But it was difficult, he couldn't restrain the sharp dark flashes in the depths of his eyes.

He knew before that the 20% fixed commission for professional teams and the 10% tax on everything. At that time, he thought he had seen the malice of the world clearly enough.

Only now did I realize that not only the King of Hell is hateful, but the kid is even more hateful.


Brother Hui, who was taking the chip out of Chen Hanyu's box, was extremely sensitive. He seemed to be aware of the resentful gaze projected from his side, and suddenly raised his head to look in the direction of Ren Zhong and Ou Youning.

Ren Zhong didn't expect himself to be noticed on the side, so he quickly put on the same actor-level smile as Ou Youning.

Brother Hui stared at Ren Zhong and didn't look at Zheng Tian next to him, he just asked, "Who is that person?"

Zheng Tian was nervous, and quickly replied: "The name is Ren Zhong, a barren who just joined the town. I think he is very pleasing to the eye, so I accept him."

The heavy responsibility is the census officer, and Zheng Tian only told the mayor of Ma Fu, because she knew that Ma Fu would not compete with her for food, and would not expose the identity of the census officer and let the people in the town help to deceive, That's a self-destructive future.

But with professional player Bei Lihui, she was not so sincere.

After listening to Bei Lihui, he waited for a few more seconds before turning his eyes away, "Okay. This person is a bit interesting."

When Bei Lihui left, Zheng Tian walked back and asked Ren Zhong cautiously, "Brother Ren, did you look at him wrong just now?"

Ren Zhong honestly admitted, "I'm a little upset with him, what's the matter? I didn't expect him to be so sensitive, why don't you just take a look? As for what?"

Zheng Tian smiled bitterly and said, "Bei Lihui is a fourth-level firearms engineer, and his alertness is very high. Brother Ren, you... Forget it, you don't seem to have anything to worry about."

Since nearly half of the wealth that was finally accumulated "evaporated" out of thin air, after a few simple discussions in the team, they changed their minds and decided to continue to struggle.

According to the rules, Zheng Tian's team has been charged a chance encounter tax by Bei Lihui today, so they can be let go when they meet again next time.

In addition, Ren Zhong was also unwilling to be able to collect the harvest of 10 contribution points.

The time passed two o'clock in the afternoon, at which time the team pulled the harvest back to 60 o'clock.

Once again, something happened when I was about to leave to catch a handful.

First, I encountered the second-level rat market beast, the crystal-armored long-tailed giant rat. This thing is like a calf. It is covered with crystal scale carapace and is immune to almost all types of kinetic energy ammunition. Fortunately, Ren Zhong checked the onboard computer in time and found its flaws. The flame resistance is low, and then Bai Feng risked to sprinkle the flammable asphalt from the corpse of another ruined beast on it, and finally ignited by Zheng Tian to burn it alive, it was a near miss. close.

Then came the real situation.

Bei Lihui and five other professional players appeared again, and went straight to Zheng Tian's team.

At first, everyone thought that the target of the other party was the crystal-armored long-tailed giant mouse, but they never thought that the real prey was actually a heavy responsibility.

After stabilizing not far away, Bei Lihui on the motorboat took out a big gun without saying a word.

There was no interrogation, no reprimand, he just stopped there indifferently.

Sen Ran's gun was aimed at Ren Zhong.

He didn't shoot right away, only a faint smile of cat and mouse in his eyes.

The other members of the professional team didn't speak, they just looked at everyone condescendingly.

Everyone in Zheng Tian's team was stunned on the spot.

The scene was dead silent, save for the faint sound of the motorboat's engine starting.

The shadow of death is shrouded, the task is as heavy as falling into an ice cave, and the mouth is dry.

Inexplicably caught in a life-and-death situation, he really didn't expect that a casual look would lead to killing.

"Hui...Brother Hui...why is this?" Never thought that the one who broke the silence on the scene would be Wen Lei, he took a step forward and said, "Hui...Brother Hui, don't do this. Ren... Brother Ren, he is not a small person."

Bei Lihui finally reacted and looked at Wen Lei shamelessly, "Oh? Not a little guy? Didn't Zheng Tian say he was a barren before? Lied me?"

Zheng Tian had to speak when he saw that the fire was burning on himself, and quickly said: "Brother Hui, I'm sorry, I really can't say it. Brother Ren is really not a barren, but... He is the census officer from above. It's a private visit in a micro server."

"Census officer?"

The man at the head of the professional team was stunned for a while, and the other professional players were similar.

The next moment, the professional players including Bei Lihui burst into laughter at the same time.

The man who took the lead was the fastest, "Zheng Tian, ​​you are afraid that your brain has burned. First, even if there is a census officer who visits privately, it is impossible to hang out with you garbage people. The census officer is at least five Second-level citizen, do you know what that means? Second, our boss himself said that in this census, it is absolutely impossible for the county to send a census officer to Xinghuo Town, because it is not necessary at all!"

Zheng Tian was shocked, "What!"

"Don't be stupid, do you think you understand or I understand? Don't waste time, Bei Lihui, kill him."

the next moment.

Ren Zhong once again entered the "underworld God's perspective".

He saw his broken body, and the expression on Zheng Tian's face changed from astonishment to anger in a very short period of time. He also saw the sorrow in Wen Lei's eyes, Ou Youning's regret, Bai Feng's indifference, Chen Hanyu's Surprised and unbearable.

At the same time, he was thinking about it himself.

Census officer?

what is that?

Then, he got out of the freezer, and all the emotions in his heart were covered by angry flames.

After a long time, Ren Zhong finally stood up slowly and began to skillfully disassemble the auxiliary on-board computer of the freezer. Then, using tools, he followed the guidelines of the freezer maintenance design drawing to remove the iron rubidium. Boron permanent magnet, tried the magnetism, although weakened, but still a strong magnet.

Then he walked towards the creek again.

Arriving at the stream, he drank some water, then took a step back, looked up, and saw the red fruit falling from the sky, skillfully caught it with his clothes, and nibbled it.

After a while, the pain in the lymph nodes in the neck attacked first, and then traveled all over the body.


After a while, the second fruit fell.

But this time, Ren Zhong didn't use clothes, instead he stretched out his hand precisely, caught it accurately, and released the force easily.

In the end, he held the red fruit intact.

There is no sadness or joy on Ren Zhong's face, and there is indifference in the calm.

But he felt a little better in his heart.

Forget it, this resurrection is not for nothing.

When he just received the first fruit, he noticed some changes.

When his attention was highly concentrated, the speed of the free-falling red fruit seemed to slow down.

This shows that the brain response index of 34.7 points, which he had trained hard for five days, was maintained during the last resurrection.

The brain response index was brought back along with the memory.

The physiological structure of the brain has not changed. What has changed is the way in which the mind processes information, which has become perfect.

After eating and drinking, he got up and left, heading straight to the south.

He thought of the cubs of the professional team, including Bei Lihui.

Damn Xipi, Lao Tzu Hu Hansan is back!

I swear on horseback!

Sooner or later, I will kill you guys!

Chapter 35 Skillful review, one step at a time

The blue setting sun that is about to set.

Rising big and small double moon.

Above the ravine in the wilderness.

The swooping crystal wingfly.

With a calm expression, holding an alloy rod in his right hand and a NdFeB permanent magnet in his left hand, Ren Zhong stood as steadily as Mount Tai.

His figure stretched out in the field.

The atmosphere was bleak and chilling.

Amidst the whistling sound, the Crystal Wingfly got closer and closer.

The huge mouthparts and the eight long and thin feet that shone with cold light seemed to be clearly visible, and the trembling of the broad wings brought out a hazy phantom.

Ren Zhong didn't count carefully how many times he faced Crystal Wingfly.

But he still remembers how powerless he was at the beginning, and even more how he used micromanagement to exploit and utilize the available resources to the extreme, rebelling against the impossible when he was powerless.

Now, he already knows the biggest flaw of Crystal Wingfly, and he is fully prepared, and has a brain response index as high as 34.7.

This time, he will try to fight like a normal fighter.

Although he had already decided to embark on the road of fighting and resistance, Ren Zhong's desire for fighting power was completely ignited at the moment when Bei Lihui shot him to pieces.

Pure reading can't save lives. No matter how strong your learning ability is, you will never find it easy to learn on paper. Only by fighting to the death can you change yourself from a data-level fighter to a strong man who can truly hold fate by the throat. By.

Every fighting chance at every resurrection must be cherished!

Even if no parameters are raised, at least it can accumulate experience and exercise combat awareness.

The strong wind from the wing flapping of the Crystal Wingfly hits the face.

The huge dragonfly hovered slightly in the air, and its eight slender legs stabbed forward like eight daggers.

Ren Zhong was like a professional boxer, even though the opponent's attack was close at hand, he still stared at him.

When fighting in the ring, blinking is tantamount to getting knocked out.

Mecha warriors are exactly the boxers standing on the ring of fate.

He leaned against the body, took a small step back, and shot forward with his left hand.

The permanent magnet in the palm of the hand patted the crystal wingfly's face!

The strong magnetic field interfered with the movements of Crystal Wings when the distance was 0.5 meters.

The frequency of its wings suddenly became chaotic.


The heavy-duty magnet flew out, crossed a distance of 0.3 meters, entered within 0.2 meters of the crystal wingfly's head, was attracted away, accelerated automatically, and slammed on the crystal wingfly's forehead, and finally stuck firmly.

The vibrating wings of the crystal wingfly stopped suddenly, and the eight thin legs stopped shaking, completely stiff.

The huge dragonfly's body suddenly lost its ability to float in the air, and fell obliquely towards Ren Zhong's free-falling body.

Holding the alloy stick in his right hand, Ren Zhong stabbed at him head-on from bottom to top.

His eyes were fixed on the dead door at the junction of the crystal wingfly's head and neck.

The always calm and heavy responsibility subconsciously sipped, "Die to me!"


The alloy stick passed through!

Under the setting sun, one person and one insect stood leaning against each other, forming an A-shape.

Ren Zhong took a step back slowly.

Crystal Wingfly crashed down.

He turned his head and looked into the distance again. Over there, the van of Zheng Tian's team was speeding up from a distance.

Zheng Tian, ​​what choice will you make this time?

Wen Lei, I'm going to give you a bigger surprise this time, I hope you can hold on and don't feel too inferior.

Chen Hanyu, are you a human or a ghost?

Ouyouning, I hope you talk less nonsense this time.

Bai Feng, well, what do you like.


"Brother Sun, thank you for your patronage, thank you for the human cell activity enhancer, and two hundred points and your life-saving grace. Farewell."

Ren Zhong bowed his hands at the gate of Miaoshou Huichun Clinic, turned around and left gracefully, just like a prostitute.

Sure enough, Brother Sun is like a jingle cat, as long as he is willing to put down a hoe, he really has potential to be tapped.

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