Early in the morning, Gojo Ming did not wake up naturally, but was woken up by Gojo Shunichi.

""Uncle Shun, you are a first-class sorcerer, why do you have to take on the responsibility of waking up?"

Gojo Ming rubbed his eyes. It was not a good feeling to be suddenly woken up in the middle of sleep.

"Master Ming, please hurry up and get up and wash up, someone from the Yagyu family is visiting."

There was a hint of excitement in Gojo Shunichi's tone, which was incomprehensible to Gojo Ming.

He didn't understand what the visit from the Yagyu family had to do with whether he could sleep in or not?

Why was Gojo Shunichi so excited?

Could it be that the visit from the Yagyu family still needed him and Gojo Satoru to receive them? That was unnecessary, right?

Seeing that Gojo Ming didn't move, Gojo Shunichi directly told him the purpose of the Yagyu family's visit.

"《"Tsuki no Tsurugi"? What is this? Prepare to exchange a Zanpakutō? Why should I do this?"

Gojo Naruto's words immediately extinguished Gojo Shunichi's excitement about the Yagyu family's"Tsuki no Tsurugi".

Gojo Shunichi fell into an awkward silence.

"But that is"Tsuki no Tsou", an original book by Yagyu Jubei, and I heard that all the masters of the Yagyu family could comprehend different things from it."

"Master Ming, you are so talented in swordsmanship, aren't you curious?"

After a moment of silence, Gojo Shunichi used pale words to explain the rarity of"Moon Trace".

However, this still did not arouse Gojo Ming's interest at all.

It's no wonder that Gojo Ming looked hopeless at this time. After all, he just woke up, and the only thing that could arouse Gojo Ming's interest now was probably the material of the fire-type spell tool that he had been seeking for.

"Master Ming, the Yagyu family attaches great importance to this visit! The head of the Yagyu family, Yagyu Yusuke, the Yagyu family's swordsmanship master, Yagyu Saemon, and the Yagyu family's first-class sorcerer, Yagyu Hidetsugu, all came to visit you. It would be unreasonable for you not to show up, right?"

Gojo Shunichi finally decided to bring Gojo Naruto to the scene.

Whether the Moon Copy has any effect on Gojo Naruto or not, Gojo Naruto had to see it for himself.

Finally, under the strong request of Gojo Shunichi, Gojo Naruto reluctantly got up, washed, put on his clothes, yawned and walked into the Gojo Kyōji-ryu dojo.

Because this time it was just a private visit from the Yagyu family, unlike the previous duel, so there were only high-level people from the two families in the dojo.

Three people came from the Yagyu family, and the Gojo family was received by the current acting Gojo Kumaen.

Gojo Satoru originally did not have to attend this meeting, but after hearing that the Yagyu family was specially preparing to visit Gojo Naruto, he volunteered to attend.

Therefore, there was a four-to-three situation on the Gojo family side, with Gojo Kumaen, Gojo Shunichi and the two brothers Gomaen.

"Master Yagyu, since Gojo Naru is here, we have fulfilled our duties."

"Next is the deal between you and Gojo Naru. We will not participate much and will only be witnesses."

Gojo Kuma-en did not have the slightest intention of stealing the show, and directly gave the stage to the Yagyu family and Gojo Naru.

Gojo Satoru wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Shunichi's two taps.

By the time Gojo Satoru came to his senses, Gojo Naru had already started talking to the head of the Yagyu family.


"To be honest, I am not very interested in the Tsuki no Tsurugi, and Zanpakuto cannot be forged just like that."

Gojo Naruto wanted to refuse, but Yagyu Hidetsugu knelt on the ground, raised the Tsuki no Tsurugi above his head, and asked Gojo Naruto to accept it.

Yagyu Yusuke and Yagyu Saemon beside him lowered their heads silently, hoping that Gojo Naruto would accept it.

"I'm really not that interested in kendo!"

It's hard to refuse such a kind offer.

Facing this scene, Gojo Ming realized that if he didn't pick up the"Moon Notes", Yagyu Hidetsugu would not put down his raised hand.

So, out of courtesy, he picked up the old scroll.

Picked it up and unfolded it.

Gojo Ming glanced at it casually, wondering what use an antique could have.

However, what Gojo Ming was surprised about was that the moment he glanced over, the voice of the system suddenly rang in his mind.

""Kendo classics detected, host read and study, Kendo experience +200"

Gojo Ming raised his eyebrows, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

He was originally passive in business, and he never expected that there would be an unexpected surprise when he got the book in his hand.

On the other hand, seeing that Gojo Ming was reluctant to take over"Tsuki no Tsurugi", Yagyu Yusuke and the other two were always unsure.

They had worried before whether Gojo Ming was really interested in Kendo.

Now, seeing Gojo Ming reading"Tsuki no Tsurugi" with a serious face, the three people finally let go.

While Gojo Ming was reading, everyone held their breath and dared not make any sound to disturb Gojo Ming.

After a long time. The system prompt sound in Gojo Ming's mind finally stopped, and he also let out a long sigh.

Surprise, surprise!

After reading"Tsuki no Tsurugi", Gojo Ming gained a full 3,000 points of Kendo experience.

Although there is no so-called experience bar for Kendo experience at present, Gojo Ming still felt the improvement of his Kendo.

This is not a kind of paper talk, but a kind of enlightenment.

"Who are you going to forge a Zanpakutō for?"

Gojo Naruto closed his eyes, and the moves mentioned in"Tsuki no Tsou" flashed in his mind, and he asked in a deep voice.

After Gojo Naruto's voice fell for a few seconds, the entire dojo remained quiet, and then a trace of ecstasy appeared on Yagyu Yusuke's face.

Gojo Naruto's words meant that Gojo Naruto agreed to forge a Zanpakutō for the Yagyu family.

"Ming-kun! Zaemon, the Yagyu family wants you to make a Zanpakuto for Zaemon."

Yagyu Yusuke suppressed his excitement and said Zaemon's name.

Gojo Ming opened his eyes, glanced at Zaemon, and nodded.

Although he didn't want the Yagyu family to get involved in Zanpakuto at first, since he used other people's things and got benefits, he naturally had to return the favor.

Moreover, as a kendo master, Yagyu Zaemon was worthy of the identity of a Zanpakuto.

Thinking of the Shinkage-ryu's water-like sword moves, the image of a Zanpakuto emerged in Gojo Ming's mind.

"I understand. Leave the Tsuki no Sho and come get your Zanpakuto tomorrow."

After saying that, Gojo Naruto took the Tsuki no Sho and turned away.

Everyone in the dojo looked at each other in bewilderment.

"Wu, please help me get a spell tool from the vault.……"

After the two six-eyed gods of the Gojo family left, Gojo Kumamoto stood up and apologized. Although it was the Yagyu family who needed help, Gojo Ming's attitude was indeed a bit casual.

"I am so sorry……"

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