Just Developed in Mars, Rabbit Encountered Trisolaran Civilization

106 The Most Dangerous Thing About Blue Star Is A Novel?

Inside the dimly lit room.

Berkeley was sitting in the interrogation chair at this time.

His hands and feet were shackled.

And Jones and General Jason are opposite him.


It was an interrogation.

Berkeley looked a little calm.

If only the Mars mission failed.

I haven't ended up in this yet.

It's clear.

Eighty percent of his communication with alien civilizations was revealed.


Berkeley was already mentally prepared.

Anyway, he will never betray his Lord.

"Hello, Mr. Berkeley."

"We have every reason to suspect that you colluded with aliens and betrayed human civilization.

Jones said coldly.

Berkeley was stunned inwardly.


They still doubt themselves.

Berkeley laughed, "Mr. Jons, what nonsense are you talking about, are there aliens in this world?"

"I doubt that you have watched too many sci-fi movies?"

General Jason spoke, "Mr. Berkeley, if you can tell us how you calculated the propulsion orbit of a nuclear explosion,15 we have reason to believe that you did not betray humanity."

Berkeley said after a moment of silence: "Just because of this suspicion that I communicate with aliens? That Lu Yan of the Dragon Kingdom can also create an antimatter engine, isn't that also alien technology?"

Jones shook his head and said, "Mr. Berkeley, you're wrong."

"That Lu Yan engineer of the Dragon Kingdom, he has already handed over the details of the manufacturing of the antimatter engine to the Dragon Kingdom, and we don't know how you calculate the orbit."

Berkeley squinted his eyes and said, "I didn't take out the information, this doesn't mean that I colluded with aliens, right?" Who made you come up with such a ridiculous idea, that calculation process is my exclusive patent, and I have the right not to publish it. "

Heard Berkeley's words.

General Jason shook his head and said, "Forget it, go directly to scopolamine."


A soldier with white gloves took out a needle.

Inside, it's full of scopolamine.

Paralyze the human brain so that the advanced brain activity of lying cannot be carried out.

Therefore, it has been used as a truth reel.

Although this approach does not seem very humane.

But in the face of all human civilization, such an approach is nothing.

A tube of reagent was quickly injected into Berkeley's body.


Berkeley felt his neck harden, his eyes straightened, and he could only see the tip of his nose.

A sudden pain filled his body in the blink of an eye.

His whole body was tense like a stone, and his heart sank like it was filled with cold lead.


"Have you colluded with alien civilizations!"

General Jason came up to him, lifted his collar and asked.

".. ... Not.. ...... No. ”

Even in the face of the powerful medicinal effects of scopolamine.

Berkeley remained true to what he believed in his heart.

"Say, there is no!"

General Jason continued to ask.


At his signal.

The soldiers were again injected with scopolamine.

At this time, the measurement of scopolamine has reached the limit that the human body can withstand.

If you continue to increase the amount.

Then the person may well turn out to be a fool.

".... None!"

Berkeley wanted to explain the matter of the three-body civilization for a moment.

But a series of images suddenly flashed through his mind.

It was an apocalyptic scene.

Under the immense gravitational pull of the three suns.

Three days of volleys, flying stars do not move, three days of pearls...

Again and again in the three-body movement.

The three-body civilization was reborn again and again.

His faith waited again until it was strengthened.

"No... I did not collude with alien civilizations. ”

Berkeley roared loudly.

This one.

General Jason was also taken aback.

Is it really just a misunderstanding.

He put down Berkeley.

Turned around and returned to the interrogation room.

Berkeley gasped.

At this time.

The pain in his body has also eased a lot.

Jones came to Berkeley and said, "I don't know if you have it, but I must tell you one thing, the astronauts on the Mars base have all died, and according to the investigation of the Dragon Kingdom, this matter is most likely related to aliens."

All killed?

Berkeley was stunned for a moment.

He doesn't understand.

Why do you mainly attack your own people.

He has already told the Lord about the landing on Mars.

The Lord should help Himself.

Why did you kill all the astronauts on the Mars base?

He didn't know.

He is for the trisolarans.

Nothing more than a poor bug.

When the bugs are used up, will they still protect them specifically?

Tomoko received orders to destroy the top technology on Mars and lock up basic human science.

So when it saw the eagle-sauce astronauts.

Naturally, they will be killed.


With this news from Jons, Berkeley's psychological defenses were completely broken, just as Jones was preparing to leave the interrogation room.

Berkeley's faith that had always been in his heart was finally shaken.


Mount Olympus.

Eagle sauce base.

A point of light is swaying back and forth in this lifeless base.

It is Tomoko.

It silently watched the departure of the astronauts of the Dragon Kingdom, but did not stop it.

Because after it killed the entire astronauts at the Eagle Sauce Mars base.

It's still doing one of the most important things.

That is to absorb human knowledge.

As a high-tech artificial intelligence.

It knows deeply.

The importance of data to it.

The first step to defeating the enemy is to understand the enemy.

Even though.

In the opinion of the trisolarans.

Human knowledge bugs.

But as an artificial intelligence of Tomoko.

It thinks only from a rational point of view of ways to defeat human civilization.

"Didi Didi!"

"The knowledge of human civilization has been absorbed, and the amount of data: 45521PB."

"Amount of data analyzed: 45,521PB.

"Amount of filtered data: 42242PB."

"The most valuable data is being parsed: the Three-Body Trilogy."

"Data transfer 383 is underway: The Three-Body Trilogy.


Centaurus star.

Three-body planet.

House of Elders.

The Fuhrer sits on his throne.

All the executives are anxiously waiting.

At this time.

Tomoko has entered the human world.

And human data is being analyzed.

They are about to know everything about that beautiful blue planet.


In the sky.

The Tomoko communicator that had been shrouded all day lit up red.

The data of the solar system was finally transmitted.

All the executives were excited.

But paradoxically.

They must suppress this fragile feeling.

In front of them was a book.

"How is it a book?"

"This book is considered by Tomoko to be the most valuable information?"

"What kind of book is it?" It seems to be a novel?"

"Is the most valuable information on Blue Star actually a novel?"

The executive officer was stunned when he saw the information.

They don't understand.

Why a book can pose such a threat to them.

"Open that book!"

The Fuhrer said lightly.

He is very confident in the three-body planet that is in the second level of civilization.

Naturally, he would not think that a book could pose a threat to them.


When the content of the book is translated into the three-body script and appears in front of them.

All trisolarans' jaws dropped.

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