Clark Dass was wearing a gray robe and a white tin mask, and said hoarsely: "I also brought a new friend."

I don't know how the person behind the wooden door confirmed it. After a few seconds, the wooden door opened, revealing a big man with a hunchback behind him.

His back was crooked and misshapen, and the eyes and nose on his face were also extremely uncoordinated, as if they had been randomly pinched out of mud.

If you go out at night, it will definitely scare people to death.

Aaron cursed in his heart, took the lantern handed by the other party, and went down the corridor with Clark Dass.

Not long after, a basement appeared in his eyes, surrounded by iron candlesticks with burning candles.

In the center of the basement, there was a round table surrounded by more than 20 chairs, some of which were already occupied.

They all hide their bodies, and Aaron can only judge men and women from some appearances, which may not be accurate.

After hanging the lantern on the hook on the wall, he sat down with Clark Dass and waited quietly.

During the period, I also gained a lot of scrutiny.

I don't know how long it took, when more than half of the chairs were filled with people, a man in white robes carrying a silver candlestick walked into the secret room.

"The party has begun, and I am the host—Sir!"

The man in white robe said something gracefully, put the silver candlestick on the round table, took out a metal vial from his pocket, and dipped the liquid inside into the flame drop by drop.

A misty aroma suddenly spread to the surroundings, causing the shadows on the wall to become a little blurred.

Aaron looked at Clark Dass's unchanged posture, understood that this should be the opening program, and also sat still.

At the same time, he smelled a strange and strong fragrance.

Under the effect of this incense, the spirituality in his body became slightly excited.

"I named this incense 'Rolanda', it can reconcile our soul and body, and make it easier for us to enter meditation. For ordinary people, it can make them more likely to be hypnotized, and the probability of dream Big increase..."

The magnetic voice of Mr. 'Jazz' came: "This is also the product I brought today, a potion costs 5 pounds! I brought a total of ten copies!"

'It seems this 'Sir', is a pharmacist? '

Aaron wondered.

At this time, 'Jazz' looked at Aaron: "Our Mr. 'Knowledge' has brought a new friend, well, according to the rules, you can give yourself a code name, and make a deal first, and name your needs, or begging for items, issuing commissions..."

Aaron stood up, glanced around, and said in a disguised voice: "'Jabber', I'm called 'Jabber'!"

This is the code name he had thought of before.

"I don't have any items to sell, but I want to buy some things, such as knowledge about your seniors, such as... some spiritual materials, and those who prefer 'Yao', I can pay with gold pounds, or exchange for knowledge. "

After speaking, he took advantage of the situation and sat down.

According to Clark, after everyone has spoken, if there is an intention, a note will be passed on, and then they will go to a more private room to discuss the transaction.

This is also for the sake of secrecy, so Aaron did not take out the secret biography and human skin carelessly, but prepared to show it to the real buyer, so that the secrecy is higher.

After Aaron, it was Clark Dass' turn.

He coughed and said with a chuckle: "I'm still the same as before, unlimitedly purchasing hidden historical knowledge and items rich in historical flavor..."

This seems to be related to the 'secret' path, but I don't know if it is a ritual requirement or other special needs.

After Clark, a petite woman began to speak: "I...I need a spell that can expel the wraith..."

Aaron watched coldly, and found that most of these purchases were spiritual materials, spells, secret transmissions, and so on.

As for the products sold, they are even more varied, mixed with some extremely complicated and weird things, such as the bone meal of a three-year-old baby, honey-stained corpses, etc., no matter how you look at it, it is an evil transaction that should be cracked down by the authorities.

However, some of them are quite normal.

For example, a strong man named 'Beast' claimed that he had obtained a treasure map, which may involve some ancient ruins, and wanted to find a few accomplices to explore it. Anyone who is interested can contact him.

But such exploration is often extremely dangerous, according to Clark.

Aaron estimated that Clark definitely didn't want to go out with the expedition team. He was more inclined to wait until the other party's exploration was successful and buy items of interest at the party.

Chapter 100 Communication

One participant after another spoke, and soon the last person was reached.

It was a man of medium build, with a gentle and mellow voice, showing a stack of manuscripts in his hand: "I am 'Priest', and I want to sell a manuscript of Aaron Sotos! Only barter is accepted, in exchange for a A secret biography of the road of 'Yao'!"

"The Aaron Sothos manuscript?"

A participant excitedly asked, "Is it about mysticism?"

Although most of the mysterious knowledge is obtained by Extraordinary people in the spirit world, no one can deny the foundational position of the Earl of Green Forest in the mysterious world.

Moreover, the Sotos family has mastered many extraordinary paths such as 'Ming', 'Darkness', and 'Shadow', each of which is very attractive.

Aaron was embarrassed when he heard it, and felt as if he wanted to see the copy of his manuscript.

"However, I need a secret biography of 'Yao'. Is he still an Extraordinary? Or is it for relatives and friends?"

Clark Dass said in a low voice: "I'm basically sure that the 'priest' is an ordinary person. I don't know why, but he has an extraordinary desire for the way of 'Yao'. What I want... is that other secret rumors have appeared, but he is not interested."

' Which means, I can try, but sorry... I have no interest in my own manuscript. '

Aaron nodded without expressing much.

At this point, he heard the 'Priest' reply: "No, it's's a technical manuscript describing something called a wired telegraph, and its prerequisites, generators and wires, have already been made Come out, in Pulmouth, the rich man’s house not only has gas pipes, but also electric lights, if this communication technology is really as it is in the manuscript, it will make a lot of money.”

The 'Priest' was doing his best to preach the value of the manuscript, but those who heard it lacked interest.

After all, they want the content of mysticism more, and they don't have the capital to develop and apply for patents.

They were all sewer rats, and they couldn't run a telegraph company in public.

"If his description is true, this manuscript is actually quite valuable..." Clark chuckled: "But he must prove the authenticity of the manuscript and the feasibility of the above description... If it is true, Perhaps only 'Jazz' was there to eat it."

'No need to prove it, I'm sure it's fake. '

Aaron, the real blame king, put on a blank face, and complained in his heart: "The manuscript I gave Ginny did not record the content of the cable telegram... It should come from an extraordinary person who obtained relevant knowledge from the dream world. What I did in my name—this is rubbing my name! '

The technology in the dream world is undoubtedly far superior to the real world, and many relics have been left behind, which contain a lot of scientific knowledge.

They are less dangerous and can be learned and applied in the real world.

This has effectively promoted the development of world science and technology.

After all, with Aaron's notebook alone, it is impossible to push civilization to its current height.

What is just scratching the head is that those mysterious scientists have used Aaron Sotos as a shield one after another, causing Aaron to become the greatest scientist and inventor in the millennium inexplicably.

This is a very speechless thing.

"I don't have the secret biography of 'Yao' in my hand, but I do have some interest in it. If you are going to sell it for gold pounds, I will give you a price that satisfies you."

'Sir' began.

"No, I just want the secret biography of 'Yao'."

'Priest' was not going to go to the secret room to hear the price, so he directly refused.

"That's a pity."

'Sir' shook his head and said nothing more.


After everyone had spoken, Mr. 'Jazz' coughed and said with a smile: "The next part is the free communication, I would like to remind everyone that Green Forest City is not peaceful recently, a case involving Extraordinary people occurred, which attracted The eyes of the investigation bureau, everyone, be careful not to be caught by those secret police..."

"What case is it?" An old woman's voice sounded: "I don't pay much attention to this aspect..."

"Huck Benjamin was murdered. He was a lumber merchant. The newspaper said he was robbed and killed in July, but I know that the real Huck died in April, and there has been a "chrysalis" since then. are replacing him."

'Jazz' said with a sigh, revealing that he has extensive contacts in the upper echelon and the police station: "The situation here is very complicated, and another Extraordinary is involved, so the secret police have stepped up inspections."

Aaron was a little speechless, and instantly felt that the human skin on his hand seemed not easy to shoot.

Clark, on the other hand, glanced at him secretly, with playful eyes.

"Those damn black dogs!"

A female participant cursed: "A friend of mine was captured, tried in secret, and executed by them! Damn, what did she do wrong? She just had a dream, chasing the mystery!"

All the people here are wild Extraordinary, and they don't have the slightest sympathy for the official organization that persecutes them, and they all echoed: "That's it!"

"As far as I know, those nobles with ancient traditions must have one or more secret biography in their hands. Why don't those hyenas go to them? They only know how to harass civilians, hehe... the same is true for the police station. The nobles report the case and give priority to it, but they ignore the civilians!"

"Not only the nobles, but even the 'Founder', 'Sun King' Arthur... the chosen one, the one who gathers glory, isn't he secretly an Extraordinary?"

"Even, it is said that the reason why the Sun King Arthur was able to create the Invens Kingdom was because he secretly obtained the help of one or more Si Sui!"

"After he succeeded in assuming the position, he tore up the agreement and persecuted us crazily!"

"It's quite normal for Si Sui to intervene in the world. After all, whether it is a major event in the mysterious world or in reality, there is often a shadow of Si Sui behind it... But Arthur's actions are too abominable!"


"This amount of information... is a bit large."

Aaron listened to the complaints of the Extraordinary, but his heart was extremely disturbed.

He wasn't surprised that the ancient nobles had extraordinary inheritances, in fact, that was very normal.

What really surprised him was the fact that Sun King Arthur got Si Sui's help to establish a kingdom!

"Damn it, the Si Mings are all come those Si Sui seem to have become rational..."

Originally, no matter how powerful and weird those existences were... Aaron was not very afraid, because most of them were crazy and irrational.

Those who can be driven by the rumors and instincts of a fate, go to the [Scarlet Creator] to fight desperately, no matter how powerful they are.

But now, those seniors seem to have gained some sense and can play tricks.

This made Aaron feel a sense of urgency.

Chapter 101

'The original [Scarlet Creator] was crazy, and the heir [Black Sun] he gave birth to would like to burn believers for fun, and he was also crazy. '

'The later existences such as [Mother Tree of Flesh and Flesh] and [Chrysalis] will inevitably bring madness and pollution once they respond to believers. They don't have much logic in their actions, so they can also be included in the ranks of 'all crazy'. '

'But at this time, Si Sui is already able to weave conspiracies and intervene in the world...Although he still likes blood sacrifices and destruction, he feels like he has changed from 'full madness' to 'half madness''s not easy to deal with. '

'Could it be that...with the replacement of the Age of Gods, they are emitting madness and pollution? '

Aaron couldn't help but have a guess in his mind: "Is it related to the development of mysticism during the millennia?" '

Due to the lack of key information, he couldn't imagine the cause and effect.

After the exchange or swearing and complaints were over, 'Jazz' announced the official start of the free trading session.

Aaron received a note from the attendant: "I have a piece of knowledge about Si Sui in my hand, in the Rose Room!"

He stood up and came to the side of the basement, where he could see small doors on the wall, with gorse, iris, roses and other marks on the doors.

He found the room marked by the rose and went in.

The secret room is not big, similar to a private room in a coffee shop, containing two sofas and a tea table in the middle.

On a sofa, there was already a hooded woman waiting.

"Hi, I'm White Pigeon!"

Miss Baige's voice is clear and clear, she should not be very old.

Aaron sat down: "You have knowledge about Si Sui, how can you prove the authenticity?"

This aspect requires the eyes of the trader to distinguish the authenticity, because once the transaction is completed, neither party will admit it.

"Hee hee... The knowledge I have about Si Sui is called "Sleepwalking Manji". I can show you the content of the first page. As for the rest, I guarantee that they are true. I have already mixed in this circle. For two years, with considerable credibility, you can ask Mister 'Knowledge'."

Miss Baige said frankly.

"Let me consider."

Aaron was going to go whoring for at least one more page.


Miss White Pigeon took out a thin book from her robe and spread it out to the first page: "Be careful, it is written in the language of the spirit world, do you understand the language of the spirit world? It is a description related to symbols such as Si Sui, which can easily cause spiritual pollution!"


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