"Really?" Su Ping was suspicious. Could this be a gift, but he deliberately blackmailed himself a hundred?

"Attention, curse warning for the first time!"

"Hmph, did you admit it?" Su Ping sneered.

The system doesn't respond anymore.

Su Ping slandered a few words in his heart. Although he was a little reluctant, he still gritted his teeth and bought it.

Although at present, the benefits of this contract are not obvious to him, but there is no doubt that this ancient spirit beast contract is extremely valuable. Moreover, this contract is not a one-off, it can be used repeatedly, and it is suitable for all beasts. It is available and can keep him using it for a long time.

If he saves the life of a high-level beast in the future, then this hundred energy will definitely not be a waste!


"The purchase is successful, your ancient spirit beast contract has arrived, please pay attention to receive it." The system prompted.

Before Su Ping felt sorry for the energy deducted, a complex imprint suddenly appeared in his mind. The structure of this imprint, like a line, was drawn in his memory stroke by stroke until it was unforgettable and could no longer be forgotten.

"Use the blood as a guide, and use the formation as a pact?"

In a trance, Su Ping came back to his senses, and with a thought, the method of concluding the ancient spirit beast contract resurfaced in his mind, which shocked him a little.

The method of this conclusion is not to use star power to conclude, but to use one's own blood as a pact, and then use the formation drawn by complicated and mysterious stripes as the content of the contract. The contract concluded is extremely strong, unless the master takes the initiative to terminate the contract, otherwise it is impossible The contract was severed.

"Except for being able to recall the pet beast at any time, other aspects are indeed the same as the star power contract, including the termination of the contract. It will lose its combat effectiveness within three days." Su Ping felt it carefully and knew that the system had not deceived himself.

Chapter 23 Mutations

Looking back at the little skull in front of him, Su Ping bit his finger according to the method of the ancient spirit beast contract, and slowly painted blood on the little skull's forehead.

The little skull was still sitting blankly, seemingly ignorant of everything around it, but when it smelled the blood on Su Ping's fingers, there was a faint scarlet color in its empty eye sockets, and its body reacted.

Just as it slowly raised its hand to grab Su Ping's fingers, Su Ping had quickly drawn up the contract and withdrew his hand.

An intricate pattern of blood was engraved on the little skull's forehead.

As Su Ping stopped, the blood lines gradually disappeared, as if absorbed by the little skull.

The next moment, Su Ping suddenly felt that there was an extra line in his consciousness. This line was connected to the outside of the body and connected to another consciousness.

This is a very weak consciousness, erratic like a candle, and will go out at any time.

From this feeble consciousness came fear and dazed feeble thoughts.

"Is this its consciousness?" Su Ping looked at the little skull. Through the power of the contract, he could clearly feel the little skull's emotional changes.

The little skull slowly raised his head, staring at Su Ping in a daze, still at a loss about his own changes.

Su Ping touched its small head. After all, this little skeleton was just conceived, without inherited memory, and was ignorant of everything around it, which is normal.

He went to open the store door, and when the sun shone into the store, he suddenly felt a fear in the little skull's thoughts.

Turning his head to look, he saw that the little skull had fallen off the counter, and the scattered bones slowly shrank into the darkness at the corner of the counter, reorganized his body, curled up with his legs crossed and shivered.

"Are you afraid of the sun?"

Su Ping was slightly stunned, knowing that he was negligent. Most demon pets like dark environments, and a few of them are afraid of sunlight and can only stay in the dark.

Su Ping returned immediately, and carried the trembling little skull to the pet animal room behind the shop.

Seeing the vacant foster place, Su Ping stepped forward and put the little skull in the stone tooth formation.

"System, your free foster care place costs ten yuan an hour. Does it work?" Su Ping asked curiously.

At 10 yuan an hour, the price of foster care for this day is not cheap.

"The free foster care space is made of spirit stone waste, and the weak spiritual power left in it, as well as the complex and disordered waste ore rays, have a weak growth help for the pet beast, and a high probability will cause the pet beast to mutate." System explanation Said.


Su Ping was stunned.

In addition to evolution, pets also have a lower probability of mutation due to different growth environments.

Variation means alienation into another species.

Perhaps it is a stronger and better new species, or it may be a degenerated failed species.

In some war zones with extremely harsh environments, full of devastation and technological waste, it is most likely to breed mutant pets.

And most of those mutated pets have unknown pathological bacteria, which can easily cause plague or form a large-scale virus attack.

This is extremely deadly to ordinary people, so "mutated beast" is a scary word in most cases.

However, in terms of pet animal research, the pace of promoting pet beast mutation has never stopped. Many famous ninth-order pet beasts in the federation are all mutated by scientific catalysis, and their combat power is extremely strong. brand new species!

"Are the beasts mutated here good or bad?" Su Ping asked the system.

"There are good and bad things. It is recommended that the host be upgraded to a junior foster care position as soon as possible to avoid affecting the reputation of the store." The system said briefly.

The corner of Su Ping's mouth twitched.

Well, it's okay to ask.

When the system mentioned the radiation from waste mines, he felt that something was wrong. Sure enough, the cheap ones were not good.

"Then upgrade."

Without much consideration, Su Ping directly chose to upgrade.

Not to mention the fact that the rental price has increased tenfold after the upgrade, which has many benefits, but the probability of mutation failure alone is beyond his affordability.

If the customer's pet beast is broken and there is a quarrel, it will be a big blow to the reputation of the store. How can the system give him a free foster care place? It is clearly a sinister bomb planted here!

Fortunately, he made money quickly, and the business in the store was not doing well these days, so nothing major happened.

-20 energy.

The two ancient stone tooth formations in front of Su Ping suddenly glowed with a hazy white light. When the white light dissipated, the stone tooth formations took on a new look. Although they were still the previous sharp stone tooth formations, the color of each stone tooth was completely different.

It used to be like ordinary rough stones, dull and dull, but now it is like white jade-colored ivory, full of aura.

"Sure enough, it's a bit presentable."

Su Ping was quite satisfied.

However, thinking that this junior foster care place needs to consume 1 point of energy every day to maintain it, his heart ached.

Money is like water.

His previous 315 points of energy were reduced to less than 100 in a blink of an eye.

"We still have to hurry up to earn energy, and the Chaos Spirit Pool has not been upgraded."

Thinking of the effect of the Level 3 Chaos Spirit Pond, Su Ping's heart was filled with enthusiasm. If he could breed a pet beast of King Beast bloodline, it would attract a steady stream of customers just by throwing it at the door for publicity!

"anyone there?"

At this time, a voice suddenly came from outside the store.

Su Ping heard the voice sound familiar, and quickly exited the pet animal room at the back and returned to the front.

I saw two beautifully dressed girls standing at the door, looking around with a cautious feeling.


When Su Ping saw one of them, he immediately recognized that it was the one who took the Lei Guangshu away from here before.


"The boss is away?"

The girl at the door was Su Yanying. She looked around the store with some doubts.

"Yingying, are you sure it's here?"

Next to her was Lan Lele in a tulle tulle dress. She came here with her friends. Looking at this disgraced and remote shop in front of her, she looked skeptical. She couldn't believe it. That monstrous Lei Guangshu was bred from here. .

"right here!"

Su Yanying was extremely certain, "My Lei Guangshu must have something to do with this place!"

After the preliminary round, she gradually came to her senses and realized that there was something wrong with her Lightning Mouse.

Especially after being visited and questioned by her teacher, homeroom teacher and others, she realized how terrifying her Lei Guangshu is!

If it is just a coincidence that one high-level favorite skill is comprehended, but if two are performed at the same time, absolutely no one will think that it is just a coincidence.

Facing the teacher's question, she was vague. After all, she didn't know it herself, but she realized that it might have something to do with the pet shop where she was fostered.

After all, Lei Guangshu had always behaved mediocrely before this, and before she was fostered, she had never been exposed to other things, so after analysis, she felt that the only variable was this pet shop!

Chapter 24 What did you do to it?

"The boss is out."

When Su Yanying saw Su Ping coming out from behind, her eyes lit up slightly, and she immediately pulled her friend in.

"Two, do you need anything?"

Su Ping came to the counter and frowned slightly.

When he thought that the top-quality Lei Guangshu only earned 108 yuan, his heart was throbbing...

Su Yanying noticed that Su Ping's expression was wrong and felt strange, but she didn't think much about it. She asked urgently, "Boss, do you still remember the Lightning Mouse I adopted?"


There was the sound of a scar being torn open on his chest.

The corner of Su Ping's mouth twitched slightly, his face darkened, "What's wrong with it?"

"There's nothing wrong with it. I just want to ask the boss, did you do anything special to it?" Su Yanying couldn't help asking.

"..." After a long silence, Su Ping said slowly, "What do you think I would do to a mouse?"


Su Yanying also realized that what she asked was a little strange, her cheeks flushed slightly, and she whispered: "Boss, you misunderstood, I just want to ask, have you trained it here?" Speaking of which, she was a little cautious and in awe .

If the Lei Guangshu was really bred from here, then there must be a master trainer here, and such a character, even if he is a titled war pet master, has to be treated politely, let alone her.


Su Ping raised his eyebrows when he heard that, and combined with the information he got from his sister Su Lingyue, he immediately knew the other party's intention.

This is after seeing that little thing make a move, I want to explore the reason why it becomes stronger!


This involves the secrets and systems of the pet shop, and it is impossible for him to disclose them.

"If walking is considered training, it is indeed a few days of training." Su Ping said casually.

Su Yanying was taken aback, "Walking?"

"If you eat too much, of course you have to take it out for a walk." Su Ping talked nonsense, and he almost believed it.

Seeing Su Ping's perfunctory attitude, Su Yanying became a little anxious, and quickly said, "Boss, I'm serious. Have you really not trained it?"

Seeing her so persistent, Su Ping frowned slightly, and said, "Does it have any relationship with you if you have training? If you think there is a problem with it, you can ask me to compensate or refund it to me. I am willing to pay for it. If you I think it is very good, and you can add money to me if you want, but if there is nothing else, then please leave, both of you, and don't disturb my business."

Su Yanying didn't expect that the boss would directly issue an order to evict the customer. She was a little surprised, but she quickly came back to her senses and quickly explained: "Boss, I didn't mean that, I just wanted to confirm. If you have trained it for me, Please tell me, please?"

Su Ping raised his eyebrows, "Yeah, that means you've trained, are you satisfied?"

Su Yanying was dumbfounded.

"Hey, boss, we're not here to make trouble. If you've helped us train that Lightning Mouse, just say so, we don't know what to do." Lan Lele next to him said with a dissatisfied attitude towards Su Ping .

Su Ping said calmly: "I said, I have trained. If you want to ask about the training process and methods, I'm sorry."

Only then did Su Yanying realize what Su Ping had misunderstood, and she quickly shook her head and said, "Boss, I don't have any idea about your training methods and process, but thank you very much for helping me cultivate my pet beast."

"Oh..." Seeing this, Su Ping put away his cold face and said, "Since you want to thank you, then give me more money."


Su Yanying was a little stunned.

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