Although annoyed and unwilling, Fan Ganglie knew that it was useless to ask for a response from above, so he could only admit that he was unlucky.

Su Ping doesn't care, these merits are enough for him to buy a lot of things.

In addition to meritorious deeds, the hunter of this monster skeleton was also registered in Su Ping's name under the push of Fan Ganglie and others, and the same pioneering points as meritorious deeds also instantly made Su Ping go from ordinary pioneering A small soldier who became a million-point silver-honored pioneer!

Further up, there are 500 million Jin Xun Pioneers.

And above Jin Xun is the honored pioneer who hunted and killed ninth-level monsters worth tens of millions of points and meritorious service.

Every honorable pioneer has an extremely respected status. He is a titled war pet master-level existence and is a top figure in the entire Blue Star Autonomous Region.

Chapter 71 Home

"It took me eight years to become a silver-honored pioneer. Boss Su just came to get it done."

Fan Ganglie looked at Su Ping enviously, but he wasn't jealous. He knew that Su Ping's future would not stop there. He would be Yin Xun at such a young age. If Su Ping spent every day hunting in barren areas like them, it would probably take less than half a year. , can become Jin Xun, and the future is unlimited.

"Captain, don't talk about it, we are still Hei Xun." Li Ying said sourly on purpose.

Fan Yujing looked at Su Ping's young face with a bitter mood.

He thought that he was already very good.

Everyone around him told him so.

But compared with Su Ping, he simply wanted to hit his head to death.

Su Ping doesn't care whether it's Jin Xun or Yin Xun. Due to the relationship of a temporary pioneer, although he is a pioneer, he has no allowance compensation, so Jin Xun and Yin Xun are not bad in his opinion, maybe they just have some weight in the pioneer circle That's all, but he's not in this circle, so it doesn't make much sense.

Compared with status promotion, Su Ping cared more about the items in the merit exchange warehouse.

160 million meritorious service will be allocated by Fan Ganglie.

But in the end, Fan Ganglie and others just gave away [-] points symbolically, and all the rest were given to Su Ping.

It is entirely due to Su Ping that he was able to hunt and kill the monsters this time. It can even be said that he defeated the monsters by himself. They wanted meritorious service, but they really had no face to take it.

Although Fan Ganglie has the authority of the captain and can forcefully corrupt this huge contribution, Fan Ganglie is not a fool. If he was an ordinary person, he might really be greedy, but a perverted person like Su Ping has an unknown background. Do you know if there is a colossal force behind it?

If he really dared to be greedy, he might die in the wilderness the next day.

Su Ping was not polite to them. After getting the meritorious service, he went to exchange the warehouse and picked it up inside.

The first is the four basic augmentation skills, and Su Ping also exchanged the latter seven to nine floors in one go, spending a total of 15.

In addition, he also spent 88 meritorious services to find a set of 'Original Water Treasure Armor' in the defensive equipment and buy it.

This is a set of strange defensive treasures. It looks like a round ball. When it is injected with star power, it will turn into transparent water energy covering the whole body. It can resist physical attacks and energy attacks below the eighth level, but it has no effect on mental attacks. no effect.

"There is also the fruit of increasing lifespan? It's a pity that it only increases for three years, and it costs 100 million merits? It can't be stacked, it's too expensive."

"Hey, there is also beauty fruit? Alas, it's a pity that I'm already so handsome, and any modification will be tantamount to disfiguring, so I can't use it anymore."

"The egg of the king beast? My dear, 300 million meritorious service?"

Su Ping picked it quickly, but in the end he didn't buy anything. Although there are other secret skills of the pet master that can be purchased, he hasn't even learned the four basic boosting skills. How can he have time to practice other secret skills?

Regardless of the four basic boosting skills, there is the word "basic", but it is a must-have skill for a pet master. If there is no boosting skill, the strength of a pet master's pet will be greatly reduced, which is even worse than ordinary secret skills. Works!

"Boss Su, if you want to take your ore out, you have to pay a transit fee of [-] meritorious deeds." Fan Yujing suddenly thought of this and reminded Su Ping.

"Transit fee?" Su Ping raised his eyebrows.

"You also know that our pioneers were sent by the Federation to pioneer. We basically have to hand over the resources we collect. If you want to take them yourself, you have to pay a transit fee. No matter what it is, it is a [-] meritorious service. , This is to prevent pioneers from opening up wasteland to find treasures and swallow them privately." Fan Yujing explained.

Su Ping nodded, as it should be.

"No problem." He agreed.

Fan Yujing breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Also, if you bring pioneering materials across the border, you have to be inspected by the health station. If the materials you carry contain unknown viruses, it will be a disaster for the base city."

"Yeah." Su Ping also nodded, it was just a virus test, and no abnormalities in the Mingshi Mine would be seen.

Seeing Su Ping's cooperation, Fan Yujing smiled and said, "If there is any trouble in the future, I hope Boss Su will lend a helping hand."

"Ha ha."



When a few people returned to the Xiaopinglou, the blood fox flame-tailed beast that followed them immediately jumped out, rushed to a woman on crutches who came out of the Xiaopinglou, and shook her head affectionately.

Holding the cane, the woman touched the blood fox's head. Her eyes were moist, but she held back. When she saw Fan Ganglie and the others, she immediately waved and shouted: "Captain, Brother Fan, Eagle!"

Li Ying jumped in front of her, and said angrily, "How many times have I told you, don't call me Eagle, I'm only 28, okay, am I very old?"

Fan Ganglie smiled, and said: "This time I was able to bring back your pet beast, thanks to Boss Su who Xiaofan found, it's all due to him, otherwise we probably wouldn't even be able to save our lives."

The woman on crutches couldn't help looking at Su Ping next to him. When she saw Su Ping's delicate and slightly immature face, she was shocked. No matter how you looked at it, she was the age of a school student, and it was him?

"That's right." Fan Yujing nodded heavily and told her all the things about this trip.

The woman on crutches opened her mouth wide and looked at Su Ping in disbelief.

Su Ping was a little speechless when she saw her, why did he feel like a gorilla in the zoo?

"That's just entrusted by others." Su Ping waved his hand.

"Boss Su, please be polite. We all owe you a favor this time. Don't leave tonight. We won't return until we're drunk!" Fan Ganglie said proudly.

Su Ping didn't dare to get drunk. If he smelled of alcohol, it would be even harder to tell when he got home.

Lin Mokong, who had been taciturn since he came back, glanced at Su Ping, and said to Fan Ganglie: "Captain Fan, I have something else to do, so I'll go back first, and we'll meet again next time."

It was only then that Fan Ganglie realized that Lin Mokong and Su Ping still had some feuds, and thought that this would be a troublesome matter. After all, the two met because of him. It is good to find a chance for them to reconcile.

Thinking this way in his heart, he nodded superficially and said, "Okay, I'll find you for a drink next time when I have time, thank you for your hard work this time."

"It's okay." Lin Mokong left a word, turned around and left.

After Lin Mokong left, Fan Ganglie said to Su Ping: "Boss Su, Brother Lin is also a straightforward person. He offended you a lot earlier, so don't take it to heart. Earlier, in terms of merit distribution and hunters, he did not There is no objection, so it can be seen that I don’t want to be your enemy.”

Su Ping nodded. This person was just a passer-by to him and didn't care too much. He said, "As long as he doesn't mess with me in the future, I won't trouble him."

"That's good." Fan Ganglie heaved a sigh of relief.

"I'm going back as soon as possible, and I'd better get home before dawn." Su Ping said.

"So urgent?" Fan Yujing was stunned.

"I still have to open a shop." Su Ping said angrily.

Fan Yujing was dumbfounded, and said with a wry smile: "That's right, the goods in Boss Su's store are all big orders..."

"Then there will be a period later." Su Ping said goodbye to several people.

"I'll take Boss Su home." Fan Yujing said.

Chapter 72 《金乌神魔体》

After saying goodbye to everyone, Su Ping and Fan Yujing went to go through the formalities of leaving the base together, and the Mingshi mine was handed over to the health and quarantine station. After the inspection, it will be transported to the city's health and quarantine center through a special route and special channel. Stand at the item collection place, and then Su Ping can pick it up based on his identity.

The two drove overnight and returned to the base city first.

By the time they entered the highway in the base city, dawn had already lit up in the sky.

Su Ping leaned on the back of the co-pilot's seat, yawned, and silently mobilized the task rewards given by the system in his heart.

"The "Golden Crow Demon Physique"!"

The reward this time is a book of secret techniques for body training by gods and demons, and the name sounds very old.

The secret technique is directly imprinted in Su Ping's mind, and he can't forget it even if he wants to. He can read it with a thought, "The Golden Crow God Demon Body is the exclusive battle body of the ancient God Demon Golden Crow Clan. This battle body is indestructible and powerful. , Cultivated to the strongest level, can shatter the stars, and be reborn with a drop of blood!"

"The secret of cultivation is to absorb the energy of heaven and earth, condense the two spirits of gods and demons, temper the five internal organs and five senses, refine the spirit and body... When the soul and body are united, you can transform into a young golden crow, surpassing the speed of sound, with a golden flame all over your body, burning everything ..."

Su Ping read it over and over again. His eyes, which were still a little tired just now, were no longer sleepy, and he was surprised and happy.

Although I knew that the rewards given by the system would not be too bad, I didn't expect them to be so good!

This is a secret skill that can only be cultivated by young gods and demons!

The various supernatural powers and abilities described above are simply unheard of, extremely powerful!

"If I can practice this Golden Crow God Demon Body, wouldn't I also become a little God Demon?" Su Ping became a little excited when he thought about it, God and Demon, that is an existence born in the heaven and earth in ancient times, it is by no means Today's king beast star pet can be compared.

There are a total of seven levels of this magical secret skill, and each level is very difficult to cultivate, but at the same time, the improvement span of each level is also huge.

After training the first level, the body will be invulnerable to bullets and guns. It is difficult to kill with bullets from ordinary firearms. It can move at a speed close to the speed of sound. Its physical strength alone is comparable to that of a fifth-order beast!

And after reaching the second level, not only can it surpass the speed of sound, it can resist even ordinary artillery armor-piercing bullets, and its physical strength is comparable to that of an eighth or ninth-level star pet monster.

As for the third layer, it is even more frightening. The soul and body are united, and it can transform into a young Golden Crow. Even in space, it can survive for a short time. It also has some basic Golden Crow abilities, such as the Golden Crow God Flame.

"As expected, it's the body training technique of gods and demons, tempering one's own combat power to be stronger than pet beasts. Perhaps this is the power of a real pet master in ancient times, and it is also the power that a pet beast owner should have!" Su Ping secretly thought.

The off-road vehicle entered the urban area along the expressway, and after getting off the expressway, it turned into the street. Not long after, it came to the place where Su Ping was picked up from the car.

"Here we are." Fan Yujing put on the handbrake, ready to come out and open the door for Su Ping.

Su Ping didn't wait for him to get up, he had already opened the door and got off the car, "Goodbye."

"Thank you Boss Su." Fan Yujing smiled.

"Yeah." Su Ping nodded, then turned around and waved away after speaking.

Looking at the back of Su Ping leaving, Fan Yujing smiled wryly, until Su Ping's figure disappeared around the corner, then looked away, released the handbrake and returned.



"Uh, Mom?"

Su Ping, who was just about to sneak into the house pretending to be asleep, saw his mother Li Qingru sitting in the living room as soon as he entered the door. His body froze immediately, as if being stared at by a king beast, and he broke out in cold sweat.

Li Qingru leaned on the sofa, but didn't watch TV, just stared at one place in a daze, and woke up when she heard the door opening. She turned her head and saw that it was Su Ping, her face changed suddenly, and she said calmly: "You go tonight Where is it?"

"You haven't slept all night?" Su Ping was stunned, and his heart was filled with guilt.

Li Qingru said: "Come here."

Su Ping walked over honestly, ready to be beaten.

Li Qingru stood up, smelled him, and was relieved when he was sure that he didn't smell any alcohol or tobacco. He frowned and said, "Why did you go?"

Su Ping bowed his head and said, "I went to repair the computer... Oh no, I went to help people take care of the pet beast."

"Take care of the beast? One night?" Li Qingru was suspicious.

Su Ping had no choice but to continue making up nonsense, and when he almost believed what he said, he dispelled his mother Li Qingru's suspicion.

"Then have you rested at night? Are you hungry?"


"Go and wash your face first. Seeing your tired face, I'll make you breakfast first. After you wash your face, wake up your sister. Also, if you are too tired today, don't go to the store."


Su Ping was lying when he said that he was not moved. For the first time in this strange world, he felt like he had found home.

"Thank you, Mom." Su Ping whispered, and then ran to wash his face, covering his face with a towel for a long time before wiping it off.

After washing his face, Su Ping went upstairs to Su Lingyue's door, and was about to knock on the door, when suddenly the door swung open, and Su Lingyue stood at the door, as if she knew he was coming.

She gave Su Ping a cold look, said nothing, pushed open the door and went downstairs past his body. While going downstairs, she said coldly: "You must not go home in the future."

Su Ping was slightly stunned, turned around and looked, the girl's back had already gone downstairs and left.

Today's breakfast was very peaceful, and Su Lingyue went to the academy after eating, and it was rare that Su Ping didn't bother her.And Su Ping also went to the store by bicycle after eating well. Although Li Qingru repeatedly said that it would be fine to take a day off, Su Ping's current physique would not affect him if he stayed up all night.

The business in the store was still as usual, with few people visiting, and occasionally people came, but they were all persuaded to leave after seeing the price, and they didn't even have a chance to introduce it to Su Ping.

Su Ping felt like a salted fish, very boring.

Fortunately, he exchanged the four basic augmentation skills in the Pioneer Warehouse, so he could just practice in the store when there were no customers.

This augmentation skill constructs star patterns through star power and imprints them on the beast. To maintain the augmentation skills for a long time, the imprinted star patterns must be precise and complete, so as not to dissipate too quickly and make the augmentation invalid.

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