Seeing that her father was making a joke, Jiang Wenwen felt much better. She originally thought that if she had a showdown, letting her parents know that she and the king had lived together would make her parents unhappy.

Now it seems that this matter has been successfully resolved.

"We're all a family, so don't say anything out of the ordinary." Xu Yin said meaningfully.

The king immediately understood: "Uncle and aunt! Don't worry, I will take good care of Wenwen and make her the happiest woman!"

Hearing these words, the old couple were immediately relieved and very happy.

Now that the young couple has their own love nest, and they have already talked about it, Jiang Chongshan and Xu Yin are not that old and stubborn, so they didn't say anything more.

Let her daughter go out with the king.

Looking at the back of their daughter going away, the couple sighed, the girl is not allowed to stay!

They only hope now that the young couple can get married as soon as possible, become husband and wife smoothly, and have a big fat boy in the future...

Back to Tianyue City, a luxuriously decorated large flat mansion.

Swipe your face and fingerprints to go in and close the door.

Two young men, Wang Shang and Jiang Wenwen, quickly hugged each other and became entangled.

"Honey, I miss you..."

Jiang Wenwen whispered softly, with a hint of sexy hoarseness. The thin clothes on her body peeled off like petals, revealing an extremely charming scenery.

Jiang Wenwen, who has passed the hurdle of her parents, has become much hotter than before, and is very active. It seems that after the first time, a girl becomes a woman, and there will be a big change.

"I miss you too..."

The king held her tightly.

The two continued to entangle, from the living room to the bedroom...

After a night.

When I opened my eyes, the sun was shining brightly, shining in through the drawn curtains.

A happy smile appeared on the king's face, because the woman beside him had already woken up and went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

In the love nest belonging to the two, Jiang Wenwen wore very little and very cool clothes, a loose white shirt, a pair of shorts, and slippers.

Looking from the back, the snow-white and sexy long legs are fully exposed...

So beautiful!

The king got up, put on some clothes casually, came to the kitchen, and hugged this unparalleled beautiful woman who belonged to him from behind.

"Don't make trouble, hate..."

"Hey, Wenwen is so pretty!"

"Okay, make the love breakfast right away, it's ready to eat, go to the dining room and sit down and wait, my baby."


Sweet dialogue is the most wonderful time for men and women in love.

There is nothing better than having breakfast together and having a good time together.

After Jiang Wenwen ate breakfast and changed, she was dressed in a professional skirt, which was so beautiful.

Soon she said goodbye to the king, and she went to work.

The king had nothing to do, so he went to the small supermarket to stay after eating, because Zhou Yuqi was given two days off, so he had to sit in the small supermarket by himself.

He now feels that he should set up a company, and let Wenwen come to work in the future instead of going to work elsewhere.


Sitting at the counter in the supermarket, His Majesty Wang took out a bottle of drink and opened the bottle cap.

It’s a new day, and the one-yuan redemption reward begins!

【Ding!Congratulations, you have won the opportunity to redeem for one yuan. Do you want to redeem for one yuan? 】

"Of course!"

【Ding!Successful redemption for one yuan!Current host wealth value -1!Congratulations to the host for receiving the reward: the missing Millennium National Treasure Kyushu Ding! 】


Chapter 78

[The origin of the national treasure Jiuzhou Ding: In the early years of the Xia Dynasty, Dayu divided the world and divided it into Kyushu.In advance, send people to draw pictures of famous mountains, great rivers, scenic spots, and strange things in every state in the country, and then send selected famous craftsmen to imitate these paintings on the body of Jiuding, and use a tripod to symbolize a state... Jiuding Symbolizing Kyushu, it reflects the unity of the country and the high concentration of royal power, showing that King Xia has become the co-lord of the world and complies with the "mandate of heaven".As the saying goes: "Under the whole world, is it the land of the king, and the shore of the land, is it the king's ministers." Since then, Kyushu has become synonymous with China, and "Dingding" has become synonymous with the establishment of national political power...]

[Jiu Ding includes Yangzhou Ding, Jingzhou Ding, Liangzhou Ding, Xuzhou Ding, Yuzhou Ding, Yongzhou Ding, Qingzhou Ding, Jizhou Ding, Yanzhou Ding. 】

【Ding!The Kyushu tripod has appeared one meter behind the host room, and it can be obtained by digging. 】


The king was dumbfounded.

Listening to the system's explanation, I feel that everything is so unreal!

"I got a big slot! Can a national treasure that has been lost for thousands of years be used as a reward? This is a big scam!"

He was so excited that he danced non-stop, making several customers who wanted to come in to buy things look at him in surprise.

"The owner of this small supermarket is probably crazy, isn't he?"

"Go quickly!"

"Crazy crazy..."

At this moment, the king is indeed about to go crazy.

He immediately checked online, and the origin of Kyushu Ding was exactly the same as what the system said.

But where is Kyushu Ding?

The king suddenly thought of this most critical question.

Because the previous reward, a ton of gold or something, appeared on the shelves of the small supermarket.


"Under one meter behind the house? Appear? Can you get it by digging?"

He remembered the system prompt.

So I rushed home!

He carried a hoe and came to the backyard.

The old houses in this area are all quite old, including Wang Shang's house. The old dilapidated house is crumbling, with a small yard, where parents usually grow some vegetables or something.

Dig down with a hoe.

No movement.

keep digging.

Keep digging.

Finally, the digging was nearly one meter deep. His Majesty was extremely careful, and gently pushed the soil away with a hoe, then jumped in and dug the soil with his hands.


Suddenly, the king was stunned, and his fingers touched something hard.

He felt a kind of quaint atmosphere, as well as the age-old touch from the fingertips...

Strange and mysterious.

The king quickly continued to dig the dirt with his hands.

The hard thing is not stone, but bronze!

The king was so excited that he kept digging the dirt.

Soon, an ancient bronze tripod wrapped in mud appeared in front of his eyes.

Then he picked up the bronze tripod, which was very heavy, and it took a lot of effort to put it on the ground, and then washed it with water.

Such a bronze tripod looks so simple and distant.

The upper circle is engraved with patterns and some inscriptions, which are extremely ancient ancient characters.

Next, it is impossible for the king to dig out the remaining eight bronze tripods by himself.

Because it is too strenuous.

In addition, he had to identify that this was the real Kyushu Ding, a national treasure that had been lost for thousands of years.

Otherwise, everything is in vain.

Although he trusts the system very much and there will be absolutely no problems, it still needs the confirmation of archaeological experts from professional appraisal institutions.

Soon, he contacted people from the city government. After all, he set up a foundation before and met some high-level government acquaintances.

Because the matter was so important, he directly contacted Director Wu in the secretary's office.

"Hello, Mr. Wang."

"Hello, Director Wu, it's like this. In the backyard of my house, ancient cultural relics were found..."

"Ancient cultural relics? My God! Good! I will report the situation to Secretary Luo immediately and arrange for archaeological experts from relevant departments to come over. Mr. Wang, please wait!"


With Director Wu's arrangement and Secretary Luo's attention, the king was relieved.

Kyushu Ding is a national treasure among national treasures. It has been lost for thousands of years, and it has always been the biggest regret in the archaeological field.

A tripod of Kyushu and a Jade Seal handed down to the country can be said to be the most mysterious and top lost national treasure in China!

If the Kyushu Ding, the highest level of national treasure, can really be unearthed, then Jiangdu will become the focus of attention of the whole of China and even the world.

At that time, what a big storm will be set off, what a fanatical and grand news public opinion, what a fanatical pursuit of archaeologists...


The king never thought about taking the national treasure as his own, because it was impossible.

Of course, if you sell them on the black market, you can make a lot of money.

But that's not his usual style.

For so many years, the country has come out of the chaos of war. It has been left behind for so long. Those who are poor and weak are the hard work of generations of Chinese people, which has brought the country to its present height. Many ancient cultural relics have been lost all over the world. From all over the world, through the efforts of Chinese people, they were brought back little by little, sent to museums, and passed down, so that Chinese descendants can see it.

If he sells to the black market, he is no different from a traitor.

A phone call interrupted his thoughts.

It was my mother calling.

"Mom and Dad, are you coming back?"

"Son, your dad and I are almost at Jiangdudong Station, so you don't need to pick it up. Your dad and I will come back by bus."

"I'll pick you up."

"What are you picking up? You don't have a car, so how do you pick it up? No need!"

"By the way, Mom, I forgot to tell you, I bought a car, just wait! I'll pick you up!"

The king hung up the phone, went out happily, and was about to drive the Pagani Fengshen, but when he thought of picking up his parents, as well as salutes and other items, there was no way to get this sports car.

So, he had no choice but to call Jiang Wenwen.

"Wenwen, my parents are back. I'm going to pick them up at East Railway Station. If you're not busy, just drive here."


On the phone, Jiang Wenwen readily agreed.

Not long after, Wang Shang and Jiang Wenwen drove to Jiangdu East Railway Station.

Half an hour later, Wang Shang successfully picked up his parents.

"Mom and Dad, this is my girlfriend, Jiang Wenwen."

"Wenwen, this is my parents..."

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