"Oh, then you go wash your hands first, and I'll serve you some hot food."

Su Ping obediently washed his hands, then sat at the dining table and prepared dinner.

While waiting, he was also thinking about whether to awaken himself as a pet master and tell his family.

After all, paper can't contain fire, and sooner or later this matter will be exposed and known to them.

Soon, several hot dishes were brought to Su Ping.

Seeing the meat in the meal, Su Ping was a little surprised, "She didn't eat it?"

Through the vortex of star power gathered upstairs, Su Ping knew that this younger sister had returned long ago, but it was a miracle that there was still meat in the meal left for him!

Li Qingru was relieved to see that he still thought of his sister, "Your sister has already eaten, this is another portion I left for you."

Su Ping suddenly realized.

No wonder...

"Mom." Su Ping hesitated for a moment, and was about to speak about his awakening.


A voice sounded from the stairs.

Su Ping's words stopped in his throat.

Immediately after, there was a sound of hurried footsteps coming up the stairs quickly, and standing in front of the dining table, he said in astonishment: "Mom, haven't I finished eating all the dishes? Where did this come from?"

The corner of Su Ping's mouth twitched when he heard that, after eating...

How cruel!

Li Qingru said: "I did it separately."

Su Lingyue flattened her mouth slightly when she heard it, but soon returned to normal. She looked at Su Ping indifferently, "Why did you come back so early today? It's not time to close the store, is it?"

"It has something to do with you?" Su Ping said angrily.


Su Lingyue raised her eyebrows.

How dare you talk to yourself like that?

Are the wings hard?

She sat down casually, and said casually: "It seems that I haven't moved my body much recently."

Su Ping didn't seem to feel the murderous intent in these words, and said with a strange face: "Aren't you in a competition recently, and you haven't been allowed to move your body yet? Could it be that you are hiding behind and shouting, relying on the beast to help you fight?"

The table shook slightly.

The iron spoon in Su Lingyue's hand was slightly bent.

"Ha ha."

She grinned slightly.

Stretching his fingers, the iron spoon in his hand also inadvertently returned to straightness.

"Hehe." Su Ping was also laughing.

Eat while laughing.

Su Lingyue looked at him with a smile for a while, then looked away, got up and said to Li Qingru, "Mom, I'm going to take a bath first."

"Well, the water heater should be ready." Li Qingru nodded, "You go first, and I'll bring you the clothes later."

"Thank you mom."

After watching Su Lingyue's back leave, Su Ping also hurriedly finished his meal, while the person in the way was away, he thought for a while and said: "Mom, I have something to do tonight, I have to go out, and I may have to come back later. "

He said he would come back later, but Su Ping knew that he probably wouldn't be able to come back tonight.

However, cut first and then play, first get out and then talk.

"Is something wrong? What's the matter?" Li Qingru was stunned.

"About the pet store, a customer asked me to come and check..." Su Ping had already thought of an excuse.

Seeing that it was a matter in the store, Li Qingru heaved a sigh of relief and nodded, "Then you have to pay attention to safety and come back early."

"it is good."

Su Ping had a good meal and sat down for a while to rest, not in such a hurry, and then left before his sister came out of the bath, so as not to spoil the plan.



In the shade of a roadside tree in a remote street, a black off-road vehicle was parked.

Leaning against the car door were two figures, one of whom was smoking.

"Brother Fan, is this person as strong as you said? He can easily break your arm. I guess his strength is about the same as the captain's?" The smoking man asked curiously.

Another young man in ripped jeans and a black T-shirt said: "It's probably about the same, but this person is a genius, he is still young, and he may even become a titled war pet master in the future!"

"No way, so amazing?" The smoking man was surprised.

Fan Yujing shrugged slightly, who can tell what will happen in the future?

At this time, he glanced out of the corner of his eye, and immediately said: "Here we come."

The two looked around and saw a slender figure in casual clothes walking towards the end of the street.

During the journey he came, the smoking man was also observing carefully, and found that this man was just as Fan Yujing said, very young, but his breath was very restrained, and he couldn't tell the depth.

"Wait for a while."

From a long distance, Su Ping saw the black off-road vehicle under the shade of the tree, and Fan Yujing in front of the vehicle. Besides him, there was another strange man with a strong star power inside him. He guessed that it was probably Fan Yujing comrades.

"We just arrived too."

Fan Yujing laughed. He was a little surprised to see that Su Ping didn't seem to be carrying any weapons, but he didn't ask much.

The strongest weapon of the battle pet master is his pet beast. As for other hot weapons, they have no shortage of pioneering bases, but very few people use them.

"Boss Su, this is my comrade-in-arms, Li Ying." Fan Yujing introduced the smoking man next to Su Ping.

The smoking man also sipped his cigarette butt, and said warmly to Su Ping: "Hello, I have long admired your name."

"Nice to meet you."

Su Ping said politely, and asked directly: "How is the situation over there, is it daytime?"

Fan Yujing's face was a little dignified, and he sighed, "Not yet."

Su Ping frowned slightly, but this was also within his consideration, and said, "Let's go."

"it is good."

Fan Yujing opened the back door for Su Ping.

Su Ping said, "I'm in the co-pilot."

After finishing speaking, he walked around the front of the car and sat on the co-pilot from the other side.

Fan Yujing didn't care, and sat in the driver's seat. After Li Ying got into the car, he immediately started the off-road vehicle and galloped out.

"I heard that Boss Su runs a pet shop, so Boss Su's pets should be very strong, right?"

Li Ying, who was sitting in the back, took the initiative to talk, a little tentatively. Although he still trusted Fan Yujing very much, pioneering wasteland was not a trivial matter.

Su Ping glanced at him through the rearview mirror, and said, "Barely."

Li Ying said with a smile: "Boss Su is really humble. I don't know what Boss Su's name is?"

"Su Ping."

It was also the first time that Fan Yujing, who was driving, knew Su Ping's name, and he memorized it in his heart.

"I think Brother Su Ping should be in his early twenties. At this age, he is usually still practicing in the academy. Did Brother Su graduate early?" Li Ying asked curiously.

Almost all war pet masters come from the academic school, and there are very few wild ones.

Su Ping chuckled and didn't answer.

Seeing that Su Ping avoided talking about it, Li Ying was a little reconciled, and asked: "Brother Su, I heard from Brother Fan that you easily broke his arm. Is this true? Is it true that Brother Su is a high-level pet master? "

Su Ping frowned slightly. He was just going to perform a mission, and he didn't want to be questioned about the details.

Fan Yujing next to him felt Su Ping's displeasure, and immediately laughed and said, "Brother Su, our pioneering base is a bit far away. If you want to be tired, you can take a rest first."

Su Ping gave him a blank look. If I'm tired, why should I accompany you to open up wasteland?

"Tell me about pioneering." Su Ping said, "I've never been there, and I want to know more."

Fan Yujing was a little surprised, Su Ping's strength has never been to open up wasteland?That being the case, did you notice the jet lag before?

However, since Su Ping said so, he can't question it, so he can only introduce: "This crack in the starry sky is in the barren area of ​​No. 38 outside our Longjiang base city, and our team is temporarily stationed there In the pioneer base."

Chapter 55 Pioneering Base

"Desolate area 38?"

Su Ping does know that there are more than 500 barren areas in the world, each with its own number. The No. 38 barren area can be ranked so high, which shows that it was born a long time ago.

"That's right." Fan Yujing nodded, "The No. 38 barren area is a B-level barren area. There have been several king beasts in history, but they have all been executed. In today's No. 38 barren area, at most there are only high-level beasts. trace."

Su Ping nodded slightly.

The grade division of barren areas is known to ordinary citizens.

A total of five grades are divided into ABCDE, representing five different levels of danger.

Among them, the barren areas of the three levels of ABC are unstable areas, and they become barren areas because of frequent cracks in the starry sky.

As for the D-level and E-level barren areas, one is the waste area after the outbreak of war, which is full of nuclear radiation and mutated germs, and most of the star pets living in it are also contaminated with these germs, which can easily cause large-scale plagues and diseases, so was isolated as a barren area.

The other is the barren area on Blue Star. Because there are no available resources, the conditions are difficult, and no one lives in it, it is deserted. Therefore, it has become a place where wild star pets inhabit, and gradually formed a barren area.

"I heard that in the B-level barren area, there are frequent activities of middle and high-level pet animals?" Su Ping asked.

The B-level barren area is already considered a very dangerous area. At least the newly graduated battle pet masters are not qualified to go there. They will first practice in the C-level barren area or even the E-level barren area. After a year, it is possible to be transferred to a B-level barren area.

Fan Yujing nodded slightly, "Actually, the main reason is that middle-level pet beasts are more active, and high-level pet beasts are somewhat rare. It is possible to encounter at least one mission at least two or three times, unlike in A-level barren areas, I heard that every Every time you travel, you will encounter high-level star pets, and the death rate is extremely high!"

Speaking of A-level barren areas, he couldn't help flashing fear in his eyes.

"One-third probability..." Su Ping's eyes flickered slightly.

Also acceptable.

Just don't touch the King Beast.

Soon, the off-road vehicle got on the expressway in the urban area, and when passing the toll booth, it passed directly without swiping the card.

Only then did Su Ping know that it was because of the license plate on the off-road vehicle.

This license plate is a passport.

On special occasions, you can even go straight to the red light!

Su Ping had heard about the power of the pioneers. Once, ordinary citizens provoked the pioneers and were shot dead by the pioneers on the spot.

When news reports came out, it was said that the pioneer had also been 'incarcerated'.

As for whether the "confinement" will really be closed, no one knows, and ordinary citizens will not continue to delve into it.

But at least it shows that pioneers don't need to kill people!

Because of this, in the eyes of most ordinary people, pioneers are existences that cannot be provoked.

After driving on the high speed for about an hour, Su Ping finally came to the border of the base city.

There are very few people living on the border, and the buildings are very sparse, but the roads here are wider and stronger.

Su Ping raised his gaze to the top of the car window, where there was a majestic high wall.

This is the side wall of the base city.

Resist the invasion of wild star pets, but the most important thing is to resist the invasion of king beasts!

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