These things must be arranged by Li Gu in the most appropriate way and can convince the public.

Chapter 122, Uneasy

Shi Congyun set up his central army camp in the largest tile-roofed house, and then each army and battalion camped out from the center, set up tents, erected fences, set up deer villages, and dug pits for rejecting horses.

Shi Congyun ordered Shao Ji to supervise, no matter how tired he was on the road, he would not relax. If there is a flat river in the south of Huaihe River, it will be too late if they are attacked.

When everything was arranged properly, the sky had completely darkened, and the sky was lit up with sparse stars, which was particularly artistic under the vast and boundless plains and wilderness.

When Shi Congyun left the camp, Si Chao was waiting for him outside to lead him the way.

Afterwards, the two began to walk in the direction where Li Gu was.

On the way, Si Chao told him about the situation in the past two days: "When the Southern Tang chasing soldiers rushed over, they just ran into Deputy Commander Shi, and Deputy Commander Shi led the army across the river. The Southern Tang army didn't know that we had reinforcements, so they rushed in and got close to Zhengyang. They were rushed and killed by Deputy Commander Shi for a while, and the vanguard fled immediately.

So Zhengyang is safe for the time being. "

Shi Congyun nodded, it turned out that this was the case, the old man was still fierce.

After a while, the two entered the temporary camp of the Chinese Army in Zhengyang Town, which was set up in a dilapidated civilian house, guarded by soldiers outside, and strong crossbows were placed on the wall.

Before Shi Congyun entered the courtyard, he met Li Gu who was walking in, so he went up and said hello, "Mr. Li."

Li Gu stopped and didn't go any further, his face was a bit haggard, as if he had aged a bit.

Seeing his movements, Shi Congyun immediately understood that Li Gu must have something to say, and it is inconvenient to go in and say in front of everyone: "Li Xianggong has something to ask me?"

Li Gu was stunned for a moment, he stroked his beard and said with a smile: "I haven't seen you for a year, but you are still as clever. Yes, the old man has something to ask you. The official must have mentioned that he saw my memorial to Beicheng. Did the official say anything? "

Shi Congyun said truthfully: "The officials summoned me after reading the battle report. They looked very angry."

Li Gu nodded, sighed, and then asked in a low voice: "What do you think, what the old man did."

He paused for a moment, then said: "The official and the minister each have their own reasons, the official wants to win quickly, and Li Xiang is thinking about the soldiers of the three armies.

But nine out of ten I would have made the same choice as my husband. "

Li Gu nodded, "Go in, the generals are waiting for you."

That night, Shi Congyun met with Han Lingkun, Bai Yanyu and others, and they knew each other. After that, Li Gu told him about the division of each army's garrison and the area for defense.

Before leaving, he said, "You have just arrived in Huainan, and you are not familiar with the terrain. Please point someone to give you a guide. Tell me who you want."

Shi Congyun subconsciously thought of the former Si Chao, and asked directly: "I want the striker Si Chao to be a certain guide, but I don't know if my husband is allowed."

Li Gu glanced at him and smiled, "It's really a lion, Si Chao is the old man's deputy vanguard, but you want him to be your guide.

But that's all, maybe he can make more achievements by following you, but it's not easy for Si Chao. "

He didn't think much about this sentence.


After dawn the next day, Si Chao rode alone to report to his army.

Shi Congyun thought to himself that Li Gu was really stingy, and he actually only gave Si Chao to him, so he would die if he sent a few more elite soldiers who were familiar with the terrain.

He personally went out of the camp to welcome Si Chao warmly, and kept him in the Chinese army. In a place like the Huainan Plain, where everything looks the same at a glance, it is very important to have a guide who knows the way.

After Si Chao led the way, Shi Congyun took Luqiu Zhongqing, Shao Ji, Wang Zhong, Dong Zunhui, Luo Yanhuan and others out of the village to an old tree at the southeast intersection of Zhengyang Town.

Looking southeast from this place, the tents of the Southern Tang Army in the distance stand on the vast plain, looming in the morning mist, like a sharp forest on the plain, stretching from east to west, stretching for tens of miles, until the end of the field of vision, no Know exactly how many there are.

Shi Congyun gasped, even the battle of Gaoping was not like this.

Shao Ji said: "Less say [-] or more, it's not counted as an auxiliary soldier, and it's not counted as a civilian husband."

"The Southern Tang army struggled for a while, and began to gather steadily. They didn't dare to advance rashly. There will definitely be a big battle in the next few days." Si Chao judged.

Shi Congyun nodded, and he also felt the same way, "If we lose this battle, we will all be driven back to the north bank of the Huaihe River. I'm afraid the grand plan of attacking the Southern Tang Dynasty will also be affected."

Shi Congyun was very nervous. This time the tension was different from the past. What he was nervous about was not his own life or death, but the inability to achieve the strategic goal, and he was nervous about losing the battle.

At noon, the Hu Jie army led by Li Chongjin also arrived, and the two met at the east crossing of Zhengyang, and when they saw him, they said, "It's no use running fast in a fight, I think you're good at running away with your abilities. "

Shi Congyun arched his hands and spit out four words, "Soldiers are precious and fast." Then he ignored him.

But he was extremely nervous in his heart. Who was Li Chongjin? The chief officer of the bodyguard department, even if he was a person who would be given three points by the officials, it would not be good for him to fight against him.

He thought anxiously, there are still too many people he can't afford to offend in this world, no matter what, he must earn some merits quickly and climb up!If he could reach his father's current position, even Li Chongjin wouldn't dare to do anything to him openly.

Taking a deep breath, the uneasiness in his heart was driving him, Shi Congyun looked around the crowd: "Go back to the camp, everyone is thinking about how we will fight if the fight starts tomorrow, tell me tomorrow."



That night, Shi Congyun was unable to fall asleep due to the intense anxiety.

Anxiety about the upcoming battle, fear of offending Li Chongjin...

Messy emotions intertwined in his heart, making him feel like his mind was in a mess. He scratched his head and began to think of ways to improve the combat effectiveness of the army.

The first thing that came to mind was gunpowder, but he quickly rejected it.This method is indeed feasible. Gunpowder appeared as early as the Tang Dynasty. I heard Zhao Shijian tell him that there is still a workshop for making gunpowder and firecrackers outside Daliang City. Although the ingredients and proportions are not the best, they can be adjusted.

And almost a few decades later, firearms such as muskets appeared in the army of the Song Dynasty.

But the key point is...he won't!

This is very embarrassing, although a three-year-old child can memorize the formula of one nitrate, two sulphur, and three charcoal, but the key is how to make nitrate?How to get sulfur?He was dumbfounded.

Besides, it's too late to hold Buddha's feet temporarily, maybe the fight will start tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, if you pin your hopes on this, it's better to think about planting a tree now, ten years later the grave will be more reliable to enjoy the shade.

In the long dark night, Shi Congyun couldn't fall asleep for a long time, the messy things he had seen in his mind, all kinds of classic battles in history flashed by like a revolving lantern, and he fell asleep unconsciously...

The next day, when he woke up, someone hurriedly came and told him to go to the camp of the Chinese Army in Li Gu.

When he arrived, almost all the generals at the rank of commander and above were there, and there were not so many people in the main room, even the yard was full.

Shi Congyun was about to ask, but his father Shi Yanchao opened his mouth when he saw him, "The battle letter issued by Liu Yanzhen, the chief general of the Southern Tang Dynasty, will be fought five miles east of Zhengyang in five days' time."

"Will Li Xianggong agree?" Shi Congyun looked up at Li Gu.

Li Gu also noticed his gaze and nodded.

Shi Congyun gradually understood that Li Gu was probably afraid of being scolded by the officials again, and the crime of fear of war once was enough...

Chapter 123: A certain striker!

On the vast plain southeast of Zhengyang, there are densely packed army camps.

The Southern Tang Army, which was attacked by Shi Yanchao, did not dare to venture in. Instead, they set up camp a few miles outside Zhengyang Town, and set up deer villages to resist horses and erected fences.

At night, Shi Congyun couldn't sleep no matter what, he sat under an old pear tree outside a small village to the east of Zhengyang, looking at the Southern Tang army camp in the distance.

The tents are looming in the night, and the flames are continuous, flickering under the dome, like the vast starry sky in summer night, beautiful and beautiful.

Shi Congyun knew in his heart that it was much more terrifying.

Unexpectedly, after a short encounter, the army suddenly entered the stage of confrontation with the whole army. Thousands of casualties are not a small loss, and it is not a serious injury to the army of the Southern Tang Dynasty.

Li Gu has already accepted the challenge, and a decisive battle is inevitable.

However, the opponent's approach was a bit bookish. In fact, it didn't matter whether Li Gu accepted the letter of war. The two armies met in such a plain area, and a decisive battle was almost inevitable. All means should be used as much as possible.

Zhou Jun can defend without danger, unless he abandons Huainan and retreats to Huaibei, but the officials will never retreat, and this time the troops are sent to Huainan.

In the same way, the Southern Tang army was also behind the plains, and there was no reason to defend them.

The enemy is in front of him, and the officials are watching from behind. This opportunity is rare, and he also offended Li Chongjin, making him more and more uneasy...

All kinds of complicated situations are intertwined, which makes people feel dizzy, but Shi Congyun has no time to sort them out one by one. He is not that kind of character, and even he himself feels that he may do things in a more Liu Bang style.

Anyway, on weekdays, avoid as much as you can, say good things when you see people, leave room for everything as much as possible, and benefit yourself, but don't push him into a hurry. Once pushed, he will dare to do anything and do nothing. If you can do it all, it's a big deal that you will die.

At this point, Shi Congyun had no time to think about the minutiae, all he knew was that he had to fight this battle!

The height difference between him and Li Chongjin is Yao Ming. If he doesn't climb up, he will be trampled to death sooner or later.

The key point was figured out, Shi Congyun returned to the tile-roofed house where the Chinese army stayed, and fell asleep......


Early the next morning, Li Gu called everyone to discuss matters.

In Zhengyang Town, which was temporarily used as a small courtyard for the Chinese army, Li Gu laid out a yellowish map of the south bank of the Huaihe River on the table, and everyone wore armor.

But there wasn't a single chair in the yard, everyone was standing, including Li Gu himself.

As the commander-in-chief, Li Gu lives in the north, and the generals on the left and right are separated.

Li Chongjin and Shi Yanchao are at the front of Li Gu's left and right hands. The two of them are the chief officer of the guard department and the deputy commander of the front department. They are both high-ranking and powerful people.

Next came Han Lingkun and Shi Congyun, Han Lingkun because of his status, and Shi Congyun leading the crane-controlling army.

Next came Si Chao, Shao Ji, Wang Zhong and other army commanders.

The sun just came out a little, and there was light in the small courtyard, and just when people could be seen clearly, Li Gu looked around the crowd and said: "The Southern Tang army is aggressive, we have no reason to be afraid.

The heroes of the Great Zhou were fought all the way, so there is absolutely no reason to be afraid of them.

The old man has already decided to have a showdown with the Southern Tang Army and defeat them near Zhengyang, but the specific implementation still needs your full assistance and concerted efforts.

In this way, no matter how much the Southern Tang army is, it is nothing more than rubble, which can be broken in an instant.

As the commander-in-chief, I have the responsibility of coordinating the three armies and uniting the soldiers. Regardless of your daily personal relationship, whether you have grievances or not, the old man will not care about it, but on the battlefield, if anyone causes something bad because of these things, the military law will never Not lightly. "

"The last general knows!" All the generals bowed their hands one after another, even Li Chongjin didn't say anything, Li Gu has a high prestige in the army, just like before in Gaoping Taiyuan, all the armies depended on Li Gu for support, siege equipment, armor and weapons Waiting for the luggage was also mobilized and prepared by Li Gu.

"The terrain to the south of Zhengyang is flat, but our [-] to [-] troops can't rush upwards all at once. That kind of attack is not effective, and we have to distinguish between the front and the back." Li Gu continued.

Shi Congyun also understood this truth. The all-out decisive battle of tens of thousands of people is completely different from the mountain warfare they fought in the high mountains of the Qinling Mountains.

At this time, there must be a reserve team and people in rotation.

Because such a big army decisive battle is no longer the time when killing hundreds of people on the opposite side can determine the outcome. If hundreds of lives are filled in, there may be no waves, and it is difficult for a partial victory to expand to the overall situation.At this time, there must be a reserve team, follow-up, and take turns.

This point was already in a similar situation on the Gaoping battlefield, but at that time he was in Lushan Mountain and didn't understand the overall situation at all. This time he was a chess player.

Li Gu said directly: "Deputy Marshal Shi leads Long Jiejing to ride south of Zhengyang, where there is a peach grove, as a side response, depending on the situation of the Chinese army, wait for an opportunity to attack the Tang army's rear."

Shi Yanchao nodded: "I know that place, but in my opinion, it's better to rush there."

Li Gu didn't agree, and Shi Yanchao didn't say much.

Then he looked at Shi Congyun and Li Chongjin: "Hu Jie and Kong He both have about ten thousand people, I decided to let one of the two armies be the forward, and the other one to be the backup. "

After the words fell, Shi Congyun and Li Chongjin almost said in unison: "Someone is a striker!"

After Shi Congyun finished speaking, he felt Li Chongjin's unfriendly gaze, but he would never back down at this point, so he simply didn't look at Li Chongjin's face.

Li Gu glanced at them, and Shi Congyun suddenly felt that his thoughts had been seen through, but he still remained tense and did not speak.

"Hmph, think about it well. The striker has everything to do with the outcome of this game. Don't reach out if you don't have the ability, so as not to be embarrassing and worse." Li Zhongjin said coldly.

Shi Yanchao also frowned, first glanced at Li Chongjin, then turned to him and said, "Are you sure, this is not a child's play."

"Yes!" Shi Congyun said with certainty, until now, if there is nothing, he must have it. Anyway, he will grab this first achievement no matter what. At least there is still a chance. If he doesn't fight, is he waiting for a slow death?

He didn't believe that Li Chongjin was a kind person who was easy to talk about, or that there were very few kind people in the world today, and everyone was just busy running around for their own wealth.

At this point, everyone could hear the smell of gunpowder, but due to Li Chongjin's identity, no one interrupted.

Whether intentionally or not, all eyes were focused on Li Gu, because the final decision was in his hands.

Li Gu was expressionless, as if he was considering Li Chongjin or Shi Congyun.

"The first battle is the most important thing, it is a matter of success or failure in this battle..." Li Gu said slowly, and immediately attracted everyone's attention, "If you talk about seniority and rank, Master Shi Xiang is not as good as Marshal Li; but Shi Xiang It didn’t take long for the Lord to defeat the Shu army in the Qinling Mountains, and he also has meritorious deeds and skills..."

Li Gu seemed to be caught in a dilemma, while Shi Congyun was extremely nervous.

However, Li Gu was not one to hesitate, and quickly made a decision, "Then Master Shi Xiang will lead the Crane Controlling Army to take the lead. The Crane Controlling Army fought against the Kingdom of Shu just a few years ago, and their ability to fight in battle is not unfamiliar. Don't let the old man down."

Shi Congyun was overjoyed, nodded and said: "Thank you, Mr. Xianggong, don't worry, Mr. Xiang, you will definitely fulfill your mission in the end."

"Hmph..." Li Chongjin snorted, and said in a cold voice, "Your Excellency, you should think about it. This battle has a lot to do with it. A brat who has not even grown up can entrust important matters to him?"

Shi Congyun cursed in his heart, you don't have any fucking hair!I can scare you to death by taking off my pants.

But there was no color on his face, and he didn't talk back to him, he just bowed his hands to Li Gugong: "Please don't worry, sir, I will definitely try my best to defeat the enemy!"

Then he ignored Li Chongjin and took his people away.

"I'd like to see how you defeat the enemy. Don't make people laugh out loud when the time comes. After a small fight, your tail will go up to the sky!"

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