Junior Sister’s Cultivation Method is Unscientific

Chapter 566: Don't you dare to do this?

Chapter 566 Don’t you dare to do this?

Lin Xiao looked at Hua Ran, and there seemed to be a vague threat in his eyes.

Hua Ran couldn't help but feel his heart tremble.

Originally, she had thought that she could ask Yun Jin to improve a few secret techniques in private.

However, if she denies it in public now, with Yun Jin's character of being determined to retaliate, how can he accept her business?

But if he didn't help Lin Xiao fulfill this lie, the consequences would be obvious.

Hua Ran gritted his teeth and was about to say something.

Yun Jin spoke first.

She raised her eyebrows and looked at Lin Xiao: "Master Lin, are you questioning me? Are you accusing me of lying? This improved Canglang Technique was not made by me?"

Lin Xiao said calmly: "It's not questioning, but improving the secret method overnight. This is impossible. Sect Leader Yun, I know you are young and energetic, and always hope to create some big noise so that people can You are famous all over the world. However, everything in the world must be consistent with common sense. Sect Master Hua Ran said she wanted to improve it decades ago. Now she has finally succeeded in improving it after spending decades. The truth. Otherwise, even if you, Master Yun, can complete the improvement immediately, these disciples can still learn the improved secret method instantly, and their proficiency is so amazing? The only explanation is that the improved secret method was prepared by Bitao Sect early in the morning. They have actually been practicing hard for many years.”

Lin Xiao said it clearly, as if it was true.

Everyone below listened and couldn't help but nodded.


If Yun Jin really improved the secret technique, it would be impossible for the disciples of Bitao Sect to master it like this.

Is Yun Jin really bragging this time?

Seeing the changes in everyone's expressions, a subtle smile appeared in Lin Xiao's eyes.

Yes, that’s right to doubt.

He, Yun Jin, and the people from Bitao Sect all knew what was going on.

But so what?

Sometimes, the so-called truth is just a little girl who lets herself dress up. Whatever he wants the truth to look like, that is what the truth will look like.

Lin Xiao said confidently, and Yun Jin smiled.

Lin Xiao couldn't help but narrowed his eyes.

Can she still laugh?

With Yun Jin's character, without such a pushy personality, she should be furious.

"Master Lin." Yun Jin said seriously: "Actually, I understand you very well. How can a practitioner like you, who has practiced step by step, know what a real genius looks like? How can a mayfly know how big the world is?"

"Yun Jin, you are too arrogant." Liu Hua couldn't help but accuse.

Yun Jin didn't panic at all, she said calmly: "Improving the secret method is as difficult as climbing to the sky for you, but it is as easy as the palm of my hand for me. In addition to the Wushuang Sect, there are also the sect leaders of fourteen sects, plus Head Lin. , that is, fifteen people. Today I set a challenge, each of you will give me a secret book, and I will complete the improvement on the spot! If I fail once in the fifteen secret books, I will abandon my practice on the spot and never practice again. All five times were successful..."

Yun Jin looked at Lin Xiao with a half-smile but not a smile: "I don't want anything else. Sect Master Lin apologizes to me for your slander, and then the matter is over. How about that?"

After Yun Jin finished speaking, everyone looked at her in disbelief.

? ? ?

Is this Yun Jin crazy?

Improve fifteen secret books on the spot. If you can't improve it, you will give up your cultivation.

If she succeeds, she just wants an apology.

Does this bet do her any good?

Just for an apology, bet so big?

The scene couldn't help but gradually become commotion.

Dare to make such a bet, this Yun Jin is probably really talented in improving the secret technique.

After all, although she has always been arrogant, every time she manifested herself as a saint, she finally got it right, and she never failed!

Such a person suddenly proposed such a bet.

Either she suddenly went crazy, or she was 100% sure.

Now Yun Jin proposed a bet.

The chips on both sides of the gamble are completely incomparable.

Leader Lin would not dare to accept such a bet.

Doesn't this prove that Yun Jin is indeed such a talented person? Everyone looked at Lin Xiao and the other sect leaders.

The pressure is on their side.

Lin Xiao looked at Yun Jin with a cold expression.

He didn't expect that Yun Jin would propose such a bet.

He said coldly: "Sect Master Yun said it was to improve the secret technique, but you have no time limit. What if you change it for ten or a hundred years? Do we have to wait here?"

Yun Jin didn't care: "Oh, then just think I let it slip. How about the time limit is limited to one stick of incense? I can successfully improve the secret book within one stick of incense. If I fail once, I will destroy my cultivation on the spot." ”

Yun Jin said it lightly.

Lin Xiao's heart trembled and his brows tightened.

A stick of incense, for a practitioner, is almost an instant.

A secret technique needs to be improved in such a short period of time?

This is absolutely impossible!

Even the omniscient demon **** in the demon world has absolutely no such ability!

Can Yun Jin be more powerful than the omniscient demon?

This is a joke.

Reason told Lin Xiao that Yun Jin would definitely lose this bet.

But thinking of Yun Jin's countless comebacks in desperate situations, Lin Xiao still hesitated.

This woman...is really a bit evil.

"Headmaster Lin? Don't you dare to accept this? No way, no? I want to destroy my cultivation, why don't you give me a chance?" Yun Jin looked mean.

She said so.

The sect leaders of these sects were really crazy.

A conspicuous bag like Yunjin is not suitable to be placed on an equal footing with them.

Now that she was seeking her own death, what reason did they have to refuse?

The bet that Yun Jin made on her own, and her subsequent self-destruction of cultivation, were also her own problems, and not even Ji Wusi could cause trouble for them.

Everyone couldn't help but look at Lin Xiao expectantly.

Lin Xiao looked grim.

At this moment, he realized that this time, he had to agree no matter what.

He said calmly: "Since Sect Leader Yun insists, then it's up to you."

"Come on, let's make a contract with heaven." A piece of contract paper immediately appeared in front of Yun Jin, and then he looked at Lin Xiao expectantly.

Everyone looked at Yun Jin with expressions like they were looking at a fool.

They haven't mentioned making a contract yet, but Yun Jin has proposed it himself.

She was afraid that she wouldn't die.

Lin Xiao always felt that something was wrong, but when things came to this point, he had no room to refuse.

He responded indifferently: "Yes."

Lin Xiao and Yun Jin made a contract in front of everyone.

Then, the golden paper disappeared and merged with the way of heaven. Contract, done!

Yun Jin chuckled: "Then, which one of you will be the first to come up?"

Several people on the stage couldn't help but look at each other.

They didn't really want Yunjin to improve, they just wanted to embarrass Yunjin.


The higher the grade and the weaker the effect, the more suitable it is to take out.

Briefly discussed.

Wen Fu of Yuehua Sect was the first to step forward.

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