Liu Qing thought for a while and said to him: "If you really want to transform into a mask factory, I can recommend someone to you."

"I really want to do it." Xu Bo said sincerely, "Boss Liu, if you have any talents, please recommend them to me!"

Liu Qing said: "The person I want to recommend to you is the original investor of this mask factory. He originally founded this mask factory. He has a lot of experience in this field. I often ask him for advice."

Xu Bo was startled: "Boss Liu, what do you want to recommend? Could it be the legendary young boss who is as famous as you, Boss Liu, and who is known as the crouching dragon and phoenix in the mask world?"

Liu Qing looked at him quietly, thinking in her heart: "I am sincerely recommending someone to you, why don't you just mock me?"

He had heard before that he and Nian Fengyan were dubbed the crouching dragons and phoenixes in the mask industry by some people who made medical equipment. Of course, this title was not a compliment to them, but a mockery of their stupidity. He plunged headlong into the mask industry and created a sinkhole.

"Crouching dragon and phoenix chick" was originally a good word, but after a certain movie was released, it became a curse word.

This is what it means in the movie.

Because of blind investment in masks, the two of them have become a joke in this industry.

Now that Xu Bo said such words, Liu Qing had only one thought in his mind - he was mocking me!

But Xu Bo was really wronged!

He used to make counterfeit clothing, and he had no interest in masks at all. It was only two days ago that he started to understand the industry, and only heard the saying "Crouching dragon and phoenix chick".

Liu Qing's success was right in front of him, so he didn't think it was a mockery, but thought it was a compliment to those two people as real talents.

Boss Liu made a net profit of [-] to [-] million yuan in a few months, and he still has such a factory and so many raw materials.

In the future, the profit that this factory can bring to him will be far more than [-] million or [-] million yuan.

He felt that people in this industry should not have the cheek to ridicule such a successful person, so he thought it was a compliment.

But after finishing speaking, Liu Qing's expression seemed to be different, after thinking about it, I realized!

With a smile, he said: "I said something wrong. Now, Boss Liu, you are a big brother in the mask industry. No one can compare with you. You are a crouching dragon, not a phoenix chick!"

Looking at his expression, Liu Qing was sure he wasn't mocking herself, so she was in a better mood, and said, "No, I'm just standing on the shoulders of giants. In terms of masks, that young boss is a giant."

Chapter 267 The Demeanor of an Entrepreneur

Failure is the mother of success.

According to this statement, Liu Qing should call Nian Fengyan "Mom".

Without Nian Fengyan, the loser, there would be no Liu Qing's success later.

This guy even got permission to export to Europe and the United States.

Acquiring another mask factory may not be able to achieve such an achievement.

And in just a few months, Liu Qing may not be able to run those things by himself.

From this aspect, Liu Qing is indeed standing on the shoulders of giants, and Nian Fengyan is that giant.

It's just that this giant has long been disliked at home, and it is also a joke in the circle. He can only poorly collect the rent of a few houses, and his ambition is almost exhausted.

Xu Bo wanted to set up a mask factory, and Liu Qing wanted to recommend the pioneer of this mask factory, maybe he could get him some extra money.

For a second-generation demolition, the days when they can only collect rent for a few houses are indeed a bit pitiful.

Especially for a second-generation dismantler who once had great ambitions, that is simply degraded.

Now that masks are in short supply, I recommend him, and he should be able to be reused.

——Nian Fengyan used to be the boss of Tianyuan Mask Factory. Although Liu Qing thought he was talented in making masks, he would not let him stay in the mask factory to help him because it was too dangerous and he didn't want to torture humanity.

Recommend to others, there is no such problem.

Xu Bo wants to transform into a mask factory. I don't know anything about this industry. It is of course best to have someone to guide him.

The person Liu Qing recommended to him was the former boss of Tianyuan Mask Factory, one of the youngest in the industry, which was a surprise to him.

I just have some doubts: "That young boss, is he willing to come out and help me?"

Using the word "coming out of the mountain", it is obvious that this person is really regarded as a great figure in the mask industry.

"I don't know about that either," Liu Qing thought for a while, "Well, if you are willing to invite him out of the mountain, what kind of conditions can you offer, tell me, and I will give him a call."

"Let him be the factory manager?" Xu Bo asked tentatively.

Liu Qing shook her head: "He can't be the factory director. Masks are medical devices, and the factory director also needs to be qualified. He doesn't have that qualification. At most, he can be a consultant or something."

"Then ask him to be a consultant," Xu Bo said. "If he is willing to work for a long time, I will pay him a salary of [-] yuan a month. If he is not willing to work for a long time, I will take the position of a temporary consultant and help me build a factory." , I will give him one hundred thousand consulting fees."

Liu Qing glanced at Xu Bo, a little dazed, and thought: "One hundred thousand consultant fees, is there such a valuable day in old age?"

Just because of looking at this one more time, Xu Bohui made a mistake, blushed, and said, "I was the one who was rude, how can you only give 10 yuan as a consultant fee in the mask industry? Let's do it, As long as he is willing to come out to help me and work in the factory, I will give him a salary of 20 yuan a month. If he is only a temporary consultant, I will give him [-] yuan as a consultant fee when the factory starts production."

This is so right that Liu Qing is too embarrassed to look at him again, for fear that the price will increase again, that is too deceitful.

So he said, "On this condition, let me call and ask for you."

"Thank you, Boss Liu." Xu Bo was sincerely grateful, "You are really kind! You are so organized!"

It is said that colleagues are enemies, but Boss Liu is willing to recommend a big talent in the mask industry to help him, that is too big a situation!

No wonder they were able to win the Entrepreneurship Gold Award!

In front of Xu Bo, Liu Qing called Nian Fengyan:

"Old man, I'm Liu Qing. Let me tell you something. Today, a clothing boss came to me. He wanted to transform into a mask factory, but he couldn't find an expert to help him. I recommended you to him. He heard about your resume and was very satisfied. He means that if you are willing to work in his factory, he will give you a monthly salary of 20 yuan. If you don’t want to be bound by work, he will give you [-] What do you think of the consulting fee of [-] yuan, which will be paid when the factory is put into operation?"

On the other side of the phone, Nian Fengyan's voice trembled a little:

"Brother Qing, I don't study much, don't lie to me."

The handset was not turned on on the mobile phone, and there was a distance between Xu Bo and Liu Qing. Not afraid that he could hear him, Liu Qing said, "Boss Xu is right next to me now, don't worry, he is in business, Pengcheng's annual top ten young enterprises One of the family, the family also has hundreds of millions of property. The strength is very strong."

Xu Bo could only hear Liu Qing's words, nodded secretly, thinking:

"Mr. Fengchu should be a proud and arrogant person. He might be a little hesitant for fearing that the person who is looking for him to cooperate is a petty brawler. Boss Liu's words of praise for me should be to dispel his hesitation and tell him I have what it takes to make his dream come true."

The phoenix does not live in anything other than a phoenix tree, it does not eat anything other than bamboo, it does not drink from a pure spring.

In Xu Bo's mind, Nian Fengyan is already such a Mr. Fengchu.

He clenched his fists and said to himself: "Mr. Nian, don't worry, I will definitely turn our mask factory into a sycamore tree!"

On the other side of the phone, Nian Fengyan asked Liu Qing in a daze: "Brother Qing, is it true? You didn't tell me a lie to make me happy in the new year, did you?"

"It's true," Liu Qing said firmly, "I guarantee it with my personality as one of Pengcheng's top ten young entrepreneurs of the year, winner of the Entrepreneurship Gold Award, Tianyuan Mask Factory and Tianyuan Media Company's decision-maker. This is all true. !"

Xu Bo listened to him, and was more and more moved: "Boss Liu actually endorsed my mask business with his own personality! Be high-spirited and bright, and stand tall!"

——What is the style of an entrepreneur?

——This is the style of an entrepreneur!

On the other end of the phone, Nian Fengyan finally believed it and said:

"It's impossible to work part-time. I don't want to work for others in my life. But I can be a temporary consultant for him."

Liu Qing: "Is that the deal?"

Nian Fengyan said timidly: "Well, if he is sincere, can he come to my house today and make it more formal? It's best to pay a deposit first."


Liu Qing frowned, wondering why Nian Fengyan made this request.

This seems a little too pretentious.

The problem is that you are a loser in starting a business, what airs do you have to put on?

"Don't get me wrong, Brother Qing!" Nian Fengyan quickly explained, "Isn't it the Chinese New Year? I'm at my parents' house, and they're nagging me that I'm useless, so I just want to show my face in front of them .”

Liu Qing suddenly realized.

He is also a man who is often ridiculed as trash, and trash can understand trash best.

Immediately, he understood what Nian Fengyan was thinking, and said, "I'll tell Boss Xu about your request, and it's up to him to agree or not."

The phone didn't even hang up, just like Xu Bo talked about Nian Fengyan's request.

Xu Bo understood in seconds—isn't this just a scene of visiting the thatched cottage?

A capable person is so daring to play!

I agreed right away.

Just muttering:

"Is this Mr. Fengchu or Mr. Wolong?"

Chapter 268

On the afternoon of January 1, Xu Bo listened to Liu Qing's suggestion and asked Nian Fengyan to come out of the mountain in person last year.

Liu Qing gave him Nian Fengyan's WeChat and let them chat by themselves.

After sending Xu Bo away, I asked the people in the warehouse again, and the people on Mr. Wang's side had already pulled out all 2000 million masks.

The masks they pulled away were not masks that came off the production line, but actually masks that were produced two weeks ago.

Masks that have just come off the production line cannot be used.

This medical mask needs to be sterilized with ethylene oxide before going on the market.

After sterilization, there will be residual ethylene oxide on the mask, which is a toxic carcinogen. It must be analyzed to release the residual ethylene oxide to meet the safety content standard. Only after passing the test can it be released from the factory .

This process usually takes about two weeks, after which time it can be used safely.

Mr. Wang is in a hurry, the car is waiting at the warehouse, as long as it can be transported away, it will be transported away immediately.

When Liu Qing went to look at it, there were only a dozen boxes left in the warehouse, that is, 10,000+ masks.

There are also some supplies in the warehouse, which are medical supplies they purchased from overseas, and no one wants them yet.

Liu Qing looked at the time, it was already past four o'clock in the afternoon, and there was nothing else going on at the factory, so she said to Ye Wanrong:

"There's nothing going on here, let's go home, we haven't been home for a few days."

Ye Wanrong nodded: "It's time to go home. The girl Xiaowen is alone at home these two days, so don't scare her."

It was nothing before, when I was alone at home, I was alone at home.

Now that the epidemic is so serious, this girl who is not yet 20 years old is at home, and it is easy to think wildly. Ye Wanrong is indeed a little worried.

In the past two days, she chatted with Xiaowen a lot, because she was afraid that she would be lonely at home alone.

Tianyuan Media Company has already closed the annual holiday. Xiaowen doesn't have to go to work. She stayed at home for the past two days. Instead, she went to the supermarket to shop for New Year's goods a few times, filling the large double-door refrigerator to the brim.

Too much free time is not too much free time. When I was at home alone at night, I read the news about the epidemic. I felt a little nervous, and sometimes I was in a bad mood.

——This is a problem that many people have encountered during the epidemic. If you keep reading the tragic news, your spirit will be greatly stimulated and your mood will become very low.

When Ye Wanrong chatted with her, she could feel that sometimes her emotions were not right, and sometimes she even cried while talking, which made her feel very distressed.

It's a pity that as a bodyguard, she can only follow Liu Qing.

Now that Liu Qing said she wanted to go back, of course she agreed.

However, when Liu Qing and Ma Guoming were about to leave after explaining the factory, Qin Kun called again.

First of all, I asked Liu Qing: "Boss, where are you now?"

"I'm in the mask factory, and I'm talking to the factory manager Ma. Do you have anything to do?" Liu Qing asked.

"That's right, boss, I've returned to my hometown now, and I'm live streaming, chatting with my family members. Many people left messages on the screen asking me to connect with you, boss, or you can start the live broadcast now, let's connect. "

Liu Qing shook her head as soon as she heard it: "I'm very busy now, and I don't have time to start a live broadcast, and I haven't done a live broadcast before. I only have a mobile phone in my hand, so it's inconvenient to start a live broadcast."

This is because he knows that Qin Kun is broadcasting live, and the number of people online in the live broadcast room will not be too small, so it is not easy to say some bad things.

Otherwise he's going to lose his temper--what are you kidding?I am a big boss, you let me broadcast live?I've been tired for a few days, and I just wanted to go home and take a rest, so you let me start a live broadcast?

"A mobile phone can also start a live broadcast," Qin Kun said, "Now the family members in the live broadcast room have left messages asking me to connect with you, wanting to see what you are doing now. Or you can satisfy their wishes .”

"But I have something to do at the mask factory," Liu Qing could only evade.

I'm always embarrassed to say that I'm going back to rest.

Qin Kun: "Many people in the live broadcast room have left messages now, wanting to see what the mask factory is like. Boss, you know that masks are in short supply now, and people are panicking. It will also help if you let everyone see the production of masks. To stabilize people's hearts. Boss, this is the common wish of many people, so please satisfy it."

Liu Qing hesitated for a moment, then said, "That's fine, I'll give it a try."

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