Chapter 1038

His momentum is inevitable.

Although there are many gods and Buddhas in Hakoba, for most residents living at the bottom, Shura gods and Buddhas are still just legends.

That is to say, only the dependents who have received gifts from various gods often appear in various gifts competitions.

Therefore, the appearance and shooting of Bai Chen has extraordinary significance for the lower class, especially for the residents of the North District.

And it hasn't been long since the battle where the three-headed dragon was wiped out.

Those who worship "gold" even spontaneously erected a statue of Bai Chen in the city of flames.

Currently under construction.

It has to be said that the current situation of the City of Flames is somewhat beyond Bai Chen's expectations.

For the gods and Buddhas of Hakoba.

Faith is a better foundation for supporting the pantheon.

Now most of the beliefs in the City of Flames have been taken away by me, but I don't see any actions from those gods.

As for the speculation that he feels embarrassed because he didn't make a move in the war, Bai Chen doesn't think those gods will have any face.

For the benefit, there is nothing they can't do.

Are you working on a bigger plan?

It is not known if it is Bai Chen.

Just vaguely feel a little irritated.

The specific reason is naturally related to the current ambiguous attitude of the upper gods.

But since you can't guess it, don't guess it.

With two large simulated star creation maps in hand, he no longer has to look forward and backward like before.

What's more, even without the Star Creation Chart, his power star is still enough to handle everything.

Thinking of this, Bai Chen nodded towards Leticia, and asked about Noname's current situation along the way.

...After getting the original banner, Heitu and the others have restored the name of the community. Not long ago, they passed the test set by Mr. Jiao Liu, became a six-figure community, and became the regional ruler of the outer sect where it is located. "

Speaking of Kurotu and the others, Leticia had an unstoppable smile on her face.

The once crying rabbit has also found a reliable companion, and even the black rabbit himself has grown into a qualified adult.

The community is thriving, and she can be completely relieved.

Bai Chen nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

Judging from his impression of the protagonist group when he was chasing the series, and Leticia's face, he gave noname enough help.

He does not intend to continue to intervene in the rest of the matter.

At this time, Luo Hao and Athena woke up one after another.

Bai Chen looked at them with a smile on his corner.

"How? How do you feel now.||?"

...The concubine feels that the growth of this power is a bit too out of the ordinary. "

Athena looked at her hands with emotion.

She felt the power in her body.

The power obtained out of thin air is hundreds to thousands of times, or even more, than his original.

While speaking, the space around the goddess' body was eroded by the unstable black mist.

The explosively increased strength made Athena somewhat unable to control her power.

"This is normal, and in my opinion, based on your status, this level of improvement is actually a bit low."

Bai Chen walked over and pinched the goddess' shoulder, the corners of his mouth curled up, showing a happy smile.

"Well, the body is quite strong.

Hearing this, Athena frowned slightly.

Although she doesn't mind Bai Chen's physical contact, in fact, the young man's smile now, in her opinion, is "wretched" with a human adjective.

"What is the spirit you got? Is it the goddess of victory, or the goddess of the earth?" that kind of thing is a spirit power?"

Athena nodded slightly, and continued.

"It should be a trinity. After all, the concubine is not a simple Athena, Metis, and Medusa. These faces are all clones of the concubine."

"...Is it actually the Trinity?"

Bai Chen paused for a few seconds.

"Any questions?"

Athena asked back.

"If it is the Trinity, there is indeed a problem."

Bai Chen grinned and explained.

"In Little Garden, the Trinity is a proper term for Christianity. When mentioning the Trinity, the first thing everyone thinks of is the only God."

The number three.

In both mathematical and religious senses, "both are of extraordinary significance.

The political triangle is stable like that.

In the teachings of Christianity, the Trinity is also the only, apex and eternal symbol.

God created the world, God saves mankind through Jesus Christ, and God is with the saints, believers and the church through the Holy Spirit.

It does not mean that there are three gods doing different things.

Rather, the same god did these three things in the course of a week of history.

And that God is the only God.

Therefore, the meaning contained in the "Trinity" in Hakoniwa is "...the only God".

Furthermore, the status of the only Almighty God in Little Garden is very embarrassing.

In the past, due to the influence of the paradox of omnipotence, the monotheistic group of gods was greatly suppressed in Little Garden, and would also be targeted by other groups of gods.

Therefore, in the initial historical process, except Christianity, all the gods who advocated monotheism disappeared.

That is to say, God himself has a strong foundation, and he has survived the deliberate targeting of Hakoniwa and the gods.

Coupled with the fact that the individual Jesus, who was later differentiated, became a double digit, it allowed Christianity to completely get rid of a very dangerous position.


After Jesus became a double digit, God was pushed into a very awkward position.

After all, as the supreme god of Christianity, God's status and spirituality are not as high as the Son of God.

"What level is the god of Christianity?"

asked Athena.

"Three digits, Jesus is two digits."

"what about me?"

...four-digit mid-range level.

"What about the (Wang Lie's) gap?"

"I think it's probably the difference between you and bugs."

"Then it seems that the level of Trinity is not very good.

Athena is not poor.

Then she belatedly realized that Bai Chen might be connoting herself, Tian Shi rolled her eyes.

"But even so, she is much stronger than before."

"The authority of the Trinity is on God's side, and there is also the goddess Athena in this world. It is normal for the Trinity spirituality you hold to be weakened."

Bai Chen understood the problem.

Subsequently, he stopped the county.

Because of the goddess Athena in front of him, he obviously had something to ask.

"Athena of Hakoniwa, is she beautiful?"


Bai Chen was slightly stunned.

He originally thought that Athena would ask another Athena whether she was strong or not, but he didn't expect that it would be such a gossip question. .

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