Olympian Hunter Author: Peng Chuang

brief introduction:

The weird and mysterious maze divides the world into two sides, inside and outside. The inside is the pure land of human beings illuminated by the holy light, and the outside is the demon purgatory entrenched by the abyss.

Shengguang's confession: "I love human beings, civilization, prosperity..."

The incitement of the abyss: "Eat it and you're done! Treat all inorganic substances as snacks, and all organic substances as staple food! Everyone is both food and diners. Come, don't be shy, be eaten first, and then eat!"

The roar of the monsters: "Roar."

The spirit of chivalry: "Life is the people of the church, death is the soul of the Holy Light!"

Hunter's culture: "Hello, I have already obtained power from the dream, so when can I start hunting?"

『Original world view, pseudo-Cthulhu atmosphere, with brain-powered supernatural combat as the core content, the enemy's IQ and difficulty are gradually increasing, and the fighting plots are too long, book friends please enter carefully! 』

Chapter 0001 Ye Chen

Among the snow-capped mountains and forests, a young man was leaning on a dead tree, bowing his head and concentrating on the action at hand.

And at the end of the snow field [-] meters away behind him, five white shadows galloped towards the young man on a path of snowflakes.

They are covered with snow-white coats, showing sharp fangs, and their real bodies are the famous beasts in this forest, snow wolves.

And now the boy leaning against the tree is the target of the snow wolves' hunting, and also the target of revenge.

The boy's name is Yechen, he is 17 years old, he has black and thick curly hair, and he is wearing a warm and thick wolf fur coat.

He grew up in this world where snowflakes are always scattered since he was a child. The reason why he appears in the mountains now is to hunt wolves and hone his fighting skills.

A native born and bred, this is the identity of Ye Chen.

From the age of five, under the supervision of his teacher, the boy has been carrying out a practice life full of fighting.

At this moment, at Yechen's feet, the corpses of five snow wolves were already lying down.

Three of them died from bullet holes in the abdomen or back, and the remaining two died from knife marks on their necks.

Five ferocious beasts were bleeding silently, staining the pale snow with dazzling red.

However, Yechen didn't have any thoughts about these corpses, and he didn't even glance at them. He had long been familiar with these daily elements of practice.

I saw Yechen's right hand holding a silver revolver that had been thrown out of the wheel, while his left hand was calmly loading brass-colored ammunition into the magazine one by one.

When the distance between the three wolves in the back and him was within 30 meters, Yechen finally left the cover of the trees after loading, and quickly glanced at the five furious avengers in front of him, and immediately raised his gun. , pressing the hammer with the left hand, and pulling the trigger with the right hand, without hesitation, they shot the bullets in the wheel one by one toward the three snow wolves at the front.

The three beasts harvested not many bullets, each with two rounds.

Bang bang bang bang!

With the sound of gunfire erupting in the silent snowy forest, the two snow wolves fell down, but the one in the middle narrowly avoided two revolver bullets and led the remaining two companions to rush towards Yechen. Come.


Yechen frowned subconsciously because of his marksmanship mistakes, quickly put away the revolver, and pulled out the long knife from his waist.

It was a slender straight knife, the surface was covered with bright red wolf blood, silently exuding the chill of killing.

The remaining three snow wolves skillfully surrounded Yechen in a circle, trying to find a weak point and kill him with one blow.

Seeing this, Ye Chen was not in a hurry, his right hand was close to the blade of the saber, his left hand held the end of the handle, and he held the long saber in a standard stance. Then, his legs shone strangely, and the whole person was as fast as an afterimage. , In the blink of an eye, he passed by the nearest snow wolf.


The sharp blade light swept a smooth curve in the air, and before the beast could react, it wiped cleanly across its neck.

The next second, the blood of the wolf splashed, and the head was separated.

Immediately afterwards, the remaining two snow wolves carried on the will of their companions, and rushed towards Yechen's back in grief and fury, trying to throw him to the ground and bite off his throat.

However, at this moment, the boy's limbs once again glowed with a strange light, making him significantly strengthened in terms of strength and agility.

I saw Yechen's footsteps circling, and immediately dragged a sharp arc groove in the white snow like a top, not only bypassing the pounce of the two wild beasts in one fell swoop, but also quickly slid to the position between them, and then, With a wave of the knife in his left hand, he cut the back of the snow wolf's neck neatly, and with his right hand clenched his fist, he sent the whole snow wolf on the right flying ten meters away.


The snow wolf who was hit by the knife splattered blood on the spot and died.


The Snow Wolf, who was punched flying, fell in the snow in the distance, rolled and fainted for a while, then turned around and fled.

Ye Chen looked at the figure of the fleeing person leaving, and wanted to let him go.

However, a wonderful hunting instinct manipulated Yechen's hands at this moment, making him methodically put the bronze bullets into the silver revolver again...


As another gunshot resounded in the snowy forest, the last wolf finally lost its breath and fell completely in Yechen's hands.

"Ten snow wolves, all of them can be solved without the help of the teacher... This mysterious power is really easy to use."

Yechen glanced at the corpses on the snowy ground, then couldn't help clenching his fists, and while feeling the surging power, he generally muttered to himself in admiration.

With a six-shot revolver and a slender straight knife, he hunted and killed ten snow wolves in groups alone. Without the protection of strange energy, this kind of behavior would be extremely difficult for a mature male with physical fitness. Not to mention Yechen, who is still only a 17-year-old boy.

If it was changed to a month ago, Yechen would have killed the fifth snow wolf at most, and he would have been thrown down by all the wolves because of his slow movements.

And once that happens, several golden lights will shoot down from the dome above the clouds as usual, span several kilometers in the sky, and go straight through the brain stems of these snow wolves, thus saving Ye Chen's life.

However, as his perception of the aura of the mysterious spirit became more acute during this period of time, Yechen also became more skilled in controlling the energy of the mysterious spirit.

This is a kind of energy obtained by perceiving a certain calling in the depths of the soul. Yechen doesn't know its specific principle, but he knows that once it exists, his strength, agility and perception will explode. In the end, his movements were as swift as lightning and his strength as mighty as thunder, and he easily hunted and killed the wolves.

The biting cold wind blows head-on, interrupting Yechen's dazed thoughts.

He shuddered, and immediately didn't intend to waste any more time in this snowy forest. He took out a special curved knife for stripping, and harvested all the fur and meat of the prey with a skillful cutting technique. ...

After bagging it, Yechen walked down the mountain quickly, trying to return to the old church on the middle of another snow mountain in the distance as soon as possible, which is also the home he has lived in all these years.

However, just as Ye Chen was carrying his flesh and flesh and had not walked a hundred steps away, a series of vibrations sounded immediately behind him.

dong dong dong-

When Ye Chen heard this, his face changed and his eyes turned back, only to see that the snow-capped mountain he was in at this time had already set off a white spray, washing towards Ye Chen.

Oops, Avalanche!

Yechen exclaimed in his heart, and immediately began to look for hiding places such as giant rocks, but he could only find a dry forest after searching. In the end, he had no choice but to hide in it. After a huge old tree.

When the avalanche came, the old tree was smashed to pieces without accident, Yechen felt the world spinning for a while, and his vision immediately fell into darkness...

After an unknown amount of time, Ye Chen opened his eyes and found himself lying at the end of the cliff in the snow mountain, only half a meter away from him falling off the cliff.

At this moment, around Yechen, there was a circle of strange light shining, like a solid barrier, firmly guarding Yechen between the heavy snow and the cliff.

"In the end, the teacher's help is still inevitable..."

Yechen sighed deeply, and cast a grateful gaze towards the old church in the distant mountains, then quickly stood up straight, patted the snow, and was about to leave, but after he glanced at the foot of the mountain inadvertently , Yechen's face froze suddenly.


He was startled, and hurriedly poked his head under the cliff.

Below that is a pitch-black abyss. In Ye Chen's past knowledge, the abyss in this mountainous area should have been submerged at the foot of the mountain, but today, he inadvertently glanced at it, and he was surprised to find that this The "Abyss" has been submerged to the mountainside, and it keeps rising like the rising water at the time of the tide!

"When did you reach this height..."

Ye Chen muttered to himself, poking his head even lower.

And after this action, he even discovered that in the abyss submerged on the surface of the mountain wall, on the top floor, there were countless black shadows wriggling, like thousands of newborn maggots, and like thousands of twisted tentacles, impatiently waiting. Climb over this peak and pour into your own world.

And after Ye Chen's sight reached it, these maggot-like shadows even twisted their torso and made a gesture like waving to Ye Chen.

At the same time, countless vague voices enveloped Yechen's ears, as if inviting him to come down and play with them for a while...

Just a little while.

Immediately afterwards, the dark tide poured into Ye Chen's mind.

His consciousness seemed to be pulled into a bottomless deep sea under the pulling of some kind of force.


Yechen couldn't help but exclaimed, turned his head to look around, and saw only a piece of dark sea water around him.

However, in the dark depths, there are indistinctly countless eyeballs staring at him, as if coveting a delicious meal, filling the deep sea with a greedy and fanatical atmosphere.

This is... where?

Deep in the darkness, Ye Chen, who was horrified, kept repeating this question in his dazed mind.

However, before he could react, a strong pulling force was attached to the boy's legs.

Ye Chen suddenly looked down, and saw countless tentacles spiraling out of the ocean below him unconsciously, entangled Ye Chen's lower body, and immediately dragged him to the bottomless abyss. the deep sea.


Ye Chen struggled hard, and was about to take out his revolver and long knife to fight with this group of inexplicable tentacles, but the next second, the scene of snow-capped mountains and forests suddenly returned to his field of vision, replacing the original darkness.


The young man hesitated, turned his head to look around, and then saw the snow-capped mountains and sparse pine forests that he was familiar with.

At this moment, Ye Chen was still standing on the edge of the cliff.

There is no deep sea, no tentacles, everything seems to be just his imagination.

The teenager fell into hallucinations inexplicably, and then returned to sobriety inexplicably. The situation is really incredible.

"what is the problem……"

Confused, Ye Chen, unable to bear the thirst for knowledge in his heart, once again looked into the abyss under the cliff.

However, the darkness there was as calm as water, just silently absorbing the light from the dome, without any intention of responding to the boy...

Chapter 0002 Nightmare


Faced with such a strange and unpredictable situation, Yechen couldn't help but gasped, turned around and left immediately with his backpack, and ran towards the old church.

Soon, the boy rushed to the mountainside of another snow mountain, and arrived in front of a dilapidated church that looked like ruins.

Pushing open the iron door covered with rust, and walking into the spacious and cold church hall, Yechen looked at the back of the middle-aged man in the front seat of the hall, and said in a slightly nervous tone:

"Teacher, I'm done hunting."

The middle-aged man didn't turn his head, and continued to turn his back to Yechen, but simply nodded his head.

He was wearing a windbreaker and had messy long hair, but even a sloppy beard could not conceal his handsome facial features, calm and deep eyes, staring at the dilapidated building in front of him. The cracked statue made Ye Chen completely confused about what was going on in his mind.

This person is the teacher in Yechen's mouth, a man who has been cultivating Yechen's various life knowledge, fighting skills and hunting skills since Yechen can remember.

Ye Chen only knew that his name was Lyle and he was his teacher. Apart from that, the man never revealed any other information about himself.

At the same time, Ye Chen only knew that he was an abandoned baby taken in by his teacher. As for the more specific life experience, his teacher had never talked about it for 17 years, and always prevaricated with "you will understand in the future".

Ye Chen pursed his lips uneasily, and then opened his mouth to tell Lyle the strange scene he had just seen.

"Teacher, I was on the edge of the cliff just now and found that the abyss has reached the side of the border mountain! It was only at the foot of the mountain a year ago..."

Ye Chen was speechless for a while, then added.

"And... the moment I looked into the abyss, I suddenly saw some hallucinations... I found myself in the deep sea, with countless eyes staring at me, and countless tentacles trying to drag me to the bottom of the sea... This, this what is going on?"

Compared with the nervous teenager, the middle-aged man's face was still as calm as water. Hearing Ye Chen's question, he just gave a flat response.

"This can only mean that the world is about to reach its limit, but it will be a matter of time before the abyss erodes. I have a way to deal with it, you don't have to care."

"As for the illusion you mentioned, don't make a fuss. With these days, your control of the power of the mysterious spirit has become more and more refined, and your sense of power has become much stronger, and you can see the illusion from the abyss that ordinary people can't see. , is quite normal.”

"in addition……"

Having said that, Lyle's tone changed.

"If nothing else happens, you will have your first "nightmare" tonight. As long as you get through it, you will officially awaken your unique natal arcana."

"In this way, you can put an end to your ten years of practice. I will make a final test of your strength through three actual combat trials, and then send you to the abyss before the abyss completely erodes this land. To the human kingdom outside the labyrinth - the Holy Land of Light."

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