Chapter 1006

Bai Chen: "It won't take too long, it just needs to be verified."

Bai Chen: "You have to know that it is much easier to level up and become stronger in the game than in reality."

Raging Nanny: "But..."

Bai Chen: "I know you are worried about your parents, but in fact, have your parents really cared about you? As a wealthy daughter, you shouldn't have much freedom in your daily life, right?"

Seeing Bai Chen's reply, Asuna Yuki fell silent.

He was right.

Although I seem to be glamorous and beautiful, I have been forced by my parents to carry out so-called "elite" training since I was a child.

The reason why she likes the Internet is because she subconsciously wants to escape her controlling parents.

After all, she is free only on the Internet.

therefore. "five seven seven"

After hearing about the full stealth game Sword Art Online, I was immediately attracted by the "free world where you can do whatever you want" advertised in it.

I just didn't expect such a thing to happen just after logging in.

Maybe... I should really listen to this person's advice and stay in the game for a while?

After all, only in this game world, no one will restrict her to study some courses that she doesn't want to study at all.

Although the problem turned into a situation of "how to survive", some became more serious?

Do you want to go back and live under the protection of your parents, or choose to live your own life in the vast game world?

After pondering for a while, Asuna quickly made a decision.

Wild Nanny: "If that's the case, then I... can give it a try."


If it is as he said.

After I joined this strange chat group, if the power of the improved attribute can be brought to reality...

Young girls always have wonderful fantasies about life.

Just as many teenagers have a martial arts dream when they were young, girls also have a female hero dream.

Little Spider: "If you are depressed for too long, you really need to change your lifestyle to relax, otherwise, when you grow up, you will become a wretched and boring social animal like Limulu."

Little White Cat: "Yeah, although the game is fun, you have to take reality into consideration.

Blue Slime: "Don't take things so seriously! I don't think my past life was so miserable!"

Electromagnetic Gun: "Huh? No money or girlfriend, and can only live on small movies. Isn't this... a portrayal of a loser's life?"

Blue Slime: "Plop.jpg.

Chaos evil: "If life is depressing, it really needs different experiences to adjust it."

I don't want to see a ghost: "@暴暴幼妈, it's a rare opportunity to encounter such a thing. If you miss it, you will definitely regret it in the future."

Raging Nanny: "...Maybe.

For her, whether it is not being able to log out of the matter or joining the chat group, it is definitely an unforgettable experience.

Mad Nanny: "...well, I want to ask, actually I'm a complete novice in games, what to do next, I don't know how to do it at all."

If the game server is launched normally and such a vicious incident does not happen, Asuna feels that she will be a quiet scenery party.

Let her level up and fight monsters or something.

It's fine if it's just mouse and keyboard operations, but how to fight in this kind of completely stealth game, she's completely blindsided.

Bai Chen: "Don't worry about this, there are many game nerds in the group, you can consult them.

Bai Chen: "It's really not possible. If you just release a commission and ask them to accompany them to play and guide them in person, I think someone will be very happy."

Raging nurse: "So... so it can still be like this? Thank you!"

Humans are social animals.

Things that cannot be solved by one person can be easily solved by two people.

If she had logged in with a friend by her side, she would not have been frightened to speak incoherently before.

It is a pity that due to the strict discipline of her parents, she does not have a good friend on weekdays.


If she had friends, she would not have sought solace online.

Little White Cat: "It just so happens that the school is on holiday. I'm willing to help you with this favor!"

As early as after hearing that there was a completely stealth game in the newcomer's world, Tacheng Kitty was a little eager to move.

As a senior gaming nerd...

In the past, when someone in Juwang Town issued a demon commission and named her, it was basically a commission to clear the game together.

Now that there is an opportunity to experience a brand new game, the kitten naturally does not want to miss it.

I don't want to go to hell: "Me too! I'm a novice too!"

Best-selling novelist: "Can you add me?"

If the game attributes can reflect the real body, maybe she doesn't have to bother her group of friends, and she can solve the shadow monsters in her hometown by herself.

Blue Slime: "I really want to go, but...every day there are endless meetings and endless work."

Rimuru, who has become a small lord, is very regretful.

Little Spider: "I want to play games...but I'm in the form of a spider. If I go there rashly, let alone leveling, Bai will be treated as a monster by the players and wiped out."

Bai Chen: "You shouldn't have to worry about this problem. Since it's a game world, maybe we can also use the game system after traveling through the past, and just create a new account at that time."

Bai Chen: "So theoretically speaking, Spider, you can experience the feeling of being a human in Asuna's world.

Little Spider: "Really?! Great! Long live! Long live the boss! I can finally become a human!!!"

In the dark cave, a white spider monster about half the size of a human danced its eight tentacles and happily waltzed.

Leveling up to 0.4 is getting more and more difficult, coupled with A Zhai's unique laziness, which cannot be worn off in her bones, she still has a certain distance from the transformation.

Although the current life of the spider is not bad, not only living in a small three-story villa provided by the group of friends, but also enjoying all kinds of modern household appliances, and there is no shortage of food and drink on weekdays, but... before the transformation, the spider still feels that something is not enough.

"Hmph! After entering the newcomer's world, you must create an account of a super invincible beautiful girl! Let the boss see me!"

Don't look at Spider-Man's bluffing and optimism on weekdays, but in fact, because of her hideous appearance in spider form, she has always felt inferior in her heart.

Now I finally have the opportunity to experience the feeling of turning back into a human in advance, of course I am very happy. .

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