"Mom, I'm done eating, I'm going to college first." The plan failed, and Su Lingyue was not in the mood to dawdle slowly, and said to her mother after eating a few times.

Seeing that she was about to leave, Li Qingru said, "Xiaoyue, wait a minute."

"Ah?" Su Lingyue turned her head.

"Recently, the business in your brother's store is not good, and there is no popularity. Why don't you put your snowball in the store for foster care?" Li Qingru asked tentatively.

Su Lingyue froze for a moment, glanced at Su Ping who was eating porridge, rolled her eyes immediately, and said angrily: "Mom, since you handed this shop over to this guy, the business has been worse day by day. What is the reason? It's not that this guy is not doing his job all day long, do you remember the last time he was almost complained to the Star Pet Association?

They came to take good care of a 'text bird', but they kept it for less than a week. When they took it back, the bird called 'silly beep dead' whenever they met people, and it was full of foul language, but it was taken away within a few days. He was beaten to death, and the unsolved case is still unsolved!

For such a person who can't even raise a text message bird, you dare to give him my snowball?This is a high-level star pet that is expected to be promoted to the eighth rank. If you are willing, I have no objection. Anyway, you bought the snowball. "

Li Qingru opened his mouth, but was speechless, and could only sigh.

If it wasn't for her poor health and need to rest, Su Ping would not have let Su Ping take over the business of the store so early.

Seeing Su Lingyue's unkind eyes, Su Ping was a little speechless, and continued to eat porridge with his head down, ignoring it.

"Humph!" Su Lingyue snorted coldly when he saw his interest, picked up the snowball that was still eating bones, went back to the room, changed clothes and went out.

After a while, Su Ping also had breakfast. As usual, under Li Qingru's instructions, he rode his bicycle to the store.

The store is a star pet store.

Su Ping is a half-hearted star pet trainer. He says he is a trainer, but in fact he is the kind who serves star pets.

After all, a true nurturing master can change the potential and class of a star pet, and his status is not much inferior to that of a star pet warrior, or even higher!

Along the way, what Su Ping saw were high-rise buildings like the earth, but the only difference was that most of the pedestrians on the side of the road were accompanied by some strange-looking star pets.

"It really is another world..."

Su Ping sighed a little, everything was like a dream, but it was real.

Soon, he came to his star pet shop.

The store is at the end of a commercial street, which is considered a relatively remote location, but it used to be quite popular here, because Su Ping's mother, Li Qingru, is a formal star pet trainer of the Federation. It is more than enough, so there are many repeat customers.

But since the store fell into Su Ping's hands, the situation plummeted immediately.

Can you still expect a person who hates star pets to take good care of star pets?


Su Ping pulled up the shutter door, the sun shone into the store, and he could see the dust flying in the air.

It seems that it has not been cleaned for a long time, and there is a smell of urine and pet feces in the store, which is a bit pungent.

Su Ping held his breath slightly and frowned.

"Within the target range, a suitable soul is detected, and a contract test is performed..."

"The contract is completed, the system is being bound..."

"Complete binding...ready to start..."

Suddenly, a cold mechanical voice sounded in Su Ping's mind.


Su Ping froze for a moment, his eyes suddenly glowed.

Is it time to come...

Chapter 2 Ancient Nursery

As an otaku, Su Ping spends all day "studying" on the Internet, and he is no stranger to the system. When he was pleasantly surprised, he immediately inquired about the purpose of the system.

"I am the super pet system, dedicated to cultivating the strongest pet beasts in the world. The purpose of this system is: everything can be cultivated, and everything is a pet!"

Pet breeding system?

Su Ping was surprised and clicked his tongue.

The tone of this system is quite crazy, everything is a pet, so are the flowers and plants on the side of the road?

"Flowers and plants awaken spirituality and can also be used as beasts. Vegetation-type pets also evolve from ordinary flowers and plants!" the system replied indifferently.

Su Ping froze, staring and said: "Can you hear my thoughts?"

"I am bound to the host's soul, so I naturally know what the host thinks... Please pay attention, and warn me once by swearing!"


Su Ping fell silent.

"The system has been activated. Please bind the host to a pet shop that belongs to you within 24 hours. If the binding fails, the system will be disabled and the memory of the day will be erased..." the system said again.

"Remove the system?"

Su Ping raised his eyebrows when he heard it. Although the system is a bit strange, it is better than nothing.

"There is a pet shop in front of me, can it be bound?" Su Ping asked thoughtfully.

"It can be bound, please confirm."

Su Ping confirmed immediately.

Anyway, this store belongs to his family, so let him do whatever he wants.

"The binding is successful, the pet shop is being adjusted..."

"[Pet trough] established, [foster position] established, [Nurture plane window] established..."

"The establishment is complete, the novice guidance task starts..."

"There are two pet beasts detected in the store, please choose one pet beast, and increase its strength to three times the original within a week, reaching the 'qualified' standard judged by this system."

After the system finished speaking, Su Ping suddenly felt that the star pet store he was in was a little different. The previous pungent smell of urine and excrement was gone. At the same time, the store seemed to become much cleaner. Although the things were still those things, but There is a feeling of renewal.

"Three times the strength of a star pet? Within a week?"

Su Ping suspected that he had heard it wrong, or that the system was out of its mind.

How difficult is it to improve the strength of a star pet?

Without day-to-day hunting training and expensive star pet food, it is impossible to do it!

Not to mention three times the strength in one breath, even if it is increased by [-]%, it is extremely difficult, not to mention that the time limit is only one week...

"What happens if the mission fails?" Su Ping asked.

"The host will be punished for failure, and the punishment method will be drawn immediately. There are thunder punishment, purgatory punishment, and extreme pain experience punishment..." the system said.

Su Ping rolled his eyes, these punishments are not easy to provoke from the name.

"Can't we change the mission?" Su Ping still wanted to struggle in the end.

"I can't." Ruthlessly rebuffed: "Please pay attention, the curse warning is the second time!"


"Curse people for the third time, and randomly punish them with thunder!"

As soon as the system's voice fell, Su Ping felt a huge electric current hit his whole body, and was immediately shocked to twitch in place, like a zombie dancing disco.

The current came and disappeared quickly. Su Ping felt the burning pain all over his body. He just wanted to scold his mother in his heart, but in the end he forcibly held back.

"Forget it, let's try the mission first. If it fails, the system is too rubbish!" Su Ping gritted his teeth bitterly.

Dragging his sore body, he came to the pet room in the store.

As soon as he entered the pet room, Su Ping found that the space here was much more spacious, and the area was still the same as before, but the more than 20 empty iron cages piled up inside were gone, replaced by two stone cages.

It is said to be a stone cage, but it is actually more like a strange stone circle.

Several stalagmites protrude from the ground, surrounding the two star pets. The gap between the stalagmites is huge, and there is no cap on them. The star pets can easily jump out or drill out of the gap.

However, these two star pets are lying obediently inside, without any thought of "jailbreak".

Su Ping raised his eyebrows. He guessed that this was probably caused by the system. The "pet trough" mentioned earlier probably referred to this.

He glanced at the two pets in the stone formation, both of which were common pets.

One is the Lightning Rat, a relatively low-level sensitive battle pet. It only has the median strength of the first rank in adulthood, and its evolution probability is extremely low. Even if it evolves into the Thunder Rat, it only has the strength of the third rank, which is basically the upper limit.

The other is a moon chasing dog, which is also a low-level sensitive war pet. It has the strength of a first-order upper class in adulthood, which is roughly equivalent to the Siberian tiger on earth.

Su Ping vaguely remembered that these two star pets were fostered by others in their pet shop, and they would come to pick them up in the next two days.

"Just choose the Lightning Mouse."

Su Ping thought for a while, and chose the weaker Lei Guangshu, so that there would be more room for improvement in cultivation.

"The pet has been selected, please extract the nurturing plane." The system sounded.

As soon as the words fell, an illusory white light suddenly appeared in front of Su Ping, tearing the space apart, forming a space crack like a vertical pupil, filled with the aura of distortion and destruction.

Su Ping was startled, and after confirming that this thing was not dangerous to him, he asked the system: "What is the nurturing plane?"

"The cultivation plane is the main place for cultivating pets, and the host can choose the corresponding place for pets to cultivate."

"Cultivation site?"

Su Ping found out the simple cultivation knowledge in his memory. Star pet cultivation pays great attention to venues, so many star pet cultivation shops will rent a huge area to build cultivation venues, that is, professional hunting grounds.

And some large pet stores will also provide in this regard, with more comprehensive services.

Only some small pet shops like Su Ping only need to feed the customers' pets and take care of them.

"Beast detection, Lightning Rat, Lightning Beast, has been automatically matched with the best breeding plane, the ancient Thunder Cloud Sea Realm, do you want to enter?"

Su Ping was stunned, a little confused, and said, "Enter..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly felt that the name of the nurturing plane was somewhat familiar.

The origins of star pets vary, but most of them come from cracks in the starry sky, or some monster planets in the starry sky, and some come from ancient planets.

And the Thunder Cloud Sea Realm seems to be the birthplace of the broken and long-disappeared ancient Thunder star pet.

Many well-known top thunder-type star pets, Cangming Thunder Dragon, Nine-headed Thunder Emperor, Zephyr Beast, etc., are said to come from the sea of ​​thunder clouds, and as the sea of ​​thunder clouds shattered and disappeared, these top star pets became Legend, rare to see.

Could it be that the place he is going now is the lost ancient land?

Before Su Ping came back to his senses, he suddenly felt a strong suction pulling his body, and flew towards the illusory crack of white light in front of him.

Eyes swirled.

Then suddenly it was dark.

When he regained his sight again, there was a hazy white mist and the sound of rumbling thunder.

Su Ping was stunned for a while before being shocked by the scene in front of him!

This is the ancient lost land?

Surrounded by huge trees, there are clouds and mist in the air tens of meters away from the top of the trees. In the mist, lightning and thunder rush, and purple light flashes, as if there are dragons and clouds in the clouds.

But in the thin cloud and mist, one can see the vast starry sky, and the huge planets are visible to the naked eye. They are so close to this place that even the planetary meteorite rings on the surface of the planets are clearly visible.

Chapter 3 Infinite Death

"The host has connected to Thunder Cloud Sea Realm."

"The connection time is three days..."

"During the novice mission, the host will obtain novice shelter: the number of exploration deaths is unlimited!"

"The host has temporarily established a contract with the beast..."

"Please explore on your own..."

Su Ping was still immersed in the vast and ancient world before him, and was brought back to his senses by a series of reminders in his mind.

He froze for a moment, and immediately caught a dangerous word in it, the number of deaths?

An unknown premonition came to mind.

Suddenly, a huge shadow passed over his head, and it seemed to be dark.

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