Martial arts are of course high!

Shang Zhixiao finally felt relieved, nodded and said: "Okay, I will wait for your victory!"


Wu Sanwei responded, and then shouted to the left and right: "Come here, carry a certain family's Zhangba Snake Spear!"

Several soldiers immediately pretended to carry the spear for him—in fact, the spear was not too heavy, and even a small soldier could swing it with one hand.

But the spectrum of Wu Zhuangyuan still needs to be displayed.

I saw Wu Sanwei first took a lightning rod helmet from a close relative, put it on his head, then picked up the Zhangba Snake Spear and shouted: "Boys, get off your horses and get shotguns... to clear the way ahead! "

The [-] or [-] soldiers who followed Wu Sanwei from Jiangxi to Guangdong to take up the post all responded loudly with "嗻", and then most of them got off their horses, each holding shotguns, and formed a square formation of five or six rows in front of General Wu, Lighted the fire rope again, and finally swaggered towards Xiushui Bridge.

And Wu Sanwei, who is number one in martial arts in the world, rode his big black horse and carefully followed behind his musketeers.There are also two knights from the same race as him, guarding him on the left and right, and advancing quickly... Judging by his posture, he is going to shoot the third prince Zhu who looks like Guan Gong first, and then fight the dead third prince !

This style of play is really invincible in the world!

And Zhu, the king of heaven on the Xiushui Bridge, was relieved to see that the Qing army under the bridge had finally sent someone to fight him... Finally, he didn't have to bask in the sun on this big wooden bridge without even a penis!

What a trick!Putting a large living person under the sun to expose it to the sun... almost getting dizzy!

Ah, of course the clever trick handed down by Zhuge Liang is wonderful.But Zhuge Liang, who knows astronomy and geography, has probably never been to Guangdong. He didn’t know that Guangdong’s heat can really make people faint. That’s why he passed down this clever trick of letting people bask in the sun to lure the enemy. .

Fortunately, Tianwang Zhu has been in Guangdong for more than 20 years, and he is used to the heat. Otherwise, he would be so hot that he would fall off his horse when he was luring the enemy, and the fun would be great.

Knowing that the trick was about to succeed, the king of heaven, Zhu, stopped pretending to be Guan Gong at this time. He quickly took out a wine gourd, bit the cork with his mouth, and gulped himself a big gulp of Chaozhou Daming spring wine mixed with water.

After replenishing his body with some water and alcohol, Heavenly King Zhu regained his energy. Then he fixed his eyes on the Xiushui Bridge, and saw the black-faced Wu Sanwei holding a Zhangba Snake Spear.

This guy looks a bit like Zhang Fei!Heavenly King Zhu single-handed Qinglong Yanyue Knife, pointed it under the bridge, and shouted: "The black-faced demon under the bridge listened, how dare you come up to the bridge and fight this king for three hundred rounds?"

The name "Qingyao" was called by Zhu and Qi. Everyone didn't know what it meant, but they just thought it was easy to say, so they called it together.

But Wu Sanwei was not happy to hear that, he is such a big champion in martial arts, why did he become a black-faced demon?

But he is not stupid, he will not rush to the bridge by himself after being provoked by the king of heaven Zhu... Who knows what traps are on the bridge?It is safer to shoot Tian Wang Zhu with a shotgun after getting closer.

Thinking of this, Wu Sanwei yelled and said: "Boldly rebel against the thief, listen, a certain family is Wu Sanwei from Yan, if you have the guts, go to the bridge and fight!"

He just said it, you can't lose the battle of words!In fact, he didn't expect Tianwang Zhu to agree.But Tianwang Zhu's answer was far beyond his expectation.

"Okay! Get off the bridge and get off the bridge!" Heavenly King Zhu actually agreed, and then turned around and got off the Xiushui Bridge.

But instead of going down to the west bank of Xiushui Bridge, I got off the bridge from the other end and reached the east bank of the bridge.Now the distance between him and Wu Sanwei is even further, one is on the east bank of Xiushui Creek, the other is on the west bank of Xiushui Creek, separated by dozens of steps, and covered by an arch bridge, it is almost impossible to see.But this did not prevent the Heavenly King Zhu Xia from yelling: "Black-faced Qingyao, where are you? Why don't you come to fight? Are you afraid of the lonely family? Wow..."

What is the situation?Wu Sanwei was stunned, luring the enemy to go deeper?Or are you playing "empty city tricks"?

Wu Sanwei rode his horse to the river, stood up in the stirrups, stretched his neck, and observed for a while.

On the other side of the river was a large piece of abandoned farmland. Although the weeds in the field were quite tall, Wu Sanwei didn't find any ambushes after looking for a long time.In a further place, there was a forest. The soldiers may have been ambushed in the forest, but the forest is far away from the Xiushui Bridge.Even if there is an ambush in the forest, it is difficult to attack in time and form a formation.

After thinking for a while, Wu Sanwei still felt that he should take a risk - because the terrain of Xiushui Creek was a bit dangerous, the water surface was more than ten paces wide, and it was quite deep, so it was impossible to ford.

And the bridge that is still passable on the Xiushui River is the Xiushui Bridge in front of you.If the Xiushui Bridge cannot be taken down, then the gratifying army does not know when it will arrive at Jieyang City.

Thinking of this, Wu Sanwei finally made up his mind, and shouted to the soldiers standing in front of him holding shotguns: "Brothers, go to the bridge and form formation... I will be there soon!"


The [-] or [-] Qing soldiers carrying shotguns responded, and carefully boarded the wooden bridge with shotguns lit with matchlocks. Then they formed a "three-stage strike" formation on the bridge and set up the shotguns. , ready to fight.

Then nothing happened, the Third Prince Zhu who looked like Guan Gong even took the initiative to retreat dozens of steps, and retreated into a piece of wild grass.

Chapter 139 The Third Prince Drinks the Xiushui Bridge!

Cautiously Sai Zhang Fei immediately saw that Guan Gong seemed to be counseled, so he also counseled—the high imitation Guan Gong was counseled, how could the counterfeit Zhang Fei not counsel?

Although he looks like a fierce Zhang Fei, in fact, he is not courageous, even a little cowardly... The number one in the martial arts examination is not courageous, high martial arts, great strength, and proficiency in bow and horse will do.

This skill is not necessarily bold!

So Sai Zhang Fei didn't dare to go there, but returned to the brigade flattered, and went to ask Shang Zhixiao for reinforcements.

"Reinforcement?" Shang Zhixiao couldn't help crying after hearing Sai Zhang Fei's request, "The third prince Zhu is alone, you have 30 to [-] people, and [-] to [-] shotguns, why can't you beat him? You are still a martial artist. How about the champion! How did you get in?"

The martial arts of the martial arts champion should be the best in the world!

And you are also known as Sai Zhangfei, so you stand up with a snake spear, kill the Xiushui Bridge, and pick the third prince who looks like Guan Gong and Zhu with a spear, and it's over soon?

When Sai Zhangfei was told by Shang Zhixiao, he blushed a little, he hesitated and couldn't speak... He was not only cowardly, but also a little thin-skinned.This champion of martial arts is not shameless!

Seeing Zhang Fei's cowardice, Shang Zhixiao didn't get angry, just about to scold this "counsel Zhang Fei", Jin Guang, the military adviser beside him, coughed.

Hearing that Mr. Jin coughed, Shang Zhixiao knew that he was a bit too much... To beat a dog depends on the owner, let alone the champion?

No matter how bad the family is, Emperor Kangxi sent him to Guangdong to send Mi Sihan, the imperial envoy.Although Mi Sihan didn't think much of him, it didn't mean that Shang Zhixiao could bully him.

If Mi Sihan handed over a secret letter to the emperor because of this, then Shang Zhixiao's dream of being a heir would be shattered into pieces.

So Shang Zhixiao stopped scolding Sai Zhang Fei, and instead asked Jin Guang, "Mr. Jin, what do you think?"

Just now, when Sai Zhangfei led the people to seize the bridge, Jin Guang had been observing with a binoculars, and he also saw something.

"Second Prince, the Third Prince Zhu is probably using Zhang Fei's plan to break the Dangyang Bridge...Look at the terrain, the Xiushui River is quite wide and deep, and there seems to be no boats on the river, only a large wooden bridge can pass There is a forest on the other side of the river for ambush. This terrain is very similar to Changbanpo and Dangyang Bridge.

Also, pay attention, is there smoke and dust rising behind the forest?Someone must have been running back and forth dragging branches, pretending to be an ambush. "

"Pretend to ambush?" Shang Zhixiao asked, "So there is no ambush? Playing an empty city strategy again? No... this empty city strategy now also has ambushes."

"Mr. Jin," Sai Zhangfei interjected at this moment, "When Zhang Fei was at Dangyang Bridge, he really had no soldiers at hand!"

He has also read "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", he is a cultured martial arts champion!

Ke Shangzhi Xiao and Jin Guang frowned when they heard this - Zhang Fei's surname is Wu not Zhang, and you are not a descendant of Zhang Fei, and it is impossible for you to have the ancestral "Zhang Yide Art of War" in your family. How do you know? Did Zhang Fei have no soldiers when he resisted Cao Cao at Dangyang Bridge in Changbanpo?

Thinking of this, Jin Guang nodded with a smile, "Wu Zhuangyuan is really familiar with military books, and the tricks of the third prince Zhu can't fool you. How about it... you take 1000 elite soldiers from the headquarters and cross the bridge to form an array.

If the Third Prince Zhu retreats into the woods, don't chase him.As long as we stand firm on the Xiushui Bridge and ensure that the prince's army reaches the west of Jieyang County safely, that would be a great achievement. "

After saying this, Jin Guang looked back at Shang Zhixiao.Shang Zhixiao smiled, and said to Wu Sanwei: "Wu Xietai, just follow what the military adviser said... But you still have to be careful, don't underestimate the enemy and rush into it. Just line up under the wooden bridge, no matter what Zhu San does You can't be fooled even if you lure the enemy."

Now Wu Zhuangyuan had nothing to say, so he had to say "嗻" loudly, and then went to dispatch troops and generals.


When Wu Sanwei finally mobilized a thousand elite soldiers from his headquarters and began to cross the big wooden bridge cautiously, Zhu Tianwang, who pretended to be Guan Gong, had already finished drinking the watered Mingchun wine that he carried with him, leaving only dry mouth and tongue. Sweating profusely.

The weather in March of the lunar calendar in Guangdong is going to be hot, it's really choking!

Just when Zhu Tianwang was dying of heat, he was about to go to the forest to look for Zhao Zhongyi to quench his thirst.A group of Qing troops on the other side of the wooden bridge finally lined up neatly against the sun amidst the sound of drums and horns, and walked onto the wooden bridge under the leadership of the black-faced demon.

And the twenty or thirty shotgun soldiers who had lined up on the wooden bridge before started to walk down the bridge with shotguns after the black-faced clear demon got on the bridge.

Zhu Tianwang saw those shotgun soldiers getting off the bridge from a distance, he hurriedly turned his horse around, and backed up another ten or twenty steps—he couldn't get too close to them, or he would be killed as soon as the shotgun greeted them.Although the green Confucius suit on Tian Wang Zhu's body is still wearing a chain mail that has been scorched by the sun, but this chain mail cannot hold your shotgun, and Tian Wang Zhu's head and face are still exposed!

After retreating to an absolutely safe distance, Heavenly King Zhu took out a trumpet made of cowhide and held it in his hand. He squinted Danfeng and watched the Qing soldiers of the brigade go up and down the bridge. When he found that the black-faced Qing demon was about to go down When I was on the bridge, my phoenix eyes suddenly opened wide, and my face turned red again, looking murderous.He raised the cowhide horn to his mouth, took a deep breath, and shouted, "The bridge is broken! The bridge is broken... Wow, the bridge is going to break!"

What does it mean?

Wu Sanwei was confused, is this a curse?This Xiushui bridge is so strong, can it be broken with a curse?

no!I have to go over quickly... A gentleman does not stand on a dangerous bridge!

Thinking of this, Wu Sanwei immediately accelerated his horse, drove the horse, and trotted all the way down Xiushui Bridge.

The Green Battalion soldiers following him saw the boss flying off the bridge, wondering what happened?They all jogged to keep up, and in a blink of an eye, two to three hundred people followed Wu Sanwei down Xiushui Bridge.

And when they got off the bridge, under the bridge deck of Xiushui Bridge, there were four people lighting the matchlock of the bomb!

One of the leaders is the ancestral artilleryman Cui Liu who cut his braids and threw his cannons to beat the city towers during the last Jieyang battle... He is now a former Confucian warrior who has received the education of the world for the public, although he has not yet grown up. He has a beard, but he has already put on the "Confucius costume" and is ready to "Confucius said to achieve benevolence, and Meng said to obtain righteousness".

But the bomb he wanted was not tied to him, but to a load-bearing wooden pillar of Xiushui Bridge... The arch of Xiushui Bridge is supported by four pillars, and now all four pillars are tied A hollow-charge copper shell bomb made by Zhu Hechi himself.After igniting the medicine thread, Cui Liu could dive into the water and escape.

Seeing that the medicine thread was sparking and burning, Cui Liu took a deep breath, and then shouted: "Confucius bless you!" Holding his nose with one hand and protecting his head and face with the other, he plunged into the silky water below. brook.

Almost at the same time, the other three Jinyiwei artillerymen who had ignited also lit their matchlocks and dived to escape.

The weather is very hot now, but the water of Xiushui Creek flowing from Guiren Mountain is a bit cold. Cui Liu, who plunged into the water, was shocked by the cold water and shivered.However, he didn't care that the water was too cold, he just gritted his teeth, paddled and kicked his legs desperately, and followed the current to swim towards the Rongjiang Beixi River downstream of Xiushui River.Before he could swim far, or even stick his head out of the water to take a breath, three muffled bangs came from his ears!

He knew that at least three copper-shelled mines had already exploded... If the thunders were really as powerful as Mr. Zhu's third grandson said, then Xiushui Bridge would be broken.

"The bridge has collapsed..."

"The bridge is about to collapse!"

Wu Sanwei, who had just ridden his horse off the bridge, hadn't stabilized his horse when he heard a loud noise behind his ears.

Although I don't know what happened, I also know that it is not good.Just when he turned his head to look, someone yelled "the bridge collapsed" again... This time it was not the Third Prince Zhu who yelled, but the Qing soldiers on the bridge, and they were not yelling blindly, but Xiushui Bridge is really about to collapse.

Three of the four pillars were broken, how could it be a good thing?Wu Sanwei saw that the arched bridge deck collapsed suddenly.At this time, there were still three to four hundred people crowded on the bridge, and at least half of them fell down along with the collapsed bridge!

I wonder if these people can swim?Even if they can swim, they still wear cloth armor!Can you swim?

Just when Wu Sanwei was worrying about the Qing soldiers who fell into the water, the sound of "呯呯呯" shotguns sounded in his ears again, and at the same time, someone was shouting: "Ambush, there are people in the grass! ambush……"

Chapter 140 The third prince spares his life, Sai Zhangfei has descended!

Ambushes in the grass?

Wu Sanwei hastily turned his head to look at the wild grass in front of him, and saw a lot of ambush soldiers wearing "Confucius uniforms" suddenly appearing in the grass twenty steps away!These ambush soldiers were not gathered together to form a battle formation, but scattered into a ring, which happened to encircle the east bridgehead of Xiushui Bridge.

And their number is not large, that is, 200 people.Under normal circumstances, this kind of ambush poses no threat at all.After all, there are already five or six hundred Qing troops on the east bank of Xiushui Bridge.

But these scattered ambushes are not ordinary ambushes, each of them is holding a smoking grenade hammer!

Wu Sanwei's soldiers with shotguns seemed to have sensed that the ambush soldiers wearing "Confucius uniforms" and holding grenade hammers were not friendly, so they opened fire one after another.The projectiles fired by the shotgun instantly set three or four ambushes, but the remaining more than 100 people all threw deadly or non-lethal grenade hammers.

The reason why there are non-lethal grenade hammers is not because the hammer is misfired, but because this kind of hammer is filled with sugar medicine with different formulas, which can only smoke and cannot explode-don't look at them because they can't blow up, but they The smoke from the burn is really big!

Dozens of smoke hammers were thrown out, and the smoke came together, and the east bank of Xiushui Bridge was full of smoke for a while.

This frightened Wu Sanwei, where did so much smoke come from?It must be a witchcraft!

Demons can kill people, so you can't stay in the smoke pile!

The champion of martial arts is the champion of martial arts, and he reacted extremely quickly at critical moments. He only heard him shout "drive!" and then swung his whip to lash the big black horse under his crotch.

This black horse is a rare and good horse. Although it can't compare with the long-legged horse of Western blood that Zhu Tianwang rides, its explosive power is still quite amazing!Immediately, he spread his hooves and galloped like crazy, knocking down a few soldiers who stood in front of him.

Wu Sanwei didn't care about bumping into someone, and just covered his head and moved forward, and within a short distance, there was a thunderous bang behind him.

The grenade hammer exploded!Among the grenade hammers thrown out before, a small half were smoke hammers, and the rest were deadly explosive hammers.

Although only [-] or [-] hammers were blown up, the green battalion soldiers under Wu Sanwei were still blown up, causing heavy losses!

Wu Sanwei was fine, but he didn't dare to stop, but continued to rush forward.After rushing for a while, he found that there was no terrible smoke around him, so he calmed down for a while, and lightly pulled the rein, slowing down the horse a little, wanting to see the surrounding situation while running.

After seeing it, Wu Sanwei's heart went cold.

There was not a single Qing soldier around, and even the two strong men of the same clan who were protecting him all the time didn't know where they went?

He didn't even know what happened, he changed from a lieutenant general who commanded thousands of troops to a single-man defeated general!

"Boom boom boom..."

Another burst of thunder and roar sounded from behind Wu Sanwei, so frightened Wu Sanwei galloped on his horse, scurrying around the battlefield like a headless fly.I don't know how long it took to escape, but the roar behind me gradually disappeared.But suddenly there was a loud roar in front of him: "Hey! Where are you going, you black-faced demon!"

Hearing this sound, Wu Sanwei quickly raised his head to look forward, and saw a guy who looked like Guan Gong was riding a big horse, holding a Guan knife in his hand, blocking in the weeds in front of him.

Isn't this guy the third prince Zhu?Killing him... is a great achievement!

The martial arts champion Wu Sanwei who was a bit timid at first was forced to go all out now, so he gritted his teeth and swung the Zhangba Snake Spear at the third prince Zhu in front, screaming and driving away The horse moved forward.

The big black horse under his crotch seemed to know that his master was going to fight for his life, so he spread his hooves and sprinted with all his strength, faster and faster, and more and more fierce.

But the Third Prince Zhu, who was holding the Guan knife and posing in a very awesome pose, didn't seem to have seen Wu Sanwei, and just stood there motionless.

How is this going?Shocked?Or... a scam?

Just as Wu Sanwei thought of cheating, the war horse under his crotch stumbled for some reason!All of a sudden, he fell forward, fortunately, he didn't completely fall on him, but just threw him, the champion of martial arts, violently.

Before Wu Sanwei could figure out what happened, he fell heavily into the wild grass, and stared at him!Then he was slapped on the head by something, and the "lightning rod helmet" was slapped off.Wu Sanwei hurriedly looked up, and saw a very scary Qinglong Yanyue knife stretched out, and then pressed on his thick and short neck.

He hurriedly looked up, only to find that the owner of the Guan knife was the Third Prince Zhu who looked like Guan Gong!

At this time, Zhu Tianwang is also looking at the general who has just been captured by him... It looks very fierce!It's also a bit like Zhang Fei in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

"Hey, what's your name, a black-faced demon? I, the third prince Zhu, is an unknown general who survived the sword!"

That's a good word!

It's just that Zhu Tianwang went through countless battles from Wen'an City to Danan Mountain, and there were not a few people who were hacked to death by him, but none of them were of a higher grade, and they were all unknown.If you meet someone with slightly higher martial arts, his two strikes won't be enough.

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