Their methods were clumsy and inefficient, and were extremely slow to expand the search.

But the burden is not.

He sees the essence through the phenomenon, and has initially achieved the ability to recognize the leopard by seeing the spot.

Just like yesterday, before they touched the cavern of the long-necked beetle for the first time, everyone had never been here.

Ren Zhong speculated based on the gradually perfected magnetic field line network calculation model that the probability of a small geomagnetic node here is greater than 80%.

Then he led the team over to check the situation, and it turned out to be in stock.

"It's okay, let's go to the next destination. There are still five days before Lin Wang returns. Starting today, all the money we earn every day will be used to upgrade your equipment."


"Have I ever lied?"

Ou Youning and Zheng Tian said Ouye in unison.


No.40 five days.

Three in the afternoon.

The outer edge of the waste mine.

Next to the armed Qingfeng heavy truck.

The blue motorboats of Lin Wang and Bei Lihui docked quietly.

Lin Wang in armor stood on the left side of the heavy truck with his hands behind his back.

Bai Lihui, with a large new scar on his face, stood on the right with a gun.

Lin Wang's body looks light, but in fact, there are some criss-crossing scars on the blue-painted fourth-level exoskeleton with excellent performance.

The scars are generated by burning or cutting, and some are deformed pits caused by huge impact.

Even the cover of his helmet has spider web cracks about the size of a palm.

Obviously, before returning to Xinghuo Town, Lin Wang experienced a fierce battle.

Sima Wan, another member of the professional team, was watching from a distance on a hill 500 meters away.

At this time, Lin Wang's face no longer had the slightest refined and easy-going temperament.

His pale face was so gloomy that it seemed to drip.

Bei Lihui wiped the Manticore-191 in his hands over and over again, with wanton killing intent in his eyes.

Lin Wang has no intention of continuing to fight with Ren Zhongxu.

He came back with a clear murderous intent.

He didn't even rest in Xinghuo Town, nor did he go to the Arms Mall to replenish his equipment.

He didn't go to Yang Bingzhong to report, but rode a motorboat directly to the abandoned mine.

He didn't intend to give Ren Zhong a chance to detect something strange and escape, he just wanted to kill Ren Zhong on the spot.

Ren Zhong, Zheng Tian, ​​Ju Qingmeng, Yang Bingzhong, Madha Fu... Everyone guessed wrong.

It wasn't that the heavy-duty judgment made a mistake, but that a lot of things happened this morning, which completely changed Lin Wang's decision-making, and even brought back only three people from the original six-member Lin Wang team.

Of course, the task of always thinking about the worst in everything has actually been fully prepared.

Can dodge the first day of the first day, but not the fifteenth day.

It's nothing more than just seeing it in advance.

A few seconds after his death, he will be a hero again. Why should he be afraid?

Chapter 96 It's a no-brainer, embrace death with the wildest gesture

After working all day, everyone jumped out of a hole in the middle of the abandoned mine, and then circled up the winding road.

In the past few days, every time everyone left the abandoned mine, Ren Zhong and Wen Lei would carry the corpse of the fourth-level ruin beast on their shoulders.

Sometimes Bai Feng will also carry one.

But today the three of them are empty.

The chip storage box in Chen Hanyu's backpack also contained only a few chips of the second- and third-level market beasts.

Ren Zhong did not explain much to others, but when he led the team in depth, he followed the guidance of the well-established magnetic field line network model to avoid the ruined beasts as much as possible. The mine is running like a duck in water.

He is using the last time to perfect and verify the magnetic field network algorithm.

Of course, it's not that he didn't find the fourth-level Ruins Beasts, on the contrary, he found a lot of them in advance, but every time he just made sure from a distance, and then turned his head and left without thinking.

Even if he had dealt with a fourth-level ruin beast with experience, he would not touch it.

Although everyone had doubts in their hearts, Ren Zhong did not take the initiative to explain the intention, and the others did not ask more questions.

Ren Zhong walked up the last step, stepped on the edge of the abandoned mine, and paused for a while.

The rest of the people followed, and they were all surprised and hesitant.

Not far away, Lin Wang and Bei Lihui were standing on both sides of the armed Qingfeng heavy truck.

One sneered, and the other stared at everyone with a wicked smile.

Zheng Tian vaguely understood the reason why Ren Zhong avoided the war as much as possible today.

Just for this reason, she would rather not have it.

Today is the day of Lin Wang's return, Ren Zhong has made the most extreme and worst plan to let everyone recharge their batteries and prepare for the battle of life and death.

It’s over.

It's over.

Zheng Tian felt both fear and sadness in her heart.

Although she was a big figure among the people of Xinghuo Town, she was as small as an ant in front of Lin Wang and Bei Lihui.

She couldn't figure out why.

She can't figure it out.

In the entire team, it was probably not the heavy duty, but Zheng Tian who thought about what attitude Lin Wang might take after returning, and thought of the most ways to ease the relationship.

Zheng Tian forbeared the fear of the teeth chattering, smiled and took an extra step forward, dancing with her hands and feet, and greeted cautiously in a trembling voice: "Captain Lin. Hui... Brother Hui. What kind of wind took you two..."

Lin Wang ignored her, but kept looking at Ren Zhong and said, "Zheng Tian, ​​although you have to die too, you have no part in speaking here."

Zheng Tian's face was pale and speechless, and all her strength seemed to be emptied in an instant.

She wanted to try it out a little bit.

Although the current team is mainly based on Ren Zhong, before Ren Zhong appeared, she had been attached to Lin Wang for a long time.

Even if it is just a tool, the commission provided is far less than the current responsibility, but there is no credit or hard work, and it is not a day or two to know each other.

She thought she was worth a little, but she didn't expect the other party to sentence her to death as soon as she opened her mouth.

What's even more tragic is that even though Lin Wang was announcing her own death sentence, he never even glanced at her.


A firm palm rested lightly on her shoulders, and Ren Zhong, who was wearing a battle armor, walked in front of her and blocked her from behind.

"Captain Lin, I haven't seen you for half a month, like every three autumns, I miss you so much."

Ren Zhong's relaxed tone with a hint of joking sounded from Zheng Tian's front.

Zheng Tian looked at the back of this not-so-tall mecha warrior, and was suddenly in a trance.

Although he already knew that death was inevitable, the power that had just dissipated quietly returned to him.

Wen Lei, Bai Feng, Ou Youning, and Chen Hanyu also stepped forward from behind and stood side by side with Zheng Tian.

"You're still glib. But it doesn't make much sense."

Lin Wang didn't act the first time, but said calmly.

Ren Zhong shrugged, "Half a month ago, Captain Lin, you were very optimistic about me. We just agreed on the Tanyuan Alliance. My admiration for Captain Lin is like a surging river, the Yellow River is rushing, and it is out of control. Infinite Vision has become your reserve team. Why did you change your face this time? Did I do something wrong? Oh, by the way, why are you two and the others?"

While speaking, the corner of Ren Zhong's eyes drifted to the side.

In fact, the panel of his tactical helmet has already shown that on the hill hundreds of meters away, the dismantling engineer Sima Wan is looking at this side with a telescope in his hand.

Lin Wang: "Dead."

Bei Lihui next to him snorted coldly, "It's your credit for stepping on the horse."

Ren Zhong was stunned for a moment, acting astonished.

"I stayed in Xinghuo Town for more than ten days and didn't go anywhere. I don't even know where Captain Lin and you guys went, so why did you thank me?"

Although he was expressing doubts, he had actually drawn a conclusion from the signs on Lin Wang and Bei Lihui.

Within a day at most, Lin Wang's team must have experienced a brutal battle of life and death.

Of the six members of the team, only Lin Wang, Bei Lihui and Sima Wan survived.

Demolitionist Pan Fenglian and two others were killed.

Ren Zhong just wanted to laugh out loud.

And ask what in the world could be better than having your life on the line, only to find that your opponent loses his troops early?

But he held back his laughter and instead expressed his grief and regret, "That's it. That's really unfortunate."

Bei Lihui finally couldn't bear it any longer and raised his gun brazenly.

Manticore-191's dark muzzle aimed straight at Ren Zhong's chest.

At the same time, he scolded: "If it weren't for you, a traitor, you would switch to President Yang without even saying hello, which would have made us angry enough. The captain was worried that you would be running away at night tonight, so when we took a shortcut and returned, we rushed into the fifth level. How could Pan Fenglian die in the territory of the ruined beasts! Lao Tzu collapsed with one shot..."

Lin Wang raised his hand slightly, signaling Bei Lihui to stay calm.

However, Ren Zhong has already followed the clues and figured out a lot of information.

Lin Wang endured it for half a month. He didn't call himself to ask questions. He only asked the staff of the recycling platform sideways. He seemed to be calm, but that was all an illusion.

He really couldn't stand being teased.

However, doubts still existed, and these two reasons alone were not enough to explain why Lin Wang's killing intent was so heavy.

But Ren Zhong is not worried that the news will not be dug up.

He had already died once at the hands of Lin Wang.

Ren Zhong knew of a vicious habit of Lin Wang.

Lin Wang was different from Bei Lihui, who said he would do it, and killed without any artistic sense.

Although Lin Wang seems to be elegant and indifferent, when he punishes others with killing, he has a hobby to completely destroy each other spiritually, like a cat playing a mouse.

In the last resurrection, the reason why his identity as a census officer was leaked from Zheng Tian's mouth is one of the strong evidences.

Lin Wang hasn't done anything yet, he was looking for an opportunity to destroy himself psychologically.

As long as he is a little seduced, he will be caught.

Ren Zhong pretended to be nervous, rubbed his nose, and said in an unwilling tone: "It's your decision to take shortcuts, and it has nothing to do with me, right? And I didn't run away? Although I'm somewhat involved, but also It's too far-fetched, I don't think I'm guilty enough to die, right? Besides, Captain Lin, you're lacking more people now, and it's just when you're hiring, shouldn't you have directly recruited me as an alternate?"

Lin Wang shook his head slightly, "I don't need you anymore."


"It looks like you really don't want to die, don't you think?"

"of course."

"Then I'll tell you with great mercy!" Lin Wang's tone suddenly rose, and he even gave a smug smile, "Although I lost three players because of you, I should also thank you. Because of you, I caught up with me. The connections of the big people in Fengyi County!"

Ren Zhong was even more at a loss, "How do you say this?"

Lin Wang: "You have been acting in front of me all the time. You are playing tricks on me. But those who play tricks on me have to pay a price, including citizens."

Ren Zhong: "Huh?"

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