At the same time, the swordsman holding the soft sword twisted his body, and entangled him like a snake.

Chapter 2 Smoke

Yes, like a snake.

Qin Ke has never seen such a soft body, as if there is no bone at all, so the soft sword in his hand has become as weird and unpredictable as a poisonous snake, the soft sword surface reflects the bright moonlight, when it jumps, Just like Bai Lian in the hands of a dancer.

The "Bodhisattva" in Qin Ke's hand turned over, holding the single knife horizontally, and the soft sword circled around his side, as if spitting out a snake letter, suddenly opened his mouth, bared his fangs, and pointed towards his throat Bite away.

Qin Ke held the bodhisattva with a little force, stepped back while putting aside the single sword, and wanted to hit the soft sword's face.

However, with a sudden flick of the swordsman's wrist, the soft sword softly changed its direction. It broke away from the striking line of Qin Ke Bodhisattva's scabbard, and bent towards Qin Ke's back.

Qin Ke sighed softly in his heart, but at this moment, his eyes widened, and the Bodhisattva sword was unsheathed in an instant!

With a flash of a bright sword shadow, Qin Ke's Bodhisattva sword intersected with the soft sword, and he twisted violently.

After all, the soft sword is frivolous and cannot bear the huge force, and when the sharpness is completely suppressed by the Bodhisattva, the sword body is cut into two in an instant.

And Qin Ke stepped forward, the scabbard slapped the swordsman's wrist suddenly, and the Bodhisattva sword was only an inch away from the man's neck.

The sound of the single knife slashing came from behind again, Qin Ke sighed slightly, turned around and handed over the Bodhisattva and single knife head-on.

It's just that he just ran into it, and he thought it was bad.

A single sword may seem fierce, but in fact the blade has no strength at all!

At the same time, Qin Ke felt the aura suddenly disappear behind him. He didn't dare to look distracted, but secretly guessed that the swordsman might have disappeared into the night at this moment.

The man in black holding the knife sneered, raised one hand, and lightly pressed the trigger of the crossbow that he picked up just now. In an instant, two crossbow arrows whizzed through the air. Qin Ke held the Bodhisattva and picked it off at once , and then there was a bang in front of his eyes, and a thick white smoke filled the surroundings. When the fog cleared, the man in black holding the knife had disappeared.

He didn't have to check whether the man in black he defeated first was still lying there, he just stared blankly at the bright moon in the sky and lost himself in thought.

"What's wrong with you? It's taken you so long to move a ladder. Thanks to me, I gave you a raise this month. Be quick! Put the ladder up! It's probably those little bastards from Anlin Lane who are making noise on the roof again." Now, if you catch them today, you have to make their adults lose money!"

Hearing the shout from the shopkeeper downstairs, Qin Ke immediately came back to his senses. While sheathing the Bodhisattva, he waved his hands to dispel the unpleasant smell left by the smoke just now.

Qin Ke glanced at the ladder on the eaves, and simply ran a few steps in another direction, and jumped to the roof of another house. After jumping a few times, he found a suitable place to climb. , all the way down, hidden in the alley.

In the Fulu Inn, Gao Yishui was sitting at the table drinking tea, and the old piano was placed on the table. He touched the strings from time to time, and seemed to be listening to the vibrato with his eyes closed.

Ning Xin, who was sitting across from him, was full of worry in her eyes, and she stopped talking several times, before finally asking: "Master Gao, is he... all right?"

Gao Yishui closed his eyes, and replied with a smile: "What could be the matter? A few people who can be detected, at least prove that even if they can practice, they are not the kind of masters that cannot be dealt with, and even if they join hands , as long as Qin Ke is not stupid, he will always escape."

"What if he doesn't escape?"

"Don't run away?" Gao Yishui said with a smile, "Miss Ning Xin, don't you think of him too much as a gentry boy who fights for power and loses face and life? According to what I know about him...he really wants to run away, Faster than me."

Ning Xin was about to continue talking, but Gao Yishui suddenly opened his eyes and said in a deep voice, "I'm back."

Sure enough, the door of the inn was pushed open by a hand, and Qin Ke was standing outside the door with a Bodhisattva sword in his hand.

Ning Xin immediately went up to greet her, and called out with concern: "Ah Ke, are you okay..."

Qin Ke nodded, crossed the threshold with a small jump, picked up the teapot on the table and poured himself a bowl when he entered the room.

Ning Xin looked at him gurgling and drinking, a little funny, but she still reached out and patted his wrist to persuade: "Drink slowly, don't choke."

Qin Ke drank a bowl of tea in one breath, grinned at Ning Xin, then looked at Gao Yishui, and asked, "Do you know who these people are?"

"Why do you think I know?" Gao Yishui held his chin, and put his other hand on the strings instead of putting it on the strings. Instead, he put his hand into the shabby clothes, as if scratching an itch. He pouted, "Pull out the nails." It's you, could it didn't catch any of them?"

"They all ran away." Thinking of the confrontation on the roof, Qin Ke shook his head and said: "Three of them, one can't practice, but he is also a good player. The other two are probably in the middle of Yijin cultivation, although they joined forces I won't lose either, but it's almost impossible to keep them."

Qin Ke roughly talked about the process of his fight, and suddenly slapped the table: "By the way, when they were running away, someone dropped something, and after the thing exploded, a lot of smoke appeared, making it impossible to see anything... you know what this is?"

"Smoke?" Gao Yishui thought for a while, and said, "I have some impressions. I think it's something that Taoist priests who practice alchemy all day long have nothing to do. It looks like a small ball the size of a palm. Once it explodes, it will spray out Rolling lime. That's why you have so much white powder on you."

Qin Ke nodded, no wonder, being tossed by the "smoke" made his eyes feel a little uncomfortable.

"Practitioners...jujitsu, military masters, and lime bombs..." Gao Yishui pondered for a moment, but he couldn't figure out where there was such an organization in Jiujiang City.

"Perhaps there is only one explanation." Gao Yishui tapped the table with his knuckles lightly. Although his movements were very slight, both Qin Ke and Ning Xin felt their hearts were lifted.

"Then what is so good about that mysterious God of Wealth? His addiction to broken sleeves. I don't think it's enough to give you a hundred gold. After thinking about it, I still want to tie you back and make you a forbidden child..." Before finishing speaking, Qin Ke had already held up the "Bodhisattva" and knocked it on Gao Yishui's head. Gao Yishui stretched out his hand to resist, but after all, the wood of the scabbard of "Bodhisattva" seemed light, but it was actually heavy, and the force on his arm was not small.

Gao Yishui said "Ouch", with a painful expression on his face, then rubbed his arms, looked at Qin Ke and said helplessly, "I was just joking, why are you so serious?"

Qin Ke snorted: "You bastard, if you don't fight for three days, go to the house to expose the tiles!"

Ning Xin burst out laughing, seeing the two people who seemed to be at war but actually friendly, said softly: "You two have a really good relationship."

"Not that good."

"of course."

The two spoke at the same time, but Qin Ke shook his head and objected, while Gao Yishui admitted with a laugh.

Then both of them were taken aback, as if they didn't expect such an answer from the other party, they were stunned.

Gao Yishui stood up at this time, grabbed Qin Ke's shoulders, and said with a smile: "I'm a little sad when I say that. I was still thinking about whether to go with you. If you say that, I can only find someone The corner cried by itself."

Qin Ke was a little surprised: "Are you serious? Are you willing to be my guide?"

"Fake." Seeing Qin Ke raised his hand again, Gao Yishui thought that he was going to hit him, so he quickly raised his hand to stop him and said, "Where did you invite someone like this? Back then, Zhuge Wanling was at home after resigning from office. Jing Chu In order to invite him out of the mountain, the old leader of the gang came to the door three times, and the new leader was ushered in in the snowy night. This is how the current Prime Minister Jing Wu is. Although I am not as good as him, at least you should be polite. ?”

"What's it like, it's not enough for you to eat and drink?" Qin Ke gave him a white look.

"Of course it's not enough!" Gao Yishui said solemnly: "Is my old Gao such a greedy and snobbish person? How can I bribe me for a meal?"

Qin Ke was about to say something, but Gao Yishui continued shamelessly: "Unless... food, accommodation, wine and beauties..."

Qin Ke took a deep breath, and began to wonder if he should pull out the Bodhisattva, and simply give him a sword.

Chapter 2 War Fortune

Anyway, it was an unexpected surprise that Gao Yishui was willing to follow him to find his master, but he kept yelling plausibly: "If you don't refuse first, how can you sit on the ground and raise the price, but you, a fool, only asked me once."

That look of needing to be beaten really made Qin Ke's teeth itch with hatred.

At night, the three of them didn't sleep separately, but all slept in the same room - Ning Xin slept on the bed alone, Qin Ke lay on the table, and Gao Yishui put the chairs together to make a temporary bed. The small "bed" can be regarded as a night.

The stalking happened just now, and I still haven't figured out what the stalker's purpose is, and who he is serving. At this time, I have to sleep separately because of the defense between men and women, and it will only give the opponent an opportunity to sneak in Opportunity.

Ning Xin was born in a prostitute, but she didn't have the twitchiness of a little girl, but she was a little worried that something would happen at night, so she tossed and turned all night, and only when the rooster crowed in the morning and the sky turned white, she felt relieved and fell into a deep sleep.

And when the sky was bright and the streets were bustling, the three of them had a simple breakfast at the inn, followed the nearest road to the gate of Jiujiang City, bought an old carriage from a coachman outside the gate, and went out of the city to Jianye Most of the direction to go.

Hei Feng was a little dejected. After all, he had never done hard work like pulling a cart for such a precious war horse. If it were any other time, he might not even take a step forward.

It's just that Xiao Hei on the top of his head was still squinting his eyes and daydreaming, and he didn't dare to be negligent, so he could only pull the carriage honestly and head towards Jianye City all the way.

Along the way, Qin Ke also remained vigilant, and from time to time, he had to use the technique of wind vision to check if there were any abnormalities around him. A day later, the carriage was very far away from Jiujiang City, and the three of them were completely relieved.

"I thought you would want to find out who was following us." Gao Yishui sat in the carriage, staggering all the way.

Heifeng is not a horse that specializes in pulling carts. Even though it is tall and mighty, and its hooves sound like thunder when it runs, it doesn't know how to make the carriage as stable as possible. Naturally, the people sitting in this carriage will not be too comfortable.

Ning Xin's complexion was not very good, but fortunately, Qin Ke helped her press the acupuncture points, which relieved some of the pain of exhaustion.

"I thought about investigating. But the more important thing right now is to keep my sister safe first." Qin Ke is not worried about Gao Yishui. In terms of escaping, he believes that Gao Yishui has his own way. His hands and eyes are open to the sky, and he is staring at me for some unknown purpose, so even if I return to Jianye City, I will not be at peace. But if his sphere of influence is only in Jiujiang City, the chaos here has nothing to do with me , as long as I leave, people will naturally not care about me. And..."

Qin Ke looked at the vast plain, and the road ahead was long, "I don't think I will return to Jiujiang City again."

"Call you stupid, sometimes you are really a little clever. When you arrive in Jianye City, I will reward you with a small wild flower. I will personally insert it behind your ear. It must look as good-looking as a big girl."

Gao Yishui saw that Qin Ke was about to fight again, so he hurriedly put his hands on his head, and after a while, Gao Yishui sighed, "I really don't know the true face of that mysterious God of Wealth after I leave, it's a pity to think about it .”

Qin Ke looked at him and asked, "I don't know very well. Why do you want to find out the identity of the God of Wealth? Curious? I don't quite believe it."

Gao Yishui smiled and said, "It's really curiosity. In life, being too cautious is meaningless. Of course, there are some purposes... If this mysterious God of Wealth is just a big businessman who doesn't like to show his face, it may not be able to attract me. The curiosity of this God of Wealth, but compared to the other three...his family history is somewhat different."

"What's the difference?" Qin Ke asked.

"Most of the others made their fortunes with salt, cloth, coal and other goods, and then they gradually became bigger and then operated in all walks of life." Gao Yishui said lightly: "The one who pushed this person to the top of the God of Wealth is not any kind of superficial Business……"


"In other words, what this person does is not an ordinary business." Gao Yishui looked out of the carriage, "He deals in... weapons, war horses, and ironware."

"What's the meaning……"

"To put it simply, he sells these things wherever there is a war. Although every country has its own weapon craftsmen and its own arsenal, once a war breaks out, the inventory will be consumed and no one dares to sell it. It is guaranteed that there is no need to purchase it separately. And during the war, there have always been many businessmen who traveled to various countries and made a wave of war fortunes during the war. This is the case with this God of Wealth. Forged weapons and domesticated non-registered war horses can be transported to various countries through his channels, and whenever there is a war, they can earn several times or even dozens of times more than usual."

Qin Ke was a little indignant: "Earning such money... Isn't this person afraid of having a son..."

"For a businessman, as long as there is money to be made, there is nothing he can't do. What's more, he sells weapons to countries that need them urgently. On the contrary, he has relieved the urgent needs of others, and it can be said that he has done a great deed." Gao Yishui said calmly With a smile, "It's just that it's nothing to say that he sells weapons. After all, there are quite a few people who do this kind of thing. One more than him is not too many, and one less than him is quite a lot. What is strange to me is that his reaction is too fast... For many years Now, almost every time he fights, he is like a crow that can smell the smell of corpses in advance. He can prepare enough weapons in advance, and when others are still standing still, his soldiers and horses are already ready Shipped to the place..."

Gao Yishui leaned against the wall of the carriage, closed his eyes: "If it is said that this is his keen sense of smell as a businessman, it is nothing unusual, but after so many years, he has never made a single mistake, which is a bit strange, is it possible ... What kind of Living Buddha, Immortal, Unknown Prophet is he?"

Ning Xin had never met her behind-the-scenes boss, so she was a little curious at this moment, and asked softly, "So...does he have any channels to get news in advance?"

"I don't know." Gao Yishui shook his head, "This is what I have been investigating, but there has been no result. Now that I think about it... If he really relied on speculation, then it can only prove that he is a natural businessman, and he can even In other words, it is more than enough to assist the prince as a military adviser. But if there is any channel for him to know these things in advance... I am afraid that this kind of foreknowledge is not foreknowledge, but..." He smiled bitterly, "It's a bit scary to think about it."

The three of them were speechless. After all, this kind of thing was just speculation before it was confirmed. No matter how much it was talked about, it would be of no benefit.And Qin Ke just hoped that this matter would not get entangled with him and affect his finding a master.

The carriage traveled all the way, and finally arrived at Jianye City three days later. When Heifeng unloaded the heavy carriage, it neighed excitedly for a while, ran around happily, and came over from time to time to rub Qin Ke with its head, and Qin Ke Ke also smiled happily, stroked its mane with his hand, and took Xiao Hei down.

Xiao Hei's two round eyes rolled around, and he sneered into Qin Ke's chest.

"These two animals seem to be quite human." Gao Yishui commented.

"That's right." Qin Ke touched Heifeng, "But it's a pity that Heifeng can't follow me out then."

Gao Yishui nodded: "According to what you said, if you want to find your master, you must first go to the country of Tang. This northern barbarian horse is too eye-catching, and bringing it there will only lead to a lot of danger."

Qin Ke glanced at him: "That's right, but why do I feel like you are very excited?"

Gao Yishui smiled: "Is it so obvious? Maybe you can understand that this is the joy that I will soon find a long-term money bag."

Qin Ke was defeated. Although he hadn't elaborated on the artifact, Gao Yishui had already learned from Qin Ke's description that there was a force in the Tang Kingdom that was also chasing down and even killing Zhuge Wolong, but Gao Yishui just smirked. , not only did not show fear, but was eager to try.

"This pervert..." Qin Ke secretly slandered.

Chapter 2 Arrangement

Not many days later, the three of them entered Jianye City together. After selling the carriage, the three of them were relaxed. Along the way, Gao Yishui talked about his various experiences of traveling to various countries and indulging in mountains and rivers, but Qin Ke curled his lips. Said: "According to what you said, you probably ran outside with a qin in your arms when you were wearing crotch pants?"

Gao Yishui has never mentioned his age to Qin Ke, but judging by his appearance, he is no more than 30 years old. If he is dressed more plainly and elegantly, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is only 25, but he has always called himself old Gao in front of Qin Ke. However, Qin Ke is not very interested in arguing about age with him.

He has traveled the world for many years, and Jianye City was only one of his stops. However, when he came to Jianye, Jingwu had not yet been established, and the people's livelihood in Jianye City was withered due to years of war.

Today, this big city has been rejuvenated, and the joy in their hearts can be seen from the expressions of people passing through the streets.

Seeing the prosperity of Jianye City and the majestic towering palace from a distance, Ning Xin felt a little bit of longing and awe.

This is the first time she has left Jiujiang City.

Before that, she had already resigned herself to her fate, and felt that she would never have the chance to leave that building in this life, and she could only be like Mama Huang, with all kinds of smiling faces day after day, year after year, until Shaohua got old, Maybe she was lucky enough to save enough money to redeem herself, but what should she do by then?Maybe she will be spotted by a wealthy businessman and taken home to be a concubine, but after all, she is not dependent on others and fearful.

But Qin Ke's arrival suddenly changed her fate.

Her hands were inexplicably clenched. Along the way, she had cut off the long nails that she had carefully maintained. When she was in the building, she didn't need to do rough work, and the nails were only raised to match her pair of scallions. Jade hands.

But now it is different, she can finally have a life of an ordinary person, she can have the same longing for the future as ordinary people, maybe she has to cut off her fingernails, and use her hands that have not worked for many years to wash, clean, and cook by herself, But isn't this kind of life better than living like a puppet in the building?

"Sister, that's where I live." Qin Ke pointed to the Taixuetang at the head of the bridge. The place where he is standing now is exactly the place where he fought against the man in white and the blind old man that day. The Taixuetang is only a bridge away. separated.

"This is Taixuetang?" Ning Xin looked at the not-so-magnificent but full of book-smelling buildings, and nodded slightly, "Giving so many poor children a place to study is enough to change their lives." Destiny, Prime Minister Zhuge... is really a good man."

Yes, change fate, just like her.

"Good guy?" Gao Yishui smiled strangely, thinking that if Zhuge Wanling was a purely good guy, how could he possibly be able to suppress those Jingwu gentry?In this world, the higher you stand, the more you have to endure the chill from that high place, and what comes from all sides is no longer the wind, but sharp blades.

It's like the destruction of embankments and flooding of fields this year. If Zhuge Wanling made a wrong move, he, or even Jing Wu, might fall into an irreversible end.But, every step of the way seemed to be pre-calculated, and he picked the best one out of countless bad results. With such a strategy, it is no wonder that he can achieve such a great achievement as Jing Wu today.

And what is his younger brother, Qin Ke's master, planning?

Qin Ke didn't think so much, just nodded: "However, Taixuetang only allows students to enter, so it's impossible to take you in to have a look. Sister, let me find you a place to live first. Where do you want to live?"

Ning Xin turned her head, looked at Qin Ke with a slight smile, and said: "I have nothing to say, I can do it anywhere, as long as it is closer to you, and I can help you wash your clothes. If you are still in Jingwu, sister can do it." Cook for you to eat, don't look at me in the building every day, my craft is from elementary school."

"Closer?" Qin Ke thought for a while, then clapped his hands suddenly: "By the way, Zhang Fu's place is good, it's close to Tai Xuetang, and Ms. Qiao has recently gone out to practice medicine. She is alone, and she should be very lonely. If you Live together and talk to each other."

In fact, Zhang Fu's residence is just a very inconspicuous room in an ordinary block near the Taixuetang. The house is old or not, or new, but with the help of the Taixuetang, every inch of land here is worth every penny.

Originally, Gao Changgong planned to arrange for Zhang Fu to live in the General's Mansion. Anyway, he is basically in the barracks, so there is not much more than her in the General's Mansion.But Zhang Fu was worried that something was wrong, and she was also afraid that some people would spread some gossip, so she found such a house to live in accompanied by Qin Ke and others.

Qin Ke knocked on the door lightly, and soon heard the sound of small footsteps coming from inside.

After the sound of "squeak", Zhang Fu's exquisite and gentle face appeared from the door, and she raised her eyes to meet Qin Ke's eyes, a little surprised: "Ah Ke? You are back? Why... so fast?"

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