I believe he will have a good night's sleep tonight.


On the other side, Shangjing University.

After Liu Qiuwen answered Lin Xiao's call, she immediately contacted Professor Zhou Wu, the deputy director of the Mathematics Department of the Academy of Sciences.

"Is this Professor Zhou? I'm Liu Qiuwen from the Admissions Office."

"Mr. Liu, what's the matter?"

"That's it. I don't know if you still remember that student named Lin Xiao? It was the student recommended by the CMO. He said that he would definitely choose the Department of Mathematics."

Zhou Wu recalled it for a while, and then remembered that this student seemed to have performed very well in the high school mathematics competition, but he usually didn't pay attention to such things. He studied geometric analysis and partial differential equations. , and the high school competition does not take these exams, and Beijing University has to accept dozens of such recommended students every year, and there are about ten of them assigned to their mathematics department. How can he be in the mood to remember the names of these people.

The reason why he can remember Lin Xiao is because this student is not only likely to be the champion, but also may win the gold medal in the IMO competition. No matter what, these two achievements are quite dazzling.

"I still remember, is there something?"

"It's like this. The student said he wrote a paper, and he probably hoped that Professor Zhou and your mathematics department could help him read it, and help him pass a quick review."

Hearing Liu Qiuwen's words, Zhou Wu finally became interested. He could write mathematics papers before entering university?

This talent is really quite strong.

However, I just don't know how well the papers are written.

He didn't have any expectations for this, and being able to write a thesis was already considered good. If there were any breakthrough achievements, then these professors simply resigned and quit.

Then he asked: "He wrote a thesis? Which direction?"

"Ah... I didn't ask about this, but he said that he would publish "Annual Journal of Mathematics." Liu Qiuwen apologized.

Chapter 52 Is the SCI District [-] journal a core journal?

"Annual of Mathematics?"

Hearing the title of the periodical, Zhou Wu was stunned for a moment, and immediately thought of the well-known annual mathematics journal AMS, but soon he remembered that there was also an annual mathematics journal in China, so he naturally thought it was the latter.

But Huaguo's Mathematics Annual is also a core journal, and he couldn't help being even more curious about the difficulty of getting into the core journal. What kind of paper did this Lin Xiao write, and he actually wanted to be listed in the core journal?

So he said: "Then you send him my prestige, let him add me, and I will talk to him tomorrow when I have time."

"Okay, thank you then."

"It's all right."

After Liu Qiuwen hung up the phone, she sent Zhou Wu's prestige and phone number to Lin Xiao, but Lin Xiao had to wait for the next day because he was already asleep.

The night passed quickly.

The next day, Lin Xiao still didn't go to school.

He planned to go again tomorrow and take another day off today, of course, also to solve the thesis.

Xu Hongbing read the English version of the paper for him overnight, and quickly pointed out the translation problems in some parts of it, such as inaccurate words and format problems. Different journals have different requirements for the paper format. Different.

Of course, there were not many problems. After he helped to check it, it was basically all right.

『Okay, overall it should be settled. Has Shangjing University contacted you yet? 』

In terms of prestige, Xu Hongbing sent a message to Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao replied: "Thank you teacher, I contacted you yesterday, and this morning I added Professor Zhou Wu from the School of Mathematics, Peking University."

Xu Hongbing: "Zhou Wu, it shouldn't be a big problem, this person is pretty good"

At this time, Lin Xiao received the news that the friend application was approved, and it was that Professor Zhou Wu.

"Ms. Xu, Professor Zhou Wu applied through my friend"

"Well, you can send both the Chinese and English versions. 』

"OK. 』

Then Lin Xiao switched to the dialog with Professor Zhou Wu, and a message came from the other side.

"Is it classmate Lin Xiao?" 』

"Hello Professor Zhou, it's me. 』

"Well, Mr. Liu from the Admissions Office said yesterday that you wrote a math paper, right? 』

『Yes, I have already written it, and I hope you can help to read it again. When it is published, I also hope that Peking University can help the journal to reduce the review queuing time. 』

"Hehe, don't be in a hurry, I heard that you want to publish an annual mathematics journal?The Annual Journal of Mathematics is a core journal, and the quality requirements for papers are relatively high. 』

No matter what Zhou Wu thinks, he doesn't think that Lin Xiao can publish core journals. If you have studied in the university for two or three years, feel the academic atmosphere, and have a certain foundation, then it is not impossible. Some geniuses It can really be done, but you have a student who has not yet graduated from high school, and usually spends so much time studying for the college entrance examination, it is not bad to be able to read a few college mathematics books, and what other creative achievements can you make? ?

What a joke!

However, Zhou Wu thought about what Lin Xiao might say next, such as "I want to try", "I'm confident", "I'll think about it" and so on, but what he never expected was that Lin Xiao would Say:

"Is it a core journal?Is the Annual Journal of Mathematics not a journal in the SCI area? Is there a difference between the two? 』

Zhou Wu: ...

I'm a tortoise, where did this god come from?

Mathematics Yearbook of SCI District [-]?

Isn't there only AMS, "ANNALS-OF-MATHEMATICS"?

Are all high school students this brave?

Or, is it the excellent grades that gave him inflated self-confidence?

Zhou Wu said that even if he ate this phone, he didn't believe that the paper written by Lin Xiao could be published on AMS, and he himself had never published a journal on the Big Four.

Today's young people are still too impetuous, so we have to guard against arrogance and impetuosity.

Of course, he didn't directly express his disbelief, but said directly: "Send me the paper now, is there an English version?"You should know that the AMS is for the English version, right? 』

"Yes, I know Professor Xu Hongbing from East China Normal University who has already read it for me. Basically, I can publish it directly. The Annals of Mathematics was also recommended by Professor Xu. 』

Seeing the name Lin Xiao said, Xu Hongbing from East China Normal University?

He has heard of this name before, and he probably encountered it when he attended some mathematics conference before.

But isn't this nonsense?

As a professor, can you recommend a student who has not graduated from high school to publish the annual mathematics journal AMS?

This is obviously misleading my son!

Thinking that Lin Xiao would be a student of his own school in the future, and that would be his future disciple, he couldn't help feeling a little disgusted with that Xu Hongbing.

You must talk to that person afterwards.

At this time, Lin Xiao sent the document.

"Thesis in Chinese.pdf (click to download)"

"Thesis in English.pdf (click to download)"

Zhou Wu stopped thinking about troublesome Xu Hongbing for the time being, and after downloading Lin Xiao's thesis, he opened the Chinese version first.

Next, the huge title under the second font almost blinded his eyes.

Proof that there are infinitely many prime numbers for the Fibonacci sequence...? !

Proof that there are infinitely many prime numbers in the Fibonacci sequence!

Seeing this title, Zhou Wu was almost not shocked. For a moment, he seemed to recall that a Minke sneaked into the school, and then ran into his office and told him that he had proved Goldbach's conjecture.

But thinking that the other party will be his disciple in the future, he still sighed.

Well, let's take a look. If you don't point out where the other party is wrong, the other party probably won't give up.

So, he started watching.

"Well, the front is still good, hey, this idea is quite good, linking the prime number theorem and the characteristic polynomial..."


Looking at it, Zhou Wu, who originally planned to find fault, gradually frowned—he liked to frown when he was thinking.

The more he read, the more he read, the more he realized that this paper on number theory written by a high school student had an incredible thinking mode hidden in it.

He found……

I can't find any mistakes at all.

Even later, some knowledge points that Lin Xiao used were knowledge points that he could not remember. After all, Lin Xiao wrote about number theory, which was different from his field of work, and number theory was also a more troublesome one. field.

So he took out a pen and paper and began to calculate.

In this way, time passed slowly.

Lin Xiao didn't rush to ask. After all, there are more than 20 pages, and it may take a while to finish reading.

About 30 minutes later, Zhou Wu finally replied.

『Student Lin Xiao, please wait a little longer. I need to continue my research. I am not in number theory, so I need to consult other professors for some of your steps. I don’t know if you mind. 』

Lin Xiao: "No problem. 』

Chapter 53 You asked him if he would be my student

Something big has happened.

Something big has happened.

This was the only thought in Zhou Wu's mind at this time.

After reading this paper, he found that there was no problem with all the calculation processes, so perfect that he would applaud it.

Especially the function constructed by analytic continuation at the end made him even think of the process of learning Riemann and obtaining the Riemann ζ function by analytic continuation, which is really wonderful.

The only pity is that he doesn't know much about this aspect of knowledge, so he has no way to tell Lin Xiao that there is no problem with this paper, and he needs to ask other professors in the field of number theory in the college for help.

But no matter what, Lin Xiao's amazing talent in this thesis has already made him remember the student's name thoroughly.

Moreover, once it is finally confirmed that Lin Xiao's paper is correct, then the matter of publishing the "Annual of Mathematics" that Lin Xiao said will not be a problem at all.

This kind of important achievement, coupled with the unsolved problems in number theory, is inherently high-profile. I believe that the four top mathematics journals will be willing to show great enthusiasm to welcome this paper.

However, he has to find a professor first and then help Lin Xiao take a look.

Who to look for?

"It seems that Professor Xu Ji is here today, right?"

Zhou Wu thought of a name.

Xu Ji can be said to be a major pillar that supports their Mathematics major at Beijing University to always be the first in the country.

As a professor of the Algebra and Number Theory Department of Shangjing University, he is also the vice chairman of the Huaguo Mathematical Society. He also served as the dean of their School of Mathematical Sciences at Peking University before, but he did not continue to serve because of academic reasons.

As for his academic achievements, of course there are more. He is quite famous in the world. He has published papers in the four top journals before, and the rest of the non-big four TOP journals have published more.

All in all, this big cow is definitely their face, and it is estimated that he will be elected as an academician in two or three years.

The most important thing is that Xu Ji's main research is pure mathematics, and he is very experienced in number theory. It is very suitable to read Lin Xiao's paper.

Zhou Wu also believed that Xu Ji would be interested in this paper.

So he copied Lin Xiao's thesis to a USB flash drive, and went directly to Professor Xu Ji.

Soon, he arrived at Professor Xu Ji's office and knocked on the door.

"Please come in."

A voice came from inside, and then Zhou Wu walked in, and saw the old professor sitting on the desk, it was Xu Ji.

"Professor Xu." Zhou Wu greeted him respectfully.

Xu Ji looked up, smiled and said, "Director Zhou, Xiao Liang, pour a glass of water for Director Zhou."

One of Xu Ji's graduate students responded and poured Zhou Wu a glass of water.

"Thank you." Zhou Wu took the water, and said helplessly to Xu Ji: "Don't call me Director Zhou anymore, just call me by my name. If you really can't, you can call me Xiao Zhou."

In the face of this boss, he has to treat him with respect, even though he is a deputy director, his title is only an associate professor.

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