The moment Naoya realized something was wrong, he happened to face Kugisaki's crazy smile!

She successfully caught that flash of inspiration!

Under Naoya's extremely shocked eyes, Kugisaki dropped the hammer in his hand and clasped his hands left and right.

"The realm unfolds and the thorny road leads to death!"


The cracks in the ground covered with spikes were instantly filled with countless thorny thorns!

The long road paved with thorns included all three combatants!

On top of the thorns, dozens of scarecrows transformed by magic power were covered with long spikes that penetrated their bodies, staring straight at Naoya's direction!

A pure black enchanting rose emerged from behind Kugisaki!

"Asshole, do you know the flower language of roses?"

Before the shocked Naoya could speak, Kugisaki flipped the hair around his ears and said to himself, "Red roses represent passionate love!"

"And black represents death!"

"Don't use such an unpleasant name for a woman, remember it..."

"My name is Kugizaki Wild Rose!"

If it weren't for the seals on her hands, she would have wanted to snap her fingers.


Thorns and flowers bloomed, and countless barbs on the ground swept towards Naoya's body!

Through the scarecrow's body, dozens of spikes filled Naoya's sight!

A sure hit in the field!

No matter how fast you go, it's still useless!



Huzhang stared blankly at the bloody man lying on the ground in front of him, and was greatly shocked!

"Kugizaki, you are too strong!"

As soon as Huzhang turned around, he saw Kugisaki falling headlong to the ground!

"Hey, Kugisaki!"

With a blood-red face, Kizuki stumbled towards Kugisaki's position.

"It's okay, Kugizaki!"

Hu Zhi lifted Kugizaki's shoulders, his face full of worry.

"Don't shake the idiot, he's just losing his strength."

"The magic power consumption of this domain expansion thing is really terrifying!"

Kugisaki complained, but his face was full of excitement.

The field expands...

This is the pinnacle skill that all magicians are pursuing!


Seeing the smile on Kugisaki's face, Kizuna couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"What idiot are you laughing at!"

Kugisaki slapped Kizuna on the forehead and scolded: "Hurry up and carry me away!"

"There's so much movement here, it would be really doomed if someone comes."

"The monster from the future of Zen Yuan is still in this barrier!"

"Oh oh oh!"

The tiger stick nodded, and the princess picked up Kugisaki and walked outside the barrier.

Some of them were careless, and some were in a hurry and were afraid of being discovered by the guards who came again.

The two of them didn't notice.

The little gold bug next to them did not announce the points gained after the two killed the swimmer!


In the pool of blood, the bloody face lifted up little by little!

The sound of neither light nor heavy footsteps reached my ears.

Naoya, who was on the verge of death, raised his eyes with difficulty.

Pure white feather fabric, the corners of clothes ruffled by the breeze.

Facing those cold eyes, Naoya murmured.

"The future...head of the family."

Chapter 121 Bloody Rules!

"The future...head of the family."

Facing those indifferent blood eyes, the dying Naoya opened his mouth, but did not say a word.

It was that ridiculous pride that did not allow Naoya to express his plea for help to the adult he most admired.

Looking down at the figure in the pool of blood, the corners of Mirai's mouth raised slightly.

"You've grown up well too, so it's just a suitable gift."

A word with unknown meaning, the future will not stop without stopping to step forward.

Naoya stared blankly at Mirai's back, still thinking about the meaning behind his words.

But there were waves of creepy low laughter in his ears.

"Hehe, hehe..."

The bloody chin supported his body and moved forward little by little.

The beautiful country soldier who was used by Naoya for pleasure before...

Ruth's eyes were full of madness after her limbs were severed!

"Hey Hey!"

Seeing the bloody man approaching like maggots, a trace of panic appeared on Naoya's face!

"What do you want to do idiot!"

"Get away from me quickly!"

Seeing the bloody figure getting closer, Naoya felt even more panicked: "Don't come here! Get out!"

"Don't come near me you piece of trash!"

Faced with Naoya's fierce roar.

The squirming Ruth just raised her head and responded with a bloody smile: "Hey."

Thick blood overflowed from the throat, looking at Ruth who was vomiting blood and smiling at herself...

Naoya's scalp was numb every inch of his body!

In the areas that Kugisaki initially controls, the sure-hit effect does exist.

However, the rules of must-kill are not perfect.

Naoya, who was seriously injured and on the verge of death, could not move and could only watch as Ruth slowly climbed up his body.

Two thick liquids slowly intertwined and flowed.

"Don't you want me to follow you?"

"Look how obedient I am, I'm crawling to your side."

Ruth's tender words, mixed with blood, reached Naoya's ears and heart!


Without arms and legs, Ruth bit hard with her teeth and swallowed the soft flesh of Naoya's neck!

She wants to take this devil who tortured her to hell!


The cursed spirit's heat-removing weapon is useless.

You need to use the magic power of a magician to strike, or a magic object that adds magic power!

This is common knowledge in the magic world.

To kill a spellcaster or curser, you also need to use spells to completely solve it!

This is to prevent the conjurer's body from being used by others. (In the original work, it was because Wu Jiao Satoru failed to dispose of Xia Youjie’s body that Xie Xie was allowed to die.

Without using magic power to deliver the final blow, the magician may still turn into a magic spirit after his death.


Sendai barrier.

Mechanical creation dozens of heights!

The ultimate mechanical pill absolute form puppet prototype zero!

The light cyan metal shell has a terrifying gun barrel several meters wide connected to the back!

The legs and elbows are equipped with powerful flamethrowers!

A giant mechanical puppet that combines man and machine, and can also change forms like Transformers.

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