Fortunately, in the following video, the frightening zombie old man did not appear after all.

After the main perspective rushed out of the cave, he suddenly fell to the ground, and the whole video finally ended.

Everyone's expressions were serious, and the strength shown by the old man zombie in the video was indeed extremely strong.

Li Changsheng turned his head to look at Lin Zheng, and asked, "Director Lin, is this a zombie with the blood of a general?"

Lin Zheng was silent for a while.

In the video, as soon as the old zombie came out, he frantically killed everywhere, without showing any wisdom at all.

In the end, when he was shot by the camera, his eyes also did not show any wisdom.

It stands to reason that it should be an ordinary zombie.

But the strength it displayed is undoubtedly a bit strong, and I am afraid it is only a small part weaker than the female zombie next to it.

From this point of view, it seems that there should be the blood of generals to have such a strong strength.

Therefore, Lin Zheng felt a little tangled.

But at this moment, the male zombie next to him suddenly spoke and answered Li Changsheng's question: "If I'm not wrong, he should have the blood of a general."

Everyone immediately turned to look at the male zombie.

But he was surprised to find that at this time, no matter whether it was a male zombie or a female zombie, the expressions on their faces were extremely gloomy.

Even showing a surge of hatred they had never seen before.

Chapter 297 I'm going to kill him!

There is a situation!

At this moment, even a fool can discover this.

There will never be hatred for no reason in this world, and it is even more impossible to have hatred for someone who has never met out of thin air.

And not to mention the offspring on the faces of the two zombies, a man and a woman, can be called unforgettable, the body of the female zombie is even trembling slightly, and the pair of sharp long teeth that usually don't show much.

It was also fully revealed at this time, and the blood-red eyes were full of murderous intent.

Lin Zheng and the others had no doubt that if the old man in the video appeared in front of him at this moment, the female zombie would definitely pounce on him immediately, trying to kill him, skinning and cramping, and biting him into pieces like a wild beast.

"You know him?"

Lin Zheng asked tentatively.

But at this time, the female zombie was clearly in a state of complete anger, and had no intention of responding at all.

It was the male zombie who was more able to control his emotions. He took a deep breath, then nodded, and said slowly, "I know."

Although there were countless questions in his heart, Lin Zheng did not continue to speak, but looked at the male zombie with Li Changsheng and the others, waiting for the other party's next words.

The male zombie didn't intend to show off either. After a moment of silence, he continued: "That Taoist priest was the culprit who hunted us down and the strongest corpse breeder."

There was not much surprise on the faces of Lin Zheng and the others.

Ever since I saw the scene in the cave, as well as the Taoist robe and other clothing on the old Taoist who turned into a zombie.

They have basically been able to guess one or two.

In addition, the blood converter in the cave that the male zombie recognized just now.

Undoubtedly more fully proves this point:

The old Taoist probably succeeded in catching a zombie with the blood of the general, but he did not extract the blood of the general and put it on the zombie he refined.

Instead, he transferred all the blood of the ministers to himself!

Although the male zombie also said that the equipment in the cave is quite rough, judging from the current situation, this old Taoist priest may have really succeeded!

"At that time, it was this old man who massacred civilians in our imperial city and forced us to leave.

But even after leaving, the old man continued to attack the civilians, trying to force us to show up by this method, and he did not resist, and was directly captured by him. Later, he heard that another righteous Taoist priest appeared, so he took the old man drive away..."

The male zombie briefly introduced the cause and effect, which was basically in line with Lin Zheng's guess and there was not much difference.

At this moment, the female zombie said viciously, "I'm going to kill him!"

Lin Zheng and the others looked motionless on their faces, but their hearts suddenly became hot.

In fact, ever since they discovered that the relationship between the two zombies and the veteran zombie in the video was unusual, and it seemed that there was indeed some deep hatred, Lin Zheng and Li Changsheng couldn't help thinking of this.

But they also know that under normal circumstances, revenge is not as important as saving their own lives after all.

That's why I inquired about the news at the first time, and didn't directly speak up and ask the other party to leave here to take revenge.

But judging from the current situation, the hatred between these two zombies and the veteran zombie in the video was much higher than their expectations.

They didn't even need to add any embellishments, the female zombie said it herself.

Lin Zheng didn't show joy on his face, and after pondering for a moment, he said: "If this is the case, then our goals should be the same.

We will not allow this kind of zombies that will wantonly harm the lives of the people to exist, we can cooperate. "

The current Lin Zheng is undoubtedly qualified to say these words. After such a long period of accumulation, his strength has been sufficiently improved.

Of course, the male zombie and the female zombie didn't know this yet, so the two zombies didn't take his words seriously at all, they just looked at each other, then left directly, and ran back to the cave inside.

Only one sentence was left, let Lin Zheng and the others wait for the news.

Obviously, the two zombies still need to negotiate.

Even if they saw the enemy they hated very much at this moment, they couldn't make up their minds completely.

"Director Lin, do you think they will agree?" Li Changsheng asked.

Lin Zheng shook his head, even though he has already become the backbone of the entire Blade of Destruction department, his status and power in the matter of the recovery of the strange can even be said to be below one person and above ten thousand people.

But after all, he is not some wise and close demon, or an old fox who has lived for thousands or hundreds of years.

The system can only help him become stronger, help him solve some things, and let him get a higher status, but it cannot help him gain insight into human nature and know everything.

"Just wait." Lin Zheng said.

Everyone hopes that this time there will be a good result.

Even two zombies are the same.


But at this moment, things about Ren Yafan on the outside world are still in full swing.

Contrary to everyone's expectations, the account that published many short essays and revealed countless things about Ren Yafan did not contact anyone.

He also didn't show any intention of relying on this matter for profit.

After publishing the last short essay, only two hours later, the mysterious account posted another essay.

And in this article, there are all direct evidences about Ren Yafan's various scandals that he broke the news before.

There are pictures, videos, various chat records, and various document signatures in the evidence.

The mysterious account didn't simply put these things up in a mess, but instead arranged them in an orderly sequence of truth numbers, and made extremely detailed supplementary explanations for each piece of evidence.

Try to let all netizens understand what his article is talking about at a glance.

Since the existence of bibs, countless celebrities have been exposed on it, but in terms of reading experience, the reading experience brought to netizens by the mysterious account of Ren Yafan who broke the news is undoubtedly the best!

And this just explains, when the last article about Ren Yafan's plastic surgery was released, where did the mysterious account go in the past two hours!

"Wuhu took off, and the evidence is here. For those fans of Ren Yafan before, the stone hammer you want is here! Come and see, come and see!"

"Fuck, it's really awesome. The evidence is too rich. Everything that the old man revealed before is true, and there is evidence for everything. Some of the things that were decades ago were also confirmed He doesn't know where he found it."

"He disappeared for these two hours because he was sorting out the evidence for us, just to make it easier for us to see. He is really too gentle. I cried to death."

"It's really almost never seen, this kind of black material that doesn't need to do reading comprehension at all, the ins and outs, the ins and outs, everything is explained clearly to you."

"It's strange, why is the popularity of this article so low? The previous articles have been scolded by hundreds of thousands of comments, right?"

"Brother, don't panic. Before those were Ren Yafan's brainless fans and sailors deliberately attacking. It seems that the number of people is important, but in fact they are a small part. Now that there are so many evidences and real hammers, everyone who watched the excitement rushed After entering, they will know who is strong and who is weak."

"Fuck, it's really too cruel. Have you seen the photos in it? Ren Yafan actually had plastic surgery, can you believe it?"

"Was this kid so ugly before the plastic surgery? No wonder he was dumped after being dumped by online dating."

"This operation is really coquettish. I went to middle school for a few years, and then went directly abroad to have plastic surgery. I debuted as a trainee in the Great Cold Netherland, and then went to our country to make money."

"The most ruthless thing is not that all these things have been concealed. If the old man hadn't revealed the news, wouldn't we have known it until now?"

"Now this Ren Yafan is really over, his manager and everything else is over, and other stars come out with black material, at most he will quit the entertainment industry, he really has to get into the game."

"It's more than just getting involved. As a person who has studied law, I just glanced at the evidence. If all the charges are true, this bastard will even stay in there for at least decades."

"These celebrities are really perverted. They earn millions a day. I don't know if I can earn millions in my whole life."

"That's right, the little things that people evade taxes and evade taxes can't be earned in our whole life."

"It really should be tidied up!"


Unexpectedly, although there were a lot of people watching and commenting, not so many people were filled with righteous indignation.

In fact, there are all kinds of rumors and dark things about the entertainment industry. Now that the Internet is quite developed, everyone has long been familiar with it.

Everyone has basically accepted that this is a very dirty circle, and it doesn't seem strange what happens.

And traffic stars are the hardest hit.

They have nothing but a face, they don't need to hone their acting and singing skills, they don't need to write songs and scripts.

People like them can still earn so much money. When they have nothing to do, it is certainly impossible for them to stay at home and play with their mobile phones all day like ordinary people.

So even though Ren Yafan's black material is astonishing, for those passers-by, this matter is just some chatter after dinner, and it is not even worth being angry about.

Therefore, although the evidence produced by that mysterious account has indeed attracted the attention of many people.

But the ones who feel the most angry are the fans who tried every means to remove the suspicion for Ren Yafan before, saying that they would support their brother to the end.

Feeling deeply deceived, they reciprocate with greater malice, directly turning against their idol.

But even under such circumstances, there are still fans who don't believe in or even accept these facts, but still choose to like and support Ren Yafan.

They fought each other with those so-called rebels, and they were killed in the scarf.

The popularity of this article full of evidence has naturally increased, and it soon became the second most searched article.

And after two hours, it finally rushed to the top of the hot search.

"Mr. Zombie 2", which has always occupied the first position and has never fallen, finally pulled it down.

This used to be the scene Ren Yafan wanted to see the most.

But at this moment, he was not happy at all.

In the hotel room where Ren Yafan was.

His agent, the staff brought by the agent, and Ren Yafan himself looked at the extremely clear and detailed explanations on the screen of the mobile phone.

All have fallen into a sluggish state.


Ren Yafan's cell phone fell directly to the ground. At this moment, all the strength in his body seemed to be drained, and his soul was about to fly out of his body.

He took a few steps back and sat down on the ground, but this time it seemed that he no longer had the strength to get up.

He was utterly desperate.

His acting career, his future, his life, his whole being was completely destroyed.

And he didn't even know who did it. The other party never contacted him, never said a word to him, and never wanted anything from him.

He didn't even say a harsh word to him, or even threatened him at all.

Just so he didn't know where he was staying, and quietly moved his fingers casually, completely rewriting his fate.

This is not even rewriting, but destruction!

The other party destroyed everything about him, but he didn't even know who the other party was.

The incomparably heavy despair suppressed Ren Yafan's heart, making him feel that he didn't even have the strength to breathe.

nice romance

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