Although the price tag is "only" 300 million, it is highly regarded due to its great help to new professionals.

Its real market circulation price is so expensive that a fifth-level citizen can buy a small town, turning the entire town building and the barren people inside it into personal property.

Although Ren Zhong didn't get the real thing, he got important information.

He is satisfied.

Expensive is expensive, and there is no purchase qualification, but as long as it exists, there is hope.

Then Ren Zhong rode on the newly bought motorcycle, went to the arms mall first, and got a loan of 12600 points after tax deduction from Ju Qingmeng.

Then he went straight to the Night's Sleep bar next door to the flea market.

Sleeping Night Bar is a rare gathering place for people in the deserted town. It has multiple functions of catering, nightclub, entertainment and in-depth entertainment.

It is one of the signature attractions of Xinghuo Town and the pillar of the custom industry of Xinghuo Town.

Usually, its main consumers are semi-professional scavengers with a base of several thousand, and there are also custom tasters from other places who travel thousands of miles to come here.

Ye Changmian's house covers an area of ​​nearly [-] square meters and consists of three floors, each of which has a different purpose.

Compared with other houses in the slums, the small building of Sleepless Night has a completely different temperament, and it is decorated with bright lights.

The huge signboard composed of slightly messy neon light strips almost covers the entire front wall facing the street.

At sunset, when the twin moons are floating in the sky, the neon light bar lights up, and it can even light up half of the street.

The sound of intense music will continue until 09:30 before the end of the song.

Ou Youning, a "close and good teammate" with heavy responsibility, is also a frequent visitor here.

Oumou, who didn't want to be named, used to be a little famous here, but now with the rise of Zheng Tian's team, he has become a celebrity.

It's a pity that according to the rumors in the world, Oumou washed his hands as soon as he got on the right track in his life, making Ye Changmian's boss, who lost a big client, sigh regretfully, feeling extremely disappointed.

It was already night when the task came.

He pushed open the door, and the smell of sweat, gunpowder smoke, sour smell of bad wine, and strange perfume smelled in his nostrils.

Ren Zhong frowned, and a woman dressed in fancy dress, exposing a large snow-white face in front of her, walked towards him.

She lowered her voice and said, "It's Mr. O'Geor who said it."


"I've prepared the private room. The person you invited has arrived, and it's in room 17."

"Thank you."

Ren Zhong greeted the other party, transferred 20 contribution points on the spot, and went straight to Room 17.

Waiting for him inside was a chubby middle-aged man with a mustache, and it was Wang Zhaofu, a businessman in the black market.

After Zheng Tian's introduction, the two are now barely half acquaintances.

"Mr. Ren, I've prepared everything you want. It's all in the Qingfeng heavy truck in the parking lot. Here are the car keys."

"Well, it's work."

Wang Zhaofu narrowed his eyes slightly, "Before I hand it over to you, let me ask you a question, what do you, a second-level professional, buy that thing for?"

He was already fat, so with this squinting, he could hardly see the eyeballs.

Ren Zhong said without changing his face: "Everyone in the town knows that I am working in the abandoned mine recently. Maybe I will go to the Valley of the Bones in a few days. You should also know what happened in the Valley of the Bones a while ago, right?"

"Of course, I'm better informed than you think."

"I'm worried that I'll meet the Devil Infant again, and I'm thinking about buying a ruthless guy to be safe. Is there any reason for that?"

Wang Zhaofu: "It's a bit far-fetched. The Avatar is not an ordinary fifth-level wild animal. Even if you get an information flow jamming bomb, it probably won't help. Damn it, you still won't be able to escape. I'd rather you stay away from that ghostly place in the Valley of Bones One point, even if you don’t buy jamming bombs this time, it’s fine.”

Ren Zhong: "Why, do you have money or not?"

Wang Zhaofu stroked his moustache, "I'm a businessman, I make money when I have money. But Mr. Ren, you are a rising big customer. I haven't made enough money yet. I really don't want you to die in vain."

Ren Zhong smiled, "Boss Wang, do you think I look like a fool?"

"Not like."

"Then do you think I look like someone who would die for nothing?"


"That's it."

Wang Zhaofu nodded, "You're right. Then let's pay the money and deliver the goods. Let's go to the parking lot. After you inspect the goods, transfer the money to me in person, and I'll give you the car keys."


However, Ren Zhong directly raised his hand and transferred the money to the other party.

His balance instantly changed from 44703.94 points to 2148.94 points.

In just a split second, he spent 42555 points.

Wang Zhaofu was a little surprised when he heard the receipt reminder from the watch in his hand, "You don't go to inspect the goods for a big transaction of more than 4 points? Are you afraid that there is an empty compartment in the Qingfeng heavy truck? Or, are you not afraid that it is a fake car?" car keys? I took the money and ran away?"

Ren Zhong shook his head, "Although this is only the second time you and I have met. In fact, I fell in love with you the first time. I believe you are an honest and reputable businessman. Inspection will only hurt feelings."

Wang Zhaofu was stunned.

He has been in business for more than ten years and has contacted thousands of buyers, but this is the first time he has met such a person.

Wang Zhaofu still remembers that when Ren Zhong bought the Benlei car, he bargained so hard that he slashed at the main artery, and in the end he suffered a crushing defeat.

At that time, this guy also showed a tricky smile.

Everything proves that the other party is a sinister and cunning counterpart.

He didn't expect that the other party suddenly changed his style during the second contact.

With this level of trust, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are half-brothers.

"Boss Wang, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing that he was in a daze for too long, Ren Zhong made a gesture of concern.

"'s nothing. Mr. Ren, you are really a strange person. No wonder you can become a strong man in the small town today in just a few months. I, Wang Zhaofu, are convinced, and I am lucky to know you."

Ren Zhong smiled boldly and raised his fruit wine glass, "I think so too. It's rare to meet, so let's drink first!"

"it is good!"

The two exchanged cups in this small private room and talked very happily.

With Ren Zhong's deliberate cliché, and with [-] points of trust in front of him, Wang Zhaofu was really attracted to confiding in his heart.

Although what the two of them ate was only lightly cooked synthetic food that could barely be eaten, they enjoyed it to the fullest.

Wang Zhaofu and Ren Zhong chatted a lot of anecdotes and anecdotes they encountered when they were walking in dozens of surrounding towns and several counties doing business.

Ren Zhong listened with gusto.

He also collected a lot of useful information.

For example, about Liaoyuan County and Chongyi County.

Liaoyuan County is the superior administrative unit of Xinghuo Town. It has four towns under its jurisdiction, and Xinghuo Town is one of them. The entire county covers an area of ​​hundreds of thousands of square kilometers.

From this simple message, Ren Zhong deduced a lot.

He has used a parabolic method to measure the gravity of the source star as if it is different from that of the earth.

Then the source star should be about the same size as the earth, and the soil area is unknown for the time being, and it may be larger because the ocean area is smaller.

Ren Zhong has been here for a long time, but he has never seen a heavy rain.

The climate of Yuanxing is relatively dry.

But the size of a single county can only prove in turn that the density of human settlements on Yuanxing is much smaller than that of Earth, at least much smaller than his homeland.

But he saw a huge number of users and investors in the daily headlines and the stock market.

The monthly sales of "Sid Meier's Armor Experience" is 142354, and the total sales are 1965417 copies.

The only people who will buy this thing are mecha warriors, and they must be warriors with a certain wealth.

According to the proportion of the total population of mecha warriors in Xinghuo Town, as well as the distribution of wealth, we continue to infer that the population base of Yuanxing is not smaller than that of Earth.

Everything can only prove one thing, a large number of people are concentrated in the city.

Yuanxing's urbanization rate is astonishingly high.

The information that should have existed in the basic information database of the wrist watch, but he did not find it, was pushed out by him through Wang Zhaofu's words.

After nine o'clock at night, Wang Zhaofu, who was slightly drunk from drinking fruit wine, looked at the time, and finally got up reluctantly to say goodbye, "Brother Ren, it's too late today. I have to go to the town government guest house to sleep. Let's... we The transaction must be kept confidential. So I won’t accompany you to inspect the goods. I’ll leave by myself tomorrow morning. Don’t come to see me off.”

Ren nodded, "Brother Wang, walk slowly."

"I'm really lucky to meet Brother Ren today! Is that what you said just now?"


"Then we'll see you another day. Let's go."


After seeing off Wang Zhaofu, Ren Zhong drove straight to the parking lot.

Information flow jamming bomb (five-level one-time expendable special bomb).

Armed Qingfeng heavy truck (three-level armament).

Eight core joint biometal bearing hubs (three-level exoskeleton core components).

Fission animal tendons (customized tertiary exoskeleton superconducting transmission line).

Ayman animal armor alloy (a three-level alloy that can be integrated into large parts such as the arc light knife and exoskeleton breastplate, shoulder armor, and carapace to further improve material performance).

These are all the ruthless goods he obtained from the black market through Wang Zhaofu today.

The core products are information flow jamming bombs and exclusive equipment for citizens. The market price in the county-level arms mall is 20000 points. Because it is a restricted item purchased from the black market, the price needs to be increased by 5000, which cost him 25000 points.

Armed Qingfeng heavy truck, 7000.

The remaining three parts cost a total of 10555, all of which are the core parts he needs to further modify the armor.

The entire set of three-level balanced exoskeleton base equipment costs at least 15 points, and it is impossible to afford it now.

However, he had to increase his combat power in the shortest time, so he could only choose the three core components according to the guidelines of "Armor Experience", and strive to exchange the greatest improvement in the shortest time at the least cost.

Arrived at the parking lot, opened the car, and the things inside were quietly placed, and there were quite a few of them.

Ren Zhong secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Fatty Wang didn't play tricks.

Of course, in fact, he is not very afraid of being bullied, but it is better to have one thing less than one thing more.

This time, I took a little risk and formed a lot of friendship with the other party. Next time, we should meet and become real confidants.

At that time, Fatty Wang will definitely be different. How can there be people who understand him so well in the world? They are simply roundworms in their stomachs.


In the small laboratory of the arms mall, Ren Zhong and Ju Qingmeng were communicating.

"You worked hard tonight. I have to trouble you to work overtime again."

"It's alright. I'm waiting for you. If you can't get past Lin Wang's test, then of course we won't be able to talk about it."


"I'll test you a comprehensive parameter first. At that time, I will have to fine-tune the equipment according to your situation. Now the transformation ratio of your battle armor is too high, and it has become a unique customized type on the entire Origin Star, so you can't be careless."

After about half an hour, Ren Zhong sat up straight from the test equipment.

Ju Qingmeng measured dozens of parameters for him, the four core ones are as follows:

Brain-computer synchronization rate 29.99%

Bioelectricity carrying power is 166.9 kilowatts.

Brain response index 318.3

Comprehensive physical fitness index 166.9

Ju Qingmeng looked at the parameters and sighed, "Your improvement is faster than expected. I will give you another month and a half. By the day of the census, you will definitely reach the third-level standard. With the armor experience you have learned, I will give you another Customized equipment. Maybe you might really have a chance to fight Lin Wang head-on."

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