At this time, behind a door, the suppressed cry of a young woman came out.

The man present knew what was going on as soon as he heard it, and a playful smile appeared on his face.

"I remember I said that the loot and women will be distributed uniformly!"

Aaron's face suddenly darkened. He knew the virtue of his subordinates, and it was impossible to order them to be banned.

But such a blatant disobedience of orders will lead to a decline in the combat effectiveness of his subordinates. If everyone does this, they will quickly lose their advantage as a regular army, unable to suppress the mob, and perhaps they will not be able to get out of this territory!


Aaron stepped forward with a cold face and kicked open the door.

Inside the door was obviously a lady's boudoir, and the bed curtains were made of silk and satin, covering the big velvet bed.

At this time, several corpses of thugs fell on the ground, and a man who was undressing, saw Aaron, and quickly pulled up his pants, with a embarrassed smile on his face: "Boss, listen I explained... it wasn't me, it was the mob."

"Yeah, you didn't do it, but you were about to..."

Aaron stepped forward and whipped Eight Fingers with the scabbard.


Ba Zhi's body shook, and a red mark immediately appeared on his back.

He continued to move forward, opened the curtain with his sword, and saw a crying face: "Sylvie Davis?"

This is the only daughter of Lord Davis and also Colin's fiancée, the heroine who led to this war.

At the engagement ceremony, Aaron had seen each other before, and he remembered that she was a very proud woman, but now...

"Bring this woman, she may be useful."

Regardless of the woman's state, Aaron gave the order directly and asked, "Where is Mrs. Anna?"

"That bitch was hacked to death in the next door, and there are still a few children!"

Bazhi replied very regretfully, it would be great if the adults came a little later.

As for the heir of Davis Territory, he is fighting with Lord Davis on the frontline battlefield.

"Take all the harvest, we leave here, before noon, we must get on the big ship!"

Aaron nodded, glanced at the corpse, and gave an order.

Even if someone reports that there is an army coming back from the front line, it will take time. As long as you get on the boat and go down the river, you will definitely be able to escape!

Anyway, he would never stick to the castle, die with the enemy army, and then take advantage of Colin.

That's not realistic!


When the sun came to the middle of the sky, the two ships had already set sail.

"If Father is sensitive enough, he should have prepared after receiving my letter...and the chaos of the enemy army is the best sign."

"If you seize the opportunity, you should be able to completely end this war."

Aaron Sotos stood at the bow, looking at the crates of captured trophies, thinking to himself.

Let the war end as soon as possible, and the fewer people will die.

Today's sacrifices are nothing in comparison.

If the war continues, perhaps ten or a hundred times more people will die than today!

"However, my biggest goal is still for myself."

Aaron heard low sobs, it came from those young women, they were all 'trophies', including the maids in the castle and the pretty nuns, after all Aaron had a group of animals under his command.

Of course, there is also a pearl in it-Sylvie Davis.

He had a hunch that this woman would be useful.

"And from now on, war has little to do with me."

Aaron breathed a sigh of relief.


Widow's Cove Camp.

Two ships were docked outside the camp, and a party of jubilant bandits was excitedly preparing to divide the spoils.

"I'm going to divide the spoils this time into three parts. One part will be handed over to the lord, one part will belong to me, and the other part will be divided among you!"

Aaron Sotos took pen and paper and began distributing the trophies.

Because there were too many things, including livestock and women, it was a bit messy for a while.

"In addition... the books are all mine."

Aaron picked up a volume, bound in papyrus, that was nearly falling apart.

After all, before he invented the paper workshop, papyrus was the most used in the Green Forest. This kind of paper is not as good as parchment. The only advantage is that it is cheaper. Later, it was completely defeated by the new paper and withdrew from the market.

However, before the operation of the paper workshop, precious parchment was rarely used, so the books were mostly papyrus.

"As you wish, my lord!"

Eight fingers bowed.

"Don't think that you can escape the whip."

Aaron snorted coldly, as punishment for disobedience to military orders, although the crime was attempted, a whip was still indispensable.

He was rummaging through the box full of papers, when he suddenly moved his hand and took out a parchment, he immediately knew that the information recorded on it must be quite precious.

After putting away the sheepskin scroll without any trace, he pointed to the box containing the silver coins and copper coins: "Divide it, the team leader will get two shares. In addition, those who want women and animals will reduce the shares!"

After coming up with a roughly fair distribution plan, Aaron ignored the carnival of his subordinates, returned to his tent, and began to study the previous parchment.

After opening it, a black map emerged.

"So it's a map."

A look of interest appeared in Aaron's eyes. He looked at the map and found that one-third of the upper half of the map was covered with forests, marked with the appearance of 'Green Forest'.

Then, under the map, there are castles one after another, guarding all the convenient transportation, forming a kingdom.

"The Kingdom of Kagash...the real master who rules this land, I've heard of its name..."

'However, in the minds of the people of that kingdom, we green forest people are probably savage monkeys living in the forest, right? '

Chapter 13 Wedding

On top of the Black Crow Dunes.


Thousands of troops were fiercely intertwined, and a tragic assassination broke out.

Different from the entanglement in the past, today's Theodore Sothoth, after discovering that the enemy really started to retreat, immediately started a fierce attack.

Moreover, remarkable results have been obtained.

As the sun set, the battlefield was covered with blood, and the broken banners slanted down, like the end of an era.

"This time, my Sothos family won the battle!"

Theodore rode on the horse, patrolling the battlefield, full of complacency.

"And Aaron, his information is very useful, um... he is also credited for defending Widow's Bay."

Theodore talked to himself authentically, and immediately saw the slightly gloomy face of the eldest son.

But he didn't say anything.

At this time, a ranger brought an emissary from the Davis family.

"Respected Your Excellency Theodore, I brought the goodwill of the master, hoping to shake hands and make peace. We admit defeat and are willing to cede part of the territory."

The messenger was a fat man with a flattering face, kneeling directly on the ground and saying.

"Begging for peace?"

Theodore hesitated for a moment.

Although I really want to destroy the Davis family, it will not happen overnight. If the opponent resists stubbornly, with the castle, even hundreds of people can resist for a long time.

At this moment, a raven flew down, was caught by Knight Turner, and took away the letter on it.

He looked at it, his expression suddenly changed, he found Theodore, and handed over the letter: "My lord, this is an urgent letter from Master Aaron."


Theodore took the letter, his eyes widened immediately, and then he looked at the kneeling fat man, stepped forward and whipped the whip severely: "Are you deceiving me?"

"My lord, I dare not, my lord!"

The fat man rolled around on the ground, his gorgeous robes were covered with filth, and begged for mercy.

"My son has breached your castle, destroyed the drawbridge and gate, and set fire to your food stores!"

Theodore laughed and said, "That guy Andrew sent you here to ask for peace, isn't it just to buy time so that the castle can be rebuilt?"


Colin turned pale with shock: "Aaron, he actually... broke through a castle?"

There was a battle report before, saying that when Aaron killed a knight, he was very surprised. Is this his brother who has always been low-key and has no sense of presence?

'Could it be...'

A sense of urgency was immediately buried deep in Colin's heart.

"Send the order, attack! Attack! Attack!"

Theodore roared loudly: "I want to take down the castle of the Davis family and unify the Green Forest! I want to make the northern forest of Kagash have only one voice!"


Ten days later, Aaron got the news.

Theodore Sotos captured Davis Castle, beheaded the patriarch Andrew and the heir of the Davis family, Andrew Jr., and completely occupied the territory of the Upper Green Forest.

From then on, the entire green forest territory will fly the green banyan flag of the Sothos family!

"The war... is finally over."

Aaron sighed: "Fortunately... I have completed the minimum goal and finally survived."


After January.

Inside the Green Banyan Tree Cave.

Because of the victory in the war, Theodore thought it was a gift from [Grandmother Green Banyan Tree], and a grand ceremony was bound to be held.

During this ceremony, Aaron saw the heads of Andrew, father and son, and even more bloody and cruel living sacrifices.

When the sacrifice stone platform was filled with flesh and internal organs, and the flag representing the Davis family was burned, Theodore finally announced the end of the sacrifice.

A group of people walked out of the cave, and Aaron took a deep breath to suppress the slight nausea.

Killing people during a war and massacring them after a war are two completely different things.

"My son, you are doing well."

After taking off the sacrificial robe, Theodore threw the robe to Colin casually, and smiled at Aaron in a rare way: "Tell me, what reward do you want?"

"How about a fief?"

Aaron and Theodore looked at each other without hesitation.

In the past, it was almost impossible to subdivide the lower green forest. However, after obtaining the upper green forest, it is very possible to set aside a few knight fiefdoms and reward those who have meritorious service.

Moreover, this is also where he expressed to Theodore that he has no intention of being the heir.

Anyway, no matter how well he performed, he might not be able to win Theodore's favor and let him replace the original heir.

Maybe it's just a test this time?

Hearing Aaron's answer, Theodore's expression froze, and then his smile remained unchanged: "Yes, you will be a very good vassal."

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