Junior Sister’s Cultivation Method is Unscientific

Chapter 508: The villain is back online again

 Chapter 508 The villain is online again

"What Yunjin is best at is the fire attribute. I happen to be the water attribute. This dark cloud can change the climate and suppress her avenue in a short time." Nie Ming said.

Hussey nodded, she chanted a strange incantation to the clouds, and suddenly, heavy rain poured down.

This rain is not ordinary rain, the color is actually jet black.

Heavy rain fell, and the vegetation on the ground turned black at the same time when it was touched by the heavy rain.


The golden bowl instantly cracked.

The next moment, it turned into powder.

Yun Jin looked at the dark clouds in the sky, and his expression changed slightly.

Rain nourishes everything.

But the rainwater contains strong demonic energy, which is definitely not a good thing for the vegetation in this mountain forest.

Super law: the spirit of vegetation.

Yunjin operates the third super law of wood attribute.

In an instant.

Everything in Luoyun Mountain changed before her eyes.

The vegetation all over the mountain is slowly losing its vitality under the attack of magic rain.

Most of the plants here have not yet developed spirituality, and Yun Jin can see that the green light spots on them, which represent vitality, are slowly decreasing.

And the few plants that had developed spirituality couldn't help crying and wailing.

The loudest one was a thousand-year-old tree on the top of the mountain.

Just when Yun Jin was feeling the situation in Luoyun Mountain.

Endless flying needles suddenly hit her from behind.

"Be careful!" The old tree couldn't help but remind him.

Yun Jin flew away.

However, Nie Ming and Hexi continued to attack her.

"Ouch! Watch your step!"

"It hurts...ah, look at the top of my head! Ouch, my old waist."

This old tree was already howling like ghosts and wolves, and kept reminding me.

Yun Jin was helpless and couldn't help but use the laws of the spirit of vegetation to communicate with it: "I can do it myself. No need to remind me."

In the state of the spirit of vegetation, she can sense the state of all vegetation, and all vegetation is also her eyes.

Hersey and Nie Ming's attacks were actually quite tricky.

However, the battlefield they chose was not good. With so many vegetation and creatures, Yunjin had the upper hand.

"Okay, okay." Laoshu responded subconsciously at first. Then, he suddenly realized something and said in disbelief: "You...can you talk to me?"

Yun Jin was helpless: "What else?"

The old tree was even more shocked: "The spirit of vegetation?"

As far as he knew, only those who controlled the super-law grass and tree spirits could achieve such smooth communication.

"So, you don't need to remind me." Yun Jin said.

The old tree could see it, and so could she.

Lao Shu felt a little aggrieved: "My body hurts so much that I can't help but want to talk."

Yun Jin was helpless: "So I'm working hard!"

"You are very powerful, but your spiritual power is still lacking." Laoshu sighed: "It would be great if you could absorb another super law. You should be able to defeat these two people if you absorb the power of all the plants and trees." "

Yun Jin raised his eyebrows.

She has naturally mastered the super law absorption.


Yun Jin frowned slightly.

The law of absorption is very overbearing. Once used, the vegetation all over the mountain will be drained of life by her.

Seeing Yun Jin's expression, Laoshu was stunned for a moment and said with some joy: "Have you...really mastered the Law of Absorption?"

Yun Jin nodded imperceptibly.

"Use it quickly." The old tree said without hesitation: "I am willing to give all my spiritual power to you. If you don't hurry up, we will all be completely corroded by this rain."

Yun Jin calmly communicated with him: "Once you use Drain, all vegetation will die, including you. Such behavior is no different from evil spirits."

On this mountain, there are several plants and trees that have grown spirituality like old trees. Since they have spirituality, they are living beings. Absorption is the most overbearing law of the wood attribute. Once used, plants within a ten-mile radius will instantly lose their vitality and turn into nutrients for the user.

Yun Jin was unwilling to do such a thing.

The old tree was slightly startled after hearing this.

Is this the reason?

Is this girl worried about hurting them?

The old tree's heart was slightly moved, but the situation was tense. Yun Jin looked at it now and found himself at a disadvantage. He couldn't help but said: "I also have a gift of magical power, called Shelter. I can preserve the last vestiges of vitality of vegetation in extreme circumstances. As long as After you use Drain, kill these two people within one stick of incense, and then feed back the vitality, and all the plants and trees will be fine."

Innate magical power, protection?

Yun Jin frowned slightly.

Worried that Yun Jin would not believe it, Laoshu quickly used this magical power.

Sure enough, Yun Jin felt a strange breath of life at this moment.

"I will not joke with my own life, nor with the lives of so many plants and trees! Use Drain!"

As the old tree spoke, the protective range of the sheltering magical power instantly spread, and the entire Luoyun Mountain was enveloped.

Yun Jin no longer hesitated.

After Laoshu used the shelter skill, Yunjin also used Drain instantly.

Originally, this overbearing law would never give up until the grass and trees were sucked dry.

However, with the innate magical power of the old tree, and by absorbing the magical power from life to life, it protected a little vitality for all the plants and trees.

Countless plant energy poured into Yun Jin's body.

Yun Jin's aura increased rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Although this surge is only temporary.

But this moment.

Yun Jin actually broke through the shackles of the soul realm in a short time.

Her cultivation has reached the early stage of transcending tribulation, the middle stage of transcending tribulation, the late stage of transcending tribulation, and the peak of transcending tribulation!

It was directly upgraded to a big level!

Yun Jin's expression couldn't help but be a little horrified.

Originally, this absorption skill was not known to be so terrifying.

She can now absorb so much spiritual energy from plants and trees, most of which comes from that old tree.

Thousands of years old tree!

So terrible!

"Quick!" Lao Shu urged.

Yun Jin no longer hesitated.

She attacked with all her strength and used entanglement again.

But this time's entanglement is no longer on the same level as before.

Hexi and Nie Ming were **** instantly.

The next moment, the blazing Tai'a sword fell down carrying flames!

Yunjin's first target is Hexi.

Hussey struggled to free herself, but her third eye suddenly glowed strangely.

She wants to blow up the evil eye!

Yun Jin seemed to have been prepared for this.

Before the Tai'a sword fell, the vines produced sharp thorns, which directly pierced Hexi's third eye.

"Ah!" Hussey couldn't help but screamed.

next moment.

Tai'a fell, the flames enveloped her, and Hersey let out a miserable scream.

"Hersey! Hersey!" Nie Ming's expression changed drastically and he yelled like crazy!

The dark clouds in the sky were affected and could no longer be maintained. The black rain stopped and the dark clouds dissipated.

The vines bound Nie Ming, but he still howled and crawled towards Hersey little by little.

The scene is very touching.

When he was about to crawl to Hexi, Yun Jin raised his kick and kicked Nie Ming away.

"Let her go, let her go!" Nie Ming looked at Yun Jin with red eyes: "You cold-blooded monster! I just want to stay with Hexi forever, why, why do you insist on breaking us up! Could it be that humans and demons are just like each other? We can’t fall in love anymore! Why, why are you so cruel?”

Nie Ming complained loudly.

There was no trace of emotion on Yun Jin's face, and she said expressionlessly: "What's the rush? When she is burned out, it will naturally be your turn. You two love each other so much, and you will definitely be able to get together underground."

As he said that, Yun Jin looked like he had just remembered, and couldn't help but said: "Ah, I'm sorry, I forgot, I am going to destroy you both physically and mentally. You can't even go underground."

Nie Ming howled in pain, and Yun Jin looked like a villain breaking up lovers.

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