As for the Huaguo team, when they heard that the chairman pronounced Lin Xiao's name first, and then saw Lin Xiao's sleeping state, Li Huaimin who was next to him quickly shook Lin Xiao and said, "Lin Xiao, you get full marks. Yes! Wake up!"

"It's just full marks, I'm sleeping."

Lin Xiao twisted his body, still didn't open his eyes, and murmured subconsciously.

Sun Yu and the others: "..."

Good guy, you co-authored to attack us who understand Chinese, right?

The people around didn't understand Chinese, so naturally they couldn't understand what Lin Xiao was muttering, and if they understood Chinese, it meant that saying this sentence had caused them real harm.

It's probably equivalent to Lin Xiao releasing an indiscriminate magic attack, but the surroundings are all magic immunity, only their teammates have no magic immunity.

But at this time, George Iger did not stop, and continued to report the second name, which was James Lin of the American team.

After that, everyone else turned their attention to the American team, and did not pay any attention to the Huaguo team.

Seeing this, Li Huaimin shook his head helplessly, and stopped pushing Lin Xiao, and waited until he came to the stage to talk about it later.

On the rostrum, George Iger also continued to read the names of other people.

There are 3 people who got full marks this time, besides Lin Xiao and James Lin, there is another player from the British team.

The three of them have obviously become the tied first in this IMO.

However, this is only the first in terms of scores, and the first in terms of real strength. Thinking about how long Lin Xiao handed in the papers in advance, this problem is obvious, and everyone present knows it well.

Afterwards, the 41-point division was vacant, and no player scored 41 points. This kind of thing is also very common. There is nothing to say. Then there are two players in the 40-point division. It's the US team player.

Next came the sub-31 points segment. With the reporting of names one by one, until all players with 31 points were reported, George Iger announced: "[-] points is the gold medal score line for this competition."

As soon as these words came out, many disappointed voices could be heard from the surroundings. These were players who still hadn't heard their scores. Obviously, they had missed the gold medal.

However, the players who won the gold medal naturally shouted excitedly, and the Hua Guo team fell into the carnival.

Their lowest score is Zou Ziyi's 31 points, which means that six of them get six gold medals!

And their total score is 217 points, which is destined to be the first in the group!

Chapter 89 IMO Special Award!



"We are number one!"

"we are the champion!"

Sun Yu and the others jumped up excitedly and hugged each other excitedly, expressing their excitement.

"Lin God!"

When Ouyang Sheng saw that Lin Xiao was still sleeping on the seat, he was so excited that he immediately pulled him up regardless of 21, "God Lin, wake up! God Lin!"

Lin Xiao was pulled up in a bewildered expression, with an expression of Huaimin not sleeping.jpg.

"What happened?"

"Six of us, six gold medals! No.1 is stable!" Ouyang Sheng shouted excitedly.

Lin Xiao thought for a while, and finally realized what Ouyang Sheng said. Looking back, Sun Yu and the others were also celebrating excitedly, and a smile appeared on his face: "Then congratulate you."

"Oh, just congratulate us, just congratulate yourself." Ouyang Sheng patted Lin Xiao on the shoulder, said with a smile, then glanced at Lin Xiao, and asked, "Aren't you excited?"

"Excited?" Lin Xiao spread out his hands: "I feel okay, so be it."

He was drowsy and didn't have the energy to get excited.

Ouyang Sheng: "...I'm sorry, why do I always treat gods as mortals."

Lin Xiao shrugged and yawned again, then took a sip of the bottle of coffee he bought just now, looked at the body of the bottle after drinking, and complained: "This coffee is useless."

He turned his head and glanced at Li Huaimin and Chen Qiusheng. At this time, the two team leaders were also full of excitement. Li Huaimin was still holding a mobile phone to make a domestic call. After the call was connected, he shouted: "We are number one, the sixth gold ! Our six children are the best!"

The Huaguo team has not won No.1 for three years, which is a great blow to Huaguo mathematics education, so that the emphasis on the cultivation of talents in mathematics competitions has been reduced, and now it has returned to the championship seat. For mathematics educators like them, this is obviously good news.

At the same time, George Iger on the stage did not stop, and continued to read the list of silver and bronze medal winners.

The score line for the silver medal is 25 points, and for the bronze medal is 16 points. There is also an honor award at the back, which is regarded as a consolation prize. However, there are still people who don't have any awards, and the names of these people are naturally not announced.

Next, the players who won the medals celebrated, while the players who did not achieve their expectations fell into disappointment. Many people even started to cry, including some female players.

However, after all, there are always people who are happy and others are sad. Everything in the world has such two sides. At least, being able to participate in such an international competition is enough to prove that one's ability is in the forefront of the country.

Moreover, the most important thing is to participate. For example, there are more than 20 players present who have not scored a point. They are still applauding at this time, giving applause to those teams that performed outstandingly.

Looking at the various reactions in the audience, George Ige smiled, and then continued: "Then, we will award our medals to each national team player. First of all, please get the team The No.1 team, the Huaguo team, come to the stage to receive the award!"

Hearing these words, Li Huaimin said to Lin Xiao and the others: "Go, go, go up."

Afterwards, the few of them left their positions, and Li Huaimin did not forget to grab the flagpole that had already been prepared from the side. The flagpole floating above was naturally their red flag, with five neatly arranged yellow stars on it, as if shining Shining light, witnessing this honor that belongs to the youth of Huaguo.

In addition to the flagpole, Li Huaimin also took out two pieces of red cloth from his arms, handed them to Lin Xiao and the others, and said, "Remember to unfold them when you get on stage later."

Looking at the two pieces of red cloth, Lin Xiao and the others certainly knew what it was. It was also a symbol of their motherland, a red flag with five stars.

All of a sudden, they all felt a sense of honor welling up in their hearts.

When they came here, the secretary-general of the Huaguo Mathematics Society told them that the motherland is looking forward to their triumphant return, and they have lived up to the expectations of the motherland. They have successfully won honor for the motherland and are about to triumph!

Then, they walked onto the rostrum together, facing the envious eyes of all the media swarming in and other national teams on the field.

Each of the six teenagers had smiles on their faces. Even Lin Xiao, who was so drowsy just now that he didn't care much about it, regained his energy and cheered up his heart.

At least, they won glory for the country once.

IMO President George Iger then proceeded to present them with gold medals.

As No.1, Lin Xiao was naturally the first to receive a medal. After George Iger walked up to him, he took the gold medal from the plate held by the staff next to him, and put it on Lin Xiao's neck with his own hands. , said with a smile: "Contestant Lin Xiao, congratulations."

"Thank you, Mr. Eagle."

George Iger smiled and said, "Hehe, I believe you will have more chances in the future to stand on a podium with a higher specification than this to receive your rewards, such as... Fields Medal? "

"Ah, this..." Lin Xiao didn't expect the chairman to think highly of him so much, so he said with a smile: "Although I am very grateful for your trust, but for the Fields Medal, let's leave it to the future to decide."

"Trust my eyes, do you know the 2014 Fields Medal winner Artur Avila? He also participated in the International Olympiad and won the gold medal. I told him so at the time."

Lin Xiao raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "Then thank you for looking after me."

"Believe me, and believe in yourself." George Iger patted Lin Xiao's shoulder with a smile, and then he seemed to remember something, and said, "Oh, by the way, there will be a surprise for you later, You can look forward to it."

After finishing speaking, he walked towards Ouyang Sheng who was next to him, put a gold medal on him, and also said a word of encouragement, but it was only one sentence.

But at this moment, Lin Xiao was puzzled, was it his surprise?

What surprise?

Could it be...

He suddenly guessed something.


After awarding the medals, it was time to take a group photo. Lin Xiao and the others unfurled the five-star red flag, while Li Huaimin waved the flagpole in his hands. As the picture freezes, when this photo is sent back to the country, it will definitely spark a celebration.

Afterwards, they got off the stage and returned to their seats, and then awarded medals to the No.2 US team. This time, the US team had five gold medals and one silver medal, with a total score of 212 points. The strength is also quite strong, only 5 lower than the Huaguo team. For the Hua Guo team, this time it was considered a narrow victory.

However, a victory is a victory. Although it is a narrow victory, the gap of 5 points to this extent is still quite huge. After all, except for the last place of the US team with 29 points, everyone else has a gold medal, and Every point on the gold medal represents an invisible gap in the deeper skills of mathematics.

Therefore, the victory of the Huaguo team is a victory of absolute strength!

So after returning to the audience, they once again competed to celebrate.

And the stage did not stop, one by one national team came to the stage, and then one by one walked off the stage.

It took a long time, but everyone waited quietly.

In this way, until all the medals were awarded, George Iger stood on the rostrum again.

At this moment, he was visibly tired. However, his expression was still excited, and then he announced in a very solemn tone: "Then, next, the special award of this year's IMO will be awarded!"

As soon as these words came out, the audience was in an uproar.

Chapter 90 Unreleased special prize in 13 years

In addition to the four awards of gold, silver, bronze and honorary awards, IMO also has another award, which is the special award.

Special prizes are given to entrants who use an elegant solution or make a problem generalizable correctly.

The last time a contestant won a special award appeared in 2005, 13 years ago.

The special awards often appeared in the IMO held before the 90s of the last century, and some players even won two special awards before the 80s.

But this kind of situation is rare after the 90s, including after the 90s, only in 95 and 05 did someone win a special award.

And after 05, there has never been a special award again.

As for why?

Because the routines of various mathematics topics have been thoroughly studied, and the scope of IMO's questions is not strictly limited to a certain outline. It is wider than the mathematics knowledge students learned in middle school, but it is also more comprehensive than college mathematics. The range is much smaller.

For this reason, when the proposition group makes a proposition, even if it is to arrange and combine the knowledge within the scope of these outlines, it is always exhausted, not to mention that this is not a simple permutation and combination. After all, the members of the proposition group are all People, their level is also limited, although they can ask some difficult enough questions, but there are always traces of the routines.

In addition, because the educational environment in each country is different from that in the past, this has also led to the situation that no one has received a special award today.

However, this time, George Iger actually said that a special award would be given out?

The people present felt incredible for a moment, and then looked around, wanting to see who could win this award.

But soon, almost everyone looked at the seat of the Hua Guo team and looked at the boy in unison.

If one of the contestants present had the best chance of winning the special prize, it would probably only be that young man, right?

Sure enough, as everyone expected, George Ige solemnly announced: "The player who won this special award is Lin Xiao from the Huaguo team."

"He used a very special solution to solve the third question on the first day of the exam, and then completed the final proof with the most concise process."

Following George Iger's announcement, Lin Xiao's proof process also appeared on the big screen behind him. Of course, it has been compiled into an electronic version, which looks more clear.

Everyone looked at it, and those who understood it were soon shocked.


This method is really perfect.

They all had to ask in their hearts, how did Lin Xiao come up with the idea of ​​introducing Euler's formula?

One is a combination problem, and the other is e^(iπ)+1=0. The former is only slightly related to algebra, and the latter can be used to solve it?

In their place, no matter how much time is given, they may not be able to think of this proof method.

In addition, Lin Xiao's transformation of the original formula during the calculation process made them even more amazed.

Without such a conversion, it is completely impossible to apply Euler's formula.

On the American team, James Lin watched Lin Xiao's proof process, shook his head slightly at last, and exchanged glances with his other teammates, all of whom could see the helplessness in each other's eyes.

The gap is really too big.

Can Huaguo's education actually teach such terrifying students?

They all couldn't believe it.

As for the Hua Guo team, they were once again caught in a surprise.

Li Huaimin looked at Lin Xiao and hugged him with both hands, with an unbelievable smile on his face, as if he was still a little dazed.

Probably like Guardiola when he saw Lewandowski scoring five goals in 9 minutes.

He really didn't expect that Lin Xiao would be able to win the special award, which hadn't been awarded for more than ten years.

For the Huaguo team, this is also the first time that one of their players has won a special award, which means that Lin Xiao made history for Huaguo IMO this time!

Li Huaimin gave Lin Xiao a thumbs up. He was so happy that he could only say, "Lin Xiao, you did a good job."

"Go to the stage to accept the award."

Lin Xiao nodded. He had already been mentally prepared for the special award. After all, the chairman had told him that there was a surprise for him.

And IMO what surprises can there be?

It's nothing more than a special award.

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