After hearing this, Ouke left with a smile, leaving behind this sentence.

"Really? That's fine."

Seeing Ouke leaving obediently, Ye Chen's vigilance relaxed, and he turned his eyes back to the ammunition box in his hand.

Regarding the Austrian mine that Oke talked about, he learned something about it through the preview in the labyrinth environment textbook.

This is a mysterious metal ore that can only randomly appear in various terrains in the Arcane Labyrinth. Because it has natural power of the Arcane, it was named the Arcane Mine by the predecessors.

The discovery of the Austrian mine can be traced back thousands of years ago, and it is the research object of the Beacon of Truth for many years. Although no one knows its generation method and energy principle, it can still be used as a strange energy in industrial production. According to the textbook, the steam airship that Yechen saw in the sky when he first entered Hunter Town was powered by the energy of the Austrian Mine.

It seems that this "Absolute Bullet" is also one of the many research and development achievements of the Lighthouse of Truth...

After thinking about it, Yechen opened the ammunition box, took out one of the bullets, and looked at it carefully.

This is a 7.62mm caliber bullet. It is bluish-white in color and exudes a faint luster of arcane power. It came in handy.

Then, Yechen noticed that the people around him began to take out the magazines of the Orlander rifles in their hands one after another, and put the "Australian bullets" into them in an orderly manner, so he followed suit until he put the eighth bullet into the magazine After the middle, the ammunition loading of the Orlander rifle has been completed.

"Okay, now we will conduct the standing and fixed-point shooting assessment first. The students who are called by me, please walk to the shooting position one by one with their guns."

Holding the roster in hand, Xuan loudly urged the students who had finished loading it.

"Firona's No. 1 position, Oke's No. 2 position, Ponrigate's No. 3 position, Shia's No. 4 position... Wemon's No. 10 position."

The ten students followed the instructor's instructions, held the Orlander rifle at a slant, and went to the corresponding shooting position to stand by. At the same time, they all put their fingers on the safety switch of the rifle, and locked their sights one hundred meters ahead. Ten round targets.

The round target is divided into ten rings, from one ring to ten rings correspond to one point to ten points respectively.

After confirming that the position was correct, Xuan announced loudly: "Okay, let's open the safety and start the first round of shooting."

Firona, standing in position one, released the safety of the rifle with her fingers faster than the others, then quickly raised the muzzle of the gun, put her right eye on the 2.5x scope that came with the Orlande rifle, and locked the target In the center of the mirror, he pulled the trigger without hesitation, showing off his proficiency in gun skills to others.


After a gunshot, a big hole appeared in the center of Firona's round target, and she scored ten rings without a doubt.

At the same time, Oke and the others beside her also fired. Oke and Pangrigat also hit the tenth ring, Shia hit the ninth ring, Wemon hit the eighth ring, and the rest of them His grades fluctuated around the Eighth Ring Road.

Seeing that the students had finished the first round of shooting, Xuan immediately reached out and pressed a button between the walls of the shooting range.

With the sound of ding, the floor below the round target separated, and the damaged targets were quickly recovered to the ground, and at the same time, a new row of ten-ring round targets was raised up for the students to continue shooting. assessment.

"The second round of shooting begins."

After Xuan gave this brief instruction, everyone raised their guns and fired again. With loud gunshots, they continued to add vitality to the deserted shooting range.

In addition, even though they did not perform any loading and unloading actions during the two shots, the fired shells were automatically thrown out of the gun chamber. Seeing Yechen behind was full of surprise, he couldn't help but whispered Exclaimed.

"Is this a semi-automatic's really convenient to operate."


In this way, under Xuan's instruction, Firona and the others completed eight rounds of shooting training in sequence, and emptied all the magazines of the Orlander rifle.

In the previous seven rounds of shooting, only Filona and Ouke have always maintained the terrifying score of the tenth ring. However, in the last round of the contest, Ouke's warhead brushed the edge of the tenth ring due to a mistake and fell into the ninth ring. , and finally let Firona, who once again perfectly hit the center of the ten rings, successfully won the championship of this standing fixed-point shooting assessment, and kept her No.1 title in the shooting subject.

After defeating Oke, No.1 in the evaluation list, Firona's face couldn't help but burst into laughter. She put her palms together and pressed the back of her hand to her lips, making a classic sneering gesture of an aristocratic woman, and then Xiang Ou Ke taunted: "Hmph, Ou Ke, you want to compete with me in gun skills, you are ten years earlier!"

However, Ouke still ignored Filona as usual, but Xuan urged the latter with a grumpy face: "Okay, Filona, ​​end the test obediently, don't waste everyone's time!"

"Uh... yes, Ms. Xuan..."

Firona muttered softly, and left the shooting position with an embarrassed expression, but the students around her were already used to this kind of situation, and almost none of them responded.

Next, Xuan continued to call the number to let the students complete the target shooting test one by one.

Since there are only ten shooting positions in the [-]-meter shooting range, and Yechen is a student who has recently transferred to the class, when it is his turn, everyone has already completed the test, and no one is with Yechen.

Xuan pressed the automatic target change button on the wall again, and pushed a new ten-ring round target at the end of Yechen's shooting path, for Yechen who stood alone in position [-] to conduct shooting assessment.

"You can unlock the insurance for the first round of shooting, Yechen."

Xuan leaned against the wall, and said in a soft tone, her lightly blinking eyes were even more interested because of Yechen's appearance, obviously looking forward to this one who taught the Holy Light Knight to a few lunatics. What kind of surprises will the legendary boy bring to himself next?

At the same time, the fifty pairs of iridescent eyes behind Yechen were also watching his back at this moment.

Curiosity, nervousness, excitement, meaninglessness, longing, hostility...

The owner of the eyes is different, and the emotions contained in them are also very different.

However, Yechen turned a deaf ear to the eyes focused on his back, and just raised the muzzle of the Orlande rifle with a calm face, and then put his right eye on the scope of the Orlande rifle. After the colored eyes determined the center position of the ten-ring target a hundred meters away, his fingertips immediately pressed the trigger decisively.


Xuan's single pupil, which was shining with the power of the mysterious power, glanced at the situation on the target in the distance, and then took a pen to record Yechen's results without any surprises, and at the same time announced softly to everyone.

"The first round of shooting, the ten rings are perfect."

Chapter 0130

"Second round, full marks for ten rings."

"The third round, full marks for the ten rings."

"Fourth round, perfect score for ten rings."


After Yechen emptied all the "Olland bullets" in the magazine of the Orlande rifle, Xuan, who was standing aside and holding the roster, glanced at the target in front of him, then nodded with satisfaction.

"The eighth round is still a perfect score for the ten rings."

When the instructor reported this conclusion aloud, most of the students who were watching at the back slowly recovered from their astonishment, and then expressed themselves frankly with faces full of disbelief or admiration. idea.

"All the ten rings are perfect in the eight rounds of shooting! Isn't this guy's accuracy too scary?"

"Just now, I saw that Yechen's dismantling and reloading speed was not fast, and I thought he was not good at shooting. I didn't expect that Yechen's score surpassed Oke and was on par with Firona in this first fixed-point shooting..."

"Hahaha, I'm afraid that Firona's No.1 position in firearms will be lost!"

Among the chattering students, many of them couldn't help turning their heads to observe Firona's face at this moment, and found that she had slanted eyebrows, pursed lips, and her expression was changing. plunged into turmoil.

Firona witnessed Yechen and Pangrigat's barely even fight in the fighting class, so she thought that the transfer student was proficient in close combat, but she never expected that he would be able to tie even in the first time he showed his hands in the firearms class. His own record, this is obviously a record that even Ouke has not achieved.

This boy named Yechen... is indeed extraordinary!

Filona stood in the crowd and sighed silently, and then unconsciously glanced at Oke beside her, only to see that her eyes were fixed on Yechen's figure, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of her mouth. smile.


Seeing this, Filona felt as if she had been severely injured, and immediately couldn't help but put her fingers to her mouth, biting her nails. The whole person exuded an extremely obvious sense of competition towards Yechen, and everyone else couldn't help it. Stay away, for fear that this crazy girl will do some ridiculous behavior again.

After Yechen confirmed his grades to Xuan, he immediately planned to turn around and return to the student queue, but Xuan not only stopped him, but also reached out and threw a new ammunition box on the podium table into Yechen's arms.

The student quickly took the ammunition box and showed a bewildered expression to the instructor, but the latter glared at the girl with twin ponytails biting her finger in the crowd with a smirk on her face, and spoke provocatively to her ask.

"Firona, would you mind fighting him directly now?"

"I can't ask for it!"

Firona replied knowingly, holding a rifle in her arms, striding forward to the No. 2 shooting position beside Yechen, casting aggressive glances at him unabashedly.

"What about you, Yechen, you shouldn't refuse, right?" Xuan asked Yechen with a smirk.

Yechen frowned at Xuan's strange action sequence of "throwing the ammunition box into his arms first, and then asking for his opinion", but he still agreed.

"I have no objection, Ms. Xuan."

Ye Chen replied calmly.

Although Filona's strong gaze directed at her rival made him feel a little uncomfortable, but Yechen also wanted to learn how much this No.1 firearms subject weighs, anyway, there is no life in a mere competition Danger, to him, is no different than playing a game.

"very good."

Xuan made a satisfactory comment, then led everyone to the moving target shooting range next to the [-]-meter fixed-point shooting range, and briefly introduced the rules of the competition to Yechen and Firona.

"Now the content of the competition you are going to conduct is fast target shooting. If the previous practice was to test your accuracy, then the current practice is to test your reaction."

"Next, eight moving human targets with different distances will appear in the shooting range."

"The human-shaped target will bounce down quickly when it is hit, and whoever among you hits the most targets will be the winner of this contest. How about it? Do you have any other questions?"

Yechen and Firona shook their heads at the same time to Xuan, and immediately took the gun to the shooting positions on both sides of the moving target range, quickly refilled the bullets in the gun case, then unlocked the safety, held the gun body steady, Waiting for Xuan to give orders.

"Okay, then the competition begins now."

Xuan landed with a sound, and her fingers directly flipped a mechanical switch on the wall of the moving target shooting range.


Yechen and Firona listened intently to the sound of gears running below the ground. When a humanoid target was thrown out from the corner 50 meters away from the left side of the shooting range, the muzzles of the two turned around in an instant, and then their respective fingers The triggers were pulled almost simultaneously.


Two gunshots erupted in a bonded form, and the first humanoid target fell as fast as lightning, but even so, it still left two bullet holes on the surface of its torso, which came from two students of different genders. hand.

"Yechen and Firona had a tie at the beginning!"

"The reaction of these two people is equally fast!"

"Huh, it's really interesting!"

Seeing this scene, the onlookers couldn't help but gasp in admiration.

Hmph, it's just the first target, don't be complacent!

Filona looked extremely dissatisfied with the result in front of her. She held the Orlande rifle steadily with both hands, intending to completely throw Yechen away in the ensuing confrontation.

However, regarding the result of the tie, Yechen looked relaxed. After all, this kind of competitive competition is the same as playing for him. As long as he doesn't have to fight to the death like in the past, then everything will be fine~


In the next second, there was another change in the shooting range, but this time there were two human-shaped targets, which popped up from the ground 20 meters in front of the left and 80 meters in the rear right of the shooting range at the same time.

However, even though the target suddenly turned around, Yechen and Firona's expressions did not show any panic. They saw that the muzzles of the two men adjusted their angles precisely like a machine at the same time, and then shot at the nearby and far away successively. target.


This time, even the sound of their gunshots overlapped obviously, but only two shots were heard from a total of four shots, and the human-shaped targets that fell in response to the two sides were also left behind on the torso just like the first side. There were two bullet holes, and the students in the rear couldn't help but make a noise again.

"Wow, it's a tie again!"

Xuan on the side didn't make a sound, just continued to observe the contest between the two new star shooters in the 2020 issue.

Huh... calm down!

Other subjects are fine, I must not lose to my peers in the field of shooting!

Absolutely not!

Sensing that her position as No.1 gun was really threatened, Firona let out a quick breath, and then her frown suddenly brightened, and her face turned expressionless, which meant that her spirit had reached its peak.


At the same time, Yechen's interest was also ignited by Firona, and his relaxed fingertips hovered directly in the air before the trigger, which meant that he would go all out next.

Chapter 0131 Good marksmanship

Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka!

In the next second, five humanoid targets simultaneously bounced out from under the opening and closing floor of the shooting range, and the flashing locations were: 100 meters to the far left, 50 meters to the left, 100 meters to the center, and [-] meters to the right. meters, ten meters on the far right, looking from above to the shooting range, the location distribution presents an "M" shape.

Although there were five targets appearing at the same time, Yechen and Firona did not hesitate in their eyes. After thinking quickly in their hearts for [-] seconds, they immediately decided on their respective shooting routes.

Bang bang bang!

Yechen, who was standing at the shooting position on the left, and Filona, ​​who was standing at the shooting position on the right, immediately raised their guns and fired at the same time. They respectively knocked down the left target ten meters away from them, and then threw their guns at the same time. The human-shaped target 50 meters in the center of the shooting range, and the trigger was pulled at the same time, causing the target to roll over with two bullet holes.

Next, Yechen's gun barrel continued to swing to the right in a fan-shaped trace, and simply abandoned the target [-] meters away on the left, preparing to shoot at the target [-] meters away on the right.

However, Firona made the opposite decision with him. First, she turned the scope back to the right, and then turned the muzzle back to the left, and fired two shots in a blink of an eye with a technique that quickly turned into an afterimage. A "I want it all" course of action.


After two gunshots, the two finally emptied the magazine of the Orlander rifle in their hands, causing the human-shaped targets [-] meters away on the left and right to collapse to the ground, marking the end of the competition.

"Who will win—!?"

All the students who watched the whole process of the competition between Yechen and Firona couldn't help but hang their hearts at this moment.

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