There were screams one after another, Chu Fei put on his robe with great interest, and opened the door of the restaurant.

It seemed that something terrible happened. Chu Fei moved a chair and sat in front of the gate, watching the teams of guards constantly mobilizing at the gate of the city.

Some teams passing by took a strange look at Chu Fei and didn't pay any attention to it. They quickly ran past the restaurant and gathered in the direction of the screams.

Do you want to go and have a look?Chu Fei hesitated in his heart, and then gave up the idea in his heart. Anyway, he has nothing to do, so this trip to muddy water is still unnecessary.

The screams became more intense, mixed with the roars of zombies, and the light from the battle of supernatural beings could be heard from time to time in the distance.

Chu Fei was thoughtful. At this time, he probably knew what happened in the base. There should be zombies infiltrating the base, and the level is not low. Otherwise, how could the battle go on for such a long time.

However, Base No. [-] is so heavily guarded, and no one comes in or out at night, so how did the zombies get in?

Moreover, these zombies hadn't moved at all before, but when the battle broke out, they were in the center of the base. From this point of view, things were a bit suspicious.

The things here are definitely not simple. Chu Fei stood up, walked on the spot, relying on the only clues, thinking about something in his heart.

After a long time, Chu Fei seemed to have made some kind of decision. He moved the chairs back to the dining room, closed the door, and sped towards the scene of the accident like a ghost.

Something has to be done, at least to know what happened. This feeling of being kept in the dark without knowing anything is really confusing.

The place where the accident happened was the center of the base. Although it was not close to the restaurant, under Chu Fei's full speed, it only took seven or eight minutes to arrive.

Arriving at the periphery of the accident site, Chu Fei killed a group of soldiers, changed into a military uniform with some blood stains on it, and continued to rush to the accident site.

Hei Ye gave Chu Fei a good cover, matched with the military uniform on his body, and even when Chu Fei arrived at the target location, no one aroused any suspicion.

Because, so far, there are not many armies with a relatively sound organization. The soldiers who came to support suffered heavy casualties, and lonely figures can be seen everywhere.

Chu Fei came near a building, hid his body in the dark, looked at the scene in front of him, his face was covered with shock.

The place where the accident happened was the mercenary union. At some time, a large number of high-level zombies gathered around the mercenary union. There were constant sounds of fighting among them. Looking at the aftermath of the battle, it was obvious that there were many supernatural beings inside.

What surprised Chu Fei was not this, but the several figures who were using the center of the mercenary union, and the energies of many high-level supernatural beings collided constantly, making the space collapse like it was collapsed.

Chu Fei knew most of these people, and a few of them were relatively familiar.


Chapter 1: Lin Xi Reappears

Lu Yi, who had just parted company, was holding a set of double halberds made of unknown materials, and was fighting with a man with his upper body naked. This man was the black sheep who had chatted with Chu Fei in prison before.

In another place, Captain Wang of the Law Enforcement Team was fighting with a fiery woman. The woman fought in a strange way, like a ghost, her figure flickering.

This woman was Lin Xi whom he hadn't seen for a long time. At first, Chu Fei thought that something happened to her, but he saw her here.

In addition, there are some high-level supernatural beings, and some of them, Chu Fei has an impression in his mind. When he was in L City before, these people had come to the restaurant to consume.

Not understanding what happened for a while, Chu Fei suppressed his body, hid in the dark and observed quietly, recalled all the things in his heart, and got some clues.

No wonder, when he was released before, the black sheep didn't resist at all. No wonder when he first entered the city, when he said he was from city l, the person in charge of the level gave him a strange look.

However, what is Lin Xi doing? Do you think that with this strength alone, he can fight against the entire No. [-] base?

Not to mention the evolutionists and soldiers who were still supporting him, Chu Fei didn't know how Lin Xi would respond to the situation in front of him. If this dragged on, Lin Xi would basically have no chance of escape.

The battle in the field gradually became fierce. After paying a heavy price, the high-level zombies below were finally killed one by one. However, the level of the battle in the field was too high for ordinary evolutionists to intervene, let alone ordinary people.

Like an ordinary soldier, Chu Fei silently watched the battle on the field. After watching for a long time, he also saw some tricks.

The people on Lin Xi's side were relatively weak, but they didn't fight head-on with Lu Yi and the others at all. Instead, they seemed to be stalling for time and waiting for something.

As for Lu Yi's people, although they are stronger, they can't do anything against Lin Xi and others for a while, especially Heiyang, a fifth-level supernatural being, who is fighting against Lu Yi at this time, even Gained a slight upper hand.


The battle in the field became more and more fierce, and there were bursts of roars from the zombies in the distance. Chu Fei listened softly, and his face couldn't help but change.

The howling of the zombies came like sea waves. Listening to the sound, people couldn't judge the exact number, but at least they could be sure that it was a huge wave of zombies.

The sudden change woke up the soldiers who had nothing to do. They immediately picked up the weapons in their hands and looked hesitantly at the direction of the battle.

"Go to the city gate, go to the city gate!" Seemingly sensing something, Lu Yi roared angrily, his voice trembling as if out of anger, his eyes filled with endless anger, as if he wanted to devour the black sheep.

I really didn't expect that as a human being, he would collude with zombies. This accident caught Lu Yi by surprise.

In the distance, faint explosion sounds came one after another, and the guards who were still staying at the top of the city had already started to attack, but it was unknown what scale of attack they encountered, and they directly used such a powerful weapon.

The army in the field had already begun to evacuate. Someone picked up the walkie-talkie and muttered something, probably looking for support.

"Go, go quickly. In this situation, don't just leave." Just as Chu Fei was looking at the field with relish, an elderly soldier pulled Chu Fei's arm and dragged him to the army not far away. Gathered.

Breaking away from the soldier's rough hands, Chu Fei looked around, only to find that the scattered soldiers around him had gathered together under the leadership of a man in an officer's uniform.

After pondering for a while, Chu Fei turned his head to look at the black sheep, and followed the old soldiers into the army.

These few people probably will fight for a while, so let’s go to the top of the city to see how the situation is. Chu Fei finally found such a large number of survivor bases, and he hasn’t earned many crystal cores yet, so he doesn’t want it to be ruined like this Lose.

After a while, seeing that the scattered soldiers were almost gathered together, the leading officer waved his hand and led the troops to rush towards the city at a mighty speed.

Because of the large number of people, it took more than 40 minutes to reach the position on the city wall. Chu Fei noticed that they were not the only soldiers who came to support.

It seems that there are people coming from all directions and quickly entering the battle. Chu Fei is also a little impressed by this responsiveness. If it is not for something happened inside the base, I am afraid that there will be no mistakes in the defense of the No. [-] base. .

The team disbanded immediately when they reached the top of the city wall. Some soldiers went to control various weapons that were still idle nearby, and some soldiers shot and killed the zombies below.

When entering the city, the fort that attracted Chu Fei's attention finally showed its terrifying power. As the soldiers filled it with crystal nuclei, the fort let out a roar, and various lights flickered at the muzzle, and the attack fell fiercely. In the group of zombies below.

What is this? ? !

Chu Fei's eyes bulged. The power of the fort was extremely great. The shells shining with energy light fell among the corpses, making a loud cracking sound, and brought up a large number of broken limbs.

It has only been a few months since the end of the world, and base No. [-] can actually use crystal nuclei to make energy weapons?

Full of shock, Chu Fei felt a little guilty, looked at the dark fortress, and asked himself that even he couldn't resist this kind of power.

"Why are you in a daze? Hurry up and find a place to stand by yourself. This wave of corpses is not easy. Concentrate on dealing with it and don't get distracted!" Beside Chu Fei, a strong man with a machine gun couldn't help roaring as he saw that Chu Fei was still in a daze.

Even though he was talking to Chu Fei, the strong man didn't stop his movements. The machine gun roared, and the bullets slashed at the corpses on the ground as if they didn't need money.

Looking at the strong man strangely, Chu Fei didn't say much, came to the edge of the city wall, and glanced down.

In fact, you don’t need to lower your head. Anyway, as far as you can see, there are all such disgusting figures. The tide of corpses is rushing towards the thick city wall of the base.

There were really too many zombies, densely packed with no end in sight, even more dense than what Chu Fei saw in City L at the beginning. From Chu Fei's point of view, almost every inch of land outside the city , It's all about moving people's heads!

Most of them are low-level zombies, shriveled and emaciated, with incomplete limbs, skin and rotten flesh, and fragments of clothes hanging from their bodies. They open their mouths to the maximum, and let out a low and hoarse roar from their throats.

These zombies, dragging their clumsy bodies, stumbled and crowded forward with their teeth and claws open, densely packed like sardine cans.


Chapter 161

The special geographical advantages of Base No. [-] played a role. These zombies all came up from the bottom of the mountain. The only way to enter Base No. [-] was a winding mountain road about seven or eight meters wide.

On the mountain road that bends and extends far away, among the withered vegetation on both sides of the hillside, countless figures are rushing out, with dead vines and weeds wrapped around their legs, joining the surging army.

In fact, Chu Fei didn't know what they were screaming. Could it be that when the zombies attacked, they needed to use their roars to convey some kind of information?

Or that roaring can actually increase momentum?This is really an incomprehensible thing.

He took off the 95-type semi-automatic rifle from his body, which was seized from that group of soldiers for camouflage.Although he had a weapon, Chu Fei didn't know how to use it.

It's not that he hasn't done killing zombies before, and this is the first time he can kill zombies with hot weapons.

Holding the automatic rifle in his hand, Chu Fei secretly imitated the operation of others, and pulled the trigger with style.

'Snapped! '

A crisp voice came, Chu Fei's expression was stunned, he lowered his head in surprise, and looked at the black iron bump in his hand that looked like a fire stick.

What happened, how did the trigger break?What kind of rubbish quality is this, something went wrong before it was used!

If the automatic rifle was conscious, it would definitely be pissed with anger. It probably hasn't seen such a person before, and it just pulled the trigger before the safety was turned on.

What's more, Chu Fei's strength is still so great, it's a ghost if the trigger is not pulled down, let alone the military Type 95, you can't stand this kind of gameplay even if you switch to any gun.

It seemed that because of the fierce battle, no one noticed what was happening on Chu Fei's side. Chu Fei secretly put the damaged firearm on the city wall, glanced around, and a gleam flashed in his eyes.

That machine gun looked very fun, and the person next to him didn't have any trouble using it. The quality should be much better than his broken gun.

While no one was paying attention to him, a red light flashed in Chu Fei's hand, and the burly man holding the machine gun staggered and fell unconscious on the ground. Blue smoke was emitting from the muzzle of the heavy machine gun, and he stopped roaring.

"Old Li! What's going on?" The deputy machine gunner, who was responsible for loading the machine gun with ammunition, quickly stopped what he was doing, squatted down quickly, and checked Lao Li's physical condition.

But Chu Fei's strikes were measured and did not leave any traces. No matter how the deputy machine gunner checked, he couldn't find anything unusual.

If it wasn't for Lao Li still breathing, the deputy machine gunner would probably think he was already a dead man.

"What's going on? Why was this comrade attacked? Has anyone seen what attacked him?" Chu Fei hurried forward and put his finger under Lao Li's nose.

"Fortunately, he's still breathing. Hurry up and send him for treatment, leave it to me here." With an expression on his face, Chu Fei yelled at the deputy machine gunner.

The deputy machine gunner, who was about to say something, saw that Chu Fei was carrying the epaulets of the fourth-rank non-commissioned officer on his shoulders. He kept silent, picked up Lao Li, and ran to the medical department.

In fact, a heavy machine gun can be operated by one person, but the requirements for the machine gunner are very high. The deputy machine gunner obviously regards Chu Fei as an experienced veteran.

Even when he was leaving, the sub-machine gunner gave Chu Fei a look of admiration. Under such circumstances, he was really a good squad leader to take up the pressure to keep the output point while worrying about the lives of his teammates.

You must use your fastest speed to send Lao Li to the medical office, and then come back to share the pressure for this good monitor!

Seeing the deputy machine gunner walking away with the figure of Lao Li on his shoulders, Chu Fei rubbed his hands with some excitement, and stretched his claws towards the heavy machine gun trembling in the night wind in front of him.

Well, in fact, the heavy machine gun had just stopped firing, and the gun head was shaking slightly, but such a hideous weapon, under Chu Fei's manipulation, it didn't mean so much.

I saw Chu Fei put his hand on the heavy machine gun, turning it back and forth a few times like playing with a toy, then suddenly turned the muzzle of the gun downwards, and pulled the trigger.

"Giggle, giggle..."

Like an asthma patient, the heavy machine gun fired intermittently, and a tongue of flame poured down, sparking countless sparks on the city wall in an instant.

The strange sound here attracted the attention of the nearby soldiers. After seeing Chu Fei's posture holding the gun, the muscles on his face twitched a few times, and he turned his head away speechlessly.

"Soldier, hold your gun well. You are a heavy machine gun. You can't point the muzzle down, otherwise you won't be able to control the recoil and the bullets will fly around!" Using Form 98, he yelled at Chu Fei while shooting the zombies.

Damn it, who brought this up as a recruit!As for the original machine gunner, such an important point of firepower actually handed over a new recruit!

But now that the battle was in full swing, there was no way to pull out a machine gunner. He glanced at Chu Fei helplessly, and the officer simply ignored him and focused on shooting the corpses below.

The recoil from the machine gun also made Chu Fei flustered for a while, and a strong counter-shock force knocked the butt of the gun to Chu Fei's shoulder, making a dull impact sound.

Fortunately, Chu Fei is a peak fourth-order supernatural user, and it happens that his body is relatively strong, so this little counter-shock force can't affect him.

Hearing the roar from the officer, Chu Fei smiled awkwardly. He also realized that his bullets were flying all over the sky. He thought that this was the case with heavy machine guns, but he never thought that it was a problem with his posture.

Putting down the heavy machine gun, Chu Fei adjusted his posture, leveled the muzzle of the gun, aimed at the group of zombies in the distance, and pulled the trigger again.

"Cack cluck cluck cluck cluck..."

Now, the sound was much more normal. At least Chu Fei didn't have to worry about the bullets flying around, so he stopped shooting.It's just that the good times didn't last long, the heavy machine gun stopped roaring, Chu Fei looked down, and there was no bullets.

Afraid of attracting other people's attention, Chu Fei quickly picked up the bullet chain from one side, and loaded the bullets in a hurry. Because he was not very skilled, it took a long time to finish loading.

But it doesn't matter, it is not easy for Chu Fei to be able to load the bullet safely, but fortunately there is no accident in the middle.

The heavy machine gun roared again, as if venting its dissatisfaction with the new owner, a long tongue of flame rushed into the distance and landed on the distant mountain.

It has to be said that the power of the heavy machine gun is unquestionable. The heavy machine gun actually shot out holes in the mountain, and the withered plants on it were torn apart by sweeping.

In the midst of his busy schedule, Chu Feiteng wiped the sweat from his forehead, feeling a little strange in his heart, he clearly aimed at the zombies!


Chapter 162 The Emergence of Tier [-] Zombies

But it doesn't matter, Chu Fei uses a heavy machine gun, as long as he doesn't accidentally injure his own people, it is considered a success for him.

"What are you doing! What are you shooting! Can you still shoot well! If you can't, you can shoot with someone else! Don't shoot blindly!"

Just as Chu Fei was shooting, the officer's roar came from his ears again. Chu Fei impatiently picked out his ears and turned his head to the direction from which the sound came.

What caught my eye was the officer's angry face. He was really angry. When he was concentrating on killing the zombies just now, he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

A very strange tongue of flame, just like the mountain's hatred, kept shooting at it, curiosity forced him to divert his attention, and followed the tongue of flame to find the culprit.

In the end, after seeing the culprit, the officer was almost blown out of his lungs. It's this new recruit again. Can't this guy shoot zombies for a while?

I really don't understand, a machine gunner, what's your rivalry with the mountain? You!

Just when the officer was about to say something, he saw Chu Fei waving his hand with an impatient expression on his face. The officer's neck hurt instantly and he fell into a coma.

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