Near the notice board, there was a large circle of people.


Aaron squeezed past and looked at the notice.

It was written very simply, His Majesty the King wanted to recruit a group of people with extraordinary abilities.

Anyone can come forward to recommend themselves, and at the end of the notice, it also emphasizes that the rewards must be extremely generous!

"Attention, this time it's not to recruit court jesters, don't think that you can get paid with a few magic tricks or tricks!"

"This time, the king needs real 'power users', fortune tellers, astrologers, wizards, druids...we only need people with real mysterious power!"

A soldier warned in a hoarse voice: "If you are a liar, you will taste like a barbed whip..."

"What's wrong with the king?"

"Do wizards really exist?"

There were a lot of people watching the excitement, but no one showed up. Instead, they talked about gossip and knowledge very eagerly, while secretly looking forward to the appearance of the real Extraordinary.

"You all don't know, I can guarantee that the purpose of the king's summoning of capable users must be to deal with the Earl of the Green Forest, that green devil!"

A young man with the appearance of a libertine boasted: "I heard that he has mastered magic and can make trees have life."

"No, it is said that he was a wizard who killed his elder brother and father with poison, and inherited the title of earl."

Another aunt with a waist as thick as a bucket retorted.

"That's obviously a barbarian from the north. He is three meters tall and can lift huge boulders. He can eat a cow, three sheep, and six children for a meal!"

Another voice from the crowd made Aaron's face twitch.

He felt his style was over.

Although, vilifying the enemy from public opinion is originally a political need.

'And, is there really no local mysterious power in this world? '

Aaron thought for a while, then suddenly chuckled, stepped forward, and said to the soldier, "I am a wizard, and I want to apply. Do I need to remove the notice?"


The crowd surrounding Aaron snapped apart, revealing him.

The soldier looked at him suspiciously: "Are you really a wizard? Your Majesty needs real capable people, not liars!"

"Of course!"

Aaron snapped his fingers.


Above his finger, a flame emerged.

Although his body is full of red spirituality, he also uses pure white ice as a seal, so it is not a problem to mobilize a little 'dark' power.

"It's fire!"

"He released the flames with his hands!"

"Wizards! Real wizards!"

The crowd suddenly became agitated, the people in the inner circle panicked and fled to the outside, while the people outside were squeezing in, which directly caused congestion.

"How? Am I qualified?"

Aaron withdrew his hand and asked with a faint smile.

"I... I will take you to see Lord Dean Alexis, he is the head of the palace guard. If he agrees, he will take you to see the king."

The soldier swallowed his saliva, and led Aaron to a building on the side of the square.

After the notification, the guard at the door looked at Aaron suspiciously, but opened the door anyway.

Aaron waited in the hall for a while, and saw a middle-aged nobleman in golden armor with a stern face walking in.

"Are you a wizard?"

Dean put his hand on the long sword and asked suspiciously.


Aaron walked to a candlestick and snapped his fingers to make the candles on the candlestick burn.

At the same time, he also put his palm on it, bearing the scorching expressionlessly: "My name is Yasuo!"

"This is much more powerful than those prophets and fortune-tellers before."

Dean obviously still didn't believe it, thinking it was some kind of magic: "Come with me!"

He took Aaron and walked all the way to the center of Kagash, a splendid palace.

With him leading the way, Aaron was released directly and entered the palace.

"This is?"

Aaron looked at the entrance of the palace, where there was a row of spears with a few heads on them, the blood had dried up.

"This is the unlucky guy who came to cheat money before, and Prince Theon saw through their trick..."

Dean's face was full of ridicule at this time: "Is it Yasuo? Pray... pray that your magic tricks can fool His Royal Highness."

Aaron shrugged his shoulders, as if he didn't care.

He followed Dean to a certain room.

Incense was lit in the room, the smell was very strong, the light in the room was relatively dim, and there were already several strangely dressed people inside.

One of the old men was staring at the crystal ball in front of him, muttering non-stop.

There is also a middle-aged man whose body is covered with various tattoos of unknown meaning.

The last one was a woman with hair like weeds, bags hanging from her body, and black eyeshadow on her cheeks, like a witch.

"These people are..."

Aaron asked curiously.

"Your Majesty is very busy. You can only wait for him to summon you. Not everyone can meet His Majesty casually."

"Be honest with me."

Dean gave a word of warning and walked out.

Aaron looked around and found that the three people were all looking at him with secret eyes, as if they were examining their peers.

He thought for a while, and leaned over to the witch: "Hi, I'm Yasuo, a wizard."


The witch glanced at him, but said nothing, staring at the cauldron in front of her.

"What are you doing? Cooking soup?" Aaron asked, "The legendary witch soup?"

"With frog legs, bat wings, lavender essential oil... and three drops of sinful blood, you can curse a person to death. I'm cursing that green devil, I feel his weakness..."

The witch raised her head, showing a secretive smile, but she had black and yellow rotten teeth, which really spoiled the atmosphere.


Aaron, who didn't feel weak at all, nodded solemnly, and started chatting with the middle-aged man again.

Then, he learned that among these people, the most famous one was the old man with the crystal ball, who was a well-known divination master in the capital, who had correctly predicted the sex of the child in the womb of the pregnant queen...

Chapter 67

"Yeah...that's really amazing."

Aaron exclaimed, and complained in his heart: "50.00% probability, if you fail, you will be unknown, and only the successful ones will be remembered. I feel that even if I don't have extraordinary abilities, I can do well as a liar in the capital..."

The old man was very proud and did not speak to him, which fully demonstrated the aura of a master.

After a while, there was noise outside, a blond boy in gorgeous clothes walked into the room, followed by several guards in golden armor.

With a playful smile on his face, he swept across everyone present one by one.

Aaron felt that the bodies of the other three, even the old man, were trembling secretly, exuding fear.

"Are you the new one?"

The boy raised his chin: "Standing in front of you is the heir of the Kagash Kingdom, His Royal Highness Prince Theon!"

"Hello, Your Royal Highness!"

Aaron greeted him with a smile. He felt as if he had seen a copy of Sean, and he was certain in his heart that this was a big brat.

"Sure enough, he is a countryman, and he doesn't understand etiquette..."

The corners of Prince Theon's mouth curled up, with a joking smile: "But I forgive you...I heard that you are a fire mage, you can put your hand on a candle without getting burned?"


Aaron affirmed.

"Come here!" Sean waved his hand: "Prepare me a fire and throw him into it. If he can come out alive, he has passed my test!"

"This brat's composition is much stronger than Sean's..."

Aaron complained in his heart, thinking about whether to do it immediately.

At this moment, an attendant rushed over: "Prince Theon, His Majesty the King needs to see you immediately, the dinner is about to begin... and these few... the king will summon you at the banquet!"

"You're lucky, but you won't be lucky all the time."

Theon glared at Aaron angrily, and left with the guards.

The witch and the others cast a sympathetic look, obviously feeling that Aaron would be one of those hanging heads in the near future.


The banquet hall of the royal palace is resplendent and magnificent, and its area is several times larger than that of Sothosburg.

The long table of tens of meters was covered with a snow-white tablecloth, and it was filled with various delicacies, as well as golden candlesticks and silver tableware...

The band was playing softly, and many aristocratic men and women gathered in one place in bright clothes, with a graceful demeanor.

Aaron and the other four were arranged in a corner, next to the clown and the circus who were about to perform.

"His Majesty the King will summon us soon, and perhaps let us perform in public..."

The witch's voice seemed a little nervous.

"I foresaw that the King suffered a defeat, but that's all right, he'll be helped."

The divination old man is holding the crystal fairway.

Aaron felt that there was probably an information team behind the old man, and counting the time, he would probably be able to get the battle report ahead and know the news that the army rations were burned.

Perhaps it was because of this that the king recruited the mystics from the people in such a desperate situation.

"Yes, he will get help from witches and druids..."

The middle-aged man spoke, as if he wanted to form an alliance.

The witch looked at Aaron, and suddenly froze: "Wait, what are you going to do?"

At this time, Aaron left his place directly, came to the dining table, picked up the plate, knife and fork, and picked up a piece of fried egg for himself.

His demeanor is at ease, almost like the host of the banquet.

"I'm hungry……"

Aaron said casually, and took another bunch of grapes.

The witch and the others all shook their heads, thinking that this person knew he was going to die, so he was going to be a ghost before being burned to death?

"His Majesty is here!"

At this time, Anthony II held his wife's hand, followed by several princes and princesses, and entered the hall, attracting a lot of attention, and finally rescued Aaron.

Aaron glanced over and continued eating the veal.

I have to say that the royal chef's craftsmanship is good, at least a little better than the cooks in Sothosburg. Ginny should like it very much.


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