King Zhou slapped his thigh, and when it was done, he happily said to the ministers: "Did you hear it? The national teacher will pass on some of the contents of the heavenly scriptures to your ministers. With these things, why should I be unhappy as a businessman? "
All civil and military officials were overjoyed, they all clasped their fists together and bowed, "Thank you, Master Guo."
Li Fei said to King Zhou: "In terms of technology, people must be selected. In order to avoid conflicts, everyone must not have the same technology."
"The only thing that needs to be passed on to everyone is the simplified characters. Does the king agree?"
King Zhou nodded approvingly and said, "That's exactly what it should be, let's do it accordingly!"
The content of the heavenly book that the ministers got could not be that of King Zhou, and many things could not be passed on indiscriminately.
First of all, all these things about advanced thinking and politics must not be passed on, that is asking for trouble.
Knowledge that is too modern cannot be passed on. King Zhou has to rely on this advanced knowledge to maintain his prestige. If everyone understands it, then he, the great king, will have no advantage at all.
Everyone must pass, that is, simplified characters.
With a wave of Li Fei's whisk, a golden light appeared out of nowhere on the heads of everyone in the hall. Under the watchful eyes of all the officials, the golden light finally condensed into a golden booklet.
The booklet fell lightly in front of the officials, and it was the same as King Zhou's Heavenly Book, without words.
Li Fei said: "Please take the heavenly book, gentlemen, and stick it to your forehead."
All the ministers did as they said, and the knowledge about simplified characters and pinyin was quickly poured into the minds of all the ministers.
In less than a minute, a "Xinhua Dictionary" was loaded into the minds of everyone in the hall.
Shang Rong took the lead in putting down the heavenly scripture, and kept shouting: "Miao, Miao, since Cangjie created characters, they have undergone many evolutions, but the characters are still extremely complicated and difficult to spread."
"The characters in this heavenly book are not only concise, but also have profound meanings. With this set of characters, it will be much easier for the common people of my business to learn how to read. Thank you, Master, for giving me the heavenly book."
All the ministers once again shouted in unison: "Thank you, Master, for giving me the heavenly book."
Li Fei said: "You don't need to be polite. After the court is over, I ask you to hand over the Heavenly Book to other people who need it, so that everyone can master this set of characters."
King Zhou suddenly said, "Where is Fei Zhong?"
Fei Zhong trembled all over, stepped out of the class in fear, bowed and said: "The minister is here."
King Zhou narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "You are a jester just like You Hun, do you know why the widow doesn't kill you?"
Fei Zhong's legs went limp, and he knelt down on the ground, trembling, and said, "Because I am loyal to the King."
There was a smile on the faces of all the ministers in the palace.
King Zhou said indifferently: "You Hun is also loyal to the widow. This is not the reason why the widow doesn't kill you."
"Compared to Youhun, you are more knowledgeable and interesting, and you have some abilities. You can be regarded as a capable jester."
"Since I got the heavenly book from the national teacher, I have just woken up from a dream, and I know what kind of responsibility I have on my shoulders."
"I put my words here today. From now on, big merchants don't need jesters, greedy ministers, or treacherous ministers. They only need capable ministers who can do practical things. I hope all the ministers will keep this in mind."
In fact, the main reason is that Fei Zhong is his cousin, and indeed, as he said, compared to You Hun, who only caters to flatterers, Fei Zhong has excellent knowledge and has done something.
As long as he can do things with peace of mind and stop thinking about speculation, this person can still be useful.
Shang Rong Bigan and other ministers all smiled happily, bowed in admiration and said: "Your Majesty is wise."
King Zhou continued: "Fei Zhong, I have ordered you to be the head of the Ministry of Industry, in charge of papermaking and movable type printing, and making paper and printing books for our big business. If you have merit, you will be promoted."
"Don't say that I will not give you a chance. I will reserve the position of Minister of the Ministry of Industry for you. I will not appoint others directly. Whether you can accumulate merit and be promoted depends on your own ability."
There are six levels of positions in the Ministry of Industry: Shangshu, Shilang, Langzhong, Yuanwailang, Chief, and Zhaomo.
King Zhou gave Fei Zhong an official position in charge, and didn't let him start from the bottom, which was considered to have given him some affection.
Fei Zhong himself knew this in his heart, and kowtowed gratefully: "Thank you, Your Majesty, I will definitely do my best."
Seeing this, Li Fei waved the dust fly, and a golden light hit Fei Zhong's eyebrows, passing on papermaking and movable type printing to him.
Then King Zhou began to adjust the structure of the court. Although the local official system could not be implemented for the time being, the court could be established first.
After some appointments by King Zhou, Wen Zhong, the grand master who led the army outside, led Shang Shu Zuo Pu, the chief official of Shang Shu Province.
Shang Rong is the order of the Zhongshu Province, and Bigan and Dizi are the left and right servants of the sect.
Wei Ziqi is the secretary of the Ministry of Officials, Mei Bo is the secretary of the Ministry of Rites, Fei Lian is the secretary of the Ministry of Punishment, Huang Feihu is the secretary of the Ministry of War, and Zhao Qi is the secretary of the Ministry of Households.
The other ministers were compiled into the six departments of the three provinces according to their corresponding status and expertise.
After adjusting the structure of the court, King Zhou said to Zhao Qi, Minister of the Household Department: "Qing Zhao, a healthy society must have a general equivalent exchange, that is, coins."
"The shellfish coins used by my big merchant are not suitable for general equivalent exchange, so the first thing you do after taking office is to create coins."
Now everyone has to pass on simplified characters, and they can basically understand some words and sentences of later generations, and it is much easier to communicate.
Zhao Qi heard the words and said: "Yes, but the king, the coin holders are cold and hungry, and the reason why they can be used as a general exchange of equal value is the value given to them by people. It is actually a manifestation of credit."
"As long as the credit value of the coin can be guaranteed, then no matter what is used as the coin, it doesn't matter whether it is a shell coin or a knife coin, there is no problem."
"The only question is, how do we make coins have credit value, how do we convince people that they can be exchanged for food and clothing?"
King Zhou nodded gratifiedly and said: "That's right, that's right. It seems that Zhao Qing didn't get the heavenly book in vain. Everyone got the same inheritance, but these problems are not something that anyone can think of. It's really true that the widow named you Minister of the Household Department." It's sealed."
Hearing what King Zhou said, Zhao Qiwen couldn't help but blushed, cupped his fists and bowed reservedly: "Your Majesty is absurd, the so-called seeking political affairs in his position, since the minister is in charge of the household department, naturally he must consider the issues that the household department should consider."
King Zhou nodded and said, "Whether the credit value of coins can be guaranteed depends first on the imperial court. In this case, business must be involved."
Hearing King Zhou's words, everyone quickly recalled the definition of "commercial" in their minds, and quickly understood each one.
King Zhou continued: "First of all, the imperial court will open a state-owned grain, oil and cloth shop. After you have produced enough coins, the imperial court can set an example."
"The salaries of the ministers will no longer distribute food and supplies, but will be directly converted into coins, and then you will take the coins and go to the relevant shops to buy the goods you need."
"As long as the imperial court does it first, it will naturally drive the people slowly, so won't the coins be popularized?"
[381.Chapter 10 See Kong Xuan for the first time]
After the dynasty was over, Li Fei and King Zhou returned to the harem.
There was no need for King Zhou to arrange for him to build the National Teacher's Mansion. With a wave of his whisk, an independent courtyard rose from the ground.
The layout of this courtyard, Li Fei set it up according to Feixiongyuan, and he is more used to living in it.
However, it is naturally impossible to hang the plaque of Feixiongyuan on the door, because "Feixiong" is Jiang Ziya's name, and he is too lazy to talk about it.
Therefore, the plaque of "Spirit Sword Garden" is hung on his door.
The extra spirit sword garden in the palace is quite incompatible with the whole palace.
But after King Zhou went in to see it, he was envious of all kinds, and strongly asked Li Fei to help him renovate the palace.
Li Fei thought for a while, and said to King Zhou: "Don't remodel, I might as well change the whole palace for you."
"The style is up to you. Xianyang Palace in the Qin Dynasty, Weiyang Palace in the Han Dynasty, Daming Palace in the Tang Dynasty, Ziwei City in the Song Dynasty, and the Forbidden City in the Ming Dynasty. I will fix whichever you want."
"Fuck, you are so arrogant." King Zhou was overjoyed, opened his mouth to say shit, but still waved his hands and said with a smile: "Let's forget it, it's too much trouble to do that."
"Although this palace is not very nice, everyone is already used to living in it. You can't even find a place to change to another palace. You are in the back garden. Just help me get such a courtyard."
"When the Conferred God Tribulation is over, if you are still alive, you can go to the future capital and help you get the Forbidden City and the capital out, and then move the capital."
Li Fei didn't care about it, he went to the spacious back garden, covered a flower garden, and made a garden out of it.
King Zhou immediately sent a group of court ladies and internal officials to take care of the sanitation of the other garden.
He himself was sitting with Li Fei at the stone table in the courtyard, drinking the tea Li Fei brought out, and chatting about state affairs.
King Zhou had already arranged all the development plans at the court meeting, and the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty would act according to the plan.
At present, the Ministry of War is mainly to form a new type of army. Huang Feihu, the minister of the Ministry of War, has been empowered by Li Fei to teach the methods of military training for later generations.
When he finishes the queue training, Li Fei will take out enough ammunition to train Da Shang with an army of hot weapons that is invincible in the world.
The task of the Ministry of Punishment is naturally to promote the laws of the country. King Zhou didn't make it too far ahead. For the time being, he used the laws of the Tang Dynasty as the basis, and in the future, he would gradually revise and improve them as the times changed.
There is nothing wrong with the Ministry of Officials, because the official structure of the central court has been resolved by King Zhou himself.
Local officials cannot be appointed now, so their task is to run schools to train ruling talents and prepare for the assignment of local officials in the future.
The main work of the Ministry of Industry is to make paper and print books, and the Ministry of Rites cooperates with it, and the printed books are mainly "Shang Li" and "Shang Law".
"Shang Li" is naturally something from later generations, and the original author is Ji Fa's younger brother Ji Dan.
Ji Dan, also known as Zhou Gongdan, is called Zhou Gong by later generations. The "Li" chapter created by him, also known as "Zhou Li", will be the basis of ethics and morality for the next 3000 years.
It's just that now that it has appeared in the world decades earlier, it has become a Shang ceremony. Anyway, there is a high probability that the Zhou Dynasty will not reappear, and naturally there will be no "Duke of Zhou".
The emergence of the Zhou Ritual is of epoch-making significance to the Chinese civilization.
This means that since then, there are ethics and morality in this world, and people's behavior has been regulated by morality, so that the Chinese people bid farewell to the barbaric era.
However, in this "Shang Li", in addition to plagiarizing Zhou Li, Dong Zhongshu's "Three Cardinal Guidelines and Five Constant Principles" theory is also included.
Although from a historical point of view, the theory of the three cardinal principles and five constant principles is an ideological weapon used by the feudal ruling class to control and imprison people's thoughts and prevent the people from "committing chaos".
But in the more primitive and barbaric society of Dashang, it undoubtedly has a huge positive effect.
When this theory is put forward in this era, it can further consolidate the regime of Dashang and lay the foundation for the transition from a feudal society to a feudal society.
The current task of the Ministry of Finance is to mint coins, and the materials needed are supplied by Li Fei.
The second is to set aside a block in Chaoge to open "state-owned" shops.
Li Fei will first get a batch of food and supplies from other worlds as goods for the state-owned shops of Dashang.
In addition to this, there are many seeds from later generations, including whole grains and various vegetables.
There are also some shops that specialize in receiving goods, such as mountain goods, leather goods, game, and even firewood.
This is to take care of occupations such as woodcutters and hunters, and the shops pay copper coins, so that the copper coins can flow into the hands of the people smoothly.
The general equivalent exchange item that the people currently circulates in a small range is shellfish, and more is barter.
When the state-run shops are opened and the officials of the DPRK and China receive the first copper money salary, they will start to use copper money to buy the food and supplies they need with great fanfare.
When the people buy food and supplies, the shops also accept the shellfish coins, but the shopkeepers will tell the people how long they will stop accepting shellfish coins and only accept copper coins.
Common people can also take shellfish coins to shops and exchange them for copper coins, and it won't be long before copper coins, a general equivalent exchange, can be completely spread, at least in Chaoge.
The above is the first phase of the reform plan formulated by King Zhou and Li Fei.
When the first phase of the plan is completed, the second phase is to further increase social productivity. By then, the main task of the Ministry of Industry will be to invent various advanced agricultural tools.
Such as Quyuan plow, waterwheel, hoe sickle shovel pick and so on.
At the same time, the transition from the Bronze Age to the Iron Age had to be facilitated.
This is all something to say, so let's not press it for the time being.
Those heavenly scriptures containing simplified characters were taken back by the officials, and they were passed on from the people around them first. When all the powerful people were passed on, the heavenly scriptures should be temporarily sealed.
For the time being, the policy of ignoring the people is more conducive to governance. Even if we want to fully enlighten the people's wisdom, we have to wait until the transition from enfeoffment to feudalism is completed and social productivity is guaranteed to a certain extent.
With the current situation, it is not only useless to rashly open up the wisdom of the people, but it may even be counterproductive.
The current top priority is to first solve the problem of food and clothing for the people.
Today's people will be very satisfied as long as they have land to grow and food to eat.
And the more things you know, the more complicated your mind will be, and the less satisfied you will be.
In a society with low productivity, it is not suitable for the common people to know too much, and they can just farm the land and serve corvee.
Just like in later generations when fully mechanized production had not been realized, the peasant class was basically illiterate, but any young and strong who had read some books were unwilling to face the loess and turn their backs to the sky.
Although simplified characters cannot be widely disseminated, Li Fei made another book, which contains basic mathematics.
Arithmetic such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, numerical units from zero to billion.
If you want to open a shop, if you don't even understand the accounts, then you're talking nonsense.
And this part of the Heavenly Book, King Zhou and Li Fei, has no restrictions and can be spread at will.
After the officials have received the empowerment, they will send servants to set up stalls on the street, obliged to give the empowerment to the common people, so that the common people can settle their accounts clearly.
After Li Fei chatted with King Zhou about the follow-up development plan, he brought the topic to the Great Tribulation of Conferred Gods.
King Zhou said to Li Fei: "National Teacher, according to the future I see, the strongest combat power of the Dashang camp, apart from the leader of Tongtian, should be Kong Xuan, the commander-in-chief of Sanshan Pass."
"Based on his record, if you train him like Nezha, can you make him a trump card for us to fight against a saint?"
Li Fei pondered for a while, and said: "I can't guarantee this, I have to see someone to judge. His most powerful thing is the five-color divine light, which really fits with my way."
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