Just Developed in Mars, Rabbit Encountered Trisolaran Civilization

103 Weird! The Deadly Silent Eagle Sauce Base!

"There is something wrong with Eagle Sauce, and he actually built the base on the mountain where this bird does not.

An astronaut looked at the towering Mount Olympus in front of him and said with a sigh.

This is the highest peak on Mars.

The difference in height from the base to the top is 21.9 km.

It is 3 times the size of Mount Everest, the highest peak in Blue Star.

Want to climb such a high mountain.

The degree of danger is also imaginable.

But they also have no way.

Just yesterday.

They received orders from the command center.

Let them be on the mountainside of this mountain in front of them, and Natsu is looking for the Mars base of Eagle Sauce.

"No way, Eagle Sauce uses international public opinion to put pressure on us."

"As fellow pioneers of mankind, we cannot see death without salvation."

Zhang Chuer did not complain, but was adjusting the parameters of the spacesuit.

This is a special spacesuit.

It can help the hip joint, and wearing such a spacesuit, climbing the mountain is much easier.

"Eagle sauce's aerospace technology is still very advanced."

"Why did their Mars base inexplicably lose signal with the command center, and not even a trace of signal was transmitted back."

Another astronaut said.

"I don't know."

"There is only one possibility, that is, they encountered a Martian dust storm of more than 180 meters per second, but there will be no dust storm recently, and weather satellites have not detected dust storms."

The astronaut who first spoke 213 said.

"Let's go, just go and see!"

Zhang Chuer took the first step towards the peak.

They are a three-person squad.

Among them, Zhang Chuer is the captain.

First Academy of Aerospace, Command Center.

Zhang Zhonghua said: "Chief Engineer Lu, they have set off."

Lu Yan nodded and said, "Good, I think we'll know the answer soon."

Lu Yan frowned.

He also felt weird.

Although the Eagle Sauce Mars base inexplicably lost signal.

This should be a happy thing.

But Lu Yan felt a little uneasy deep in her heart.

The same.

Academician Qian Hongbo also felt a little uneasy in his heart.


They decided to do Eagle Sauce the favor.

And arrange for the most elite astronauts of the Dragon Kingdom to go to investigate the situation.

"It's true that Eagle Sauce would have chosen this place."

Looking at the picture teleported back, Zhuge Ming complained.

Lu Yan said with a smile: "This is actually the wisdom of Yingchan, people's technology accumulation is not a joke, their goal should be the water ice of the Olympus Mountains, those water ice is an important resource, even if it is not as good as groundwater, it is also a good choice."

Heard Lu Yan's explanation.

Everyone suddenly realized.

"That's right, Chief Engineer Lu is right."

According to previous NASA research, the vicinity of Mount Olympus (BFAI) may have a large amount of ice formed by water condensation.

"It seems that your knowledge of Mars should still learn more from Chief Engineer Lu."

Academician Qian Hongbo said with a smile.

Two hours later.

"It's arrived!"

Zhang Zhonghua said suddenly.

I saw it in the picture.

The Martian base of Eagle Sauce appeared.

This Mars base looks a little shabby.

There are only three buildings inside, and an eggshell-like shield on the outside.

"According to the information over there in Eagle Sauce."

"In order to prevent accidents, their base is unlocked, and you can enter directly."

Zhang Zhonghua said.

Lu Yan nodded, and then communicated with Zhang Chuer and said, "Go in and take a look."

Zhang Chuer received the order.

She took a deep breath and then opened the door to the Mars base.



One of the team members said, pointing ahead.

Zhang Chuer walked over.

That's some greenery.

Same as their base.

After the people of Eagle Sauce came to Mars.

The first thing to do is to cultivate greenery.

After all, green represents hope.

It's just that these green plants in front of you are obviously a little yellow.

Zhang Chuer squatted down to check and said: "These green plants are just a lack of water, and this environment should have oxygen."

Say it.

She carefully removed her helmet.


This space is actually green plants can survive.

The man was okay too.

Seeing this, the other two team members also removed their helmets.


It's so quiet!

Zhang Chuer said, "Let's go to the middle building to see what's going on."

She did not separate the crowd.

In this weird environment, it is safest to act together.

Zhang Chuer came to the door of the building.

By the English characters on the door number, she knew that this was the work area of the Eagle Sauce astronauts.

Push open the door.

Zhang Chuer was directly stunned.

I saw a male corpse hanging in front of him.

And the room smelled of decay.


The two team members next to him couldn't stand it and started directly.

Zhang Chuer was much calmer.

She slowly came to the man's side.


She found a notebook.

At this time.

Everyone in the command center also saw this terrifying scene and began to talk about it.

"How can an astronaut commit suicide."

"Is it a psychological collapse?"

"No, to be selected as an astronaut, the psychological quality is quite good."

"That's right, astronaut psychology is also an important discipline, and psychology is also an important object of investigation during training, and Eagle Sauce will not let mentally fragile people become astronauts."

"Maybe it's guilt, maybe he accidentally killed other team members, so in guilt, he chose suicide?"

"That will not kill silently, these astronauts are very patriotic, he will definitely explain the situation to NASA."

Lu Yan said lightly: "Don't guess, let Zhang Chuer look at that note, maybe the answer is in that note."

After hearing Lu Yan's order.

Zhang Chuer opened her diary.

A piece of text appeared in front of everyone.

Although it is written in English.

But this does not prevent everyone from reading.

[November 07, 2022.] 】

[I can't believe I was selected as the first batch of Mars astronauts, father, you landed on the moon, and your son is about to land on Mars, be proud of your son.] 】

[November 08, 2022.] 】

[They must be crazy and plan to use a nuclear explosion to propel the spacecraft, isn't this suicide?] 】

[However, I really want to go to Mars [I still choose to trust NASA.] 】

[November 09, 2022.] 】

[The first time I experienced the deep-sea acceleration fluid, this thing is really amazing, and being able to breathe in the liquid is really like a dream. ] 】

[The technology of the Dragon Kingdom is really advancing too fast, but in the long history before, the Dragon Kingdom has always been the first echelon, which is really a remarkable country. 】

[November 10, 2022.] 】

[Today is the day of the launch, I am so excited. 】

[The impetus of the nuclear explosion is really terrifying, thank you Dragon Kingdom's deep-sea accelerator liquid for saving our lives. ] 】

[November 12, 2022.] 】

[After two days of orbital orbit, it is finally about to land. ] 】

[But I may not be able to keep a diary, but our captain asked us all to record it on video, which he said would be an important research material that could boost astronaut psychology.] 】

[Okay, but I prefer pen and paper to video.] 】

Zhang Chuer then turned several pages.


The man doesn't seem to have kept his diary since he landed on Mars.

Is the only clue to be broken?

Just when everyone was disappointed.

The diary appears again.

[November 22, 2022.] 】

[I am recording this log now because I am not able to survive.] 】

[It's 6:53 on the 8th Martian day.] 】

[Thankfully, I'm still alive, but I can't trust any electronic devices now, it's any, so I record everything in the most primitive way.] 】

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