Didn't you say that there has been no leaks?

Didn't it mean that it was easy to return to the grassland?

How did it become like this?

And among this group of people, Mo Bihe, after brushing shoulders with Zhen Wu, looked even more shocked, Zhen Wu?How could it be Zhen Wu?

Why is he here?


Chapter 108 - Delisol's Backbone


I don't know if it's God, but I feel that the rain has been falling for too long, so I finally calmed down a little bit of anger in the middle of the night.

The raindrops that were originally the size of rice grains seemed to be frightened into thin raindrops by the slaughter of thousands of people.

Fighting, invincible endlessly.

The galloping horse, the howling of the sergeant, and all kinds of yelling made a mess. Everyone roared to release their emotions, and tried to overwhelm the enemy in front of them with their momentum.

The guard at Gubeikou opened his mouth in surprise when he saw Zhen Wu rushing into the enemy camp first. He was even more shocked when he saw Zhen Wu flying left and right with a big gun in his hand, picking up one Mongolian after another.

I have long heard that the guards have fierce men.

Sure enough.

For such a young man, he doesn't look burly, but he has unbelievable courage.

The guard was also aroused to be competitive, laughed wildly, and followed Zhen Wu into the enemy camp.


When all the sergeants saw that their immediate superiors had rushed into the enemy camp, their morale surged and they roared loudly, following the footsteps of Zhen Wu and the two of them, they rushed into the enemy camp.

Zhen Wu is very confident at this time.

Some people will feel timid after a war, but some people will develop unparalleled self-confidence in the war.

They will trust their strength and become fearless.

Zhen Wu is in this state.

However, during the rush, he did not expect to see an acquaintance.


And seeing Delisor still directing these troops, Zhen Wu's eyes were fixed, and without thinking too much, he flicked the horse's head and killed Delisor.

De Lisuoer also saw Zhen Wu at this time.

Like Mo Bihe, he immediately had a thought in his mind, how could Zhen Wu be here?

But the next moment, De Lisuoer thought that Zhen Wu hadn't been in the right guard camp a few days ago, so he didn't understand that their actions had been discovered long ago.

Zhu Di had already made preparations at Gubeikou.

These thoughts flashed by in a flash, De Lisuoer didn't have time to think about it, Zhen Wu had already swung his big gun and slashed at him vertically, and he hastily raised his saber horizontally.

one strike.

The two passed by on horseback.

De Lisuoer immediately felt his whole arm numb, and his palm was still trembling slightly. His eyes showed horror. Although he had heard that Zhen Wu was brave, he never thought that Zhen Wu could make him almost unable to lift the knife with one blow. .

But this is nothing to Zhen Wu.

De Lisuoer turned his head and saw that Zhen Wu was resisting the attacks of others, and at the same time still had the strength to turn his horse's head, intending to kill him again.

He suddenly panicked.

"Retreat, retreat."

De Lisuo'er shouted twice, not daring to confront Zhen Wu anymore, flattered his horse and ran away in a panic.

With his yelling, coupled with the chaos caused by the previous internal affairs, the group of Mongols immediately became a mess, and soon they were rushed out of shape by the Gubeikou defenders.

The Mongols also began to flee in a panic.

The army was defeated like a mountain.

How dare the Mongols think about resisting, they are afraid that their horses run slower than others, but Zhen Wu and his cavalry have formed a three-sided siege. Wherever there is a gap to escape, just flee in that direction.

And Matougou is the direction where the ambush army is located.

When the Mongols fled here in embarrassment, the ambush army was ready. A large number of ambush troops were dispatched, and Zhen Wu and other troops followed, directly trapping De Lisuoer and others in the center.

The Mongols who were killed were already a little terrified, but after being besieged at this moment, they even let down their energy for a while. Just at this time, under the leadership of Zhen Wu and others, the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty who besieged them, their morale was high. shouted.

"Daming is mighty, and the Ming army is mighty."

"Daming is mighty, and the Ming army is mighty."


The Mongols turned pale with fright when they were struck by waves of sound like overwhelming mountains and seas. Soon someone threw down their knives and shouted to surrender.

This shout immediately produced a chain reaction. Driven by this sentence, more and more people surrendered their knives and surrendered. Seeing this, De Lisuo also sighed and threw the knives on the ground.

A smile appeared on Zhen Wu's face, the event had been decided, and then he sent people to collect all the Mongol swords and horses quietly, and then began to try to control all the Mongols.

At this time, the rain finally stopped.

More and more torches were lit, illuminating the entire Matougou.

Zhen Wu was thinking about Qi Qi, and his eyes wandered around the group of Mongolians on horseback. This woman would not die for a day, and Zhen Wu always felt a sense of uneasiness in his heart.

Wang Yan and other generals gathered together, the elder commander looked at the blood splattered everywhere on Zhen Wu's body, frowned and said, "How come the little general of the guard army charged and killed himself, isn't he afraid of accidents?"


The general of the defending army smiled wryly and said, "I died in an accident on the battlefield, and he might not even be able to."

Several people looked over suspiciously.

The general of the defending army looked at Zhen Wu with a hint of admiration in his eyes, and sighed: "Let's take the lead, no one can stop it. Speaking of which, we can defeat these Mongols so easily, and he must be the first one."


Several people looked at Zhen Wu in surprise, but at this moment they looked at Zhen Wu who was covered in blood, sitting upright on the horse, his tough face was stained with some blood, he looked extraordinarily heroic, and even seemed to faintly exude a kind of blood. Smell as ferocious as a tiger.

Wang Yan narrowed his eyes and laughed, as if they praised Zhen Wu, and he was also honored, so he couldn't help but introduce Zhen Wu to them.

"Do you still remember the last Northern Expedition? It was Zhen Baihu who was bitten by Li Zhan."

"It's him?"

"It was him?"

"It turned out to be him."

Several people expressed surprise at the same time.

Wang Yan just nodded lightly, Yan Wangfu and the guards were in the same spirit, Zhen Wu became famous, and Yan Wangfu also had a face.

These people couldn't help sighing a few more words, such as a hero born a boy.

Afterwards, several people chatted along the topic, and then slowly began to turn to the topic.

"How did these Mongols kill them?" Someone asked.

Commander Qian Shi said indifferently: "After they are all tied up, they can be killed with arrows. By the way, you should also bring over all the prisoners along the way. Since the King of Yan said not to keep any of them, then let's not keep any of them. "

The defender general nodded.

Wang Yan reminded at this time: "There is one more thing to pay attention to. Don't forget the insider inside. If you think you are insider, remember to give the code, don't kill people unjustly."

"Don't worry, someone is already checking the code."


Zhen Wu and the others chased and killed them all the way, and captured many people on the way. They were also led here by ropes at this moment. Only then did the surrendering Mongols realize that something was wrong.

Unlike the last time they surrendered, Sergeant Da Ming still maintained a sliver of respect for them, but this time they punched and kicked them from time to time, and the sharp-eyed ones even saw many sergeants taking bows and arrows and surrounding them intending to draw their bows and arrows.

Fear began to spread.

When a sergeant put a rope on Delisuoer, Delisuoer finally couldn't help but make a fuss.

"Who dares to tie me, I am Daming Qianhu, I am Daming Qianhu, who of you dares to tie me."

The sergeants were indifferent, but they went up and started punching and kicking.

De Lisuo'er was a little angry when he was beaten, but he still held back his gaze while looking at the armored soldiers of Ming Dynasty, but when he saw Zhen Wu not far away, he quickly shouted: "I have acquaintances, I have acquaintances, Zhen Wu, Zhen Wu..."

Zhen Wu heard the voice and turned his head away.

De Lisuoer was ecstatic, and hurriedly said: "Please explain to me, I am really a Ming Qianhu, I want to surrender, I am a Daming Qianhu, you can't tie me up."

Zhen Wu got off his horse, walked over, looked at De Lisuoer coldly, he was unwilling to beat around the bush, and said directly: "Don't struggle, the dead still have some backbone."

"What do you mean?!"

Zhen Wu looked indifferent: "Don't say that you are just a thousand households. If you dare to attack Gubeikou, even if the commander comes, you will die here."


Chapter 109 - Killing Prisoners

The captives have all been threaded with ropes one after another, turning them into cattle and sheep to be slaughtered. All the Mongolian captives have already guessed the ending they will face.

Want to struggle but can't.

Only De Lisuoer has not been tied up for the time being, and is firmly restrained by two sergeants.

He doesn't want to die.

Still struggling.

"I am willing to take refuge in King Yan, this time I am really willing to take refuge, please save me once, I really dare not do it again." De Lisuoer begged for mercy.

Zhen Wu shook his head.

When faced with a really big fear, someone always shows up.

"Do you still remember what happened in the barracks before? I will never dare to mess with you again, no, no, no, I will take refuge in you. From now on, I will only follow you." De Lisuoer said in a panic.

Zhen Wu found it ridiculous.

In the past, he and De Lisuoer only stood in different teams, so it can't be said that he looked down on Delisuoer, but at this moment, he was really disappointed, he didn't expect that Delisuoer could be so soft.

Still rely on him? !


Don't say that Zhen Wu has no right to spare De Lisuoer, even if there is, what's the use of such a person? !

Immediately, Zhen Wu was no longer interested in talking to De Lisuoer, and turned around to look for Qi Qige again.

Unexpectedly, after seeing Zhen Wu's indifference, De Lisuo'er's face immediately revealed a stern look.

"Zhen Wu, you bastard, you avenge yourself, you add insult to injury, you will die..."

Zhen Wu stopped and took a deep breath, trying to calm down and let himself not care about it, but in the end he still couldn't suppress the irritability in his heart.

Tonight, he had already beheaded a lot of people, his blood was still alive, and he hadn't found his qualifications until now, and now he is still being cursed by De Lisuoer like this.

With a groan, Zhen Wu pulled out the knife at his waist, turned around and walked over without saying a word, then raised the knife silently, and slashed directly across Delisoer's throat.

The light of the knife flashed, and warm blood spurted out of Delisol's throat immediately.

He looked at Zhen Wu and wanted to speak, but after his throat was cut, he couldn't speak a word. He stretched out his finger and pointed at Zhen Wu, and finally fell down slowly.

"Fuck, you idiot who can't tell the situation, what are you croaking about?"

Zhen Wu scolded, then ordered the sergeant to carry it down, and then turned around to look for Qiqige.

But Qi Qige was not found, and Mo Bihe was found by Zhen Wu.

At this moment, Mo Bihe was wearing his hands upside down among a group of Mongolians. He also saw Zhen Wu at this moment, and the two looked at each other with different expressions.

Zhen Wu was a little surprised, "Why are you involved in this matter?"

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