In order to completely kill the luck in their hearts, the lawsuit was filed against them.

It also took six seconds to activate the gravity mechanism.

Blocking the approaching Noctua, Nanami's last hope of escape.

"Be lucky, at least the one who killed you was the joint attack of two super-level ones."

It's a good idea to have a good time.

"If you hadn't been slapped to death by an elephant, you would have died in peace."


The palm print, which was larger than a human, brought up strong winds and fell straight towards the two of them!


As Nanami's fanboy, Ino clearly has the ability to be a first-level magician, but has not yet been promoted.

Because Ino wanted to be recommended by his most respected senior, Nanami Kento.

It wasn't until three days ago that Ino was promoted to a special level.

Recommended by Nanami, approved by Noctua!

Looking at Nanami who was about to be beaten into a pulp, Ino's eyes were full of panic.


The next second,

The condyle is formed into a series of pregnant cows.

The cries of human elephants dying are extremely harsh!

One blow, kill!

This place is located inside the barrier controlled by Tianyuan, so it is not surprising for a fixed-point teleportation master.

But one blow can exorcise the special curse spirit...

I'm sorry for the lawsuit, but I'm not sure what I'm doing.

"They are not cannon fodder, but heroes who eliminate evil."

Ninety-nine raised his fist and looked at the turtle.

Although they control one of the three royal families, the top management of the college also has the Seal of Tang Na.

But as an astral body, Jiujiu had been deliberately wiped clean regardless of his spells or fields.

The catalpa, the catalpa, is so graceful and graceful. Why is it so stupid to blow up the tomb of the Buddha?

"Higher righteousness? Am I evil?"

The skeleton is the skeleton and the skeleton is the skeleton and the skeleton is the skeleton and the skeleton is the skeleton.

"This is the privilege of a beautiful girl, you loser!"


While waving his arms, Jiujiu leaned down and charged wildly!

Most of the attention was focused on the shikigami that killed the human and elephant instantly.

When I heard that Che Sheng was blowing, I was afraid of being troubled by Zheng and Min Liannai in the temple.

In his opinion, the threat level of Shikigami is obviously higher than that of Jiujiu's fist!

However, the next second, the martingale and the glutinous rice cakes came to the door.


The punch that strengthened the imaginary mass directly smashed the body into the air.

With his remaining strength unabated, he took advantage of the situation and struck hard at the Chang Mou Ai Chang.

The skin and flesh on the face collapsed and the bones collapsed!

Blood splattered all over the ground!

What's the matter with a chelonian dog?

Crash through countless rocks and buildings!

The martingale is climbing and the gulls are in the Song Dynasty.

Taking advantage of the situation

Move the seriously injured Noctua, Nanami, Shangxiang and Ino who have consumed too much mana power to a dark place.

Now the roles are reversed.

For ninety-nine years, I have tested the sword and the sword, and I have not pointed out the shortcomings of this woman.

The reversal technique was activated, and the broken hands were reshaped.

The hideous scars on his face were restored.

The patella is the most beautiful thing in the world.

"It seems that it wasn't that old fox who deliberately let loose."

"You have good strength."

I personally experienced the ninety-nine spell "Wrath of the Stars" once.

The toad Ouzhi, the emperor, the emperor, the emperor, the emperor, the emperor

It will not affect the caster himself, only the amazing "mass" that bursts out the moment it touches the target!

Whether it's the Ninety-nine himself or the unique shikigami.

The rules for the operation of the technique are still above those of humans and elephants.

This is an attack that can ignore concepts and directly inflict maximum damage.

"It seems that my magic spirits can no longer be used."

For spells with rules lower than ninety-nine, even if other special-level spell spirits are summoned, they can only be instantly killed by the Phoenix Wheel.

"Yes, this is my technique."

Jiujiu raised his fist and said: "It can give imaginary quality on the body, the wrath of the stars."

The technique is revealed and its power increases again!

The iliac anti-paste paste is made into small pieces.

It’s really tricky!

Like hunters who met on a single-plank bridge, the two of them came up with this idea at the same time!

The next second, the two men raised their guns at the same time!

The power of the spell is surging!

"The realm is unfolding and the fetuses are hidden everywhere!"

"Field Expansion·Star Fury Fist Wishes!"



ps: The chapters I owe to all the bosses are finally over~

You all have accumulated 1,200 power generation for love, and there will be updates in the next two days.

The data has started to fall, Shark asks everyone to raise your hand~

Accumulated 500 to generate electricity for love and continue to update, sharks code words fiercely.

Thank you for your support, bosses~

Chapter 108 Fight to the point of madness!

"The realm is unfolding and the fetuses are hidden everywhere!"

"Field Expansion·Star Fury Fist Hall!"

During the three days that everyone from the High Commissioner stayed in the Xingxing Palace, they targeted the beard Junsheng and Jia Zhi.

They destroyed the High School with one move, but did not enter the Zen Academy of the Xingxing Palace. The future was temporarily forgotten by them.

There is a kind of seal in Meixi Zhiba.

Tianyuan told several people that the monster had entered the Sendai barrier.

Tian Yuan cannot detect the inside of the barrier of Death and Migration.

But the whereabouts of Mirai and Bai Jue before entering were not considered secret.

There are Zen monasteries that will take the lead in developing open areas in the future.

Tianyuan, ninety-nine people, have also done enough to eat and drink.

But, that's the worst outcome.


Within the domain, the domain effects that are sure to hit are canceling each other out.

Two completely different waves of spell power were constantly washing away the outer shell of Jiujiu's domain.

The tree of sin composed of blood and spirit.

A headless, broken body, a hideous face with bloody flesh.

They have different shapes, but are tightly sewn together by invisible blood threads.

It seems to tell the story of the countless sins this man has committed over the past thousands of years.

Watching the giant turtle standing tall, it’s worth watching.

Ninety-nine's face was extremely gloomy!

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