Right now, there are at least two things I have to do: confirm that the two brothers Xiaovaluwen and Xiaovarus... and the abyssal substances in their bodies are completely dead and completely destroyed.

With this in mind, Yechen pulled out the dagger, and then slashed, directly severing the head of Xiaovaruwen, and then in his trachea, he found a pitch-black round stone that was the same as the original ape.

That is the core of the abyss wrapped in silt substances.


The young man raised his sword and fell, directly smashing the core of the abyss to smithereens.

And after he swung the sword, the black mud on Xiao Valuwen's body also cried out while turning into dry ashes, and finally dissipated...

"Hu! Hu! Hu!"

Seeing that Xiaovaruwen had completely cut off his breath, Ye Chen staggered back a few steps, and couldn't help but look up to the sky and gasp for breath.

At this moment, the young man was really exhausted. Not only was his body covered in bruises, his consciousness was blurred, but even the magic of "self-healing" was difficult to maintain, causing the originally blocked wounds to bleed again.

However, even so, Ye Chen's mission was not completely over.

He still had to make sure that Chauvurus was dead right now, so that the night of the hunt could come to a successful conclusion.

Where would the body of Showarus be?Forget it, take your time to find...

Ye Chen thought so in his heart, and slowly raised his head and looked forward.

Then, at the other end of the fountain courtyard, the young man saw a black shadow climbing on all fours on the ground, facing him across the fountain.

At first, the boy could not see the true face of the shadow.

However, when the thick clouds in the night sky dissipated and the brilliance of the full moon covered the earth again, he realized that it was a humanoid with its belly turned up and its limbs folded on the ground, climbing and walking like a lizard. biology.

It was dressed in a blood-stained nobleman's costume, but above the chin, there was a mass of pitch-black flesh in the shape of a cone.

There is a long opening in the middle of the piece of meat, and dozens of tentacles protrude from the long opening, swinging and stretching back and forth in the air, making creepy moans from time to time...

At this moment, Xiaovarus' corpse, he took the initiative to find the door, and it still appeared in the most creepy way, returning to Ye Chen's field of vision.


Ye Chen couldn't help taking a breath of cold air, and the danger signal immediately ran through his body, causing all muscles to contract nervously.

The mutated Xiaovarus, after staring at Yechen for a few seconds in silence, suddenly opened his cracked mouth, twitched his slender tentacles, and waved his sturdy limbs for Yechen's sake. Hunting night sounded the golden bell for the final round.

"Hoo hoo hoo-!"

The monsters cheered, the monsters jumped for joy, the monsters twisted into strange postures, and the monsters took swift steps.

Xiaovarus, who was resurrected from the dead, just crawled towards Yechen like this.

Chapter 0039 Animal Nature

With their keen perception and powerful bodies tempered by nightmares, Showalus and Showaluvin successfully established a connection with the abyss material, and were selected as hosts by them, nurturing the core of the abyss in their respective bodies, so that the The Chevallus have acquired a certain degree of regeneration.

However, the core of the abyss is another feature that the two brothers cannot know through experiments, nor dare to know through experiments.

That is, once the host dies, the abyss core will replace its brain, allowing the host to resurrect with a new attitude.

And now Xiaovarus, who appeared in front of Ye Chen, was in such a strange state.

Of course, although it is said to be resurrection, at this moment Xiaovarus' consciousness has long been replaced by the core of the abyss.

So in fact, at this moment, Xiaovarus, who was showing his teeth and claws and smiling, came to Yechen to seek revenge, was just an abyss monster wearing his skin and eager to eat flesh and blood.


Watching the other party's approaching terrifying figure, listening to the other party's continuous cheering and screaming, Ye Chen's facial expression is completely relaxed, smoothing out the splashes, ripples, and ripples in his heart... Quiet.

Don't panic, don't be impatient, don't be afraid.

Calm down first, think later, then act.

Heart like water.

This is the mentality a hunter should have, and this is the direction I should pursue.

Because, I am the hunter, and it is the prey!

In a short moment, Ye Chen's mind reverberated with several of Lyle's previous teachings, and then quickly calmed down, returned to calm, and bravely looked directly at the terrifying inhuman face of Chauveur, observing it. The sturdy, twisted limbs move.

The boy dilated his pupils and widened his blue eyes. The next moment, the surrounding scene began to slow down in his eyes, and every move of Xiaovarus seemed to slow down gradually.

Everything becomes visible, everything becomes slow and manageable...

Ye Chen understood that at such a close distance, he had no time to reload, so he simply let go of the revolver with his right hand, and instead swiped hard on the blood-stained dagger tied to his left hand.


A bloody mouth appeared in the palm of the right hand, and fresh blood poured onto the edge of the dagger, making it appear brighter and brighter in the dark night.

After Ye Chen completed this brief action, the mutated Xiaovarus had already pounced in front of it, and then opened his pitch-black, deep mouth full of tentacles, biting directly at Ye Chen's. skull.

The young man calmly rubbed his right hand on his left arm, looking at the moment when Xiaovarus entered his attack range, and stabbed the blood-red dagger into its dark mouth with all his might.


The tip of the sword pierced through countless dark flesh and blood, and stabbed straight into the depths of Chauveur's throat.

However, at the same time, Ye Chen was also crushed to the ground by Xiaovarus' flying pounce.

The two figures twisted into a ball like this, and then tumbled several times on the ground.

dong dong dong dong.

Ye Chen gritted his teeth and endured the world spinning in front of him, desperately trying to force the dagger to the core of the abyss in Shavarus' body.

But the other party bit his arm tightly, preventing Ye Chen from completing the most critical step.

One person and one thing struggled for a while, and finally stopped the turning.

In the end, the vaguely conscious humans were overwhelmed by the monster's unimaginable energy.

The bruised body was pressed to the ground by the strong limbs.


Xiaovarus held Yechen with all four limbs, but his head moaned in excitement while trying his best to get in front of Yechen's face.

Although Xiaovarus' mouth was sealed by Yechen with a short sword at the moment, it could neither be opened nor closed, but its tentacles on both sides of the mouth and tongue were directly wrapped around Yechen's neck and face, trying to make Its alive and suffocating.


While consuming his nearly crippled left hand, Ye Chen pushed the dagger up hard to keep Xiaovarus' mouth from approaching, while using his weak right hand, he placed it between his neck and the entangled tentacles to prevent Showalus directly strangled himself to the point of suffocation.

However, being able to maintain this situation temporarily is already the limit of a teenager.

His short sword really couldn't penetrate deeper into Xiaovalus' body, and his body and mind couldn't handle the strange force outside Xiaovalus' body.

At the same moment, the ghost-like whispers that came from the tentacles of the abyss echoed wildly in the young man's skull, constantly impacting his heart and destroying his consciousness.

"We are not your enemy..."

"Accept us... join us..."

"Come with us and devour all the creatures in the world..."

Yechen's face was flushed, staring at the darkness in Xiaovarus' mouth, listening to Xiaovarus's groaning between his tentacles, his eyes gradually became misty and dim...

It seems that it is only a matter of time before the hunter is knocked down by the prey.

I... am I about to fail?

There is no other way... can I resist?

If the teacher was present, what advice would he give me...

Now, is it possible for him to subvert this situation?Shouldn't be able to do anything...

No way, I'm going to lose, everything is over...

I... I have...

The feeling of suffocation gradually overwhelmed the pain and began to occupy Ye Chen's brain.

However, just when his spirit was about to collapse completely, the words the teacher once said to him suddenly sounded in the boy's ears.

"Never lose your humanity as a hunter."

"But more importantly, never lose your bestiality."


Ye Chen thought about this, and his mind suddenly understood the deep meaning of the teacher's words. His eyes that were originally closed were opened at this moment.

Hunters hunt their prey, using all methods.

And Ye Chen's blood magic, in addition to condensing high-damage ammunition, can also strengthen the effect of all sharp weapons, not only limited to metals such as swords.

Because of this, Ye Chen, whose limbs are now bound, actually has a weapon that is useless.

That's the sharp tool made of calcium in his mouth.

His bloody teeth!


The young man opened his mouth with a grim expression, revealing a mouth of bloody red teeth, and desperately bit down on one of the pitch-black tentacles that locked his throat.

The magic of blood, at this moment, does everything it can to support the master with all his heart, so that his teeth are instantly transformed into dozens of sharp-edged swords, which easily divide the dark mud and tear the flesh and blood of the abyss.


The sticky taste and disgusting taste poured into Ye Chen's tongue like a tide, but he ignored it, like a lion forced to a desperate situation, after tearing off the tentacle, Then bite the next one.

quack quack quack-!

In less than ten seconds, the boy had bitten off one-third of Chauveur's tentacles.

His hysterical, furious and violent gesture revealed a savagery that came from his bones.

And this is exactly what Lyle said about the animal nature, which coexists with the human nature in the soul of Ye Chen!

The abyss monster clad in the skin of Xiaovarus saw the sudden scene in front of him, and the movements of his entire body subconsciously stagnated.

Obviously, it did not expect that Ye Chen would choose such an ancient and primitive method of resistance like a beast. At the same time, it also did not expect that Ye Chen's teeth would have the same effect on his body as the sharp short sword in his mouth. Very obvious restraint.


With a strange cry, Xiaovarus quickly manipulated the remaining tentacles and rushed to Ye Chen's mouth, trying to completely block his bite force.

However, Ye Chen had long expected that Showalus would act like this. The moment his right hand was slightly loosened by the tentacles, he immediately grabbed the roots of the dozen or so tentacles around Showalus' mouth, and then probed one more time. Bite, and immediately broke most of the tentacles of Showalus in one go.


Chauveur's posture was obviously shaken, and he immediately tilted his head back.

However, once Ye Chen grabbed the prey, how could he easily let go, he decisively bit off the bloody mouth of the tentacle, and turned to pounce on the dark and sticky neck of Xiaovarus.

Then, the boy was like a lion rushing towards food, sealing the throat of his prey.

Dirty and black blood rushed out from the neck of Xiaovarus.

The thick flesh was ruthlessly torn off by Ye Chen with his bloody teeth.

In the next second, a cobblestone embedded in Showalus' trachea was exposed to the air.


Feeling the coming of death, the mutated Xiaovarus immediately began to howl, trying to run away.

However, just when the fangs that had been holding on to Ye Chen's left hand loosened, the blood-stained dagger released from the bondage immediately pierced through Xiaovarus' throat and directly smashed the core of the abyss. .


With the disintegration of the core, the mutated Xiaovarus suddenly stopped screaming, stopped running, and stopped all movements.


Then, after all, it was powerless to lie on the floor of the fountain courtyard.

Let the black silt on the surface of his body separate, collapse, and dissolve step by step...

In the end, this terrifying monster turned back into a headless corpse with an empty jaw, the dead lord of Rimefrost, and what the real Showarus should be...

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