There are hundreds of warships in the Nantang Water Village, and there are many naval forces, but most of the ships were blocked in the military port by their surprise attacks.

This plan was jointly discussed with Li Chuyun and Wang Huan last night. When the upstream is far away from Tushan, the sail will not be lifted. The momentum flows down the Huaihe River.

Then Li Chuyun and Wang Huan led the vanguard fleet to directly ram the Southern Tang ships docked at the ferry, blocking the ferry and preventing the Southern Tang military ships from getting out.

Once the water battle is turned into a land battle, the Southern Tang Army is by no means their opponent.

When Si Chao saw that the two were determined to fight, he agreed.


In the distance, Li Chuyun had already occupied the eastern beach, and deployed Zhou Jun's best Yanyue Formation on the river beach, and then moved forward.

The resistance in the east was even more intense. Although a large number of Southern Tang troops fled southward in the rear, there were also many people in the front resisting.

Hundreds of Tang soldiers gathered on the beach to prevent them from landing.

It must be very difficult for their people to board the beach in small boats in waves at first. If the elite at the front cannot stand up, the people behind are likely to be driven into the water.

At this time, the situation was completely reversed. Li Chuyun used the high ground and sentry towers he occupied to launch attacks everywhere, making it difficult for the surrounding Southern Tang army to gather for a while. The follow-up troops successively boarded the beach, supported everywhere, attacked from both sides, stabbed and cut down many For the Southern Tang Army, the beachhead security position is constantly expanding, and more and more people are landing later.

On the other hand, Wang Huan, although he held a firm position on the beach, was trapped by many Southern Tang troops surrounding him, and all the high grounds of the sentry towers were occupied by the Southern Tang army. If you rush against the arrow, you will suffer a lot of casualties.

The follow-up troops were unable to go ashore for a while, and the two sides were in a stalemate.

Even though Wang Huan himself was holding a long knife and fighting forward, he was still trapped on the beach by many concentrated Southern Tang soldiers, which was completely different from Li Chuyun in the east.

Si Chao saw it, and felt a little anxious.

The main ships were unable to dock, because there were many navy ships docked on the shore that could not get out of the Southern Tang Dynasty, occupying the ferry, and they were at least a hundred steps away from the shore at this time.

With the turbulent waves in the river and the distance, it was impossible to support them.

Li Chuyun stabilized his position in the east, and he was going ashore later, but the situation on Wang Huan's side was getting worse and worse!

There is another important reason for Si Chao's anxiety. He doesn't want to disappoint Shi Congyun's trust in him!

He was born as a farmer. When he was young, he did a lot of things along the coast of the Bohai Sea. He was gradually promoted, but he was still unable to enter the ranks of middle and high-level generals. He never thought about it.

Because he has no power, no family background, and does not know high-level generals and officials, if no one speaks for him in front of the officials, no matter how capable he is in this life, he will only do nothing.

By chance, he served as Shi Congyun's guide in Zhengyang and witnessed the great victory in Zhengyang.

Playing more and playing less, with a determined command, to win a battle that he thought he could not win. Since then, he has looked at the young Shi Congyun differently.

However, his father was a senior official in front of the palace, and he himself was also a high-ranking general in the Forbidden Army. Si Chao was very knowledgeable and didn't want to seek connections in the past, so as not to be looked down upon by others.

Unexpectedly, after returning to Beijing, Shi Congyun actually asked the officials to let him go back to serve as the deputy capital commander of the Xinjian Navy, and then let him lead the entire Yulangzhi Navy!

This level of reuse and kindness made him extremely grateful!

He is still the deputy capital commander, but he already has the opportunity to lead an army alone, and the power he performs is no different from that of generals like Wang Shenqi, Gao Huaide, and Zhao Chao!

Dashuai Shi didn't speak to anyone in front of the official family, he only gave credit to him, a man with no background and power, and he will never forget that kind of kindness.

Shi Congyun entrusted him with such an important task, and trusted him so much. If he could not successfully capture Tu Shanshui Village, he would feel sorry for such trust and promotion.

Although Wang Huan was brave, he was not as far-sighted as Li Chuyun. If he had been like Li Chuyun from the beginning, he should have won the beachhead by now.

At first when Li Chuyun went to the army to serve as Marquis of Yu, the generals complained quite a bit, and even he couldn't understand why he didn't let an old general like Wang Huan who had fought in the war be appointed.Is it because he was once a general of Shu and fought against Shi Congyun and was hated?

Looking back now, I immediately feel ashamed. Is Shi Dashuai the kind of villain who will hold grudges and plot against others in private?

Obviously Li Chuyun, a newcomer, is more capable, and Shi Dashuai has a good eye for people, but they can't see it.

"If you still can't fight later, you watch the boat, someone will personally lead the troops to support Wang Huan." Si Chao directed his side with the knife on his waist, he made up his mind, no matter what, he couldn't let Brother Yun down, If it doesn't work, he will go in person.

The sun gradually set to the west, more than half an hour had passed since the fierce battle on the beach, the shallow water was gradually dyed red, and corpses were washed into the river from time to time, and the shouts of killing were not as intense as before.

In the distance, Li Chuyun led his troops on the beach to the east for about a mile. The beach was full of stumps and broken arms. The Southern Tang army could no longer support them and kept retreating. shooting.

However, the situation on Wang Huan's side was much worse. The striker was less than a hundred steps away from the shore, and the follow-up army hadn't caught up in time. It was very difficult to advance.

Si Chao is a little anxious, the war has been fought for a long time, he must take down the water village in time, he is afraid of the support from Haozhou!

Just as he was about to put on his clothes himself to support Wang Huan, a large number of people and horses appeared on the south hillside behind the water village, their flags were unfurled, and they were still gathering. With light, the mountain is full of sparkling light.

"What kind of troops is that?" Si Chao's heart jumped, thinking that it might be reinforcements from Nantang Haozhou, right?

Another thought is wrong, Haozhou is sixty or seventy miles away from here, and when the news is brought back, even if Haozhou immediately sends reinforcements, it is impossible to arrive so soon.

"Zhao Ziqi." The general beside him said.

Si Chao immediately realized that Zhao Kuangyin, the Marquis of Yu in front of the palace!

Marshal Shi had told him before departure that Zhao Kuangyin would go north from Chuzhou and attack Tu Shan with them!

Immediately suppressing the excitement in my heart, I looked carefully to confirm that as the people and horses in the distance got closer and closer, they finally saw it clearly. Looking at the shape of the armor and the flag, it was indeed Zhou Jun!

I was overjoyed, all kinds of emotions came to my heart, Zhao Kuangyin came in time, and Shi recruited soldiers like a god!

In the distance, Zhao Kuangyin's department also seemed to have seen the fierce battle in the water village by the river, and soon people surrounded them and entered the water village from various places in the south.

The front was fiercely fought, and the gate at the rear was unguarded. Zhao Kuangyin's forward quickly entered the water village and advanced along the road in the water village to the shore.

The Southern Tang army at the back didn't react at all, because the wounded were evacuated and the soldiers who were exhausted from fighting were replaced by resting soldiers.

Encountering the enemy suddenly at the moment is completely panic, and there is no room for resistance!

Zhou Jun didn't care, he came all at once, cut down anyone he saw, and charged all the way to the rear of Tang Jun, attacking from both sides, the Tang Jun behind was caught off guard, and there were many casualties in a panic.

Looking from a distance, the Tang army in the rear had no time to organize their manpower to defend against the soldiers and horses that appeared from the north. The Tang army formation that was originally neatly lined up on the shore suddenly began to be disordered from the rear, like tofu began to deform after being squeezed. People became more and more chaotic, running to the houses and woods on the east and west sides.

Si Chao saw it in his eyes, and the big stone in his heart finally fell, and he slowly let go of the hand holding the knife handle...

Zhao Kuangyin joined the battle from the south, which completely settled the situation on the battlefield. Under the attack from front and back, the Southern Tang army on the beach began to gradually collapse.

After a while, a cavalry also came from the west, flying a big Shizi flag. The flag was so conspicuous that people could tell at a glance that he must be the number one general of the Zhou army.

Unlike Zhao Kuangyin's steady and steady advance, Shi Yanchao led the cavalry and charged directly into the water village from the south gate, rushed from the main road of the camp to the beach, pierced through the formation of the Tang army in one fell swoop, and charged directly to the river to meet Wang Huan's troops!

When they turned around and charged again, most of the Southern Tang Army on the opposite side could no longer hold on and began to collapse. Many people were so frightened that they surrendered directly.

Seeing this, Si Chao thought to himself that he deserved to be the number one general of the Great Zhou!


Until the sun went down, the entire Tushan battle came to an end. Many Southern Tang troops on the beach chose to surrender. The successive sporadic resistance did not cause any waves. Many people fled in all directions. Dye into a river of blood.

The Zhou army also suffered a lot in this battle for the beach, especially Wang Huan's troops. At the most difficult juncture, they could only use the corpses of their comrades to pile up as a wall to resist the crossbow shooting of the Southern Tang soldiers on the high ground.

Because of Li Chuyun's foresight, although the deployment was risky but hit the point, the Southern Tang Army's counterattack was blocked with very few casualties, and they continued to advance.

However, now that the battle has been won and Wang Huan is also very brave, it is not the time to pursue those matters.

Si Chao boarded the shore by boat. At this time, the beach was full of corpses, and there was no place to stay.

Soon he saw Zhao Kuangyin and Shi Yanchao surrounded by generals on the beach, and when they saw him coming, they all gave way.

Zhao Kuangyin's armor was relatively clean, his skin was very dark, and a scribe was behind him; Shi Yanchao was tall and covered in blood, and he always looked up at everyone.

"Thank you Zhao Duyu and Shi Mashuai for your support. If you hadn't arrived, we would have suffered a lot in this water village today." Si Chao cupped his hands to express his gratitude.

Shi Yanchao just nodded his head and said no more.

Zhao Kuangyin laughed and said: "Someone is acting under the command of the Marshal, if you want to thank him, please thank the Marshal.

Today, I met the Southern Tang general Lin Renzhao's brigade in the south. It seemed that they were rushing to Haozhou for help, and they fought with them for a while before arriving. The Si Dushi forgive me. "

Si Chao immediately felt that Zhao Kuangyin had no pretensions in a high position, so he was easy to talk and said quickly: "No, if the two of you don't come, we will suffer a lot, so dare to ask for anything extravagantly.

Marshal Shi used his troops like a god. Now that Tushan is in our hands, we have not only cut off the retreat of the bandit army in the south, but also pulled out their water army. I think the bandit army is not far from being defeated on the whole front. "

"That's natural." Shi Yanchao nodded in agreement, but he didn't know whether he agreed with the statement that Shi Congyun used soldiers like a god, or the statement that the Southern Tang Army could not stand the whole line.

Zhao Kuangyin looked around at the soldiers who were cleaning the battlefield, and saw that the sky was getting darker. The sun in the west had sunk half into the earth, and the sky and the earth were red. Order a certain army to guard this place and cut off the way for the bandit army to retreat eastward.

Shi Mashuai and Si Dushi led the land and water armies to go up Hebei to encircle the rebels. "

Si Chao nodded.

Zhao Kuangyin urged: "Soldiers are expensive, and the commander's arrangements are exquisite, but if anything goes wrong, it will not be effective.

A certain person still suggested that the two should rectify tonight, and immediately march westward according to the deployment tomorrow morning, and join forces as soon as possible to prevent any changes. "


"Zhao Kuangyin defeated the Tang army in the south of Mount Tu yesterday, killed more than [-] enemies, captured more than [-] people, and reported victory to the commander." Outside Shouzhou City, Luqiu Zhongqing excitedly reported to Shi Congyun with the battle report, and he was still following Zhang Yongde and other generals.

Soldiers in the distance are preparing siege equipment, and many soldiers of the Tang Army at the head of the city are nervously shuttling back and forth, preparing for a new siege.

It seems that another wave of siege battles is about to begin.

"Subsequently, Zhao Kuangyin led troops into Tushan according to the command of the commander-in-chief, took control of Tushanshui village, and cut off the escape route of the bandit army."

Shi Congyun put his hands behind his back and looked at the siege deployment in front of him. He looked like a master, nodded calmly and said, "That's right, it's about the same as what I expected..."

But I was very excited in my heart, Zao Le blossomed, and a big rock was finally put down!

Luqiu Zhongqing and the generals around him were very happy. He changed the battle report in his hand, and then said: "There is also the battle report of Yulangzhi Sichao. They besieged Tushanshui Village and captured 180 ships of the Tang State Navy. Control the waters near the ferry and the vortex, and block and control the water surface of the Huaihe River.

Originally, there were more than 320 ships in Yulangzhi, but now there are 180 more ships!

Si Chao has ordered Li Chuyun to lead 8000 naval troops and [-] warships to march westward along the Huaihe River, encircle Zhu Yuan's army with Wang Shenqi, Gao Huaide, Li Chongjin and others, and cut off his water retreat.

Si Du made himself in Tushan to urge the remaining people to take over the captured more than 100 ships, and at the same time led the troops to occupy the vortex to block possible reinforcements from Haozhou.

In addition, Shi Mashuai has led the Longjie cavalry to go up the Huaihe River and join Murong Yanzhao. It is expected to arrive tomorrow and encircle the bandit army from the east! "

This place is at least 100 miles away from Tushan, and the battle report was urgently sent over seven hundred miles last night.

Shi Cong suppressed the ecstasy in his heart, and said to the messengers beside him: "Come here, cross the river and tell Li Chongjin, let him summon the generals to discuss matters in his camp, and come over tomorrow morning to discuss a general attack plan."

The messenger wrote it down, and immediately rode towards the Feishui in the north.

Luqiu Zhongqing went on to add, "Shi Qishuai defeated Tushan's deserters in the south of Tushan, beheaded many, captured more than [-] people, and then helped Si Chao capture the water village, and all the prisoners have been handed over to Si Chao.

Xiang Jieshuai led the troops to the east of Tushan, and cut off the road between Tushan and Haozhou outside the city of Haozhou. "

"Dangtu great victory! The dust has already settled."

Chapter 155, Fifth Floor

In the early morning of the next day, Shi Congyun was in a good mood, Tu Shan's battle was completely settled, and more than half of his strategic goals had been achieved!

The reason why Zhu Yuan was so confident that he dared to line up against the water and set up a camp along the Huaihe River was because of Tu Shan's navy to fight a protracted war.

The water army can continuously send him supplies from Tushan, and the battle is unfavorable. Tushan and Haozhou can use the water army to replenish his troops and send away the wounded.

In the worst case, it is really impossible to fight, and Tu Shanshui's army can still send them away from the waterway.

This is the greatest advantage of the Southern Tang Army, and it is also the capital they supported in their confrontation with the Zhou Army.

But now that Tushan is occupied, and the Southern Tang navy is almost wiped out, if Zhu Yuan knows this news, I don't know what his expression will be!

At the beginning, Shi Congyun assumed the posture of going to a decisive battle with the main forces of the Southern Tang Dynasty on the banks of the Huaihe River in Shandong Zijin. Wang Shenqi, Gao Huaide, Li Chongjin, Zhao Chao, Shi Yanchao and other troops seemed to be converging in that direction.

At least that's how the situation on the battlefield is in the eyes of the senior leaders of Nantang.

Zhu Yuan was not afraid at all. Firstly, there were many others, and secondly, they were backed by the Huaihe River and supported by the navy, so they could remain invincible even if they couldn't be defeated.

But Shi Congyun has always been on the fifth floor, and his main target has always been the navy of the Southern Tang Dynasty!All kinds of scheduling before are just blindfolds.

Shi Congyun always felt that as long as the navy was destroyed, the Southern Tang army would have nothing to fear.

So it seems that he transferred all his soldiers and horses to the east of Zijin Mountain to gather for a big battle. In fact, the navy led by Si Chao, Li Chuyun, and Wang Huan, the army stationed in Chuzhou led by Zhao Kuangyin, and the army led by Xiang Xun and Han Lingkun The army stationed in Yangzhou, Shi Yanchao's elite cavalry, etc., all went to Tushan.

Moreover, the Southern Tang Dynasty was not well prepared for the arrival of Zhou Jun's navy. They heard that Zhou Jun trained the navy, but they didn't pay attention to where Shi Congyun used the navy.

To the east of Zijin Mountain, the Huaihe River diverted. Even if Zhu Yuan and others were stationed by the river, they could not see the Zhou army sailing north and east.

Up to now, Tushanshui village has been captured by Si Chao, Zhao Kuangyin, and Shi Yanchao, even if Zhu Yuan recollects it, it is too late!

Woke up in the morning, took a shower and ate something casually, Shi Congyun felt refreshed, and Xiaoyun began to miss women. A few days ago, because of worry, he kept worrying about things, and he didn't have any energy.

Zhang Yongde was left to take over the siege camp, and he led more than a hundred soldiers across Feishui to rush to Li Chongjin's camp.

In the morning of early spring, insects and birds were singing everywhere along the Huaihe River, a nest of waterfowl suddenly flew up in the grass on the side of the road, and there was sparse fog in the forest from time to time.

Shi Congyun didn't dare to go too early. There are no street lights these days, and there are many raptors and beasts in the mountains. If he didn't bring hundreds of people with him, he really wouldn't dare to run around in the woods.

When he arrived at Li Chongjin's tent covered in morning dew, Li Chongjin waited for him at the gate of the camp for the first time ever.

"Wang Shenqi, Gao Huaide, and Shi Yanchao are all here." Li Chongjin said as he walked.

Passing through the outlying camp, there were already a lot of soldiers who got up early to pee in groups, but the light was not good, and no one recognized him.

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