In this way, there is no way to completely eliminate this trouble.

——If it is not completely solved, this trouble is not considered solved. As long as there are seeds there, it will not take long for it to spread to the whole world.

All the previous efforts would be in vain.

For those who require agency rights, his suggestion is to have at least two agents in a region, so that there is at least a competitive relationship. Unless the agents there are all united, it is unlikely to raise Gu there.

It's not just a matter of price.

Miller came over to talk to Liu Qing, also talking about exclusive overseas agency, but Liu Qing declined.

Business belongs to business, friendship belongs to friendship, and the previous happy cooperation does not mean that we will continue to cooperate with him.

He made it very clear that he would not sell exclusive agency rights in any region.

Anyone can sell their medicines, however, not exclusively.

In some places, there is still no way to sell them on the market, and they cannot be licensed, so they are illegal drugs.

But the effect of this drug has convinced more and more people, and people in some places even go abroad to buy it in places that allow this drug to be marketed.

With more and more things like this, some places finally couldn't sit still, and began to relax and approve the drug to be marketed locally.

There are voices in public opinion hoping that New World Biopharmaceuticals will share the formula patents so that everyone can eliminate this trouble together.

Liu Qingli didn't want to answer such appeals.

When formula patents are shared, only those capitalists get the benefits, and the common people still get as much as they should pay.

He is a businessman, not a saint, and he still has to earn what he should earn.

Now let's see who can't hold it anymore.

Anyway, time is on his side.

Entering the new year, Miller came to Liu Qing again to discuss cooperation and want to represent the drug, but this time he did not seek exclusive agency rights.

Their group has huge sales channels and strong network resources.

As long as they come to do this business, they can break the last fortress.

Those who resisted the invasion of this drug before would give up and leave when they saw that they had opened their mouths, and followed suit to seek an agent.

— After all, selling this can make money.

Liu Qing did not refuse this time, and signed an agency agreement with Miller's group to use their channels to sell the drug.

On the day the agreement was signed, many media outlets reported on it.

Shares of Miller's group soared.

In the following month, New World Biopharmaceuticals signed multiple regional agency agreements with multiple agents.

The last bastion was finally broken.

Their medicines are sold worldwide.

Sales have reached a sensational figure.

This year, Liu Qing not only has a high reputation at home, but also has a high reputation abroad.

The medicine he made is very effective, and it is an exclusive patent. It can be sold at a higher price, but it is only sold at a relatively low price. This behavior has been widely recognized.

Many top journals use him as the cover, and there are only a handful of domestic businessmen who can enjoy this kind of treatment.

This year was also Ye Mo's highlight moment.

In this year, Ye Mo finally won the UFC championship and became the king on this stage.

Another thing was that he and Mo Xiaodie had registered their marriage.

Get married.

At the end of last year, Mo Xiaodie went to the hospital for a test and found out that she was pregnant, and then made the last live broadcast, saying that she would stop broadcasting for a while to rest her body.

At that time Ye Mo hadn't reached the legal marriage age yet.

After several months of her pregnancy, Ye Mo reached the legal age of marriage, and the two registered for marriage.

However, neither Ye Mo nor Mo Xiaodie announced their marriage.

This is an agreement signed with Tianyuan Media, and this matter cannot be announced.

Afraid of affecting Ye Mo's popularity.

To be frank, I was afraid of affecting Ye Mo's delivery data.

After their contract with the company expires, they can announce it however they want.

In September of that year, Mo Xiaodie gave birth to a son.

She did suffer some hardships when she was pregnant with this child. Fortunately, Ding Yun cared about this goddaughter and took good care of her.

Later, Ye Mo's parents also came to Yangcheng, bought a large flat in Yangcheng, took Mo Xiaodie to it, and hired a nanny to take care of Mo Xiaodie.

During her pregnancy, although Mo Xiaodie had some pregnancy reactions, sometimes quite severe, her lupus erythematosus did not break out.

The resulting baby was healthy.

After giving birth, Mo Xiaodie asked Ye Mo if she wanted to have another child, but Ye Mo refused:

"It's enough to have this one, I don't want you to suffer like that again."

This year, Qiao Mu also had a child of her own.

He and Liu Qiao got married after two or three months together.

When the Mid-Autumn Festival came, I went back to my hometown to hold a wedding.

Qiao Mu paid out 18 dowry money, but Liu Qiao brought back 16.

This is what Liu Qiao had agreed with her mother—the bride price can be given so much to save face, but she has to bring back 16 of the money. If she doesn’t agree to this condition, she won’t give a penny of the bride price.

Anyway, she has already obtained a marriage certificate with the man.

Qiao Mu is quite satisfied with such a daughter-in-law.

After Liu Qiao became pregnant, she did cleaning for four months. Seeing that her belly was getting bigger, Liu Qing knew about it and asked her to take maternity leave.

A son was born the following year.

Qiao Mu was overjoyed. He had never been drunk before, but he got drunk this day and cried a lot.

Life is going in a good direction.

It's like this for them.

The same is true for this world.

Chapter 039: Ending

"No new infection has been found for one month in a row. The World Health Organization announced today that the new crown epidemic has been eliminated by humans,"

The news program at seven o'clock in the evening is broadcasting this news.

When the news was broadcast on TV, Liu Qing was eating in a private room of a restaurant in Pengcheng.

Qi Ranran, Xu Bo, Nian Fengyan and others who had dinner with him were all investors of Kunpeng Real Estate.

Several real estate properties under the name of Kunpeng Real Estate have already started selling, and two of them have passed the inspection and acceptance, and people have begun to move in.

Several other properties have not yet completed construction, but nearly one-third of the houses have been pre-sold.

As the drugs produced by New World Biopharmaceuticals are approved to be sold in all parts of the world, the troubles that have affected the world for several years have finally gradually subsided, society has returned to normal order, and the economy has experienced a retaliatory growth.

Reflected in the housing market, it is also a wave of high-speed growth.

This investment Liu Qing won again, which brought him high returns.

The company already has plans to go public.

Of course, this is just a real estate company that has not been established for a long time. It is not so easy to go public. At the very least, they cannot achieve profitability for three consecutive years-they have not been established for less than three years.

Now it is only ready to go public within five years.

This time they came to Pengcheng for a new project, and they wanted to take a piece of land in the bend area for development.

The investment involved in this project is very large, and the land is estimated to need more than 20 billion yuan to get it.

Subsequent investment is not much less.

For such a big transaction, the chairman Liu Qing would of course come over to take a look.

In the afternoon, I went to the land to be auctioned for a field survey, learned about the municipal planning and the surrounding environment, and came to the conclusion that it is very interesting, as long as the price does not exceed 30 billion, it can be auctioned.

If the price exceeds 30 billion, forget it.

It's not that you can't make money, but that you earn less.

After seeing the land, I ate at a nearby restaurant in the evening.

This is also Qi Ranran's idea. After eating, everyone can feel the prosperity of this area at night.

The private room they booked had a TV, and when it was seven o'clock, they turned on the TV to watch the news.

The bigger the business, the more they understand the impact of policies on the economy, so watching the news, especially the news at seven o'clock, is a very important thing for these businessmen.

Hearing the news, none of them expressed surprise.

In the past year in China, there have only been more than [-] cases of infection, all of which were imported from abroad.

If found, treat quickly.

With the advent of that medicine, the treatment is too simple.

In the past six months, there has been no case.

This means that not only the situation in China has improved, but the situation in the whole world has also improved.

The connection with the outside world has also become closer.

Of course, there are still necessary inspections.

After all, this thing cannot be taken lightly, even if there is only one infected person, if left alone, it will soon lead to a storm sweeping the world, causing all previous efforts to be wasted.

Over the past six months, there have been sporadic cases of infection all over the world, with one case occurring every few days.

Everyone knows that victory is coming soon.

For the arrival of this moment, they have long been mentally prepared.

Even so, they all had smiles on their faces when they heard the news.

Undoubtedly, this is welcome news.

Especially Liu Qing.

He stood up, raised his glass, and said with a smile: "We have finally won, for this victory, let's drink!"

Several people present stood up:



The wine glasses were clinked together, and the wine in the glasses was drank.

"It's finally not easy to wait until this day." Someone said with emotion.

Some people praised Liu Qing: "This day is mainly due to Mr. Liu. Without Mr. Liu's New World Biopharmaceuticals, we will still coexist with this trouble. We are all grateful to Mr. Liu!"

Liu Qing smiled and said, "The main thing is to thank Mr. Qi, she discovered and recommended this project to me."

Qi Ranran shook her head, and said seriously: "I found it useless. Without you, this project would not be possible. Even if it has obtained a large capital investment, it may not be what it is now. The price may not be so cheap, and, Infected people may not be able to clear."

She was also telling the truth.

All the people here are businessmen, and they all know what kind of things businessmen will do in order to make money.

This project fell on their heads, they have no confidence in what they will do.

The profits there are too big, and the unit is hundreds of billions.

Be ruthless, increase the price by ten or even dozens of times, and the profit can still be in trillions.

——As for the price increase, many people will not be able to use it, causing troubles that can never be eliminated, but what does that matter?Isn't that better?

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