Just Developed in Mars, Rabbit Encountered Trisolaran Civilization

130 Non-Invasive Brain-Computer Interface, Musk's Killer Move!


The eyes of everyone in the audience were focused on Musk.

Even netizens in the live broadcast room became curious.

"What kind of plane is Musk working on."

"Wasn't Lavsky's plan vetoed by the Trisolarans?"

"After accurate calculations, the trisolarans concluded that with human strength, they could not destroy Blue Star at all.

"I really don't understand why Eagle Sauce chose Musk as a representative."

"Maybe that's what it's called capital."

In the opinion of netizens.

Musk is nothing more than a businessman.

In addition to drawing a pie to cheat financing, how can he make a plan to face the three-body civilization on behalf of all mankind.

Musk could feel it.

There were many skeptical eyes on him at the scene.

Musk gave a confident smile "820," and then he walked up to the podium with a silver safe.

"I'm not done talking."

"I just want to say that my plan needs to be matched by Lavsky's plan."

Musk glanced at Lavsky, who was standing next to him.

Lavsky was originally in a state of confusion because of the leakage of the black man just now.

At this time, I suddenly heard Musk's words.

This means that your plan still has value in use.

He looked at Musk and said seriously: "Mr. Musk, if your plan can really save all mankind, our Mao Bear Country will naturally cooperate."

Even if there is a big contradiction between Mao Xiong Country and Eagle Sauce.

But for now.

The entire human race faces the invasion of alien civilizations.

They are also able to put down mustard.

Not to mention.

Hairy Bear Country and Eagle Sauce also have a history of cooperation.

Musk took out a USB flash drive and inserted it into the multimedia system.


On a big screen, "there is a PPT that Muskri has prepared."

The moment you see the PPT content.

Many people gasped.

Upload new students!

This is to bring humanity to a virtual civilization.

Musk explained: "If human thinking is transferred to the virtual world, then human consumption of resources will be minimized, so that we can go to Mars or even Pluto on the edge of the solar system."

"Of course, we will not give the Blue Star to the Trisolarans so easily, according to Lavsky's plan, we will carry out deep drilling in the Blue Star, and then bury the nuclear bomb."

"For the three-body civilization, they must not want to accept a blue star contaminated by nuclear radiation, and we will not interfere with the three-body civilization on Mars."

"In this way, both of our civilizations can live in peace."

Musk just heard Lu Yan's words.

On the side of the couch, do not allow others to snore.

It also made him understand that his plan seemed perfect, but there was a loophole.

Fortunately, Lavsky's cradle program inspired him.

Heard Musk's plan.

Lavsky suddenly realized.

It turns out that Musk really wants to threaten the trisolarans with the cradle plan.

Face the virtual civilization of humans who are surviving on Mars.

For the sake of a complete blue star, the trisolarans may really let humans go.

"Mr. Musk, your plan looks good, but with the current technology of humans, can it really achieve a new life?"

Lavsky, who was standing next to Musk, asked.

His question is also what everyone in the audience wants to know.

In the eyes of many doubts.

Musk lifted the safe on the floor.

Then he smiled and opened the safe.

At this time.

A helmet-like device appeared in front of everyone.

Musk said lightly: "As we all know, our Tesla Group has been entering the research of brain-computer interfaces, and now, my research has made another breakthrough, upgrading from embedded brain-computer interfaces to non-invasive brain-computer interfaces, this new type of device does not need to put chips into the human brain at all, as long as you wear a helmet, you can enter the real virtual world."

Non-invasive brain-computer interface !!!

The audience was shocked again.

The advantage of non-invasive brain-computer interfaces is that they eliminate craniotomy and are more acceptable to users.

And it's far less risky than embedded brain-computer interfaces.

But the development of this technology has been at a standstill.

Some even say.

Developing non-invasive brain-computer interfaces is no less difficult than lithography machines.

But it's clear: ......

Musk's team did it.

"Mr. Musk, can you demonstrate your device."

Acting Secretary General Diona said with a smile.

At this time.

Her mind also began to lean towards Musk's plan.

In fact, her nationality is Eagle Sauce.


She naturally has some bias towards Eagle Sauce's plans.

This is also the reason why the Trisolarans assassinated Secretary General Nan'an.

Musk nodded slowly, "Of course."

"Mr. Majerry, can you test for me?"

Musk looked at an old gentleman at the front and said.

Majeri is Joint Secretary-General International.

And he has been elected Deputy Secretary-General for five consecutive terms.

Therefore, he has a deep prestige in various countries.

Choose such a person for testing.

Other countries also did not comment.

At this time.

Zhou whispered next to Lu Yan: "Lu Yan, this Musk can develop a non-invasive brain-computer interface, will it be the technology of a three-body person?"

"Perhaps, Musk is a traitor."

Lu Yan shook his head: "I don't know about this problem, but in terms of brain-computer interface, Eagle Sauce's technology is indeed ahead of us, not to mention Berkeley is also in their hands, maybe they find the information of the three-body game."

"By the way, how are our plans going?"

Zhou glanced at the smart watch and then said: 5.6 "The park chase has been made, and now it is invading the metaverse experience center, I believe it will not be long before people around the world can experience this animated movie." "

Lu Yan nodded slightly, this plan to upload new students is called the Gou and steal birth plan.

But there's an old saying that goes.

It is better to die than to live.

Human nature is to seek benefits and avoid harm.

Everything described in the virtual world is too beautiful.

If Musk has public opinion as support.

Everything would be very difficult.

And at this time.

On the podium.

Under-Secretary-General Majeri also wore a virtual helmet on his head.


That virtual helmet flashed with beautiful neon.

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