"If you swim fast enough to reach the surface within three minutes, you can be rescued."

"Of course, the moment you break through the dome, sea water will pour in instantly, and this underwater tomb will be completely destroyed."

"And if you can't swim to the surface of the sea within 3 minutes, the tomb will have been submerged by sea water at that time, and the group of sea monkeys who heard the sound will also tear you into pieces."

Su Chen said coldly, and looked at the people around him.

After a while, a bright smile appeared.

"The same goes for the people around you. If you can't swim to the surface of the sea within 3 minutes, they will all die. As for you who are in a hurry to go back, you are the chief culprit who killed them."


It's really a hidden knife in a smile!

Everyone fell silent after hearing this——isn't this just saying, shut up if you're not in a hurry!

Sure enough, a powerful person is so vicious that people dare not even recall it!

They usually watch some archaeological live broadcasts in turn to broaden their horizons.

Of course they have watched Su Chen's live broadcast, and the terrifying side of the prehistoric overlord salamander that kicked away the troops that took a long time to kill is enough to make them dare not refute anything now.

But after all, he was locked up here for nearly a week, and his rationality was almost destroyed.

"But I don't want to stay with these ancient buildings with coffins anymore! I... I just came to observe the salvage of the sunken ship and make a record... I didn't expect to be able to enter the more terrifying tomb..."

Yes, if it weren't for Tie Miansheng's elusive purpose.

They will not be subject to such a disaster, and only five people are left to die.

If a normal person suffered such a blow, he would probably go crazy long ago.

It's good to be able to speak normally now.

However, before he was fully prepared, he swam out of the tomb with five people who didn't even have diving suits.

Not to mention that the water pressure may have serious effects on their bodies.

Just talk about the group of water monkeys outside.

That good guy, the speed is going to catch up with the mountain torpedo!

Still in groups!

Had it not been for Su Chen when they came here, they would have almost suffered disaster!

Not to mention how the ostentatious swimmer brought five people up.

Whether Su Chen can take care of it is a question!

Li Qiangguo thought, he could only patiently explain to those few people.

But when a person breaks down, he can't listen to other people's explanation casually.

Li Qiangguo said for a long time, but he just wanted to go back.

That's less than having the words "I want to go back—right now!" written in my eyes.

Wang Tiantian looked at the barrage of abuse and was debating whether to turn off the live broadcast first.

Looking at Su Chen's indifferent face, she couldn't help but sigh.

Sure enough, he is a person who has seen the big world, all the troubles in front of him are gone, and the worries behind him are also pretending not to know.

It felt really weird.

Even if she hasn't had enough live broadcasts, she still wants to show everyone as much as possible of this magical underwater tomb within a limited time.

The people who came together, Xiao Zhuang and Li Qiangguo, completely obeyed Su Chen's command.

If Su Chen doesn't speak, they can sit there until Su Chen gets impatient before making any noise.

Zhou Huaiwen was very interested in the things in this tomb, and felt that even if he stayed here to study every floor tile, he would not have any opinions.

Among the survivors, Xu Yingying also seemed to trust Su Chen very much, and never doubted his words.

The ones who are in trouble now are those who are not forgiving.

She did want to download it.

If this situation continues to spread, maybe netizens will flesh out these few people.

And inflict cyber violence on them.

She has not experienced it, but she has interviewed people with similar experiences.

After their self-confidence was completely destroyed by cyber violence, they even spoke submissively.

This is still a strong survivor.

She doesn't know what it feels like for those who commit suicide after being bullied by the Internet, and will never know.

But as soon as it was ready to be broadcast, the barrage frantically swiped the screen.

There seems to be some warning in the words.

[Tiantian, I supported you no matter what you did before, but now you can't download it! 】

【yes!At this juncture, those guys just don't know what's good or what's wrong! 】

【That's it!You have worked hard all the way to keep them alive and have enough to eat. Now that my husband is guarding such a safe place, how can you still be so noisy! 】

【Last time, my husband had a very good temper!If you want to change me, why the hell will you make trouble again?I'll throw it to you to feed the sharks again! 】

[emmmm... Speaking of sharks, I'm still quite surprised, why are there sharks in freshwater rivers...]

[Tsk, didn't you mention the seabed spring!The intersection of spring water and sea water will not merge under a certain amount, and a boundary will be formed, so that it will not affect shark activities! 】

[Off topic upstairs!Now it's time to persuade Tiantian not to download it! 】

[After Tiantian went live, I can imagine how my husband will be condemned by those psychopaths! 】

Everyone seems to firmly believe that without the camera, Su Chen will become absolutely weak and be condemned by morality.

Wang Tiantian looked at the past helplessly, she thought it was absolutely impossible!

Since she knew Su Chen, she hasn't seen Su Chen suffer from anyone, okay!

Many acquaintances in the research institute also spoke very well about Su Chen, which left everyone speechless again.

How can the few people whose psychological defense line has collapsed in front of them have such fighting power!

"Brother Su Chen, I heard you say that the fastest way to get out is to blow up the dome above, right?"

Chapter 160 Try and Die

Su Chen nodded.

Although there was a lot of crying and shouting, but he was a little curious about what this girl wanted to do at this time.

Before Wang Tiantian could speak, Zhou Huaiwen couldn't stand still.

"No! You can't say anything! Whoever dares to blow up the top, I will fight with my life!"

"Didn't it be agreed before, after bringing the people up, wait for the troops to bring the equipment down to support!"

"We don't have any missing arms or broken legs here. They are all full of food and drink, so why make a fuss! It takes four or five hours to sail back by sea!"

Hearing their mentor speak, those few people cried less.

Xu Yingying breathed a sigh of relief.

After the elevator incident, her tolerance has improved a lot, and her trust in Su Chen has also dropped to the extreme.

So she wasn't worried about the dangers she would encounter by following Su Chen.

In fact, the former teammates I have seen along the way also show how dangerous their environment is.

But Su Chen brought it up to all the staff unscathed, this is the convincing capital!

But at the same time, she also empathized with the panic of her teammates.

"Brother Su Chen...how about we change to another place to fix it?"

After hesitating for a long time, she made this suggestion.

Half of the people agreed, but Su Chen rejected it with one vote.

"If you really feel bored, or the environment I created for you is too comfortable."

Su Chen pointed to the direction when he came.

"Take a flashlight and focus on the things hanging on the top of the corridor."

A few people were a little confused, but they did it anyway.

Wang Tiantian was a little curious, so she held up her camera and followed.

Everyone held their breath and concentrated, carefully approaching the entrance of the tomb when they arrived.

The light from the flashlight shot past, and there was nothing in the tomb passage.

Just as she was about to turn her head to sneer, she was reminded by Wang Tiantian.

"The focus is on the top?"

Move up slowly as the light converges.

I saw that the top of the corridor was filled with dense black filaments at some point.

"What is this? Special seaweed in it?"

"Hey! It smells so fragrant!"

As the man said, he was about to reach out.

Wang Tiantian watched those filaments still moving slowly, and something seemed to explode in her mind.

"do not move!"

But, it's too late.

The black filaments instantly climbed onto the man's body like a tentacle crazily.

In just an instant, his upper body was wrapped into a big black cocoon.

"Ah! Help! What is this!?"

The screams one after another hurt Wang Tiantian's eardrums, as well as the audience's eardrums.

Dissatisfied cursing swept over again.

The difference was that this time it was more cynicism to relieve anger than before. Everyone praised Su Chen for his clever tactics.

Just one sentence, let these unreasonable guys suffer.

There are also people who flooded with the heart of the Virgin Mary, saying what to do if people really die.

【what to do?Salad!This is because they themselves are clamoring to leave the tomb, so they haven't left the door now, okay! 】

But that being said, when he saw that person was wrapped up and was about to lose his balance and be pulled away.

Wang Tiantian still couldn't bear it.

"Brother Su Chen..."


For a moment of lightning, everyone felt as if a knife flashed in front of their eyes.

The person who was about to be hoisted fell to the ground with a bang.

All the black filaments on his body lost their activity, and there was a sharp scream from the top of the tomb passage.

Immediately, a pale and bloated body fell heavily into the tomb passage wrapped in black filaments.

After struggling for a moment, he was out of breath.

The man on the ground struggled hard to get his face out, breathing in the air with great gulps.

Turning his head, he met the soaked, pale and swollen face.

Terrified, she rolled and crawled to Su Chen's feet.

"Are you scared now? Strange, didn't you just leave here without fear?"

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