These 1000 years of slumber seem to have remained unchanged. In fact, after feeling the precipitation of history, Aaron felt that he had become much calmer.

Waking up in the morning, washing his face and brushing his teeth in the bathroom, and looking at himself in the mirror, Aaron was moved for a long time.

"Sure enough... Modern life is still comfortable... Although the enjoyment of the upper class at this time is based on the pain of the ordinary people at the bottom..."

"It's time to find a maid, otherwise others will find it very strange..."

"The exploration of the dream world is actually very simple... just arrange the ceremony and try to summon the false spirit... Even if you can't communicate, you can confirm whether it exists there..."

But Aaron was in no hurry.

After training in the 'Aura of Radiance' during this period of time, the spirituality of 'Yao' he has accumulated is strong enough, and he feels that he can be promoted through rituals at any time.

Therefore, after he prepared to become a Beyonder in the first stage, he would try ritual magic again, which would be safer.


After going out, he called a taxi, and Aaron went directly to the market where the butler, male and female servants were introduced.

Although it was just three streets away, and it didn't take too long to walk, it was not decent and would be criticized by people you knew.

The high society of this era has a deformed value system. If a lady wears the same dress twice to attend a banquet, she will be considered as a poor family. This is a very serious matter, and she will gradually be excluded from the original circle.

And even if the family was originally wealthy, they might lose their contacts and reputation because they were pushed out of the circle, their business failed and went bankrupt, and they fell into the abyss...

Therefore, the upper-class people of this era pay attention to decent travel and clothing, even to a morbid level.

Aaron is actually not used to this. Although he was a great nobleman thousands of years ago...but the Greenwood nobles have always been regarded as 'northern barbarians' by the southern sheep people.

But at this time, in order to play my role well, I still have to do as the Romans do.

"My lord, are you looking for a servant?"

The coachman was very talkative, as if excited by meeting a distinguished guest, he chattered about his experience: "The maid must come from the countryside, the people there are relatively simple, and the guys who live in the city are very good at loafing." , and even steal the owner's property... It is best to have a letter of introduction from the previous owner and a guarantee from the market, otherwise it is easy to be deceived..."

Even, Aaron heard gossip about how servants were punished in some upper-class families.

What surprised him even more was that, in the view of the coachman, it was a matter of course for the master to punish his servants and even teach his own children to do the same.

After arriving at the 'talent market' of this era, Aaron paid the carriage fare and was about to enter when two gentlemen walked up to him.

One of them was well-dressed, with a large forehead and a pair of blue eyes. It was Bruce Field who met yesterday.

"Isn't this Aaron? I didn't expect to see you here again. Are you here to choose servants? I have some experience in this regard..."

"Bruce, this is..." Aaron looked at an old gentleman beside him.

He had gray hair, smoked a meerschaum pipe, polished shoes, and had the air of a scholar.

"Let me introduce... this is Mr. Clark Dass! Mr. Dass is a professor at the School of History, a respected scholar!"

Bruce obviously respects this Clark Dass very much: "I have studied with him for a while, and I have benefited a lot from the study of real history and mysticism... This time, it was also Mr. Dass' maid who got married And leave, I brought him to pick a new maid..."

"Hello there!"

Aaron stretched out his hand and shook the opponent's hand. Feeling the strength of the opponent's palm, he couldn't help but move.

"Hello, young man..."

Mr. Das's expression was a little strange, and he looked at Aaron a few more times: "I feel the vicissitudes and weight of history in you..."

'This man...'

Aaron narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling that the other party might not be simple.

However, the spirituality is hidden in oneself, and without using specific methods to detect it, it is impossible to determine whether the other party is a Extraordinary.

'Bruce believed in the existence of mystery, could it be that he was influenced by this Clark Dass? '

'Also...compared to illiterate workers and maids, in fact...nobles and high-level intellectuals are the groups that are most likely to come into contact with mystery, especially he is a historian! '

Chapter 85 Maid

Although he was a little puzzled, Aaron looked normal and continued talking with Clark Dass for a while, and even got the other party's business card.

He looked at the address in his hand and decided to pay a visit later.

"I'm really sorry, because I have just settled here, and the new business card has not yet been printed..."

Aaron explained another sentence for himself.

"It's okay, I'm looking forward to Mr. Juggs' visit."

Clark Dass laughed.

The pseudonym Aaron uses now is Aaron Juggs.

The three entered the agency while chatting.

"Three gentlemen, may I ask what services you need... We have the best housekeepers, the most beautiful maids, and male servants as strong as cattle..."

A fat manager with a shiny face greeted him immediately.

Clark frowned suddenly.

Aaron, who has been supplementing his knowledge in this area recently, knows that some real housekeepers come from upper-class families and have attended specialized training schools, which are separate from ordinary servants.

Moreover, even ordinary male and female servants are divided into chief male servants, personal servants, chief maids, personal maids, maids who manage kitchen utensils, and the lowest laundry maids, chore maids, etc.

This fat man looks very unprofessional at first glance.

But after all, Green Forest is not the capital of Invensys, so it can't be too demanding.

"This gentleman and I each need a maid."

Clark introduced.

"No problem, I'll go get the materials right now."

The fat manager smiled and was about to walk up the stairs when his expression suddenly changed: "Sylvia, who allowed you to come here?"

Aaron looked over and saw a plainly dressed woman in her twenties with skinny cheeks, begging in a voice that would sob at any moment: "Manager Wright, please, give me a job..."

In this era, weekly wages are basically used, because ordinary people have problems buying food for the next day. Once they don’t get paid for a week, they may starve to death and freeze to death, let alone have no savings.

Therefore, wages must be paid on a weekly basis.

Once you lose your job, you are in a very dangerous situation.

"I used to be so kind and kind. I didn't mind if you were fired by the previous employer, so I introduced you to another job, but within two months, you screwed up..."

Wright shook his head, resolutely refused, and said to Aaron and the three: "Three gentlemen, please avoid her, that is an ominous woman. There are also frequent accidents among the two employers..."

No one will give a third chance to such a maid.

Aaron glanced at Sylvia, and intuitively felt that the other person was indeed a little gloomy.

Bruce sighed and looked at Sylvia with pity, knowing that sweatshops or selling his body might be the only way out for the other party.

"Is it ominous? Interesting!"

Aaron suddenly said, "I'm currently researching a purification ritual, and I need an experimental product. Maybe I can use her to try. How much salary do I need to hire her?"

"Good sir... I... I can do anything... for three shillings a week."

Sylvia hurriedly said.

The shilling is a subsidiary currency of Invensway. The coin contains a certain amount of silver, and the exchange rate with the gold pound is about 20 to 1.

Further down, there are copper pennies or 'coppers', 1 shilling can be exchanged for 12 copper pennies.

And in the market, the worst beer in a pub is often worth a penny, and a sack of flour is worth eight or ninepence.

White-collar workers in companies, as well as government employees, housekeepers, and elite trained servants are often paid in pounds per week.

A weekly salary of 3 shillings is indeed very little.

"Mr. Wright, please prepare the contract..."

Aaron smiled and said to the manager.


Wright sighed and glanced at Sylvia, not knowing whether this woman was lucky or unlucky.

Although he found a job, this employer doesn't look like a serious person.

"Thank you, kind sir!"

Sylvia almost wept with joy.

She is pregnant with misfortune, and even wakes up every night when she dreams about it in the middle of the night. Recently, she has been even more unlucky. She either broke dishes or ironed clothes at the new employer's house, and her reputation was already very bad.

Aaron literally rescued her from the brink.

"A maid with bad luck..." Bruce also stared at Sylvia, hesitated to speak, and finally said: "Aaron, can I watch your purification and exorcism ceremony? I also have a little research on this..."

"Cough cough!"

Clark Dass coughed, and Bruce stopped resentfully.

Next, Clark browsed through the information and selected a well-regarded maid with a weekly salary of 5 shillings. After agreeing on the door-to-door time, the three of them walked out of the employment agency together.

Seeing no one around, Clark said in a low voice: "Don't discuss the occult in public... Bruce, if you still can't get rid of this bad habit, you will lose my friendship."

Aaron listened, but felt that the old scholar man with a pipe in his mouth seemed to be hinting at him.


He pretended to be a newbie and asked curiously.

"Invensys seems to be free, but in fact it is a country full of secret police...Those secret police hide in the dark corners, watching everyone and reviewing every publication. Once they are found guilty, They can even be directly arrested and convicted without trial... For the public advocacy of occultism, the first time may be a warning, detention, fine, and the second time is imprisonment."

Clark took a deep breath of tobacco and slowly exhaled a smoke ring.

"Such a strict secret police system... It seems that Invensys has extremely strict management of wild Extraordinary..."

Aaron immediately understood.

'This Clark, [-]% guesses that I am a Extraordinary, testing me?And what about Bruce?A friend of his, or an apprentice on probation? '

He said goodbye to the two calmly and returned to his residence.

'Finally... are you going to touch the inner world that has been developed for thousands of years? '

Aaron was slightly excited.

He is still somewhat confident about his own safety and combat power.

In addition to the limited body of an ordinary person, even if he is only a half Extraordinary at this time, with so many spells and rituals he has mastered, the ordinary First and Second Stage Extraordinary may not necessarily be his opponent.

'Well, let's go to the showdown another day...'

'However, before that, perform a few ritual spells to enhance your own strength... and then use divination to determine the degree of danger. '

'Also... Go to the black market to buy firearms. The power of firearms in this era is already pretty good, even better than the abilities of low-level extraordinary people. '

Aaron carefully planned for the upcoming events.

Then, he went to a nearby restaurant to have dinner, returned to his residence to wash up, and fell asleep peacefully, enjoying the happiness of sleep.

Chapter 86 Delivery

The next day.

Aaron stood on the balcony, bathed in radiance.

Silently chanting the incantation of 'Radiant Law', he suddenly felt a bit of the spiritual formation of 'Yao' again.

For a moment, his eyes turned pure white.

"I... saw the light!"

Aaron murmured, the perfect spirituality in his body told him that he had accumulated to a certain limit, and he could try to be promoted to become a true Extraordinary.

He returned to the main hall and was about to have breakfast when he suddenly heard the doorbell ring.

Calculating the time, it should be when the maid Sylvia came to the door.

Aaron opened the door, and sure enough, he saw Sylvia dressed up.

"Mr. Juggs, is there any housework?"

Sylvia saluted and glanced at the living room.

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