahu who followed him into the city: "Brother Rong, your people guard the outer city! Ah Hu, you are in charge of the defense of the inner city of the fort.

In addition, search carefully. No Portuguese, mixed-race Portuguese and their slaves, wives and concubines are allowed to hide weapons. Anyone who violates the law will be shot! "

The third volume Zhu Sanman is invincible!

Chapter 131 Is the Third Grandson of Zhu a Miraculous Doctor?

In the 26th year of the Yongli calendar of the Ming Dynasty, at the beginning of March.

Macau, as well as the neighboring border gates and former cottages, have been firmly controlled by Zhu Heqi!

Shang Kexi originally set up a full battalion of troops in the former cottage near the gate, but in order to send troops to Jieyang, the soldiers and horses in the former cottage were evacuated, and there were only less than a hundred people left, who could not resist Lin The offensive of the Jinyi pro-army led by Ah Hu.

After Lin Ahu took over the former cottage, the land passage from Xiangshan County to Macau Island and the border gate was completely blocked.

So Zhu Heqi can settle down to sort out the government affairs of Macau and the Jinyi pro-army stationed in Macau.

Macau's government affairs are very complicated, and it should neither be too indulgent nor too stuck.Too much indulgence is prone to trouble... The foreign businessmen and Catholic groups in Macau are very powerful.Among them, the foreign businessmen held the citizens' meeting in their hands, and they had been co-governing Macau with the Governor of Macau who represented the Portuguese kingship.

There are even more Catholic groups. In addition to a religious college, a cathedral, and a main church, there are as many as a dozen religious orders that have also set up branches or offices in Macau.

It is no exaggeration to say that Macau is not only a country of merchants, but also a city of religion.

And today's Zhu Heqi needs to maintain the openness and prosperity of Macau... He also needs to trade with European colonists on an equal footing.

His perfume, sugar, rum, ironware from Foshan, and porcelain from Chaozhou all needed to be exported through the channels of Western merchants.

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