The technique was the same as last time, piercing the chest with a cannon, and then opening the skull to take out the brain.

Ren Zhong angrily punched the ground.

Isn't this the same as the ghost hitting the wall encountered in a nightmare, infinite dolls?

I can't believe it!I'll change direction again!

Taking the position of the sun as the standard, he chose due east for the first time, due west for the second time, and due south this time.

Compared with the previous two times, he at least walked two or three miles more in the open grass, but in the end, he was still harvested on the spot by the whizzing aircraft.

This time, Ren Zhong used the "God's perspective of the underworld" in just a few seconds after his death to observe a little more detail.

He noted down the serial number on the side of the aircraft, 11899, and also noted down the location and route of 11899 during its patrol flight.

This number is written in Arabic numerals!

Arabic numerals!



Drilled out of the freezer again.

This time, the mission is to go all the way north.





A burst of smoke lingered, and Ren Zhong got out of the freezer again.

Last time, Ren Zhong returned to the due east direction, and before walking out of the dense forest, he used his clothes to wrap around the red fruit that fell from the sky, and ate half full first.

Poisonous or not, it doesn't matter.

Anyway, he is dead anyway, if he can eat more first and have more strength, then the hope of rushing out will be even greater.

Luckily, red fruit is non-toxic.

This time, before leaving the forest, he curled up in a bush at the edge of the forest, carefully observing the outside only through the gap in the bush.

He wanted to try and see if he could avoid the flying machine, and then slip out while it was far away.

A few minutes later, the sound of howling and breaking wind came from a distance, and the aircraft broke through the air again.

Ren Zhong, holding his breath, watched quietly.

He judged from the overwhelmed plants behind the aircraft that the aircraft was traveling in a very regular arc.

The arc keeps extending, and the straight-line distance between the aircraft and Ren Zhong keeps getting closer.

Ren Zhong's breathing became lower and lower, and he could perceive the distance between the two with his naked eyes.

He began to have new expectations.

If the aircraft follows the established route and fails to find itself when it is closest to the forest, the escape plan will be a big step forward.

Suddenly, the aircraft suddenly turned a [-]-degree angle and rushed towards the direction of Renzhong.

Ren Zhong sighed, and casually picked up a palm-sized stone from the ground.

The stone flew out in vain.

This time he didn't return empty-handed, he remembered the approximate distance between the two at the moment the aircraft changed direction, 500 meters.


Time may have passed only for a moment, or it may have passed for a long time.

Ren Zhong with a numb expression came out of the freezer again.

He didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

It is basically certain that this is definitely not a dream, because he has died 136 times.

If it is a dream, then this is the 130 seventh power of the dream, which is too much.

Time really resets to the moment of waking up with his own death, like the return of an infinitely huge Poincaré.

According to the second law of thermodynamics, microscopic particles in nature are moving randomly all the time, and the entropy in an isolated system is always in a state of eternal increase.

The universe is developing from order to disorder in an irreversible trend.As time flies, the universe is doomed to a heat death that represents the chaos of all things.

But from the point of view of probability, assuming that the particle is in a true random motion, then within an infinitely long period of time, any particle must be able to return to a position infinitely close to its initial position after an infinitely long time of random motion.

The same goes for all particles in the universe.

The probability of such a thing happening in a finite time is infinitely small.

But as long as this probability exists, it will infinitely approach [-]% within an infinite time.

One day, everything in the universe will return to a certain state that he once existed after going through an infinite and huge cycle of reincarnation.

This can be understood as turning back time in the universe.

This is where the greatest fear of human beings lies—the absolute opposite of entropy increase, Poincaré regression.

In 1895, Jules Henri Poincaré historically proved this with the theory.

In March 2018, a group of researchers at the University of Vienna successfully demonstrated the "Poincaré regression" phenomenon in a multi-particle quantum system in a paper published in Science.

Ren Zhong, who is also the author of a regular paper in Science, never believes in ghosts and gods. He will habitually try to use science to answer all his doubts.

Now, apart from the return of Poincaré, he couldn't find a second better explanation.

It should have been a good thing to understand this, but the process of realizing the truth was too painful and desperate.

Now, he has figured out the rules of the aircraft. Outside the dense forest covering an area of ​​tens of square kilometers, there are four aircraft from 11896 to 11899 patrolling at a fixed speed along a circular trajectory.

When the straight-line distance between oneself and the aircraft is within 500 meters, it will be sensed, regardless of whether the field of vision is blocked or not, it will be discovered. The aircraft has a suspected life perception system.

Now, he can easily avoid the sweep of the aircraft at a distance, and rush out of the encirclement from any direction.

He has succeeded more than ten times.

But the sad thing is that no matter which direction he drills out from, he will encounter some strange things before he encounters humans.

There is a giant flying insect with a wingspan of three meters and a metallic luster on its body. When it sees him from a distance, it will pounce on it, easily tearing up the wooden stick he picked up for self-protection, throwing him down, and then using the meat grinder. like mouthparts...

There is also a small animal with a big fist that looks cute and jumps, like a harmless rabbit.But when this thing rolled up on the ground and flew towards him, it easily smashed the stone thrown by Ren Zhong with the two pointed ears on the top of its head, and gave him a chill.Ren Zhong also saw clearly before he died that the white rabbit's body was not hair, but a metal shell that seemed to be electroplated with anti-rust paint.

There are also metal fishes lurking in the puddles with voltages as high as millions of volts. At that time, he just stepped in and burned to charcoal in an instant.

There is also a giant iron-clad beast that looks like a hill after standing up, one child at a time.

These things are not as crisp and sharp as the aircraft, and the process of killing him is a little slower. He can at least jump around like a dying grasshopper, but that's all.

The process is more painful and scarier than dying in the hands of an aircraft.

Ren Zhong felt that no matter how hard he tried, he could not escape death in the end.

This day and the earth is a terrifying cruise ship magnified countless times, an infinite power of an endless nightmare.

He was on the verge of a breakdown.

Just last time, he even actually tried to commit suicide in order to get relief.

But he still woke up from the freezer.

He wondered if he should just stay out of the woods.

He really tried.

However, five days later, he collapsed in the shade of a tree by the creek.

This time he died of cancer.

There is no cure, wait to die.

Ren Zhong hugged his legs and curled up beside the freezer like a walking corpse.

In his mind, all sorts of tragic situations of dying were spinning uncontrollably in his mind.

There was a buzzing sound in his ears, and from time to time his body shivered subconsciously because his mind was swallowed by fear.

He even began to subconsciously resent his parents.

Why freeze me?Why are you throwing me into this utterly hopeless nightmare?Shouldn't I just die in the first place?What did I do wrong to be punished like this?

At this point, there are two choices in front of the heavy responsibility, or succumb to fear and reality, go completely crazy, and then endure endless torture in a potentially infinite cycle of death nightmare.

Either cut off all distracting thoughts, bear all the pain, stand up again, and use a thousand, ten thousand, or even infinite deaths to fight for a hope of rushing out.

These two thoughts kept tearing at his brain, making him subconsciously groan in pain.

Vaguely, his parents' last words rang in his ears again.

"Since it cannot be changed, it can only be endured."

"You have to live well."

"Everything has to look forward."

Ren Zhong suddenly returned to his soul.

At the moment when his consciousness was about to sink into the abyss, it was his parents' last words that pulled him back.

He gradually recalled that his parents were ordinary people who were just getting by. The first half of their lives were ordinary, they didn’t seek great wealth, they were kind to others, and they didn’t even bother to work hard. The proudest achievement in life was raising his amazing son. .

The son died young, and the parents could only face the plight of a white-haired man sending a black-haired man.

When parents sell their house and everything, but still earn 50 a year to keep their son alive, they should actually be desperate in their hearts.

When they are nearly fifty years old, they may not know what will happen next when they are giving up their original life and taking out debts to start a business. It is just because they have no choice, they hold the idea of ​​fighting once, and if they fail, they will become benevolent.

They finally did.

Although they said it very lightly in their last words, Ren Zhong could imagine how parents in such a situation worked from dawn to dusk, worked hard and struggled unreservedly.

It's true that the hundreds of times I have died are painful, but in fact each time the pain lasts only a few seconds at most.

My parents, however, have worked hard for 45 years in a field they don't like, under the pressure of watching themselves die once their business fails.

Living like that is no easier than dying.

"Although I'm in a bad situation, this is a new life that my parents have spent their whole life trying to give me. How can I give up easily."

Ren Zhong took a deep breath, and the unwilling anger gradually burst out in his pupils.

He forced himself to calm down again and analyzed the situation one by one.

"I can keep resurrecting and resetting constantly. This is my advantage. I can 'see the future'. This is my S/L Dafa, and I am invincible. I will definitely find a hope of escape!"

"The aircraft will cut off my brain after killing me, but it will not be moved when it encounters those aggressive monsters. After the monster kills me, it will swallow me whole, not even the bones are wasted .”

"There must be some kind of deep meaning behind it. With Arabic numerals, there must be other humans in this world!"

"This is a good thing, and it is hope."

Chapter 3 S/L, moving forward

Five minutes later, Ren Zhong returned to the freezer and tried to tap the LCD screen with his fingers.

He already has an idea.

Develop your own S/L capabilities to the limit, and make good use of all the resources that can be used in front of you.

As long as you can go one step forward every time you are resurrected, it will be a great success, and you will be one step closer to the dawn!

A prompt popped up on the LCD screen, asking him to enter his identification code.

Ren Zhong tried to enter his [-]-digit ID card, the verification was successful, and the manager function was enabled.

He scanned the information and found the maintenance design drawings and maintenance tutorials of the freezer.

He tossed and pulled out a drawer-like box from the top of the freezer, which contained a portable toolbox.

The tools in the toolbox are generally well preserved, and the wrench, screwdriver, and screwdriver can still be used, which is comparable to the oil-paper bags in the German sewers.

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