Chapter 38 Assassination

"Mika, it's up to you this time."

The man patted Mika on the shoulder: "It is necessary to create conflicts between the two sides, it is best to start a war directly... At that time, the entire Upper Green Forest will welcome the return of the original owner!"

"Well, after I become the new lord, I will marry Monica to you and make you the lord of the Emerald Territory!"

"I am willing to serve you!"

Mika clenched his chest, and there was a flame of ambition in his eyes.

Indeed, it should be the Davis family that rules the Upper Green Forest!

Even if the man in front of him is just a side branch, who made the main branch dead?

Not to mention, there are territories, Miss Monica...


Blackstone Manor, the gate.

In order to show politeness, Aaron stood at the gate in formal attire to greet him.

Not long after, a convoy appeared at the end of the road and kept approaching.

"My lord, you are very kind."

Knight Iman got off his horse and shook hands with Aaron.

"Welcome to my manor as a guest." Aaron responded politely.

Knight Iman helped a young lady down from the carriage again: "Let me introduce, the brightest pearl on the emerald collar, my daughter——Monica!"

"Hello, pretty lady."

"Good day, my lord." Monica looked at Aaron's handsome face, a blush appeared on her cheeks, and she was not so resistant to the family arrangements.

"This is my disciple—Mika!"

Iman Knight continued to introduce a young man.


Aaron became more reserved, nodded and passed.

Although the opponent seems to have good martial arts skills, that's all.

What made him a little strange was that the other party's heartbeat and other signs were heard in the breeze, and he was a little too excited.

"The face is well hidden, but it's not the earl, as for this..."

He immediately paid more attention, sensed the state of the other people in the convoy, gave Bazhi a wink, and led Iman Knight into the manor.

In the living room, the cooks brought sweet honey water and milky pudding.

"Please feel free to try my invention."

Aaron took a spoonful of pudding and put it into his mouth. This was Ginny's favorite dessert, but it was a pity that she hated the cook in the castle who couldn't make it well.

"It's really delicious."

Knight Iman took a sip and put down the spoon, but Monica next to her had bright eyes and danced the spoon quickly while maintaining her ladylike elegance. The nun next to her winked several times to no avail.

Iman Knight was a little annoyed in his heart, but he didn't show his face, and communicated happily with Aaron.

"I heard that the baron has some magical potions in his hand, which cured Mrs. Sylvie?"

With a little probing, he seemed to mention it unintentionally.

"The acquisition from the merchant may have some effect, but it should be more due to the contribution of the bachelor and the midwife..."

Aaron is humble and authentic.

Yiman secretly rolled his eyes, not believing it at all.

What is the virtue of being a businessman in the green forest? Doesn't he know it?If there was such a magic potion, it would have been blown into the sky long ago.

This potion was probably made by Aaron himself. After all, this person had a reputation for this before.

That being the case, it is even more important to establish a good relationship. After all, life-saving potions are very precious things in this era.

Even if there is no medicine, he still wants all kinds of farm tools and fertilizers that can double the yield per mu.

Thinking of this, Yiman felt that his daughter was not up to date.

After a short rest, led by Aaron, he took Iman Knight and others to inspect his manor.

"This year's wheat production is good. The mill on the estate has been operating at full capacity. I am going to build another one... Besides, the warehouse also needs to be expanded."

Aaron walked in the manor with Iman, Monica, and Mika.

Suddenly, there was a commotion from behind.

"what happened?"

Aaron frowned, and then saw Eight Fingers and Sanchez trotting over, glanced at Knight Iman, and said without lowering his voice: "I found suspicious persons among the entourage, they are carrying poisoned daggers, I suspect they are assassin!"

"This must be a misunderstanding!"

Iman Knight's expression changed drastically.

And Aaron suddenly turned around and looked at Mika.

The young man's heartbeat accelerated a lot.

I have to say, some of the abilities of 'chrysalis' are quite useful. '

Aaron looked at Mika with a half-smile on his face: "Your name is... Mika, right?"

"Yes... yes, my lord baron."

Mika didn't know why Aaron didn't look for Iman Knight, but went to him directly, and cold sweat began to ooze from his forehead.

"Why did you come to assassinate me?"

The next moment, Aaron said this with a sneer, he was too lazy to play with others about evidence, in his territory, he was the law, and he could arrest, interrogate, or even kill people just by suspicion!


Yiman's expression changed again, and then he saw Mika's ferocious expression, and directly drew out the cross sword at his waist.

Unfortunately, he was a step too late.

Aaron touched his waist with his wrist, and the light swift sword came to his hand, making a progressive stab.


With a flash of silver light, the slender blade of the swift sword directly penetrated Mika's right chest and pierced the lung lobe.

"Mika... ah..."

Looking at the fallen Mika, Monica screamed.

Knight Iman looked at Aaron in astonishment. Mika was his proud disciple. He had even surpassed him in physical strength, but he was still a little lacking in experience, but he was able to rank among the best in the tournament.

But at this time, he was knocked down by the enemy.

Although there are other factors, the martial arts of Baron Aaron are obviously not trivial.

"Iman Knight..."

Aaron took out a snow-white handkerchief, wiped his sword lightly, and asked casually, "This matter... do you know?"

The Iman knight couldn't help being covered with cold sweat, and instantly realized that he was involved in a huge conspiracy.

Judging from Mika's expression and actions, he is really the main messenger of the assassin, and this will undoubtedly implicate the knight himself.

At such a sensitive time, as a vassal, doing such a thing may even lead to a crusade!

"By my grandmother's faith, I knew nothing about it!"

Knight Iman quickly made a decision. He half-kneeled on the ground, slowly drew out his saber, together with the scabbard, and offered it to Aaron with both hands.

"Of course . . . I fully believe that."

Aaron did not go to pick it up. It would be an insult to completely disarm a knight.

What's more, he had already confirmed Iman's state through the induction of hair, and he was basically sure that the other party was innocent.

"Eight Fingers, please let Knight Iman and Ms. Monica go to the guest room to rest, and search the servants, so that the conspiracy of the gangsters who sneaked into the convoy cannot be allowed to succeed."

he said with a smile.

"Thank you for your kindness. Your wisdom is the only one I have ever seen in my life."

Knight Iman stood up, heaving a sigh of relief. The lord still seemed to trust him.

Chapter 39 Divination

Because of an emergency, Iman Knight stayed in the guest room to avoid suspicion, and the original dinner was naturally blown.

Not only that, Albert, Green, Eight Fingers and other high-level leaders of the territory all came to Aaron's study.

"This not easy to handle."

Albert frowned: "We can't completely confirm that Knight Iman is innocent...Your safety needs to be guaranteed the most thoroughly, my lord...And, involving a nobleman, I think you should notify Fort Sotos immediately .”

"Then what? Things got worse... The Shang Foresters who sympathized with Iman completely separated from us? Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this kind of clumsy assassination method is impossible to succeed. Maybe they just want to frame Iman, after all His reputation in the Upper Green Forest is good enough to inspire widespread sympathy . . . and my father."

Aaron shook his head: "He may not care whether Iman is innocent or not, but sees this as an opportunity to directly deprive Iman of the knight's territory... After all, I still have a younger brother!"

In this regard, Mrs. Sonia will definitely push hard.

"So, we must unravel the conspiracy as soon as possible, capture the real gangsters, and then... minimize the impact."

He finally concluded.

"Mika's condition is not good, I'm afraid it's difficult to interrogate, and those assassins can't interrogate anything at all..." Albert frowned and hesitated.

"It's okay, you go out first."

Aaron drove everyone out and took out a detailed map of the territory, as well as props such as candles, incense, essential oils, and pendulums.

He was too lazy to find evidence to solve the case, so he just used mysticism to solve the case while the spirituality of the 'chrysalis' was still on his body!

"Divination to find people is not at the same level as ordinary pathfinding. It can be regarded as a relatively advanced mysterious ritual."

"Also, it is easy to be interfered and confronted, whether it is the mystic degree status of the person being divined, whether he has other mysterious items on him, or even obtaining the protection of a high-ranking existence, it may cause interference!"

Just like Lin in the past, she not only has the rank equivalent to the Burning Son, but also has the pollution of the Flesh Mother Tree, which is also equivalent to a kind of gazing, which makes it very difficult to divination her. In the entire Black Sun Order, only the High Priest One person can do it.

But in the real world?

"Everyone is a mortal. My mystical degree, even if I don't count the dream world, is half a level higher than others... Moreover, unless the god-[Green Banyan Grandmother] really exists, Otherwise, there would be no high-ranking existence to protect the black hand behind the scenes... So, the interference I received is almost equal to nothing!"

"As long as the ceremony can be run, the mastermind behind the scenes will definitely be found!"

Aaron quickly sketched the rituals on the table, injecting his own spirituality.

Immediately, he lit candles to create a closed environment, and then added essential oils and incense to make himself enter a meditation-like state faster.


In the airtight study room, there seemed to be an invisible wall.

"Because there is no god in this world, I can't communicate with myself in the dream, but the main body of the ritual prayer should be myself..."

Thinking of this, Aaron shook his own spirituality, and said in a foreign language:

"I beg... the Creator above the Creator!"

"Absolute observer behind multiple curtains!"

"The illusory spirit wandering in the unknown, the existence of absolute neutrality, the silent observer!"

"Please grant me the ability to discern fate!"


Vaguely, Aaron seemed to hear his own echo, but he didn't try to answer the prayer.

After all, I tried several times before and all failed.

He simply picked up the pendulum, placed it on the map, and let the pendulum start to rotate clockwise.

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