In the next second, Su Chen had mastered the feng shui knowledge of Captain Mojin's school of searching for dragons and acupuncture points.

Su Chen let out a sigh of relief, took out his mobile phone, and searched for the topographic map of Pingshan.

When he didn't know how to find the dragon's acupuncture point before, he only thought that Pingshan was dangerous, but now that he has learned the sixteen-character feng shui secret technique, Su Chen can easily see where the feng shui is excellent from the topographical feng shui!

"Although Pingshan is an image of breaking mountains and cutting off water, it is a very ominous place in the burial scriptures. But the beauty is that the shape of Pingshan is narrow at the top and wide at the bottom, and the unique terrain gathers wind and water, forming an excellent landscape. Fairy Cave!"

Looking at the topographic map in his hand, Su Chen suddenly realized.

No wonder the general of the Yuan Dynasty wanted to build the tomb on the mountainside. It turned out that it was for that fairy cave!

It's a pity that if you are buried in the fairy cave, you may not become a fairy, but you may become a big rice dumpling!

Su Chen thought of the Yuan Dynasty zombies in the world of Ghost Blowing Lamp, and couldn't help but secretly complain in his heart.

Then, he turned his attention back to the live broadcast of the archaeological team.

After calling everyone over, Zheng Xuan told his discovery.

Professor Chu and the others fell silent when they heard that the fat of dead people was used to make medicine in the underground palace.

This kind of fact is too sinister, no wonder the emperors of all dynasties chose such a secret place for the refining place.

After a moment of silence, Professor Chu sighed and said, "In any case, these are real histories that have existed, and our duty is to discover them and let the whole nation know."

"Okay, everyone will clean up the records and try to complete all the work within today."

"According to Mr. Tianguan's instructions, there is one of the most mysterious tombs in the Pingshan ancient tomb, but we haven't found any clues until now!"

Hearing Professor Chu's words, the archaeological team cheered up, and hurriedly went to the work at hand.

It didn't take long for news of the progress of the archaeological team to be on the hot search list.

All major media and platforms are scrambling to report the latest news about the Pingshan Ancient Tomb.

On the scarf, although the six-winged centipede and the auspicious beast unicorn are popular, they are still no match for the speed of changing hearts of netizens.

In just two days, the hot searches dropped.

It was replaced by human oil refining medicine, such a shocking headline!

Su Chen saw that the archaeological team didn't need to give directions for the time being, so he switched trumpets.

He happened to see Xu Xiaoying start the broadcast, so he clicked in.

This time Xu Xiaoying did not explain the cultural relics in the museum, but in the school.

"Hi everyone, today is an open class in our Department of Archeology. The teacher of this open class is Professor Zhou. Professor Zhou is good at bronze, porcelain, and ancient Chinese research."

"I asked Professor Zhou's permission in advance for this public class, and he allowed me to broadcast live to share with everyone."

Xu Xiaoying whispered to the camera the reason for the start of the broadcast.

In just a few minutes of her introduction, thousands of online viewers flooded into the live broadcast room.

Su Chen looked at the number of her fans, and found that she hadn't watched it for two days, and her number of fans almost exceeded [-]!

As soon as Xu Xiaoying finished her introduction, the viewers in the live broadcast room started barrages one after another.

"Thank you, Miss Xiaoying."

"Hey, I haven't seen you for a day, Xiaoying is even more beautiful."

"Professor Zhou Huaiwen? I've heard of him. He is an authoritative expert on ancient prose! Looking forward to Professor Zhou's open class!"

"I'm looking forward to it. The cultural relics of Jinque Lake live broadcasted by sister Xiaoying last time are so interesting. Unfortunately, I'm in the south and can't go to the capital to see them live."

Seeing the audience's feedback, Xu Xiaoying smiled and said, "Professor Zhou is not only an authority on ancient prose, but also a member of the Jinque Lake rune research team."

"Okay, I won't disturb everyone's class."

As she spoke, she pointed the camera at Professor Zhou Huaiwen on the podium.

Professor Zhou Huaiwen is in his fifties, slightly bald, and speaks in a full-bodied manner.

"Students, what I want to show next is a bronze water jug ​​from the cultural relics of Jinque Lake this time! There are several runes on the water jug, which are very similar to the runes on the small bronze tripod. The expert group all deduced that the difference between the two The runes between them should have a great connection."

Zhou Huaiwen said while turning on the projector in the classroom.

On the screen behind him, a large high-definition picture of a bronze kettle appeared.

This bronze kettle is exactly the one exhibited in the Beijing Museum a few days ago.

Zhou Huaiwen smiled, pointed to the rune in the middle of the kettle and continued: "After continuous research and discussion by our expert group, we finally deduced what the words on the kettle mean..."

Speaking of this, Zhou Huaiwen deliberately played a trick, which made the students in the audience feel uncomfortable, and urged the professor to announce the answer quickly.

Zhou Huaiwen is notoriously good-tempered in the Department of Archeology, and he was not angry when there were a lot of complaints about him, and he continued with a smile: "Okay, I won't tease you, in fact, what is written on this kettle is a man expressing The love for a woman. Now, it would probably be a confession between boyfriend and girlfriend!"

Hearing this, the students in the audience were all amazed.

There was a little girl who was still obsessed, and couldn't help muttering: "Wow, the ancients are so infatuated, I love it~"

"Engrave the confession on the girl's water bottle, so that the girl can see it every time she drinks water. Sure enough, the ancients would flirt!"

"Professor, tell us quickly, what is the specific content of the confession!"

"That's right, Professor Zhou, please tell us."

at this time!

Su Chen, who was watching the live broadcast at home, happened to be drinking water.

Hearing what Professor Zhou Huaiwen said, he almost spit out the water.

It is engraved with King Lu Shang's confession to the woman?

A ruthless person like King Lu Shang is not only infatuated but also romantic?

It's outrageous that his father opened the door for Outrageous, and Outrageous is home!

Outrageous... No, the live broadcast continues.

Professor Zhou Huaiwen laughed and explained: "According to the inference of our expert group, the meaning of this passage is roughly, 'No matter how passionate the fire is, it is not as good as my love for you; no matter how violent the wind is, it is not as good as my love for you. Please let the big tree bear witness for us, our love will never change'!"

Puff puff……

Now, Su Chen couldn't hold back anymore.

You know, King Lu Shang is a subordinate of Duke Lu, and what he does is digging graves, similar to General Faqiu Zhonglang and Captain Mojin under Cao Cao.

Because he stole too many ancient tombs, King Lu Shang was afraid that he would suffer the same bad luck after his death, so he set up a seven-star suspicious tomb in his tomb, and tried his best to find the jade warriors in an attempt to resurrect them with the power of the jade warriors. , and has the ability to live forever.

It's just that King Lu Shang's schemes are plotting, but he doesn't know that he has been targeted by his military adviser Tie Miansheng.

After King Lu Shang was buried, Tie Miansheng pulled him out of the jade terracotta warriors and laid him in by himself.

As for the kettle...

Bah, bah, bah, that's not a kettle, it's a sacrificial wine vessel, engraved with Zhong Dingwen, which roughly means that King Lu Shang worshiped the gods and prayed for the protection of the gods.

Seeing this, Su Chen couldn't bear it.

Resolutely sent a barrage!

Chapter 34 Interpretation of Zhong Dingwen, is the trumpet going to be popular?

[Nonsense, this is obviously a sacrificial prayer, when did it become an expression of love? 】

[You are so outrageous, aren't you afraid that King Lu Shang will jump out and trouble you? 】

[Remember, the original text of this piece of Zhong Ding Wen is: Choose Yanji gold, cast it into a Yi pot, keep the festival in the scorpion, keep the law and respect it, serve God, and worship the ancestor king—— King Lu Shang! 】

Su Chen logged in with a small account.

Although it is not as eye-catching as Tianguan Blessing's account, he is the room manager of Xu Xiaoying's live broadcast room.

After the barrage was sent out, it was still seen by many water friends in the live broadcast room.

"Who is this person who speaks so boldly that Professor Zhou is outrageous?"

"Good guy, you say that Professor Zhou is outrageous? I think you are even more outrageous than Professor Zhou!"

"That's right. Professor Zhou is an expert in ancient prose. You, a netizen, know nothing about ancient prose."

"Xiaoying, why are you giving this kind of housekeeper back to the housekeeper? Get out soon!"

In the live broadcast room, there were more and more barrages taunting and refuting Su Chen.

Xu Xiaoying naturally noticed it too.


When she saw these bullet screens, she froze for a moment.

"Choose Yanji gold and cast it into a Yi pot..."

Xu Xiaoying murmured out the above words, and subconsciously raised her head to compare with the high-definition big picture on the projection screen.

She was surprised to find that although the shapes of the characters were quite different, the modern simplified Chinese characters were somewhat similar to the runes on the bronze pot.

Seeing this, Xu Xiaoying quickly opened the profile of this water friend.

The nickname of this water friend is [Heir of the Nine Uncles], and the information filled in is pitifully small, and his level is also very low.

The only certainty is that his profile says he is male.

What made Xu Xiaoying even more puzzled was that she remembered that she had never given this person a housekeeper!

Xu Xiaoying couldn't figure it out after much deliberation, so she decided not to think about the housing management issue for the time being.


Professor Zhou Zhou was eloquent, explaining the methods of ancient prose research.

In the minds of Xu Xiaoying in the audience, the original text that Shui You said was always lingering.

And I always feel that Shuiyou is more reliable than Professor Zhou's interpretation!

A few minutes later, Xu Xiaoying couldn't hold back anymore, so she decisively raised her hand to signal to Professor Zhou Huaiwen.

Seeing this, Zhou Huaiwen stopped the lecture and said with a gentle smile, "Student Xu, do you have any questions to ask?"

Xu Xiaoying took a deep breath and said, "Professor, just now there was a water friend in my live broadcast room. He said that the one on the bronze pot was called Zhong Dingwen, and he also said that it was not an expression of love, but a sacrificial prayer."

After a long sentence, Xu Xiaoying breathed a sigh of relief.

She felt that if she didn't say this and kept it in her heart, she might not be able to sleep well tonight.

Zhou Huaiwen was taken aback when he heard the words, then shook his head amusedly.

The symbol on the bronze pot is the most perfect answer after joint research and identification by an ancient text identification team composed of many experts.

He didn't believe that there were more professional paleographers than their group of experts in this world.

Zhou Huaiwen propped his hands on the podium, and asked with a smile, "Did Xu's friends tell me how to interpret this symbol?"

Xu Xiaoying nodded very seriously, then looked at the barrage recording in the live broadcast room, and read out the passage word by word.

"The original text of this piece of Zhong Dingwen is: choose Yanji gold, cast it into a Yi pot, and keep it in the shackles. The law can be respected, so that it can be served to God, and to sacrifice to the ancestor king—— King Lu Shang!"

"Professor Zhou, I know that the water friend may be talking nonsense, but for some reason, I always feel that the water friend's explanation seems to be more reasonable!"

Yes, there are hundreds of bronze wares unearthed from Jinque Lake.

Among them, only two were engraved with runes.

One is a small bronze tripod classified as top secret by the Institute of Archaeology, and the other is a bronze pot that has only been exhibited once.

Such an important bronze cultural relic, is the inscription on it really just an expression of admiration?

As soon as Xu Xiaoying said these words, all the archeology students present bowed their heads in thought, and even many of them showed expressions of approval.

Professor Zhou Huaiwen on the podium couldn't help laughing after hearing what Xu Xiaoying said.

"Student Xu, I have to say that the water friends in your live broadcast room are indeed quite imaginative."

"But, your water friend, there is a fatal loophole in his words!"

fatal loophole?

The students were all taken aback, and carefully recalled the interpretation of Xu Xiaoying's live broadcast room water friends.


After thinking about it, I didn't find any loopholes!

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